35 research outputs found

    El modelo sistémico en la intervención familiar

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    Darrera actualització, gener de 2016Text docent d'introducció dels conceptes bàsics del model sistèmic orientat a la intervenció amb famílie

    La evaluación en terapia familiar

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    El documento recoge los principales aspectos a tener en considerar para la evaluación de la familia desde el modelo sistémico

    El equipo como instrumento de intervención

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    Navarro (1992) desglosa las diferentes funciones que puede cumplir el equipo terapéutico en terapia familiar sistémica: El equipo actúa como un grupo observador en las tareas de evaluación familiar, ofrece ayuda al terapeuta en la toma de decisiones o en situaciones comprometidas dentro de la sesión (p. ej., cuando el terapeuta se enfrasca en una discusión no productiva con la familia) y, por último, puede actuar en sí mismo como un instrumento de intervención..

    Terapia sistémica de pareja de la depresión. Un estudio de caso único

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    En este estudio de caso único se presenta el tratamiento de una mujer diagnosticada de depresión mayor con terapia sistémica de pareja. Esta modalidad de terapia supone la inclusión de la pareja en todas las sesiones de tratamiento, en las que se trabaja con ambos de forma conjunta. A medida que avanza la terapia se van explicitando los significados relacionales de los síntomas y las dificultades de relación, y se trabaja de forma conjunta para remediarlas. El proceso terapéutico se completó con 11 sesiones, la mayoría quincenales, y los resultados de la evaluación al terminar el tratamiento mostraron un descenso notable de los síntomas depresivos de la paciente (según el BDI-II) con respecto a la evaluación inicial. Asimismo, en la entrevista diagnóstica post-tratamiento no cumplía tampoco los criterios de depresión mayor. En cuanto a la pareja, ambos percibieron la relación como más armónica (según el DAS). Dentro de las limitaciones propias de los estudios de caso único, este trabajo permite ilustrar las potencialidades del enfoque sistémico en el tratamiento de la depresión.In this case study, the treatment of a woman with the diagnosis of major depression using systemic couple therapy is presented. In this kind of therapy the partner is included in the all the treatment sessions working in a conjoint format. As therapy progresses, the relational meanings of the symptoms are made explicit, some relationship difficulties emerge, and joint work is made to find solutions. This therapy was completed after 11 mostly two-weekly sessions, and the results at the post-therapy assessment showed a substantial decrease in her depressive symptoms (measured with BDI-II) as compared to pre-therapy assessment. Also, in the structured diagnostic post-therapy interview she did not fulfil anymore the criteria for major depression. For the couple, both perceived their relationship as more harmonious (according to their scores on the DAS). Within the characteristic limitations of a single case study design, this work illustrates the potentials of systemic couple therapy for the treatment of depression

    Stability and consistency of coping in adolescence: A longitudinal study

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    This study analyzed stability and consistency of coping among adolescents. The objectives were twofold: a) to analyze temporal stability and cross-situational consistency of coping responses after a 17- month interval, taking into account gender, age and type of stressor. b) To analyze the relative weight of contextual versus dispositional factors in predicting future coping. A cohort of 341 adolescents (51% girls and 49% boys aged between 12 and 16) were assessed twice by means of the Coping Responses Inventory - Youth. The results indicated that the coping responses were quite stable over time at the group level, but with important within-subject differences. Girls showed slightly more stability than boys. Among the girls, Avoidance coping showed as much stability as consistency and Approach coping showed more stability than consistency. Among the boys, Avoidance coping showed more stability than consistency, and Approach coping showed both low stability and low consistency. Among the boys, the coping used at Time 1 barely predicted that used at Time 2; in contrast, among the girls, the type of coping used in the past, especially Avoidance coping, predicted the coping that would be used in the future

    Psychometric properties and dimensional structure of the Spanish version of the Coping Responses Inventory - Adult Form

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    One of the goals of psychological assessment focuses on the adaptation of its instruments to different populations. The objective of this study is to establish the psychometric properties and dimensional structure of the Spanish version of the Coping Responses Inventory- Adult Form (CRI-Adult, Moos, 1993). The following criteria were analyzed: a) descriptive statistics; b) internal consistency reliability (Cronbach"s alpha, and intercorrelations between scales); c) test-retest reliability (4-week interval); d) dimensionality of CRI-Adult (exploratory factor analysis); e) construct validity (confirmatory factor analysis); f) convergent criterion validity (correlations between CRI-Adult and Coping Strategies Indicator, CSI, Amirkhan, 1990), and g) predictive criterion validity (correlations between CRI-Adult, and SCL-90-R, Derogatis, 1983). The results, obtained with 800 adults from Barcelona and surrounding area (334 men and 466 women, aged between 18 to 76 years) indicate that the Spanish version of CRIAdult has satisfactory psychometric properties that allow using this test with guarantee

    La hipnosis en el tratamiento del dolor crónico

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    For a long time, hypnosis has been associated with knowledge areas of little apparent scientific validity. Fourtanely, in recent years, hypnosis has proved to be a useful technique for intervention in the health area. The area where mor estudies have been conducted and with greater success is on treatment of chronic pain. However, some obstacles must yet be overcome: the limited use of hypnosis in the public health services in Spain, and the resources assigned by universities for researchand professional trainingon these techniques are scarce. This paper aims to briefly review the current state of hypnosis in the treatment of chronic pain, and advocates for its integration within a multidisciplinary treatment of chronic pain

    Evaluación del cambio terapéutico

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    La efectividad de la psicoterapia es un campo de interés que ha generado numerosas investigaciones. Diversas variables como son la alianza terapéutica, el estilo de convivencia o comunicación familiar, así como la percepción del ajuste marital han sido estudiadas para valorar el efecto que la psicoterapia ejerce. A continuación exponemos brevemente algunos instrumentos de medida que permiten evaluar el cambio terapéutico en el marco de la terapia familiar y de pareja