8 research outputs found

    1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase 2 reduction effects on physical and physiological responses of Eksotika papaya

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    The Malaysian Eksotika papaya (Carica papaya L.) has poor keeping quality due to its fast ripening attribute, which leads to post-harvest losses. This study is aimed at extending the shelf life of this perishable Eksotika fruit using antisense technology. A total of 6,000 Eksotika somatic embryogenic calli was transformed with the antisense 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase 2 gene (ACO2) construct, and 46 PCR-positive putative transformants were obtained. Gene expression analysis using real-time PCR on the 46 regenerated putative transgenic lines revealed that 42 showed down-regulation of the ACO2 gene with two- to five-fold differences among the lines. Out of 22 independently selected transformed lines grown under net house conditions, 16 harbored a single copy of the transgene. Physical stature of the transgenic plants was not significantly different from that of the non-transformed seed-derived papaya plants. Physiological evaluations of the transgenic fruits showed a 15-day delay in ripening compared with 4 days of the non-transformed seed-derived papaya fruits. The total soluble solid (TSS) of the transgenic fruits was comparable to that of the non-transformed seed-derived fruits with similar 11-15°Brix, implying the transgenes did not affect the TSS content

    RNA interference of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase (ACO1 and ACO2) genes expression prolongs the shelf life of Eksotika (Carica papaya L.) papaya fruit

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using RNA interference in down regulating the expression of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase gene in Eksotika papaya. One-month old embryogenic calli were separately transformed with Agrobacterium strain LBA 4404 harbouring the three different RNAi pOpOff2 constructs bearing the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase gene. A total of 176 putative transformed lines were produced from 15,000 calli transformed, selected, then regenerated on medium supplemented with kanamycin. Integration and expression of the targeted gene in putatively transformed lines were verified by PCR and real-time RT-PCR. Confined field evaluation of a total of 31 putative transgenic lines planted showed a knockdown expression of the targeted ACO1 and ACO2 genes in 13 lines, which required more than 8 days to achieve the full yellow colour (Index 6). Fruits harvested from lines pRNAiACO2 L2-9 and pRNAiACO1 L2 exhibited about 20 and 14 days extended post-harvest shelf life to reach Index 6, respectively. The total soluble solids contents of the fruits ranged from 11 to 14° Brix, a range similar to fruits from non-transformed, wild type seed-derived plants

    A quick protocol to facilitate the selection of putative delayed ripening transgenic papaya lines for field evaluation

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    A quick protocol is needed to determine transgene, ACC oxidase 2 expression in putative transgenic Eksotika papaya lines targeting at selecting potential lines for field evaluation. In this study, three housekeeping genes, 18S ribosomal RNA, 40S ribosomal protein and actin, were used for normalisation of the ACC oxidase 2 gene expression. Comparison with a non-transformed seedling-derived plants revealed that 42 putative transgenic lines exhibited between 2- and 5-fold reduction of ACC oxidase 2 expression level. Based on the gene expression data of the in vitro putative transgenic papaya plants obtained, 24 independent potential lines were selected for field evaluation. Gene expression analysis on field grown papaya plants showed similar profile of ACC oxidase 2 expression levels as compared to in vitro papaya plants. Increase in storage shelf life was also examined in the transgenic lines grown in the field with the most potential transgenic line was 27-3, which required 14 days to achieve full yellow colour index. Overall, the findings in this study revealed that reduction of ethylene was successful in the Eksotika papaya by manipulating the ACC oxidase 2 using the antisense technique. This reflects that future production of longer shelf life Eksotika papaya fruits is possible through antisense technique and it will help boost the papaya industry further by opening up new export markets in distant destinations

    Better rooting procedure to enhance survival rate of field grown Malaysian eksotika papaya transformed with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase gene

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    A high survival rate for transformed papaya plants when transferred to the field is useful in the quest for improving the commercial quality traits. We report in this paper an improved rooting method for the production of transformed Malaysian Eksotika papaya with high survival rate when transferred to the field. Shoots were regenerated from embryogenic calli transformed with antisense and RNAi constructs of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase (ACO) genes using the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method. Regenerated transformed shoots, each measuring approximately 3-4 cm in height, were cultured in liquid half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium or sterile distilled water, and with either perlite or vermiculite supplementation. All the culturing processes were conducted either under sterile or nonsterile condition. The results showed that rooting under sterile condition was better. Shoots cultured in half-strength MS medium supplemented with vermiculite exhibited a 92.5% rooting efficiency while perlite showed 77.5%. The survival rate of the vermiculite-grown transformed papaya plantlets after transfer into soil, contained in polybags, was 94%, and the rate after transfer into the ground was 92%. Morpho-histological analyses revealed that the tap roots were more compact, which might have contributed to the high survival rates of the plantlets