697 research outputs found

    Celah Riba Pada Perbankan Syariah Serta Konsekwensinya Terhadap Individu, Masyarakat Dan Ekonomi

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    Harta adalah perhiasan dunia yang diciptakan Allah untuk umat manusia. Harta merupakan sesuatu yang sering diperebutkan manusia dan bahkan cara memperolehnya pun bisa dilakukan dengan cara yang salah; seperti riba, mencuri, merampok dan ghasab. Riba adalah jenis transaksi yang diharamkan Islam karena merugikan salah satu pihak dari dua pihak yang bertransaksi. Meskipun demikian, seiring dengan perkembangan jaman transaksi ribawi di dunia perbankan dewasa ini semakin sulit dihindari, tidak terkecuali pada lembaga keuangan yang berlabelkan syariah. Berawal dari motivasi untuk menggerakkan perekonomian melalui lembaga keuangan yang Islami, masyarakat muslim justru terlena dengan transaksi-transaksi ribawi yang direkayasa supaya tidak mencolok keharamannya. Secara umum masih terdapat transaksi ribawi dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syariah yang perlu dibenahi dan dikaji lebih lanjut sehingga betul-betul terlepas dari dosa besar riba. Karena mengikuti ketetapan Allah dan RasulNya adalah bagian dari ibadah yang mutlak dan tidak dapat ditawar dengan alasan kemodernan dan permintaan pasar atau persaingan. Melagalkan riba akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi individu pelaku, kelompok masyarakat dan ekonomi suatu negara, bahkan sangat terkait dengan terkabulnya doa seorang mukmin di sisi Allah Swt. Maka melalui karya tulis ini, penulis berharap kedepannya ada tahapan lanjutan untuk perbaikan transaksi di perbankan syariah sehingga tercapai tujuan penghapusan riba yang sesungguhnya, sehingga sistem ekonomi Islam betul-betul menciptakan keharmonisan ekonomi yang berkeadilan

    Perancangan Robot Light Follower untuk Kursi Otomatis dengan Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATmega 328P

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    This article discusses the design of light follower chair prototype with speed adjustment of DC motor according to light intensity using microcontroller ATmega328p. This prototype provides a solution for a chair to be back on the position under the table automatically by using a light follower robot principle. There are many possible positions of a chair after being used: perpendicular or sideways to the table. As the positions after being used are varied, the light is used to direct the chair toward under the table since the light can reach the area around the chair except for the back area. This prototype functions well if the chair is heading to the table and is not designed to function in the backward position. LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensors are used to detect the light. As the source of light, 1 W high power LED is put under the table. A microcontroller ATmega328p is used to execute the input and output of this system. Two DC motor are used as actuators to control the movement of the chair toward the light under the table. Ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 are used to measure the distance between the table and the chair so that the chair can stop at the desired position

    Magnetic field induced ferroelectric to relaxor crossover in Tb1-xCaxMnO3

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    The influence of magnetic field on the electrical properties of Tb1−xCaxMnO3 has been investigated by means of dielectric, polarization and neutron diffraction measurements. A field of 6 T applied along the b-axis induces a crossover from ferroelectric to relaxor behavior for the x = 0.02 compound at temperatures close to the ferroelectric transition. The mechanism of this field induced crossover involves a decrease in the coherence length of the Mn-spin-spiral structure due to increasing electron hopping rates associated with double exchange. Moreover, a large negative magnetocapacitance is observed at the freezing temperature for x = 0.05, which originates from suppression of the relaxor state and thus represents a new mechanism of magnetocapacitance.

    Elemen Strategi Untuk Persaingan Dan Berkelanjutannya Marine Support Industry

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    Marine industry is one of the element of great importance to a country, especially the State is a maritime country. Marine industry is neither an institution that can stand alone. This means that marine industry has a close relationship with the other industry that is support marine industry. In several developing countries, they have a way to keep the marine support industry can be competitive to face global challenges. Looking at this condition, there is a strong link between the marine support industry and the competitive element. To realize a marine support industry keep competitive and sustainable, marine support industry must have a competative element to the strategic criteria. The study will choose what elements of competitive strategy in order to support marine industry stay competative and sustainable. The competitive elements that generated in this report can be used by all maritime nations to maintain maritime support industry stay competitive and sustainable, such as state of Indonesia. Indonesia as a maritime country and has many islands and also has a vast sea  area must have a strong maritime industry to keep stay competitive and able to contribute in the global maritime industry

    Perkembangan Embrio Dan Penentuan Jenis Kelamin DOC (Day-Old Chicken) Ayam Jawa Super

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    Super Javanese chicken is the result of a cross breeding between male domestic chicken and female layer chicken. . There has not been much research aboutSuper Javanese chicken embryonic development. This study attempts to provide information about embryonic development and sexing on Super Javanese chicken. This study used Super Javanese chicken fertile eggs from Java Farm, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman. These eggs were incubated at temperature of 37o-38oC. Samples were observed with Neutral Red and Hematoxilin Eosine (HE) staining. The measurement of the Super Javanese chicken embryo were about length of the third finger, beak, and the length of the embryo's body. This observation obtained embryonic development of the super Javanese chicken spesifically. This concluded that Super Javanese chicken as a first generation from cross breeding has slower growth in embryonic developmen

    Extended Gaussian wave packet dynamics

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    We examine an extension to the theory of Gaussian wave packet dynamics in a one-dimensional potential by means of a sequence of time dependent displacement and squeezing transformations. Exact expressions for the quantum dynamics are found, and relationships are explored between the squeezed system, Gaussian wave packet dynamics, the time dependent harmonic oscillator, and wave packet dynamics in a Gauss-Hermite basis. Expressions are given for the matrix elements of the potential in some simple cases. Several examples are given, including the propagation of a non-Gaussian initial state in a Morse potential

    A Phase I trial of talazoparib in patients with advanced hematologic malignancies

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), safety, pharmacokinetics, and anti-leukemic activity of talazoparib. Patients & methods: This Phase I, two-cohort, dose-escalation trial evaluated talazoparib monotherapy in advanced hematologic malignancies (cohort 1: acute myeloid leukemia/myelodysplastic syndrome; cohort 2: chronic lymphocytic leukemia/mantle cell lymphoma). Results: Thirty-three (cohort 1: n = 25; cohort 2: n = 8) patients received talazoparib (0.1-2.0 mg once daily). The MTD was exceeded at 2.0 mg/day in cohort 1 and at 0.9 mg/day in cohort 2. Grade ≄3 adverse events were primarily hematologic. Eighteen (54.5%) patients reported stable disease. Conclusion: Talazoparib is relatively well tolerated in hematologic malignancies, with a similar MTD as in solid tumors, and shows preliminary anti leukemic activity.Clinical trial registration: NCT01399840 (ClinicalTrials.gov)

    Texture-Based Analysis of Fetal Organs in Fetal Growth Restriction

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    Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is common, affecting around 10% of all pregnancies. Growth restricted fetuses fail to achieve their genetically predetermined size and often weigh <10th centile for gestation. However, even appropriately grown fetuses can be affected, with the diagnosis of FGR missed before birth. Babies with FGR have a higher rate of stillbirth, neonatal morbidity such as breathing problems, and neurodevelopmental delay. FGR is usually due to placental insufficiency leading to poor placental perfusion and fetal hypoxia. MRI is increasingly used to image the fetus and placenta. Here we explore the use of novel multi-compartment Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Model (IVIM)-based models for MRI fetal and placental analysis, to improve understanding of FGR and quantify abnormalities and biomarkers in fetal organs. In 12 normally grown and 12 FGR gestational-age matched pregnancies (Median 28+ 4 wks±3+ 3 wks) we acquired T2 relaxometry and diffusion MRI datasets. Decreased perfusion, pseudo-diffusion coefficient, and fetal blood T2 values in the placenta and fetal liver were significant features distinguishing between FGR and normal controls (p-value <0.05). This may be related to the preferential shunting of fetal blood away from the fetal liver to the fetal brain that occurs in placental insufficiency. These features were used to predict FGR diagnosis and gestational age at delivery using simple machine learning models. Texture analysis was explored to compare Haralick features between control and FGR fetuses, with the placenta and liver yielding the most significant differences between the groups. This project provides insights into the effect of FGR on fetal organs emphasizing the significant impact on the fetal liver and placenta, and the potential of an automated approach to diagnosis by leveraging simple machine learning models

    Improved Placental Parameter Estimation Using Data-Driven Bayesian Modelling

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    The placenta plays a key contribution to successful pregnancy outcome. New MR imaging techniques are able to reveal intricate details about placental structure and function and measure placental blood flow and feto-placental oxygenation. Placental diffusion-weighted MRI is however challenging due to maternal breathing motion and poor signal-to-noise ratio making motion correction important for subsequent quantitative analysis. In this work, we (i) introduce an iterative model-based registration technique which incorporates a placenta-specific model into the motion correction process and (ii) describe a new technique making use of a Bayesian shrinkage prior to obtain robust estimates of individual and population trends in parameters. Our results suggest that the proposed registration method improves alignment of placental data and that the Bayesian fitting technique allows the estimation of voxel-level placenta flow parameters and the population trend in each parameter with gestational age (GA). We report gestational age dependent differences in vascular compartments and fetal oxygen saturation values observed across 9 normally grown pregnancies between 25–34 weeks gestational age and show qualitatively improved parameter mapping and more precise longitudinal fitting. Fetal oxygen saturation ( FO2 ) is observed to decrease at FO2=−3.6(GAweeks)+190.2(%) . This technique provides a robust framework for analysing longitudinal changes in both normal and pathological placental function
