4 research outputs found

    Effects of Er,Cr:Ysgg Laser on Microleakage of a Self-Etch Adhesive System

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    Objectives: The purpose of this in-vitro study was to evaluate the microleakage of a self-etch dentin adhesive system in cavities prepared by a conventional dental bur and an Er,Cr:YSGG laser.Materials and Methods: Forty extracted premolar teeth were selected randomly. Standardized Class V cavity preparations were placed in the buccal and lingual surfaces using a bur and an Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Eighty preparations were randomly assigned to 4 groups of 20 samples each and restored as follows: (G1, Control group) Bur; (G2) Bur + Laser etch; (G3) Er,Cr:YSGG laser; (G4) Er,Cr:YSGG laser + Laser etch. The cavities were restored with a self-etch adhesive system (GC, Unifil Bond) and composite resin (GC, Gradia). The preparations were sectioned buccolingually into three parts and scored for microleakage using a light stereoscope. The data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U test, and Chi-squared test was used for comparisons across groups. Results: In all groups, there was higher microleakage in the gingival margin than in the occlusal margin. In the control group (G1), the lowest microleakage values were obtained in all the cavities. In comparison among the groups, statistically significant microleakage values were obtained in the occlusal margins. Significantly high microleakage was observed in G4 in comparison to G1 and G3 (p = 0.001, p = 0.003). Conclusions: Preparation and etching by using an Er,Cr:YSGG laser does not decrease microleakage, but this may also be due to the properties of the self-etch adhesive. Further clinical research and long-term follow-ups are needed to analyze the findings in more detail

    Karijesprotektivni učinak zubne paste koja sadržava teobromin na karijes u ranoj dječjoj dobi: preliminarni rezultati

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    Objective: Enamel remineralizing effects of theobromine have received much attention from the clinicians. The aim of this study was to investigate the caries preventive effect of theobromine containing toothpaste on children with early childhood caries (ECC). Materials & Methods: Salivary pH, buffering capacity and frequency of Streptococcus mutans (SM) levels were measured. Each child was assigned either fluoridated or theobromine containing toothpaste. The changes were analyzed using Laser Fluorescence system. Statistical analyses were performed. Results: We included 13 children (mean age 4.25) with 145 teeth in the fluoridated toothpaste (Colgate Kids toothpaste) group; 13 children (mean age 4.46) with 115 teeth in theobromine containing toothpaste (Theodent TM Kids toothpaste) group. Both toothpastes demonstrated enamel remineralization and were effective in increasing the buffering capacity and pH (p < 0.05). A statistically significant decrease in S. mutans levels was found in both toothpaste groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: Both toothpaste group showed a statistically significant amount of enamel remineralization. Since theobromine had the added benefits of increasing the salivary pH and decreasing the S.mutans levels, theobromine containing toothpastes can be considered effective agents in remineralizing white spot lesions and can be used in prevention of early enamel lesions.Svrha rada: Učinci teobromina na remineralizaciju cakline privukli su pozornost kliničara. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti karijesprotektivni učinak paste za zube koja sadržava teobromin na karijes u ranoj dječjoj dobi. Materijal i metode: Izmjereni su pH sline, puferski kapacitet i razina bakterija Streptococcus mutans. Svakom djetetu dodijeljena je zubna pasta s fluorom ili teobrominom. Promjene su analizirane s pomoću laserskoga fluorescentnog sustava. Obavljene su statističke analize. Rezultati: U skupinu s fluoriranom zubnom pastom (Colgate Kids) bilo je uključeno 13 djece (prosječna dob 4,25) sa 145 zuba; u skupini sa zubnom pastom koja sadržava teobromin (TheodentT-MKids) sudjelovalo je 13 djece (prosječna dob 4,46) sa 115 zuba. Obje zubne paste potaknule su remineralizaciju cakline i učinkovito su povećale puferski kapacitet i pH (p < 0,05). U objema skupinama ustanovljeno je statistički značajno smanjenje razine S. mutans (p < 0,05). Zaključak: Obje zubne paste imale su statistički značajan učinak na remineralizaciju cakline. Budući da su kod teobromina zabilježene dodatne prednosti poput povećanja pH sline i smanjenja razine S. mutans, paste za zube koje sadržavaju teobromin mogu se smatrati učinkovitim sredstvom za remineralizacije bijelih mrlja i mogu se upotrebljavati u prevenciji ranih lezija cakline

    The Plaque Removal Effectiveness of Powered and Manual Tooth Brush in Children: A Pilot Study

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    Objective: Aim of this study was to compare the plaque-reducing effectiveness of powered and manual tooth brushing in a small group of children.Materials and Methods: Ten children aged between 7 to 10 years old were included the study. Each child firstly used manual tooth brush (ORAL B Stages for children). After two weeks children were asked to use powered tooth brush (ORAL-B TRIUMPH 5000 SMART GUIDE) for two weeks. Turesky modification of the Quigley and Hein Plaque Index (TQHPI) and Approximal Plaque Index (API) scores were recorded every two weeks. Friedman test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used for comparison the jaws and powered brush /manual brush. Significance at p &lt;0.05 were considered.Results: The whole mouth TQHPI and API were significantly different at after Powered Tooth brushing (p=0,005, p= 0,012). Statistics determined the most significant  relationship was observed  between baseline-post powered brushing and between manual-powered brushing in both TQHPI and API values (p=0.008**,p=0.005**,p=0.018*,p=0.012*). Conclusion: Considering the results of the pilot study; it shows that it is more effective in removing dental plaque in both automatic and manual tooth brushing. Therefore, powered tooth brush can also be recommended for children to increase the oral health