33 research outputs found

    Cybercrime in Nigeria: An Overview of Cybercrime Act 2013

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    The paper focuses on cybercrimes in Nigeria, the examples of cybercrimes and also an overview of Cybercrimes Act 2013. Cybercrime are associated with Nigerian for examples email scams, phishing and credit card fraud; the Nigerian banks are susceptible to these attacks. It is evident that many Nigerians, organizations and government are investing significant amount of money in protection their Information communication and technology (ICTs) systems and networks. The increase rises of cybercrimes in the Nigerian cyberspace prove that some organizations are fighting cybercrimes through cyber security experts but only when security is breached or compromise. The recent Cybercrimes Act established by the Nigerian legislation intends to fight cybercrimes in all angles. The Overview of Cybercrimes Act 2013 gives us an inside of the relevancy of the Act to the current issue at hand where the Act dedicated a Part discussing the offences and their penalties in relation to cybercrime. With this Act in operation a roadmap in curbing the menace of cybercrime in Nigeria is captured. The paper will proffer recommendations and conclusions for effective measures for proper implementation and enforcement. Keywords: Cybercrime, examples of cybercrimes, overview of Cybercrime Act 201

    Kinetic Study of Calcination of Jakura Limestone Using Power Rate Law Model

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    The current demand of hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2] worldwide has necessitated investigation into kinetics of calcinations of some large commercial deposits of limestone in Nigeria. The study is aimed at finding kinetic parameters for the purpose of energy saving, lime kiln design, modeling and simulation of lime kiln. In this study, kinetic of Jakura limestone calcination process using power rate law has been investigated. The Jakura limestone has percentage composition of 96.56% of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) and the results of its decomposition at different temperature between 800 – 12000C showed that conversion of CaCO3 to quicklime (CaO) increased with increase in reaction temperature and reaction time. It was observed that optimum conversion time within the temperature range studied was 6 hours with maximum conversion of 91.01% achieved at 12000C. The calcination of Jakura limestone was also found to be first order reaction with respect to CaCO3 concentration having average regression coefficient of 0.99. The temperature dependent terms were found using Arrhenius law and it was observed that the reaction temperature has a direct effect on the rate of reaction. The effective values of activation energy and frequency factor were all within the range of literature values and were found to be 121.708kJ/mol/K, and 2.943 respectively

    Modification and Performance Evaluation of Active Solar Dryer for High Moisture Tomato Crop

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    In this study, two active solar cabinet dryers with capacity each to dry 10 kg of fresh vegetable were fabricated. The drying cabinet of the first dryer was fabricated using plywood and is refer to as unmodified dryer (UM) while the second dryer with white transparent glass and is refer to as modified dryer (MD). The performances of the two dryers in terms of total drying time, final moisture content obtained and preservation of nutritive values of the dried vegetable were investigated using tomato as sample. Ten kilogram of the sample were sliced to about 1cm and neatly arranged in the drying chamber for the drying process in a period of two days (8am-6pm). The results revealed that there was a reduction in total drying time of 2.5 hours, from 18 hours in UM to 15.5hours in MD which corresponds to reduction in moisture content (wet basis) from initial value of 92% to final moisture content of 12- 13.3%. The results further revealed that maximum drying rate of 6.9 kg/h was observed for UM dryer and 9.4 kg/h for MD both obtained within 8 hours of drying time.  The average temperature recorded in the MD was found more than the UM by about 13°C at 3.00pm. The efficiency of the MD in terms of reduction in total drying time was 13.89% higher than the UM. Proximate analysis result shows the composition of the dried tomato in the UM to be protein, 0.76%; lipids, 1.00%; vitamin E, 0.0083%; moisture content, 13.3%; ash, 0.60% and crude fiber, 1.80%. However, the composition of dried tomato in MD were protein, 0.69%; lipids, 0.90%; vitamin E, 0.0080%; moisture content, 12%; ash, 0.58% and crude fiber, 1.78%

    Production and Economics Evaluation of Pilot Scale Essential Oil Extract from Eucalyptus Citriodora Leaves

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    In this study, essential oil was extracted from eucalyptus citriodora leaves plant species (lemon-scented gum) in a pilot plant using steam distillation technology. The extraction pattern of the oil was monitored over time and economic analysis of the production was carried out.  Five batches were carried out in a day and the results revealed that the daily production of the oil was 0.579 liters in a loading capacity of 100kg of leaves. It was also observed that the total production cycle per batch was 1.96 hours out of which 80 minutes were the actual extraction time with lag period of 37 minutes. The results further revealed that 66.7% of the oil was extracted in 40 minutes while 95.6% in 80 minutes. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) was used as source of energy with daily consumption of 7.5 kg at a cost of N2,400.00K. The economic analysis on annual basis revealed that the operating cost was N1,742,400.00K. The production output of the oil was estimated at 138.96 litres with expected selling price of N4,863,600.00K at the rate of N35,000.00K per litre and expected profit after tax of N2,115,871.00K. From this economic analysis carried out based on the practical data generated in the pilot plant, this project is highly profitable and is strongly recommended to potential investors and entrepreneurs. This will help in providing jobs for our teaming unemployed youths mostly in rural areas where these raw materials are in abundant thereby increasing nation’s foreign earning due to its export potential

    Process intensification of lemon grass oil in a pilot plant

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    The extraction of essential oil from lemon-grass was carried out using steam distillation in a locally designed and fabricated pilot plant of 100 kg/day capacity. The extraction pattern and economic analysis of the oil extracted were monitored over time. The extraction revealed that 0.414 litres of oil was produced in a day of five batches with a total production cycle per batch of 1.61 hours. The study further revealed that 94.3% of the oil was extracted in 60 minutes. The GCMS result shows the major components in the extracted Lemon grass oil were Oleic acid, Neral and Citral with percentage composition of 25.69%, 19.32% and 15.38% respectively. These percent compositions compare favourably with literature values. The properties of the Lemon grass oil were found to be: specific gravity, 0.8952; iodine value, 120.7g/g; saponification value, 201.3 mgKOH/g and cetane number, 43.7. The economic analysis on a monthly basis revealed a production cost (direct and indirect) of N160,050.00K and the expected net profit of N378,150.00K.Keywords: Essential Oil, Lemon Grass, Extraction, Pilot Plant and Process Intensificatio

    Effect of Period and Storage Conditions on Essential Oil Yield And Composition of Eucalyptus Citriodora Leaves

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    Fresh eucalyptus citriodora leaves were harvested and kept under shade and sun for a period of four weeks. The effect of storage conditions and period of storage on the oil yield, oil composition and extraction pattern of the oil were investigated. It was observed that for the leave kept under sun there was significant decrease in the oil yield from 0.38% in the 1st week to 0.11% in the 4th week. However, for leaves kept under shade the oil yield slightly decreased from about 0.40% in the 1st week to 0.36% in the 4th week. The results further revealed that the storage condition and period of storage had no effect on the extraction pattern of the oil with about 72% of the oil extracted within 40 minutes of extraction time after induction period of 24 minutes. Two mathematical model equations were developed for the prediction of oil yield as a function of storage time for both conditions. The models predicted that for leaves stored in the shade and sun the expected oil yield would be 34.5% and 1% respectively. Physiochemical analysis of the oils revealed that the properties of the oil were not affected by both the period and condition of storage except the colour which changed from pale yellow to light brown. These results imply that the leaves should best be kept under shade before production in order to preserve its oil content and physiochemical properties

    Comparative analysis on the user-friendliness between computer and tablet application in the performance analysis of soccer

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    Variety of applications have been developed over the years to serve as the device for performance analysis in soccer. Computer applications have been utilized to analyze player’s performance long before the discovery of tablet applications. However, for the performance analysis to be more accurate and free from human error, the device used for the analysis need to be user-friendly. The aim of this study is to compare the user-friendliness between computer and tablet application in the performance analysis of soccer. Computer and tablet applications were provided to twenty-five performance analysts. They were asked to analyze the performance of players during a soccer match using the two applications differently. Their opinions were collected using a questionnaire for which application was more user–friendly. Chi-square test for goodness of fit was conducted based on the hypothesis that there was no significance difference in their opinion at a confidence level of p ≤ .05. The results shows the analyst differed in their views, (χ² = (1, N = 25) = 9.00, p < .05). The null hypothesis was therefore rejected, and tablet application was found to be user-friendly in the performance analysis of soccer. Tablet application should be more explored in performance analysis of soccer

    Economic Analysis of Production of Essential Oil using Steam Distillation Technology

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    This paper examines the economical analysis of producing essential oil from leafy part of Eucalyptus citriodora plant using steam distillation technology. The specific objectives were to examine the viability or otherwise of this method of producing essential oil in terms of net profit generated, return on investment and pay back period. The data used in this study were obtained from series of test-run carried out on the fabricated essential oil pilot plant and other input costs were based on the current market price available in Zaria Area Council, Kaduna State. The results showed that the total estimated cost of the pilot plant (direct fixed cost) with capacity to produce 0.864 litres/hour of crude essential oil was N1,453,493:00 and annual operating cost (AOC) of N 4,026,492:00. The plant is expected to produce 840 litres of distilled essential oil per annum with expected annual selling price of N6,300,000:00 and profit after tax (PAT) of N1, 818,806.00 at 20% tax rate. The return on investment (ROI) was 125%, internal rate of return (IRR) of 29.64% and pay back period (PBP) of 0.75 years. From the profitability analysis and measure of return on investment carried out based on the various assumptions and projections made, it was quite obvious that the production of essential oil using steam distillation technology is highly profitable which should be attractive to potential investors. Keywords: Essential oil, Eucalyptus citriodora, Steam, distillation, Economical analysis

    Effect of Crossability in Improving Some Selected Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata [L.,] Walp) Varieties

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    The studies on the effect of crossability in improving some selected cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] walp) varieties(IT87D941 - I, IT97K 499 - 35 and Dankurmi) was carried out in the screen, Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Ahmadu Bello University. Seeds of three cowpea varieties were sown in a Completely Randomized Design. Pollen viability studies and cytological study were conducted. The result of the study showed that fertile hybrids were produced which were vigorous and intermediate between the parent varieties with respect to many morphological characteristics. Meiotic analysis of parents and F1 hybrids revealed normal meiosis with 11 bivalents and normal viable pollen were found in high percentage ranging from 90% to 98% in both parents and F1 hybrids. It is concluded that fertile hybrids were produced through cross combinations. Hybridization is quantitatively an effective method to improve cowpea genotypes using quantitative traits. This study recommended that hybridization using cowpea varieties with high receptivity for pollen due to high fertility and compatibility could improve local varieties with low pollen contents which will in turn improve the quality and quantity of cowpea genotypes (varieties)

    Assessment of Genetic Variability of Some Quantitative Traits of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.,] walp) Varieties

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    The studies on the assessment of genetic variability of some quantitative traits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.,] WALP) varieties were conducted at the green house of the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. Completely Randomized Design was used. The Seeds of the three cowpea varieties (IT87D 941-1, IT97K 499-35 and Dankurmi) were sown in Plastic pots and are arranged in six replications. Variations of selected quantitative traits were studied in three cowpea varieties (IT87D941 - I, IT97K 499 - 35 and Dankurmi) and their F1 and F2 hybrids. The first two varieties are improved varieties which are tall and photo-insensitive. The latter is a local variety which is short and photo-sensitive. There were improvements in quantitative traits of F1 hybrids derived from crosses involving Dankurmi. Highly significant differences were observed in many traits such as height at maturity, number of pods per plants, length of pods per plants, number of seed per pod and leaf area in the F2 population. Positive correlation coefficient was obtained and this will enhance productivity through selection using the two characters positively correlated. It was concluded that hybrid plants were found to be vigorous and intermediate between the parent varieties with respect to many quantitative traits. The seed set data indicated that cross compatibility was lower in crosses involving Dankurmi, which may be due to low pollen content and the high seed set in IT87K 499-35 suggests high receptivity for pollen. This may be due to high fertility and compatibility. This study recommended that cross combination through the use of hybridization would improve the quality and quantity of quantitative traits which would in turn improve the quality and quantity of cowpea genotypes (varieties)