7 research outputs found

    Resistance to Aging of Asphalt Modified with Multidimensional Nanomaterials: A literary Review

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    Multidimensional nanomaterials, is a resource that has been formed over time becoming a revolutionary technology with a transcendent character providing the use in asphalt construction procedures, benefiting in the aspects of resistance in the environments to the field of civil engineering, in the same way it is a way in the advance for a better conservation of horizontal works with a favorable impact on the materials used, helping to preserve the care of the environment. In such a way that, in this article, a systematic review is reflected, around the exhaustive research in the databases such as Scopus and Science Direct, compiling a sum of 85 articles, which are indexed in journals from 2017 to 2021, carried out correspondingly on the different investigations of the management of multidimensional nanomaterials in asphalts. The objective of this literary review is to transmit various research by authors such as: the impact on the life cycle of asphalt, the performance it produces, the profitability and the advantage of the teaching that multidimensional nanomaterials have left, to later show results that show a growth in yields in asphalts through the application of multidimensional nanomaterials, So that it presents greater efficiency in the resistance to aging of the asphalt it is concluded that the nanomaterials reduce the environmental impact caused by the field of the constructions, improving the anti-aging capacity of the asphalt

    Influence of Bacteria on Self-Healing Concrete

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    El presente documento contempla una reflexión crítica de los avances tecnológicos en ensayos biológicos y químicos que es sometido el concreto mediante la incorporación de bacterias, con el objetivo de conocer los distintos elementos microbianos que poseen propiedades de biomineralización capaces de realizar la autocuración en el concreto, asimismo, se revisaron métodos y aplicaciones de las bacterias en el concreto con el fin de mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas a las diferentes exigencias sometidas las estructuras modernas, y al mismo tiempo contribuir con la reducción de gases dañinos al medio ambiente. En el desarrollo de este manuscrito se revisaron 80 artículos indexados entre los años 2017 al 2021 distribuidos de la siguiente manera, 51 en Scopus, 17 en Ebsco, y 12 en SciencieDirect, señalando y describiendo que el concreto microbiano tiene un enfoque prometedor en un futuro cercano. Los resultados alcanzados con la incorporación de las diferentes bacterias de Bacillus, como son Bacillus subtillis, B, cohnii, B. pasteurii, B. pseudofirmus, B. megaterium entre otros, en diferentes concentraciones de células/ml., mostraron gran efectividad en la cicatrización de grietas, aumentando también la resistencia a la compresión, flexión y tracción en el concreto. Sobre la base de la revisión literaria se concluye que la precipitación microbiana de carbonato de calcio mediante ureólisis en la matriz del concreto, mitiga el agrietamiento, mejora la resistencia, aumenta la durabilidad y, por lo tanto, disminuye los costes en reparación de las estructuras.  This document contemplates a critical reflection of the technological advances in biological and chemical tests that concrete is subjected to through the incorporation of bacteria, with the aim of knowing the different microbial elements that have biomineralization properties capable of self-healing in concrete. Likewise, the methods and applications of bacteria in concrete were reviewed in order to improve its mechanical properties to the different demands placed on modern structures, and at the same time contribute to the reduction of gases that are harmful to the environment. In the development of this manuscript, 80 articles indexed between the years 2017 to 2021 were reviewed, distributed as follows, 51 in Scopus, 17 in Ebsco, and 12 in SciencieDirect, pointing out and describing that microbial concrete has a promising approach in the future. Near. The results achieved with the incorporation of the different Bacillus bacteria, such as Bacillus subtillis, B, cohnii, B. pasteurii, B. pseudofirmus, B. megaterium among others, in different concentrations of cells / ml., Showed great effectiveness in the crack healing, also increasing resistance to compression, bending and traction in concrete. Based on the literary review, it is concluded that the microbial precipitation of calcium carbonate by ureolysis in the concrete matrix mitigates cracking, improves strength, increases durability and, therefore, reduces costs in repairing structures

    Comportamiento físico-mecánico del hormigón adicionando residuos de acero: una revisión literaria

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    At present, the interest of using waste materials and byproducts from concrete has increased, due to the need for minimizing pollution on our planet. The present document aims to systematically review the literature regarding the implementation of steel residues in the concrete mix, and how this influences its physical-mechanical behavior. It has focused mainly on steel residues in the form of slag, filings, shavings, and fibers; incorporated in all types of structural concrete, used in columns, beams, footings, slabs, and walls. The use of these materials has a high impact because it helps reduce the cost of manufacturing cement and concrete, and also provides numerous ecological benefits, such as reducing the cost of landfills, saving energy, and protecting the environment from possible contamination. The indexed articles were searched in the following databases: ASCE, EBSCO, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Scopus y SpringerOpen, finally selecting a total of 60 articles published since 2014.   Finally, it is concluded that the use of steel waste is an alternative to be incorporated into the concrete mix, since it can partially or totally replace the aggregate, achieving the production of concretes that do not present affection in their physical mechanical properties; and even, in some cases, improving said characteristics.En la actualidad, el interés por usar materiales de desecho y subproductos provenientes del hormigón ha incrementado, debido a la necesidad de minimizar la contaminación en el planeta. El presente documento tiene como objetivo la revisión sistemática de la literatura con respecto a la implementación de los residuos de acero en la mezcla de hormigón, y cómo esto influye en su comportamiento físico-mecánico. Se ha enfocado el interés principalmente en los residuos de acero en forma de escoria, limadura, viruta y fibras, incorporados en todo tipo de hormigón estructural, utilizado en columnas, vigas, zapatas, losas y muros. El uso de estos materiales tiene un alto impacto, pues no solo ayuda a reducir el costo de fabricación de cemento y hormigón, sino que a la vez otorga numerosos beneficios ecológicos, como reducir el costo de los vertederos, ahorrar energía y proteger el medio ambiente de una posible contaminación. Se efectuó la búsqueda de artículos indexados en las diversas bases de datos, tales como ASCE, EBSCO, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Scopus y SpringerOpen; se seleccionó finalmente un total de 60 artículos publicados desde el año 2014. Se concluye que el uso de residuos de acero es una alternativa para incorporar a la mezcla de hormigón, pues puede reemplazar parcial o totalmente al agregado y lograr la producción de hormigones que no presenten afección en sus propiedades físico-mecánicas; e incluso, en algunos casos, mejorar dichas características

    Estabilidad y flujo de mezclas asfálticas en caliente incorporando escorias de acero

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    The present investigation was based on the innovation and elaboration of a hot asphalt mix (HMA) due to the premature deterioration of flexible pavements, and low capacity to fulfill its useful life. Then, it is recognized the need to ensure a good quality of materials for the asphalt mix and a search for a new material that can give greater durability and avoiding premature deterioration of the pavement. Thus, the incorporation of steel slag for the HMA design was evaluated with the objective to determine the stability and flow of the hot asphalt mixture incorporating steel slags. To achieve this, the Marshall methodology was developed with a percentage of steel slag with respect to the coarse aggregate in 0% - 15% - 25% - 50% - 75%. The results obtained, in terms of quality of the aggregates, complied with the standards of quality. It was concluded that the modified asphalt mixture with 15% steel slag is the best combination, in the same way this percentage complies for light-medium traffic, the remaining combinations (25% - 50% - 75%) only comply for light traffic. It was possible to increase the stability and flow of the incorporated asphalt mixture up to a maximum of 25% for a HMA with respect to the control mixture.La presente investigación se basó en la innovación y elaboración de una mezcla asfáltica en caliente (MAC), debido al deterioro prematuro de los pavimentos flexibles, y poca capacidad de cumplir con su vida útil. He aquí la necesidad de asegurar una buena calidad de materiales para la mezcla asfáltica y una búsqueda de nuevo material que sea capaz de dar mayor durabilidad y evitar un prematuro deterioro del pavimento. Se evaluó así la incorporación de escoria de acero para el diseño de MAC, con el objetivo de determinar la estabilidad y flujo de la mezcla asfáltica en caliente incorporando escorias de acero. Para esto, se empleó la metodología Marshall con un porcentaje de escoria de acero respecto al agregado grueso en 0% - 15% - 25% - 50% - 75%. Los resultados obtenidos, en cuanto a calidad de los agregados, cumplieron con los estándares de calidad. Se concluyó que la mezcla asfáltica modificada con la escoria de acero al 15% es la mejor combinación, de igual forma, este porcentaje cumple para tránsito liviano, mediano, al 25% - 50% - 75% solo cumplen para transito liviano. Se logró aumentar la estabilidad y flujo de la mezcla asfáltica al incorporar hasta un máximo de 25% para una MAC respecto a la mezcla de control. &nbsp

    Effects of incorporating granite powder in the mechanical properties of concrete

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    This study analyzes the effects of the incorporation of the granite powder (GP) as a partial replacement of the sand in the concrete in percentages of 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% to carry out a mix design of 210 kg·cm–2. Seeking to find an optimal proportion to increase its mechanical properties where the geotechnical characteristics of the aggregates were identified, workability, temperature, beams and concrete specimens were elaborated. The results of bending and compression tests were compared after 7, 14 and 28 days from setting between the standard concrete and the concrete incorporated with the GP. It is concluded that the optimal result was at 20% GP with 268.6 kg·cm–2, where the compressive strength increases by 13%, while its flexural property rupture modulus of 35 kg·cm–2 and workability are in an optimal range according to the stipulated parameters, thus allowing an important application for this waste in the construction industry, therefore contributing to recycling, environmental quality and the development of the usage of new materials

    Revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre mejoramiento de las propiedades mecánicas del concreto adicionando fibras artificiales y naturales

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    Context:  Since structures are nowadays being affected due to the environment in which they are located, as well as by strong seismic movements, leading them in some cases to collapse. Method: A search of scientific articles for the period 2014-2021 was carried out in different databases. 56 research works that applied fibers were collected. To this effect, keywords such as hormigón reforzado, reinforced concrete, and mechanical properties of concrete were used. Results: The mechanical characteristics of concrete which should be prioritized for improvement should be compression resistance capacity, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, durability properties such as resistance to chemical attack, shrinkage properties, permeability properties, and physical properties such as drying time, unit weight, erosion, and absorption. Conclusions: Among the artificial fibers most used by researchers, metallic fibers stand out. In the same way, among the natural fibers, banana, rice husk, and sugar cane bagasse stand out.Contexto: Toda vez que hoy en día las estructuras están siendo afectadas debido al medio ambiente en el que se ubican, así como por fuertes movimientos sísmicos, llevándolas en algunos casos hasta el colapso. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos para el período 2014-2021 en diferentes bases de datos. Se recopilaron 56 investigaciones que emplearon fibras. Para ello se utilizaron palabras claves como: hormigón reforzado, reinforced concrete y propiedades mecánicas del hormigón. Resultados: Las características mecánicas del hormigón que debe priorizarse mejorar deben ser la capacidad de resistencia a la compresión, la resistencia a la tracción, el módulo de elasticidad, propiedades de durabilidad como la resistencia al ataque químico, las propiedades de contracción, las propiedades de permeabilidad y propiedades físicas como el tiempo de secado, el peso unitario, la erosión y la absorción. Conclusiones: Entre las fibras artificiales más utilizadas por los investigadores destacan las fibras metálicas. Del mismo modo, dentro de las fibras naturales destacan la de banano, la cáscara de arroz y la de bagazo de caña de azúcar

    Influence of coconut fiber on mortar properties in masonry walls

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    The scarcity of stone materials, such as sand, has led to the exploration of alternative, sustainable options for mortars, including coconut fiber. This material, with minimal intervention in various areas of Peru, has proven to be an excellent choice in mortar preparation due to its characteristics of strength and durability. The study aimed to assess the influence of coconut fiber in mortar applications on the mechanical properties of clay brick masonry. Mixes were created with ratios of 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5, incorporating coconut fiber pre-treated at percentages of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% relative to the weight of cement and a length of 3 cm, respectively. Tests, including fluidity, compressive strength, and flexural strength, were conducted on mortar specimens. The behavior of clay brick masonry was evaluated through flexural strength, axial compression in prisms, and diagonal compression in walls. The most favorable result was observed in the 1:3 mix with the addition of 0.5% fiber, demonstrating a remarkable 22.6% increase in flexural strength compared to standard mortar. Subsequently, in masonry tests, the addition of 0.5% coconut fiber in 1:3 ratio mortars showed increases of 3.9%, 65.9%, and 3.3% in compressive strength, flexural strength, and diagonal compression in walls, respectively, compared to the standard samples. In conclusion, the addition of coconut fiber contributes significantly to the enhancement of mortar properties