674 research outputs found

    The APR equation of state for simulations of supernovae, neutron stars and binary mergers

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    Differences in the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter translate into differences in astrophysical simulations and their multi-messenger signatures. Thus, extending the number of EOSs for astrophysical simulations allows us to probe the effect of different aspects of the EOS in astrophysical phenomena. In this work, we construct the EOS of hot and dense matter based on the Akmal, Pandharipande, and Ravenhall (APR) model and thereby extend the open-source SROEOS code which computes EOSs of hot dense matter for Skyrme-type parametrizations of the nuclear forces. Unlike Skrme-type models, in which parameters of the interaction are fit to reproduce the energy density of nuclear matter and/or properties of heavy nuclei, the EOS of APR is obtained from potentials resulting from fits to nucleon-nucleon scattering and properties of light nuclei. In addition, this EOS features a phase transition to a neutral pion condensate at supra-nuclear densities. We show that differences in the effective masses between EOSs have consequences for the properties of nuclei in the sub-nuclear inhomogeneous phase of matter. We also test the new EOS of APR in spherically symmetric core-collapse of massive stars with 15M⊙15M_\odot and 40M⊙40M_\odot, respectively. We find that the phase transition in the EOS of APR speeds up the collapse of the star. However, this phase transition does not generate a second shock wave or another neutrino burst as reported for the hadron-to-quark phase transition. The reason for this difference is that the onset of the phase transition in the EOS of APR occurs at larger densities than for the quark-to-hadron transition employed earlier which results in a significantly smaller softening of the high density EOS.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    Characterizing Counterion-Dependent Aggregation of Rhodamine B by Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    The aggregation in a solution of charged dyes such as Rhodamine B (RB) is significantly affected by the type of counterion, which can determine the self-assembled structure that in turn modulates the optical properties. RB aggregation can be boosted by hydrophobic and bulky fluorinated tetraphenylborate counterions, such as F5TPB, with the formation of nanoparticles whose fluorescence quantum yield (FQY) is affected by the degree of fluorination. Here, we developed a classical force field (FF) based on the standard generalized Amber parameters that allows modeling the self-assembling process of RB/F5TPB systems in water, consistent with experimental evidence. Namely, the classical MD simulations employing the re-parametrized FF reproduce the formation of nanoparticles in the RB/F5TPB system, while in the presence of iodide counterions, only RB dimeric species can be formed. Within the large, self-assembled RB/F5TPB aggregates, the occurrence of an H-type RB-RB dimer can be observed, a species that is expected to quench RB fluorescence, in agreement with the experimental data of FQY. The outcome provides atomistic details on the role of the bulky F5TPB counterion as a spacer, with the developed classical FF representing a step towards reliable modeling of dye aggregation in RB-based materials

    Custom-made implants for massive acetabular bone loss: accuracy with CT assessment

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    Background: Custom-made implants are a valid option in revision total hip arthroplasty to address massive acetabular bone loss. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of custom-made acetabular implants between preoperative planning and postoperative positioning using CT scans. Methods: In a retrospective analysis, three patients who underwent an acetabular custom-made prosthesis were identified. The custom-made designs were planned through 3D CT analysis considering surgical points of attention. The accuracy of intended implants positioning was assessed by comparing pre- and postoperative CT analyzing the center of rotation (CoR), anteversion, inclination, screws, and implant surface in contact with the bone. Results: The three cases presented satisfactory accuracy in positioning. A malpositioning in the third case was observed due to the posterization of the CoR of the implant of more than 10 mm. The other CoR vectors considered in the third patient and all vectors in the other two cases fall within 10 mm. All the cases were positioned with a difference of less than 10° of anteversion and inclination with respect to the planning. Conclusions: The current case series revealed promising accuracy in the positioning of custom-made acetabular prosthesis comparing the planned implant in preoperative CT with postoperative CT

    Weight bearing versus conventional CT for the measurement of patellar alignment and stability in patients after surgical treatment for patellar recurrent dislocation

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    Purpose: To compare weight-bearing cone-beam computer tomography (CBCT) and conventional computer tomography (CT)-based measurements of patellofemoral alignment and stability in patients surgically treated for recurrent patellar dislocation. These scans implied respectively single-leg up-right posture, the knee flexed, and lower limb muscles activation, versus supine position with the knee extended. Methods: A total of 17 patients (11 males/6 females) after surgical reconstruction with fascia lata allograft for recurrent patellofemoral dislocation were analyzed at 60-month follow-up. Tilt and congruence angles and tibial tuberosity–trochlear groove (TT-TG) offset were measured on images obtained from CBCT and conventional CT scans by three independent and expert radiologists. Paired t tests were performed to compare measurements obtained from the two scans. Inter-rater reliability was assessed using a two-way mixed-effects model intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: Only TT-TG offset was found significantly smaller (p < 0.001) in CBCT (mean 9.9 ± 5.3 mm) than in conventional CT (mean 15.9 ± 4.9 mm) scans. ICC for tilt and congruence angles and for TT-TG offset ranged between 0.80–0.94 with measurements in CBCT scans, between 0.52 and0.78 in conventional CT. Conclusion: In patients surgically treated for recurrent patellar dislocation, TT-TG offset was found overestimated with conventional CT. All measurements of patellofemoral stability and alignment were found more consistent when obtained with weight-bearing CBCT compared to conventional CT

    Epilepsy With Auditory Features: From Etiology to Treatment

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    Epilepsy with auditory features (EAF) is a focal epilepsy belonging to the focal epileptic syndromes with onset at variable age according to the new ILAE Classification. It is characterized by seizures with auditory aura or receptive aphasia suggesting a lateral temporal lobe involvement of the epileptic discharge. Etiological factors underlying EAF are largely unknown. In the familial cases with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance several genes have been involved, among which the first discovered, LGI1, was thought to be predominant. However, increasing evidence now points to a multifactorial etiology, as familial and sporadic EAF share a virtually identical electro-clinical characterization and only a few have a documented genetic etiology. Patients with EAF usually have an unremarkable neurological examination and a good response to antiseizure medications. However, it must be underscored that total remission might be lower than expected and that treatment withdrawal might lead to relapses. Thus, a proper understanding of this condition is in order for better patient treatment and counseling. Further studies are still required to further characterize the many facets of EAF

    Total knee arthroplasty in valgus knee deformity: is it still a challenge in 2021?

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    Total knee arthroplasty in valgus knee deformities continues to be a challenge for a surgeon. Approximately 10% of patients who undergo total knee arthroplasty have a valgus deformity. While performing total knee arthroplasty in a severe valgus knee, one should aware with the technical aspects of surgical exposure, bone cuts of the distal femur and proximal tibia, medial and lateral ligament balancing, flexion and extension gap balancing, creating an appropriate tibiofemoral joint line, balancing the patellofemoral joint, preserving peroneal nerve function, and selection of the implant regarding constraint. Restoration of neutral mechanical axis and correct ligament balance are important factors for stability and longevity of the prosthesis and for good functional outcome. Thus, our review aims to provide step by step comprehensive knowledge about different surgical techniques for the correction of severe valgus deformity in total knee arthroplasty
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