168 research outputs found

    Improvement of Thermal Resistivity of Desert Sand for Use in High Voltage Cable Beddings and Foundation in Arid Zones

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    The soil thermal resistivity is of a great importance for the design of high voltage cables. Underground cables generate heat as a result of power losses when transmitting current. This heat must be dissipated in a form that will not affect the performance of the cables. The presence of moisture normally helps to reduce the thermal resistivity and keeps it within the design range. In arid areas the moisture content is decreased to very low values in dry seasons. This is found to bring the thermal resistively beyond the design ranges. Major cable failures took place during summer times in Riyadh city and surroundings. This was noted to increase for some years before 2002, which reported high temperature and generally hot climate. The Saudi Electric Company requested AMNK to investigate the possible ways to improve the thermal properties of backfill material used in bedding. In this research, improvement of the thermal resistivety (reduction) is obtained by adding cement and moisture and then dehydrating the mixture. The optimum amount of cement content to suite the Saudi desert material was found 5% after studying two common sand types using a non-steady state probe TP-02 with CR 10 X thermal program. The Saudi Electric Company found the process very successful and used it as part of the specifications and requirements in cable construction procedures

    Economics of Seeding Rate in Crop Yield

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    The present study reviews the determination of the crop yield issues. Data analysis and utilization in the determination is essential for better production and economic performance. We follow the method of Williamson (1988) in discussing those issue and briefly compare them to application in Sudan

    An ensemble model to detect packet length covert channels

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    Covert channel techniques have enriched the way to commit dangerous and unwatched attacks. They exploit ways that are not intended to convey information; therefore, traditional security measures cannot detect them. One class of covert channels that difficult to detect, mitigate, or eliminate is packet length covert channels. This class of covert channels takes advantage of packet length variations to convey covert information. Numerous research articles reflect the useful use of machine learning (ML) classification approaches to discover covert channels. Therefore, this study presented an efficient ensemble classification model to detect such types of attacks. The ensemble model consists of five machine learning algorithms representing the base classifiers. The base classifiers include naive Bayes (NB), decision tree (DT), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), and random forest (RF). Whereas, the logistic regression (LR) classifier was employed to aggregate the outputs of the base classifiers and thus to generate the ensemble classifier output. The results showed a good performance of our proposed ensemble classifier. It beats all single classification algorithms, with a 99.3% accuracy rate and negligible classification errors

    Preparation of biodegradable polymer nanoparticles stabilized with the poly (vinyl alcohol)-sodium dodecyl sulfate mixture: Effect of the lactide/glycolide molar ratio

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    Abstract: This study examines the effects of the lactide/glycolide molar ratio on the synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles using a PVA-SDS stabiliser solution. PLA was obtained with a ratio of 100/0, while PLGA was synthesized at ratios of 88/12 and 64/36. Polymerizations employed ROP at 130°C with stannous octanoate and 1-dodecanol as catalysts. Polymerizations were conducted through ring opening at 130°C with stannous octanoate and 1-dodecanol as catalyst and co-catalyst. Characterized polymers were used to prepare emulsions stabilized with polyvinyl alcohol (15 g/L) alone or mixed with sodium dodecyl sulfate of various molecular weights (MW=13-23, 31-50 and 85-124 KDa). These emulsions were stored in phosphate-buffered saline for 28 days at 37.4°C. Colloidally stable emulsions were achieved using different poly (vinyl alcohol) concentrations, with the lactide/glycolide molar ratio influencing particle diameter. The electrostatic stabilizer formed by the poly (vinyl alcohol)-sodium dodecyl sulfate mixture demonstrated .Superior stabilization compared to poly (vinyl alcohol) alone, representing a novel finding. Moreover, the poly (vinyl alcohol-sodium dodecyl sulfate) mixture showed reduced water diffusion into the nanoparticles compared to poly (vinyl alcohol) alone, as evidenced by molecular weight and pH measurements. Additionally, the degradation of poly (lactic acid) and poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) films was investigated; pH measurements in the immersed solutions showed that the degradation was increased with higher glycolide content


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    This study aims to determine the Bureaucratic Ethics in Public Services at the Duampanua Sub-District Office, Pinrang Regency. This research uses qualitative research with case study type. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. Research informants amounted to 12 people. Validation of data through triangulation of sources, techniques and time, then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the Bureaucratic Ethics that existed or was applied by the sub-district office were not in accordance with 1) Standardization and formalization, namely there were still many employees who did not follow the SOP. 2) Division of work and specialization, namely the placement of employees is not in accordance with their abilities. 3) Hierarchy of authority, namely the absence of written sanctions related to violations. 4) professionalization, ie there are no specific criteria for position placement. 5) Written documents, namely the filing system still needs improvement

    Direct and residual effects of chicken manure on soil air dry bulk density and moisture content of a desert plain soil and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield, Northern State, Sudan

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             This study was conducted for three consecutive seasons 2014/15 (direct effect), 2015/16 (direct and residual effects)  and 2016/17 (residual effect) on a desert soil with the aim to investigate direct and residual effects of chicken manure on air dry bulk density and moisture content of a desert plain soil as well as grain yield of wheat in the Northern State, Sudan. The chicken manure was used at four levels (0, 4, 8, and 12 ton ha-1). The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Land preparation was done manually for the residual effects of chicken manure so as not to mix the treatments which were fixed in the same plots of the first application of the manure. The results showed that the direct and residual effects of  chicken manure were effective in improving soil physical properties. The soil air dry bulk density was very highly significantly (P≤0.001) reduced on the average across the two seasons and varied from 1.67 g cm-3 for  the control treatment to 1.39 g cm-3 for the chicken manure treatments in  the direct effect and from 1.60 g cm-3 to 1.33 g cm-3 for the residual effect. The total pore space (porosity) increased very highly significantly(P≤0.001)  on average across the seasons and varied from 36 % for the control treatment  to 47.1% for the chicken manure treatments for the direct effect and from 38% to 49.1% for the residual effect  in response to the application of  the organic manure. The direct and residual effects of chicken manure very highly significantly (P≤0.001) increased the soil moisture percentage on the average across both seasons and varied from 9.4% in the control to 16.9% for the direct effect and from 10.5% to 19.6% for the residual effect in the top soil (30 cm soil depth).The results indicated that the direct and residual effects of chicken manure gave very highly significant (P≤0.001) increases in the grain yield of wheat on the average across the seasons and varied from 0.72 in the control treatment to 3.75 ton ha-1 in the direct effect and 1.87  to 5.54 ton ha-1 for the residual effect in this desert plain soil. It is recommended that 4 ton ha-1 of chicken manure can be applied to reclaim these desert plain soils and increase wheat yield in the Northern Sudan تضمنت الدراسة تجربة نفذت خلال ثلاثة  مواسم متتالية 2014/15 (الأثر المباشر) و2015/16 (الأثر المباشر والباقي) و2016/17 (الأثر الباقي)  في تربة صحراوية بهدف معرفة الأثر المباشر والباقي لسماد زرق الدواجن بأربعة مستويات (0 و 4 و 8 و 12 طن/ هكتار) على الكثافة الظاهرية ومحتوى الماء لتربة السهل الصحراوي وإنتاجية القمح بالولاية الشمالية بالسودان. نفذت التجربة على نظام القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة لثلاث مكررات. تم تحضير ارض التجربة يدويا حتى تحتفظ وحدات التجربة بنفس معاملات السنة الأولى وذلك لمعرفة الأثر الباقي لسماد زرق الدواجن. أوضحت النتائج أن الأثر المباشر و الباقي لسماد زرق الدواجن فعال في تحسين الخواص الطبيعية للتربة. وجد تناقص معنوي عال جدا (P≤0.001) في قيمة الكثافة الظاهرية للتربة في المتوسط للموسمين من 1.67  في الشاهد إلى 1.39 جرام/ سم3 في معاملات سماد زرق الدواجن بالنسبة للأثر المباشر لسماد زرق الدواجن حيث تناقصت الكثافة الظاهرية من 1.60 إلى 1.33 جرام/ سم3 بالنسبة للأثر الباقي لسماد زرق الدواجن. بينما حدثت زيادة معنوية عاليه جدا (P≤0.001) في مسامية التربة  في المتوسط للموسمين من 36 % في الشاهد إلى 47.1 % للأثر المباشر لمعاملات سماد زرق الدواجن أما بالنسبة للأثر الباقي كانت الزيادة في المتوسط للموسمين من 38% في الشاهد إلى 49% لمعاملات سماد زرق الدواجن. و أيضا أن سماد زرق الدواجن و أثره الباقي له اثر معنوي عالي جدا في زيادة  النسبة المئوية لماء التربة حيث كانت الزيادة في المتوسط للموسمين من 9.4 % في الشاهد إلى 16.9 % للأثر المباشر لسماد زرق الدواجن ومن 10.5 % في الشاهد إلى 19.6 % للأثر الباقي  لسماد زرق الدواجن في عمق 30سم من سطح التربة. أظهرت نتائج البحث أن الأثر المباشر والباقي لسماد زرق الدواجن له أثر معنوي عال جدا (P≤0.001) في زيادة إنتاجية محصول القمح في المتوسط للموسمين من 0.72 طن/هكتار في الشاهد إلى 3.75 طن/هكتار للأثر المباشر لمعاملات سماد زرق الدواجن ومن 1.87 طن/هكتار في الشاهد إلى 5.54 طن/هكتار للأثر الباقي لسماد زرق الدواجن  بتربة السهل الصحراوي. توصى الدراسة بان إضافة 4 طن/هكتار من سماد زرق الدواجن هي الأفضل لاستصلاح ترب السهل الصحراوي وزيادة إنتاجية القمح بشمال السودان

    Effect of nitrogen and zinc plus copper on sugarcane (Saccharum spp) plant crop in Guneid and Assalaya Sugar Estates, in central Sudan

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     أجريت التجارب الحالية في موسم 2005/06 في مزرعتي مصنعي سكر عسلاية والجنيد التابعتين لشركة السكر السودانية، في السهل الطيني الأوسط. كانت أهداف هذه الدراسة بحث استجابة محصول قصب السكر(محصول غرس) لجرعات مختلفة من النيتروجين فى شكل سماد اليوريا مصحوبة بعنصري الزنك زائدا النحاس. كانت جرعات اليوريا 150 و200 و250 كجم للفدان. أضيفت هذه الجرعات بعد 45 إلى 60 يوما من الزراعة حسب ما هو متبع في الحقول التجارية لقصب السكر. و كانت الجرعة المستخدمة من الزنك والنحاس هي صفر و 500 جم لكل (خليط) في شكل ملح كبريتات وقسمت هذه الجرعة إلى نصفين: أضيف النصف الأول عندما كان عمر المحصول خمسة شهور, كما أضيف النصف الثاني عند عمر  سبعة شهور في شكل سماد ورقى. وضع هذا الترتيب العاملين في تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة. أوضحت النتائج عدم وجود فروقات معنوية في مكونات الإنتاجية والإنتاجية ومكونات جودة السكر وإنتاجية السكر لمحصول القصب الغرس بين جرعات النيتروجين المستخدمة، إلا أن جودة السكر قد انخفضت قليلا بزيادة جرعة النيتروجين انخفاضا غير معنوي. كما أبانت الدراسة أيضا عدم وجود فروقات معنوية في الإنتاجية ومكونات جودة السكر وإنتاجية السكر لمحصول القصب الغرس بين إضافة عنصري الزنك زائدا النحاس مقارنة مع عدم إضافتهما في كل من موقعي الدراسة. كما أوضحت الدراسة عدم وجود تفاعل بين النيتروجين والزنك زائدا النحاس. كان تركيز عناصر النيتروجين والزنك والنحاس في أوراق نبات قصب السكر في المدى من 1,9 إلى 2,5 %  و 40,37 إلى 49,16 و 16,58 إلى 22,42 مجم لكل كجم مادة جافة على التوالي لكل الوحدات التجريبية في التجربتين. وتعتبر هذه التركيزات في الحدود الكافية لنبات قصب السكر. أبانت الدراسة أن الجرعة 150 كجم يوريا للفدان(164 كجم نيتروجين للهكتار) هي الجرعة المناسبة لكل من إنتاجية القصب والسكر في محصول الغرس مقارنة بالجرعة العادية 200 كجم للفدان (219 كجم نيتروجين للهكتار) في حقول قصب السكر التجارية. كذلك إن إضافة عنصري الزنك والنحاس لمحصول الغرس لم تثبت أنها ذات فائدة لفلاحة قصب السكر في هذه المرحلة. &nbsp

    Effect of organic manures and mineral N fertilizer on production of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Malakal area

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       Field experiments were conducted for two rain-fed seasons (2006 and 2007) at the University of Upper Nile, Faculty of Agriculture farm (Malakal), to study the effect of farmyard manure, water hyacinth compost and inorganic N fertilizer on the growth and yield of groundnuts. These manures were added at 15 t ha-1 alone or in combination with 86 kg N ha-1, compared to 86 kg N ha-1 alone. Application of 86 kg N ha-1alone increased groundnuts vegetative growth and resulted in significantly more hay yield at harvest. However, it had no adverse effects on number of nodules per plant. It also did not significantly increase pod yield over that of the control. The treatments with either organic manure produced significantly more nodulation. They resulted in significantly high pod and hay yields over that of the control for both seasons. The treatments with either organic manure augmented with 86 kg N ha-1 significantly increased plant shoot and root dry weights, nodule number plant-1, and plant N and P uptake. They resulted in significantly the highest pod and hay yields over all other treatments for both seasons.        Field experiments were conducted for two rain-fed seasons (2006 and 2007) at the University of Upper Nile, Faculty of Agriculture farm (Malakal), to study the effect of farmyard manure, water hyacinth compost and inorganic N fertilizer on the growth and yield of groundnuts. These manures were added at 15 t ha-1 alone or in combination with 86 kg N ha-1, compared to 86 kg N ha-1 alone. Application of 86 kg N ha-1alone increased groundnuts vegetative growth and resulted in significantly more hay yield at harvest. However, it had no adverse effects on number of nodules per plant. It also did not significantly increase pod yield over that of the control. The treatments with either organic manure produced significantly more nodulation. They resulted in significantly high pod and hay yields over that of the control for both seasons. The treatments with either organic manure augmented with 86 kg N ha-1 significantly increased plant shoot and root dry weights, nodule number plant-1, and plant N and P uptake. They resulted in significantly the highest pod and hay yields over all other treatments for both seasons.   &nbsp