21 research outputs found

    Unusual Electronic and Bonding Properties of the Zintl Phase Ca5Ge3 and Related Compounds. A Theoretical Analysis

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    Theoretical reasons for metallic behavior among diverse Zintl phases have generally not been pursued at an advanced level. Here, the electronic structure of Ca5Ge3 (Cr5B3 type), which can be formulated (Ca+2)5(Ge2-6)Ge-4 in oxidation states, has been explored comparatively by means of semiempirical and first-principles density functional methods. The FP-APW calculations show that alkaline-earth-metal and germanium orbitals, particularly the d orbitals on the cations and the p-π* orbitals of the halogen-like dimeric Ge2-6, mix considerably to form a conduction band. This covalency perfectly explains the unusual metallic properties of the nominally electron-precise Zintl phase Ca5Ge3 and its numerous relatives. Similar calculational results are obtained for Sr5Ge3, Ba5Ge3, and Ca5Sn3. Cation d orbitals appear to be a common theme among Zintl phases that are also metallic

    Valence Compounds versus Metals. Synthesis, Characterization, and Electronic Structures of Cubic Ae4Pn3 Phases in the Systems Ae = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu; Pn = As, Sb, Bi

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    The isostructural compounds Sr4Bi3, Ba4Bi3, and Ba4As∼2.60 were prepared by direct reactions of the corresponding elements and their structures determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data as anti-Th3P4 type in the cubic space group I4̄3d, Z = 4 (a = 10.101(1) Å, 10.550(1) Å, 9.973 (1) Å, respectively). The two bismuth compounds are stoichiometric, and the arsenide refines as Ba4As2.60(2). Only unrelated phases are obtained for all binary combinations among the title components for either Ca or Sb. The magnetic susceptibility and resistivities of Ba4Bi3 and Eu4Bi3 show that they are good metallic conductors (∼40 μΩ·cm at 298 K), whereas Ba4As2.60 exhibits ρ150 \u3e 1000 μΩ·cm. The electronic structures of Sr4Bi3, Ba4Bi3, and Ba4As3 were calculated by TB-LMTO-ASA methods. Mixing of cation d states into somewhat disperse valence p bands on Bi results in empty bands at EF and metallic behavior, whereas the narrower valence band in the electron-deficient Ba4As3 leads to vacancies in about 11% of the anion sites and a valence compound

    Nine Hexagonal Ca5Pb3Z Phases in Stuffed Mn5Si3-Type Structures with Transition Metal Interstitial Atoms Z. Problems with Classical Valence States in Possible Zintl Phases

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    Ternary hexagonal Ae5Tt3Z phases have been obtained from high-temperature reactions (1000−1300 °C in Ta) only for Ae (alkaline-earth metal) = Ca, Tt (tetrel) = Pb, and Z = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Ru, or Cd. The hexagonal crystal structures (stuffed Mn5Si3-type, P63/mcm, Z = 2) were refined for Z = Mn and Fe (a = 9.3580(3), 9.3554(5) Å, c = 7.009(1), 7.009(1) Å, respectively). In contrast, Ca5Pb3Z for Z = Cu or Ag form only with a trigonal structure (P3̄c1, Z = 2, a = 9.4130(3) Å, c = 7.052(1) Å for Cu) in which regular displacements of only the linear strings of Ca1 atoms occur. The existence of these compounds stands in contrast to the nonexistence of all binary Ae5Tt3 products from Ca to Ba (Ae) and Si to Pb (Tt) with a Mn5Si3-type structure. Therefore, it once seemed attractive to consider the Z elements in these Ca5Pb3Z compounds as reducing agents (electron donors). The Mn and Fe structures appropriately exhibit greatly enlarged antiprismatic calcium cavities about Z. Other indications of relatively electron-poor environments around Fe are found in its properties, which include soft ferromagnetism with an elevated magnetic moment (6.3 μB) and a large Fe 3p3/2 binding energy relative to that in La5Ge3Fe, La15Ge9Fe, etc. The Ca5Pb3Mn phase exhibits metallic behavior (ρ295 = 135 μΩ cm) and temperature-independent Pauli paramagnetism. These properties are supported by ab initio band structure calculations for Ca5Pb3Mn, which show strong Ca−Pb bonding and a broad Pb-based band, with appreciable Ca−Mn and Ca−Pb bonding states at and above EF. Distortion of the Cu analogue gives strengthened Ca−Pb bonding and reduced Cu−Ca1 repulsions. A Zintl phase description of these compounds and some releated compounds in terms of closed Pb bands is not appropriate

    Cation-Poor Complex Metallic Alloys in Ba(Eu)–Au–Al(Ga) Systems: Identifying the Keys that Control Structural Arrangements and Atom Distributions at the Atomic Level

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    Four complex intermetallic compounds BaAu6±xGa6±y (x = 1, y = 0.9) (I), BaAu6±xAl6±y (x = 0.9, y = 0.6) (II), EuAu6.2Ga5.8 (III), and EuAu6.1Al5.9 (IV) have been synthesized, and their structures and homogeneity ranges have been determined by single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. Whereas I and II originate from the NaZn13-type structure (cF104–112, Fm3̅c), III (tP52, P4/nbm) is derived from the tetragonal Ce2Ni17Si9-type, and IV (oP104, Pbcm) crystallizes in a new orthorhombic structure type. Both I and II feature formally anionic networks with completely mixed site occupation by Au and triel (Tr = Al, Ga) atoms, while a successive decrease of local symmetry from the parental structures of I and II to III and, ultimately, to IV correlates with increasing separation of Au and Tr on individual crystallographic sites. Density functional theory-based calculations were employed to determine the crystallographic site preferences of Au and the respective triel element to elucidate reasons for the atom distribution (“coloring scheme”). Chemical bonding analyses for two different “EuAu6Tr6” models reveal maximization of the number of heteroatomic Au–Tr bonds as the driving force for atom organization. The Fermi levels fall in broad pseudogaps for both models allowing some electronic flexibility. Spin-polarized band structure calculations on the “EuAu6Tr6” models hint to singlet ground states for europium and long-range magnetic coupling for both EuAu6.2Ga5.8 (III) and EuAu6.1Al5.9 (IV). This is substantiated by experimental evidence because both compounds show nearly identical magnetic behavior with ferromagnetic transitions at TC = 6 K and net magnetic moments of 7.35 μB/f.u. at 2 K. The effective moments of 8.3 μB/f.u., determined from Curie–Weiss fits, point to divalent oxidation states for europium in both III and IV

    Lanthanide-based complexes as efficient physiological temperature sensors

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    A new molecular thermometric sensor based on the terbium(III) complex [C2mim][Tb(fod)4] (C2mim – 1-methyl-3-ethylimidazolium, fod− - tetrakis-6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedionate), doped with 0.015% of its europium(III) analogue (1, [C2mim][Tb(fod)4]0.99985:[C2mim][Eu(fod)4]0.00015), was prepared and its thermochromic behaviour evaluated from ambient temperature up to 75 °C, including in the physiological range (35–45 °C). It was found that the intensity ratio of the 5D4→7F5 (TbIII) and 5D0→7F2 (EuIII) transitions is correlated with temperature having three different linear regimes. Visual colorimetry allowed the evaluation of the temperature in different ranges from green at ambient temperature, to yellow and finally red at higher temperatures. The TbIII complex emission intensity is extremely sensitive to small temperature variations, particularly between 25 and 35 °C, were it reaches only 40% of the initial intensity. Confinement of the dopped TbIII tetrakis-complex in the organic polymeric matrix poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) induced higher thermal stability in 1, together with a strong temperature dependence of the most intense emissive transition of the TbIII complexes. The photoluminescence quantum yield of polymer-lanthanide hybrid materials increased significantly compared with that of 1. Under 366 nm irradiation, the hybrid material presents a green colour at 25 °C that evolves to yellow at 30 °C and to a white tone at 35 °C.publishe

    Highly Luminescent Salts Containing Well-Shielded Lanthanide-Centered Complex Anions and Bulky Imidazolium Countercations

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    In this paper, we report on the syntheses, structures, and characterization of four molten salts containing imidazolium cations and europium(III)- or terbium(III)-centered complex anions. In the complex anions, the lanthanide centers are wrapped by four pseudodiketonate anionic ligands, which prevent them from contacting with high-frequency oscillators and allow them to show intense characteristic europium(III) or terbium(III) emission, small line widths, high color purity, high quantum yields (30−49%), and long decay times (\u3e2 ms)