444 research outputs found

    La aproximación multimétodo en evaluación de necesidades

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    La evaluación de necesidades es una modalidad de investigación social aplicada, de carácter evaluativo, que consiste en identificar y priorizar los problemas existentes en un contexto determinado, como base para la planificación de intervenciones que incidan sobre las principales carencias detectadas. A pesar de la amplia variedad de métodos de investigación disponibles para el desarrollo de este tipo de estudios, la práctica de la evaluación de necesidades suele caracterizarse por cierta pobreza metodológica, con un claro predominio de la encuesta como principal o único método de recogida de información. En el presente trabajo, tras realizar una breve revisión de las aproximaciones metodológicas alternativas que es posible adoptar en el ámbito general de la investigación social y la evaluación de programas, se propone un modelo multimétodo de evaluación de necesidades que plantea el uso combinado de técnicas de investigación tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas.Needs assessment is a type of applied social evaluative research, focused on the identification and prioritization of problems in a specific context, as a base for intervention planning oriented to solve the main identified needs. In spite of the huge availability of research methods for the development of this kind of studies, needs assessment practice is too often charaterized by certain methodological poverty, with a clear dominance of the survey as the main or only research method. In the present paper, after a brief revision of the methodological approaches that may be adopted in the general field of social research and programme evaluation, a multimethod needs assessment model is proposed, suggesting the combined use of both qualitative and quantitative research techniques

    Early degradation of PV modules and guaranty conditions

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    CIEMAT PVLabDER has largely increased its demand on testing and characterizing PV plants, according to the fast growth of PV installed capacity in Spain. One of the topics in which manufacturers, promoters, and owners of the plants are more interested in, is the possible degradation of PV modules and its relationship to guarantee contracts, as it is related to subsidies. This paper presents some findings in campaigns of PV plants evaluation carried out during last years. This evaluation usually consists of visual inspection, I-V curve measurement in the fields (the whole plant or selected areas), thermal evaluation by IR imaging, and, in some cases, measurement of the I-V characteristic and thermal behaviour of selected modules in the plant, chosen by the laboratory. It must be noticed that new defects that grow when the module is into operation may appear in modules initially free of them (named as hidden manufacturing defects). Usually some of these hidden defects that only appear in normal operation are not detected in reliability tests (EN61215 or EN 61646) [4][5] due to the different operational conditions of the module in the standard tests and in the field (serial-parallel connection of many PV modules, power inverter influence, over voltage on wires, etc.

    Influence of initial power stabilization over crystalline-Si photovoltaic modules maximum power

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    Measurements that suppliers offer in specification sheets are not always close to the actual power measured in independent laboratories such as CIEMAT. Independent measurements tend to be lower than those printed on the label sometimes even lower than the allowed tolerance indicated by the manufacturer on the same label. Furthermore, a potentially significant power reduction has been reported when Standard EN50380 (which requires photovoltaic (PV) modules to be exposed to more than 20 kWh/m2 of sunlight prior to taking the measurements that appear on the label) is followed. This is the initial power stabilization and this work studies the power stabilization that tends to appear in crystalline PV modules. Crystalline PV modules usually decrease in power around 1%, but decreases >4% have also been reported. These power losses are only detected after the mentioned power stabilizatio

    Early degradation of PV modules and guaranty conditions

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    CIEMAT PVLabDER has largely increased its demand on testing and characterizing PV plants, according to the fast growth of PV installed capacity in Spain. One of the topics in which manufacturers, promoters, and owners of the plants are more interested in, is the possible degradation of PV modules and its relationship to guarantee contracts, as it is related to subsidies. This paper presents some findings in campaigns of PV plants evaluation carried out during last years. This evaluation usually consists of visual inspection, I-V curve measurement in the fields (the whole plant or selected areas), thermal evaluation by IR imaging, and, in some cases, measurement of the I-V characteristic and thermal behaviour of selected modules in the plant, chosen by the laboratory. It must be noticed that new defects that grow when the module is into operation may appear in modules initially free of them (named as hidden manufacturing defects). Usually some of these hidden defects that only appear in normal operation are not detected in reliability tests (EN61215 or EN 61646) [4][5] due to the different operational conditions of the module in the standard tests and in the field (serial-parallel connection of many PV modules, power inverter influence, over voltage on wires, etc.

    La metodología de estudio de caso para atender a la diversidad en educación primaria, propuesta de intervención educativa en un caso de autismo

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    El informe presente está orientado al diseño de una intervención educativa cuya finalidad primordial es ampliar mis conocimientos sobre el Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) y la puesta en práctica de la anteriormente mencionada propuesta educativa diseñada para trabajar las emociones y mejorar así, la inclusión social del alumnado con TEA. En concreto, se trata de un estudio de un caso específico de un niño diagnosticado de TEA. Este trastorno (TEA) por lo general afecta a las habilidades sociales y comunicativas, la expresión de deseos y sentimientos, además de dificultades en el control de sus emociones, complicando de esta manera algunos ámbitos del desarrollo de las personas. Este trastorno impide a las personas afectadas reconocer las emociones de los demás y empatizar con ellas, por ello aquí se propone el trabajo del conocimiento, la expresión y la canalización de las emociones. Para conseguir todo lo anterior, se propone un programa de intervención con el caso seleccionado, para tratar de responder a las necesidades detectadas en un alumno de 7 años escolarizado en un centro educativo público. Dicha propuesta cuenta con una metodología flexible, que facilita adaptar en la medida de lo posible la intervención a las características del sujeto.This report is faced to the design of an educational intervention whose the main purpose is to expand my knowledge about the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the implementation of the previously mentioned educational proposal designed to work emotions and improve the social inclusion of students with ASD. In particular, it is a case specific study. This disorder (ASD) usually affects social and communication skills, the expression of desires and feelings, as well as difficulties in 6 controlling their emotions, thus complicating some areas of people's development. This disorder prevents affected people from recognizing the emotions of others and empathize with them, for this reason the work of knowledge, expression and channeling of emotions is proposed here. To reach all of the above, an intervention program with the selected case is proposed to try to respond to the needs detected in a 7 year old student in a public center. This proposal has a flexible methodology, which facilitates adapting the intervention to the characteristics of the subject as much as possibleUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primaria

    Evaluación del uso de paneles solares como elemento de sombreo en invernaderos

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo experimental, es evaluar el uso de paneles solares como opción de elemento de sombreo en viveros, tanto de gran escala como de pequeña superficie. Esta opción podría elegirse tanto en el caso de no disponer de red de suministro eléctrico cercano así como en el caso de preferir no depender de una fuente de energía eléctrica exterior. Como hecho novedoso, se ha elegido paneles solares flexibles de capa fina y poco peso, que serían situados en la cubierta del invernadero. Dicha elección permite que los paneles se adapten a la forma de la cubierta, sea cual fuere

    Identity profile of young people experiencing a sense of risk on the internet: a data mining application of decision tree with CHAID algorithm

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    [EN]Social media, interactive games, and digital platforms are just some of the ways in which the internet has become part of our lives, and more specifically so among young people. Among other things, this technology is the reason young people are spending increasingly more time online than offline, prompting numerous risks that they are sometimes unaware of. The following quantitative research is based on this premise, and it pursues two objectives, namely, to discover whether or not young people experience a sense of risk linked to their use of the internet and identify the kind of young people that say they do or do not perceive any such risk. A total of 1991 young people answered the Technology Use Studies questionnaire. The classification tree technique based on the Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) was applied to identify the predictive variables associated with the sense of risk in young people. Two highly significant results have been forthcoming: firstly, we present the factors with the biggest impact on a young person's internet-related sense of risk, involving isolation when they cannot go online, followed by variables such as gender, the use of TikTok, and videogames, the consumption of pornography, and distraction from study time. Secondly, our results indicate that the young people that feel isolated when they cannot go online are precisely the ones that do not experience a sense of online risk. It is therefore of vital importance for education to generate and provide young people with strategies that allow them to establish a healthy and responsible relationship with technologies such as the internet

    Thim Films Modules Characterization Under Standard Test Conditions

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    Photovoltaic modules based on the relatively new thin film technology are gaining importance in the photovoltaic market. Some of these modules are made of silicon, consisting of layers of amorphous silicon or microcrystalline silicon. Other thin film PV modules are made of CIS, Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) or less frequently organic compounds. The materials used in thin film technologies pose problems in terms of measuring how much power is generated under standard test conditions (STC). This is due to the fact that the modules´ power rates could vary depending both on the amount of time they have been exposed to the sun and on their history of sunlight exposure. So it is necessary to know the previous periods of sunlight exposure in order to know the current state of the module. It is necessary to determine an easily accomplishable testing method that ensures the repeatability of the measurements of the power generated. This is essential because in order to have a reliable sample of the PV module population of a large PV plant, a huge number of modules must be measured. This paper shows different tests performed on different commercial thin film PV modules in order to find the best way to obtain measurements. A correlation was tested between sun exposure and power measured. A method for obtaining indoor measurements of these technologies that takes periods of sunlight exposure into account is proposed. Additionally, temperature and irradiance coefficients were also determined for different technologies in order to obtain accurate measurements

    Regression of Late Onset Choroidal Metastasis from a Breast Carcinoma with Letrozole

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    We report the case of a 50-year-old woman with a history of diabetes mellitus who underwent left breast lumpectomy and ipsilateral lymphadenectomy in 1994 because of an infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy to the breast and nodal areas were performed. In 2010, in a routine screening for diabetic retinopathy, two choroidal elevated masses above and below the optic nerve associated to serous retinal detachment of her right eye were noted. The patient was asymptomatic. Carcinoma was positive for hormone receptor. Hormone treatment with letrozole was established. Complete regression of the choroidal metastasis was observed 3 months later. Ophthalmologic screening in asymptomatic patients with breast cancer has the advantage of being a noninvasive procedure and enables an early treatment in isolated cases. However, some studies are an argument against the usefulness of eye screening due to the low incidence of asymptomatic choroidal metastasis and the cost that involves performing it routinely in a large number of patients. Aromatase inhibitors are well-tolerated drugs that may be a powerful tool in the management of metastatic breast cancer that express hormone receptors

    Analysis of air mass dependence of three photovoltaic arrays

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    The solar spectrum, which is also could be described by air mass factor, has a significant relationship with the performance of photovoltaic modules. The air mass dependence has been investigated by a theoretical method as well as an actual case of three different photovoltaic arrays: polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon and cadmium telluride, at the EUIT Agrícola-UPM (Madrid, Spain, 40.4426oN, 3.7295oW). The calculating results show that: AM dependence of poly-Si array is positive because an elevating AM-value indicates a red shift and poly-Si module is more red sensitive; On the contrary, as a-Si module and CdTe module are more blue sensitive, their AM dependences are negative. Furthermore, the outdoor AM dependences of three arrays are corresponding to the calculating results although the thermal annealing effect could be superimposed on spectral effect in the case of a-Si. Keywords: PV system, spectral response, polycrystalline silicon, a-Si, CdT
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