5 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan daerah pantai berupa  rusaknya kawasan tepi pantai ditunjukkan oleh perubahan garis pantai oleh erosi, abrasi maupun sedimentasi. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengidentifikasi  masalah-masalah yang ada di Pantai Kalisada saat ini dan  monitoring terhadap pengelolaan bangunan wilayah Pantai Kalisada. Penelitian dilakukan di Pantai Kalisada dan sekitarnya dengan metode penelitian deskritif kualitatif. Konsep perencanaan dan pengelolaan pantai menyeluruh dan terpadu meliputi aspek-aspek administrasi, sosial, teknis, ekonomi, hukum, kelembagaan, dan lingkungan Hasil analisis kondisi eksisting data dapat disimpulkan bahwa permasalahan Pantai Kalisada saat ini adalah adanya erosi, kondisi bangunan pantai  yang ada belum optimal dalam  upaya pengamanan pantai, permasalahan penanganan pantai yang tidak menyeluruh. Gelombang dan arus merupakan fenomena alam yang sangat memengaruhi keadaan pantai. Gelombang yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh besarnya angin dan jarak fetch pada lokasi studi. Fetch Pantai Kalisada  (daerah pembangkitan gelombang) dominan berasal dari arah timur laut dan arah barat. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadi gelombang dominan berasal dari barat dan timur sesuai dengan musim angin yang terjadi di Pantai Kalisada. Pantai Kalisada dalam satu hari terjadi dua kali air pasang dan dua kali air surut dengan tinggi yang hampir sama. Pasang surut yang terjadi di Pantai Kalisada termasuk dalam tipe pasang surut harian ganda (semidiurnal tide

    Analysis of non-domestic water needs tourism sector for accuracy of clean water supply system in Gianyar District

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    Gianyar is one of the regencies which are the main tourist destinations in the Province of Bali, with the icon of the Ubud tourism area which is one of the tourist areas which is already very well known in foreign countries. The increase in tourist visits, both domestic and foreign, certainly brings prosperity to the community and also to the government. Fulfillment of all the necessary facilities for the world of tourism should be a serious concern of the government so that tourists feel at home when visiting Gianyar. One very basic factor that needs serious attention is the availability of clean water. So far, the allocation for non-domestic water needs (schools, government, trade, social and tourism) has only been determined based on the percentage of domestic water needs based on the decision of the Directorate General of Human Settlement with an amount of 20-25% of domestic water needs. Looking at the existing conditions in the field and with the development of tourism facilities, it certainly requires a more accurate calculation related to the predetermined percentage of non-domestic water needs

    Management of the Jatiluwih Irrigation area with sustainable planting patterns and water balance in Tabanan Regency

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    Jatiluwih Village is located in Penebel District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. Jatiluwih Village is a highland village located at the foot of Mount Batukaru. This village is located at an altitude of 500-1500 meters above sea level and has an average rainfall of 2500 mm/year. Most of the population in the Jatiluwih area still relies on the economy of planting rice, with a good irrigation system. Rice fields in the Jatiluwih irrigation area need protection and preservation so that their area does not decrease. This priority is necessary because the meaning of land, including paddy fields is very important for humans, not only to own, but also to live their lives. Irrigation is an effort made to obtain water by using intake buildings and carrier channels. The Jatiluwih Irrigation Area has water sources from several springs that flow in the Jatiluwih Area. Jatiluwih weir with water sources from Tukad Baat has an irrigation area of 390 ha. The subaks that are irrigated by the Jatiluwih Dam are Jatiluwih Subak, Subak Gunungsari, Subak Kedamaian  and Subak Wangaya Betan. The development and management of irrigation networks will greatly assist water-using farmers in an effort to increase the production of agricultural products, especially rice

    Analysis of integrated clean water services for west Bali region

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    The area of Jembrana Regency is 841.80 km2, has five sub-districts. The total population in 2021 is 281,289 people, covering the Melaya District 54,032 people, State District 85,349 people, Jembrana District 56,061 people, Mendoyo District 58,909 people, Pekutatan District 26,938 people. Gerokgak District is part of the western part of Bulelelng Regency. The population of Grokgak Subdistrict in 2021 is 86,421 people. The integration of clean water supply in the western part of Bali is very important, because the community is a collection of individuals who have socio-cultural, occupying different areas and environments, but have a common interest, for the fulfillment of water as a source of human life. Differences in interests in the use of water include, domestic and non-domestic interests, industry, irrigation and conservation. To find out the potential of Tukad Unda downstream in providing clean water, an analysis of its water The provision of clean water in the western part of Bali will be studied in this study, in line with efforts to improve clean water management in Jembrana Regency and Buleleng Regency. To determine the water balance in providing clean water, an analysis of water availability and water needs is carried out.&nbsp

    Performance analysis of flood control buildings Mati river watershed area

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    The problem of flooding is a classic problem that befalls almost all regions in Indonesia. Likewise, the area in the Mati river watershed is experiencing problems that are not much different. Moreover, with the existing developments, almost all areas in the Mati River watershed have developed into urban settlement areas which have led to land conversion from agricultural land and green open land to other built-up land. The middle and downstream areas in the Mati River watershed are the main tourism areas in Bali such as Seminyak, Legian, Kuta and parts of the West Denpasar District, Denpasar City. These areas are dense settlements which contribute to increased surface runoff in almost all watershed areas. Several areas in the Mati River watershed are flood-prone areas, namely the Padangsambian area, Jalan Pura Demak area, Monang-Maning, Jalan Dewi Sri and areas in East Kuta. Several river improvements have been made to reduce the impact of flooding, namely changing the permanent weir to a mobile weir, normalizing the channel and building a pumping station which aims to reduce the effects of flooding and stagnant water during the rainy season