905 research outputs found

    Self-Governing Policies: A Critique of Bratman

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    Michael Bratman in his essay “Reflection, Planning and Temporally Extended Agency” espouses a reductive view of agency based largely upon what he calls “self-governing policies.” Combining self-governing policies with a Lockean approach to personal identity over time, Bratman’s view stays within the bounds of event causation and attempts to reduce agency to mere attitudes. First I will give the problem Bratman’s approach to agency intends to solve, then move through his view beginning with the planning theory of intention, then on to his Lockean approach to personal identity and finally self-governing policies. I will then pose some problems for his theory

    Visual Archives of the AIDS Epidemic: Examining the Cultivation of Anticipatory Mourning in the Works of Nan Goldin, Cookie Mueller, and Vittorio Scarpati

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    In examining Putti’s Puddingand The Cookie Portfolioas independent yet intertwined projects of anticipatory mourning, this thesis identifies Witnesses: Against Our Vanishing as the artistic fulfillment of Vittorio Scarpati, Cookie Mueller, and Nan Goldin’s combined efforts to proleptically manifest collective memory within the visual archive of their shared experience with AIDS. Assisted by an exploration of both the AIDS epidemic and the three artist’s linked life histories, this study also recognizes the importance of creating an art history inclusive of social and personal history whilst considering materials so inextricably linked to their creator’s biographical contexts


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    We present the automated analysis of rotational spectra using archived experimental and ab initio data. Modern rotational spectroscopy techniques have made acquiring experimental data extremely fast, yielding many GHz of information in seconds. This is in contrast to the analysis, which still takes many hours if not weeks of an expert’s time to fit. In order to bring rotational spectroscopy to a wider audience, new applications, and enable new science, the effort and time required to analyze a spectrum needs to be reduced. To reduce the analysis time, we aggregated more than 200 experimental spectra (from local instruments and literature) and more than 16,000 ab initio calculations into a library that is leveraged by automated algorithms to screen for identifications in rotational spectra. Screening with experimental data has been shown to give both highly accurate identification and quantification of a sample within a mixture in under 10 seconds per analysis. Unmatched residual lines are presented to the user for further analysis. Work is in progress to expand the number of matchable spectra inside the database and identify unknown constants using ab initio databases

    An analysis of the geographic factors affecting agriculture and industry in the south-west peninsula west of the Tamar

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    The south western peninsula of England has been chosen for discussion since it forms a most interesting geographic unit. This is true as regards the type of agriculture and peculiarly characteristic industries. The general condition of agriculture - a primitive cereal development, low percentage of total acreage available for arable use, extensive permanent grasslands, and considerable expanses of moorland - are similar in the three western Counties of Devon, Somerset and Cornwall. In Cornwall, however, a more marked development of intensive farming is found with local specialisation in the extreme south western districts. With regard to industry Cornwall possesses a distinctive pilchard fishery, tin and copper mines and china clay quarries. Both Somerset and Devon are arable and pastoral to a greater extent. Cornwall is in many ways different and the region chosen has, therefore, been restricted to west of the Tamar River since this is in many ways a geographic unit. Isolation has played and still plays a great part in preserving the personality of the region. The link with Brittany is closer and of longer standing than with other parts of England, to which the region west of the Tamar is in many ways foreign. It was then decided, to make a study of the Cornish agriculture and industries which are analysed on a statistical basis from the most recent figures available, many of which are unpublished. Part I is intended to show the nature of the physical basis, Part II the extent of the controls, and Part III the development which has resulted in the past and finally the trend which is probable in future years. The aim of the thesis is to show clearly the relationship between natural conditions and the economic development as it exists and to trace the probable trend of future development.<p

    Effect of Prenatal Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls on Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections in Preschool Inuit Children

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    OBJECTIVE: We set out to assess whether environmental prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is associated with incidence of acute respiratory infections in preschool Inuit children. STUDY DESIGN: We reviewed the medical charts of 343 children from 0 to 5 years of age and evaluated the associations between PCB-153 concentration in umbilical cord plasma and the incidence rates of acute otitis media (AOM) and of upper and lower respiratory tract infections (URTIs and LRTIs, respectively). RESULTS: The incidence rates of AOM and LRTIs were positively associated with prenatal exposure to PCBs. Compared with children in the first quartile of exposure (least exposed), children in fourth quartile (most exposed) had rate ratios of 1.25 (p < 0.001) and 1.40 (p < 0.001) for AOM and LRTIs, respectively. There was no association between prenatal PCB exposure and incidence rate of URTIs or hospitalization. CONCLUSION: Prenatal exposure to PCBs could be responsible for a significant portion of respiratory infections in children of this population

    La résilience psychologique et les facteurs de protections en contexte d'agression sexuelle auprÚs d'adolescents autochtones et caucassiens : une étude exploratoire

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    ProblĂ©matique dĂ©noncĂ©e depuis plusieurs annĂ©es par les Autochtones du Canada, l'agression sexuelle (AS) implique des consĂ©quences souvent dommageables tant sur le plan psychologique que sur celui de la qualitĂ© du tissu social de maintes communautĂ©s. Toutefois, il faut se garder de tirer des conclusions dĂ©terministes quant au traumatisme infligĂ© initialement, puisque des rĂ©sultats de recherche indiquent que certains facteurs semblent exercer un effet modĂ©rateur et permettre une certaine rĂ©silience psychologique. L'objectif global de cet essai est donc de mieux comprendre ce phĂ©nomĂšne Ă  travers l'exploration de la problĂ©matique de l'agression sexuelle chez les Autochtones. Le premier article vise Ă  faire Ă©tat de la situation en regard de l'agression sexuelle et des facteurs de rĂ©silience chez les Autochtones par une recension des Ă©crits sur cette thĂ©matique. Certains faits historiques et sociaux postulĂ©s tels des dĂ©terminants en regard des problĂšmes actuels rencontrĂ©s au sein des communautĂ©s autochtones sont aussi exposĂ©s. Enfin, la notion de rĂ©silience psychologique est explorĂ©e dans une perspective de guĂ©rison autochtone. Ainsi, les donnĂ©es Ă©tudiĂ©es rĂ©vĂšlent une prĂ©valence Ă©levĂ©e de l'agression sexuelle au sein des PremiĂšres Nations. Ces rĂ©sultats troublants sont discutĂ©s et font l'objet d'une recension des hypothĂšses explicatives qui convergent essentiellement vers une transmission intergĂ©nĂ©rationnelle liĂ©e aux nombreux traumatismes infligĂ©s au cours de leur histoire; en particulier la pĂ©riode des pensionnats indiens. Enfin, un constat se dĂ©gage Ă  l'effet que les facteurs de rĂ©silience chez les Autochtones doivent ĂȘtre conceptualisĂ©s dans une perspective Ă©cologique qui prend en compte non seulement l'individu, mais les interactions sociales et les valeurs spirituelles. Le deuxiĂšme article a quant Ă  lui pour objectif d'explorer la rĂ©silience psychologique en contexte d'agression sexuelle auprĂšs de 227 participants autochtones et caucasiens ĂągĂ©s entre 14 et 19 ans qui ont rĂ©pondu Ă  des questionnaires auto-rapportĂ©s. Pour ce faire, la rĂ©silience a Ă©tĂ© conceptualisĂ©e en termes d'absence de dĂ©tresse psychologique. Le niveau d'estime de soi des adolescents fut mesurĂ©, de mĂȘme que des facteurs interpersonnels tel le soutien familial et communautaire, afin d'ĂȘtre cohĂ©rent avec une perspective autochtone qui repose sur une vision interrelationnelle entre l'individu et sa communautĂ©. Dans l'ensemble, les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšlent que les adolescents autochtones n'ont pas Ă©tĂ© davantage victimes d'agression sexuelle que leurs homologues caucasiens, mais ils ont vĂ©cu davantage d'Ă©vĂ©nements de vie dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres. En dĂ©pit de cette situation, les adolescents autochtones se rĂ©vĂšlent davantage rĂ©silients. Les rĂ©sultats des analyses de rĂ©gression suggĂšrent Ă©galement que l'estime de soi et la capacitĂ© de l'adolescent Ă  rechercher de l'aide dans sa communautĂ© sont associĂ©es Ă  moins de dĂ©tresse psychologique, soit plus de rĂ©silience

    Tropes of (mis)understanding: imagining shared destinies in New Caledonia, 1853-1998

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    Cet article amorce une rĂ©flexion critique sur le prĂ©ambule de l’accord de NoumĂ©a en lisant ce dernier texte par rapport Ă  une histoire plus longue de tentatives officielles et non-officielles pour imaginer ou dĂ©finir les rapports entre les Kanaks, les colons et l’État français. Nous examinerons comment les destins des divers groupes ethniques ont Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©s aprĂšs les pĂ©riodes de conflit et nous remarquerons l’accent mis sur les tropes de la mĂ©sentente ou de l’incomprĂ©hension dans l’explication de ces mĂȘmes conflits.The paper critically assesses the preamble to the 1998 NoumĂ©a Accord by reading it against a longer history of official and unofficial attempts to imagine or define relationships between Kanaks, settlers and the French State. Particular attention is paid to the way in which the destinies of the different ethnic groups have been imagined following periods of conflict and the way that tropes of misunderstanding or incomprehension have been used to account for such conflicts
