9 research outputs found

    Perancangan Pembelajaran Literasi Sains Berbasis Inkuiri pada Kegiatan Laboratorium

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    This research aimed to prove that laboratory activity based inquiry could improve scientific literacy skills of high school student, namely content, context, process, andscience attitude aspect in a voltaic cell lesson. The research design used in thisresearch was counterbalanced design. This research used scientific literacy based inquiry instructionfor experiment class and inquiry based instruction for control class. Scientific literacytest, enquette, observation sheet, and interview guide were used as instruments in theresearch, while student worksheet was used asguidance of instructionPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran literasi sains berbasis inkuiri dalam bentuk kegiatan laboratorium mampu meningkatkan literasi sains siswa SMA pada aspek konten, konteks, proses dan sikap sains siswa pada submateri pokok sel volta. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain konterbalans dengan pembelajaran eksperimen menggunakan pembelajaran literasi sains berbasis inkuiri dan pembelajaran kontrol menggunakan pembelajaran inkuiri. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes pilihan ganda untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains, selain itu angket, lembar observasi, dan pedoman wawancara, serta LKS sebagai pedoman pembelajarannya

    Solar Cell as Learning Multimedia to Improve Students' Scientific Literacy on Science and Nanotechnology

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    This study aims to investigate solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology. Specifically, it describes learning design, the characteristic of developed learning multimedia and the description of learning activities using solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology. The method used in this research was Educational Research and Development that only consist of 3 stages. On the define stage, the research was conducted through literature review analysis, observation, and interview. On the design stage, the research was conducted through composing the instrument, developing solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology and composing teaching learning design. On the develop stage, the research was conducted through teaching learning activities using solar cell as learning multimedia to improve students' scientific literacy on science and nanotechnology. The research instruments were interview guideline, observation's sheet, judgment's sheet and questionnaire. Based on result and discussion, it can be concluded that learning design potentially improve students' scientific literacy. It is relevant with learning material and in accordance with the competence aspect, attitude aspect, and STL learning model. The characteristics of learning multimedia containing science and nanotechnology on solar cell context are: can be used classically, not individually, student-centered oriented, presenting the learning material using concept approach and context oriented, presenting the superiority of photochemistry solar cell with nanotechnology, visualizing the redox reaction concept on solar cell, and presenting the concept through context description. The learning multimedia is used in all STL learning phases. It can be used by teacher to deliver the material in almost all phases of learning, while student use it when teacher give them instruction

    Model Education Reconstruction (Mer) Bahan Ajar Penelitian Laboratorium (Pl) Konteks Zeolit Berbasis Problem Solving-decision Making (Psdm)

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    . Aspects discussed in this research is to improve the intelligence thinking of student research through a MER (Duit 2012). Based on a problem that is often found that the appearance of lack of originality of research because students are not able to think of research, which is shown in a preliminary study.Based on these problems, researchers developed teaching materials to reconstruct RL context zeolite based PSDM. The instrument was a questionnaire response experts to determine the feasibility of the cognitive level of the student materials in accordance with the character of the curriculum in 2013. The characteristics of instructional materials: 1) was developed in accordanceaspect PSDM attitude Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 2) the context ofthe lecture corresponding zeolite mineral chemistry issues, 3) content according to the level of cognitive student accesible criteria, 4) Perspective students to the concept of material through interviews. Interviews showed> 80% of the students have any preconceptions about the meaning of the scientific method and thinking research. Therefore, the insertion of material thought PSDM based research on teaching materials need to be raised. Validation / CVR obtain the Value 0.76, and CVI c(0,76) > CVI t(0,68) showed very appropriate instructional materials used

    Evaluasi Waste Dan Implementasi Lean Construction (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Serbaguna Taruna Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang)

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    Waste merupakan bentuk ketidakefisienan dan pemborosan yang ditimbulkan dari bahan material, SDM, dan waktu. Pada sisi lain, konstruksi ramping (lean construction) memiliki 2 tujuan yang sangat fundamental yaitu meningkatkan value dan mengurangi waste. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa waste yang paling sering terjadi pada proyek pembangunan gedung serbaguna Taruna Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang adalah waktu menunggu instruksi, dengan bobot 0,157. Sedangkan untuk variabel waste yang memberi dampak paling besar pada proyek adalah waktu menunggu instruksi dengan bobot 0,182. Lean construction tools yang belum diterapkan pihak kontraktor yaitu Reverse Phase Scheduling (RPS), Percent Plan Complete (PPC), Six Week Lookahead, commitment chart, sustain, mobile chart dan Start of the day meeting

    The nature of science and technology for pre-service chemistry teacher: A case of techno-chemistry experiment "from Stannum Metalicum to conductive glass"

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    © 2017 Author(s). The study was conducted to address the problems related to low Indonesian students' scientific literacy as revealed in the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) since 2000-2015. Science teachers (e.g. chemistry teacher) must recognize the nature of science (NOS) to assist their students in preparing an explanation of a phenomenon scientifically correctly. Teachers also need to understand critically about nature of technology (NOT) and it relationship with science as well as society. To integrate those two kinds of knowledge (NOS and NOT), we can conduct a techno-science activity, which integrate the technology to science course in pre-service teacher education program, so that they can improve their knowledge about nature of science and technology (NOST) and pedagogical content knowledge related to NOST. The purpose of this study was to construct an inquiry based laboratory activity worksheet for making conductive glass so that the pre-service teacher could explain how the structure of the semiconductor Fluor doped Tin Oxide (SnO2.F) affect their performance. This study we conducted, described how to design a pre-service chemistry teacher education course that can improve recognizing view of NOST by using a framework called model of educational reconstruction (MER). The scientific activities in the course were guided inquiry based techno-chemistry experiments involving "From Stannum Metallicum to Conductive Glass". Conductive glasses are interesting subject research for several reason. The application of this technology could be found on solar cell, OLED, and display panel. The doped Tin dioxide has been deposited on glass substrate using the spray pyrolysis technique at 400-550°C substrate temperature, 4-5 times, 20 cm gap between glass and sprayer and 450 angle to form a thin film which will act as electrical contact. The resistivity is about 0.5 - 15O. The product resulted on this study was rated by several expert to find if the worksheet could be used on real learning environment

    Analisis Kebutuhan: Pembelajaran Berbasis Web pada Mahasiswa Vokasional

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    Entering the digital era, communication and information technology continues to experience development. Therefore the development of these technologies must be adopted and utilized for educational purposes. The availability of teaching materials in the sample environment under study is still very limited, existing learning resources are still general in nature and still contain concepts with conventional formats. The purpose of this study was to determine the need for website-based learning for vocational students. The research sample was taken using Purposive Sampling as many as five Chemical Engineering students. Data collection is done by semi-structured interview methods, unstructured observation and field documentation to determine the urgency of the need for web-based teaching materials. The research instrument was the researcher herself with the help of interview guides. The collected data is then analyzed using Miles and Huberman's analysis theory, then triangulated to find out its validity. Based on the triangulation results from the three data, students are very interested in web-based learning. This research is expected to provide recommendations to policy makers to be able to meet the needs of web-based teaching materials for vocational students to improve their learning outcomes

    Implementasi Algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Untuk Mengamankan File Video

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    Kriptografi merupakan suatu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengamankan data. Data yang biasanya diamankan menggunakan kriptografi adalah data teks. Data teks biasa digunakan dalam pesan untuk berkomnikasi. Isi pesan tersebutlah yang diamankan dengan kriptografi. Prosedur utama dalam kriptografi ada dua, yaitu enkripsi dan dekripsi. Enkripsi merupakan prosedur yang dilakukan untuk menyandikan suatu data atau pesan asli menjadi data atau pesan bersandi. Sebaliknya, dekripsi merupakan prosedur yang dilakukan untuk mengembalikan pesan atau data yang disandikan menjadi pesan atau data asli seperti semula. Kriptografi memiliki beragam algoritme, salah satunya yaitu algoritme Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES merupakan salah satu algoritme kriptografi yang memiliki tingkat keamanan yang tinggi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan implementasi algoritma AES untuk mengamankan data berupa video dengan format mp4. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi kriptografi yaitu CrypTool. Untuk dapat dienkripsi dan didekripsi, data video diubah dalam bentuk HexDump. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan bahwa algoritme AES efektif untuk mengamankan data video. Data video yang terenkripsi tidak dapat diputar dengan media player dan tidak memilik detail informasi seperti data aslinya. Akan tetapi ketika didekripsi data tersebut berhasil diputar secara normal dengan media player dan memiliki detail informasi seperti data aslinya

    Synthesis and Characterization of Benzotriazolium-based Ionic Liquids for Technetium-99m Separation From Molybdenum by Il-mediated Extraction Process

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    Various separation techniques for separation of technetium-99m (99mTc) from molybdenum-99 (99Mo) are being developed to overcome the drawbacks of using 99Mo from neutron activation technique. Ionic liquids (ILs) were used in many extraction processes in metal separation due to their high selectivity. In this research, two benzotriazolium-based ionic liquids were used as co-extractant in 99mTc/ Mo separation process via liquid-liquid extraction. 1-octyl-3-methyl-benzotriazolium iodide ([MeOcBtu]I) and 1-octyl-3-methyl-benzotriazolium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide ([MeOcBtu]TF2N) were successfully synthesized and analyzed by FTIR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR. Extraction processes were conducted in various organic solvents, pH, and extraction time without/ with ionic liquids addition. The data of ratio between 99mTc distribution coefficient compared to Mo distribution coefficient showed that the addition of ionic liquids exhibited significant improvement of separation factor. The separation factor of extraction using conventional water immiscible solvent ranged between 0 – 8 and increased to 30 – 600 as ILs were added. The optimum conditions which achieved highest separation factor were pH 14 using [MeOcBtu]I-chloroform. Benzotriazolium-based ionic liquid potential to be developed as extractant in the separation of 99mTc from 99Mo