12 research outputs found

    The direct-to-indirect band gap crossover in two-dimensional van der Waals Indium Selenide crystals

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    The electronic band structure of van der Waals (vdW) layered crystals has properties that depend on the composition, thickness and stacking of the component layers. Here we use density functional theory and high field magneto-optics to investigate the metal chalcogenide InSe, a recent addition to the family of vdW layered crystals, which transforms from a direct to an indirect band gap semiconductor as the number of layers is reduced. We investigate this direct-to-indirect bandgap crossover, demonstrate a highly tuneable optical response from the near infrared to the visible spectrum with decreasing layer thickness down to 2 layers, and report quantum dot-like optical emissions distributed over a wide range of energy. Our analysis also indicates that electron and exciton effective masses are weakly dependent on the layer thickness and are significantly smaller than in other vdW crystals. These properties are unprecedented within the large family of vdW crystals and demonstrates the potential of InSe for electronic and photonic technologies

    Absorção real, perdas endógenas e exigência de fósforo para suínos em final de crescimento, pela técnica da diluição isotópica True absorption and endogenous fecal losses of phosphorus for swine in the final of the growing based on the isotopic dilution techinique

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    Determinaram-se as perdas endógenas mínimas, a exigência de fósforo e a absorção real do fósforo do fosfato bicálcico em suínos no final da fase de crescimento, pela técnica da diluição isotópica. Foram utilizados 20 leitões híbridos comerciais, com peso de 48kg, distribuídos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos, constituídos de dietas com diferentes níveis de P total (0,33, 0,36, 0,47, 0,54 e 0,61%), com quatro repetições. A excreção fecal e urinária, a absorção e a retenção de P foram influenciadas pelos níveis de consumo desse mineral. As perdas endógenas fecais não foram influenciadas pelos níveis de P consumido, indicando que os níveis ingeridos foram insuficientes para atender às exigências de P dos leitões. A biodisponibilidade do fósforo do fosfato bicálcico foi de 74,7% e a exigência de mantença de 10,02mgP/kg p.v./dia.<br>The experiment was carried out to determine the minimum fecal endogenous losses, the P requirement of pigs, and the true P absorption from phosphate dicalcium using pigs in the final of the growing phase through the isotopic dilution technique. Twenty commercial hybrid pigs, 48kg L.W., were arranged in experimental design complete randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. Treatments consisted of different total P levels: 0.33, 0.36, 0.47, 0.54 and 0.61%. Fecal and urinary P outputs, absorption and retention of P were influenced by P intake; P endogenous losses were not affected by P intake, indicating that dietary P was not enough to achieve P requirements; the P biological availability from dicalcium phosphate was 74.7%; and the daily maintenance dietary requirement for pigs was 10.02mg P/kg L.W

    Response of permanent and reseeded grassland to fertilizer nitrogen. 2. Effects on concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na, S, P, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co and Mo in herbage at a range of sites

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    The concentration of mineral elements in herbage from permanent swards of mixed species composition (predominantly Agrostis spp., Holcus lanatus, Festuca rubra, Lolium perenne, Poa spp., etc.) was compared with that from sown perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) at two fertilizer rates (0 and 300 kg N ha-1 year-1, both with P and K) and with L. perenne/Trifolium repens (at 0 N with P and K). The investigation was conducted over four years at sixteen contrasting sites in England and Wales. Herbage samples for mineral analysis were taken at first and fourth harvests (May and August) each year from plots under 4-weekly cutting. There was a wide degree of variation between sites, particularly for concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na and all trace elements analysed. Herbage from L. perenne reseeds had significantly higher concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na, Co and S, but K, Mo, Zn, Cu and P were generally lower than in the permanent swards. L. perenne/T. repens swards had the highest concentration of major cations, but trace element levels were generally intermediate between those for 0 N permanent and L. perenne swards. Fertilizer N reduced concentrations of Ca, Mn, Mo and S, and increased Mg, Na and Zn, with no consistent effects on K, Co and Cu. Herbage at harvest 4, compared with harvest 1, had higher Ca, Mg, Na, Mn, Zn and S. Permanent and L perenne swards responded similarly to fertilizer N and between harvest dates. Results are discussed in relation to previous reports of botanical and fertilizer effects on mineral concentrations, and the mineral requirements of livestock. Changes in mineral concentration resulting from reseeding permanent swards are considered unlikely to increase mineral-related livestock disorders, and in many cases could be beneficial, though problems might arise on sites where some elements, e.g. Cu and Mg, are low