7 research outputs found

    Production of triacylglycerols rich in palmitic acid at sn-2 position by lipase-catalyzed acidolysis

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    This paper studies the synthesis of triacylglycerols (TAGs) rich in palmitic acid (PA) at sn-2 position from palm stearin (PS), a vegetable oil highly rich in PA (60%, but only 12.8% of this is located at sn-2 position). These PA rich TAGs were obtained by lipase-catalyzed acidolysis of this oil with free fatty acids (FFAs) highly rich in PA, such as commercial PA (98% PA) and a FFA extract obtained by saponification of PS (60% PA). PA has a melting point of 63 ºC and during the acidolysis reaction the substrates, highly rich in this acid, must remain liquid; therefore high temperatures or solvents must be used. An important objective of this work was to operate without solvent and at the lowest possible temperature. In this acidolysis reaction four factors were firstly studied: type of lipase, temperature, solvent amount and the intensity of treatment (IOT = lipase amount × reaction time/PS amount). The influence of these variables was studied in a stirred tank reactor (STR). The lipases tested were Novozym 435 from Candida antarctica (immobilized on a macroporous acrylic resin), and lipases QLC (immobilized on diatomaceous earth), and QLM (non immobilized), both from Alcaligenes sp., and the one selected was lipase QLC. According to the manufacturer the optimum temperature for this lipase is 65-70 ºC, which allows it to operate without solvent. The best results with lipase QLC (TAGs with 80% PA, both total and at sn-2 position) were obtained with commercial PA, at 65 ºC, a 3:1 FFA/PS molar ratio (1:1 w/w), without solvent and an IOT = 7 g lipase × h/g PS (for example 2.5 g PS, 2.5 g commercial PA, 0.75 g lipase and 24 h). These results were the basis for establishing the operational conditions to obtain PA rich TAGs with the lipase immobilized in a packed bed reactor (PBR), operating by recirculation of the reaction mixture through the lipase bed. In this system TAGs with 75% PA were obtained at an IOT = 8 g lipase × h/g PS. This result and the apparent kinetic constants obtained in both reactors show that the reaction rate is lower in the PBR than in the STR. Subsequently, PA enriched TAGs were separated from FFAs by two procedures: the first one at room temperature and in presence of hexane and the second one at 65 ºC and without hexane. Using the first procedure, 95% of TAGs in the acidolysis reaction mixture were recovered with a purity of 99%. Using the second one, 98% pure TAGs were obtained with a recovery yield of 80%. Therefore, these highly rich PA TAGs can be obtained by acidolysis of PS and PA rich FFAs in solvent-free media, and then these TAGs also can be purified to 98% in absence of hexane, using only a hydroethanolic KOH solution.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, FEDER, Proyects AGL2003-03335, CTQ2007-6407

    Production of triacylglycerols rich in palmitic acid at position 2 as intermediates for the synthesis of human milk fat substitutes by enzymatic acidolysis

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    This paper studies the synthesis of triacylglycerols (TAGs) rich in palmitic acid (PA) at position 2, from palm oil stearin (POS), a vegetable oil highly rich in this acid (60%). The developed process consists of two steps: (1) obtaining PA enriched free fatty acids (FFAs), and (2) enrichment of POS in PA by acidolysis of this oil with PA enriched FFAs, catalyzed by lipase Novozym 435. In step (1) two PA enriched FFA mixtures were obtained: one by saponification of POS, and a PA concentrate (75.1% PA) obtained by crystallization at low temperature in solvents. The latter was obtained carrying out two crystallizations in acetone at -24 and -20 ºC, from which PA was recovered in the solid phases with a total yield of 84%. These PA enriched FFA mixtures were used in step (2) of acidolysis of POS, along with commercial PA (98% PA). In this acidolysis step four factors were studied: temperature, hexane/reaction mixture ratio, FFA/POS molar ratio and the intensity of treatment (IOT = lipase amount × reaction time/POS amount). The best results (TAGs with 79% PA and 75% PA at position 2) were obtained with commercial PA, at 37 ºC, 10 mL hexane/g reaction mixture, a FFA/POS molar ratio 3:1 (1:1 w/w) and an IOT = 9.6 g lipase × h/g POS (for example 48 h, 10 g lipase and 50 g POS). PA enriched TAGs were purified neutralizing the FFAs by KOH hydroethanolic solutions and extracting the TAGs with hexane. In this way 99% pure acylglycerols (TAG+DAG) were obtained; the recovery yield of this purification step was 95%. The experiments carried out with POS demonstrated that it is possible to use only this oil (60% PA, 23% PA at position 2) as a source of PA to obtain a TAG with 70.7% PA and 70.5% PA at position 2. This process consists of four steps: (1) saponification of POS, (2) crystallization of FFAs to obtain PA enriched FFAs (75.1% PA), (3) acidolysis of POS with these FFAs, catalyzed with Novozym 435, to produce PA enriched TAGs at position 2 (70.5% PA) and (4) purification of TAGs to obtain approximately 95% purity and yield. These PA enriched TAGs could be used to obtain structured TAGs rich in PA at position 2 and in oleic acid at positions 1 and 3 (OPO), which is the principal TAG of human milk fat.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain), FEDER, Projects AGL2003-03335 and CTQ2007-64079

    Production of structured triacylglycerols by acidolysis catalyzed by lipases immobilized in a packed bed reactor

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    The aim of this work was to produce structured triacylglycerols (STAGs), with caprylic acid located at positions 1 and 3 of the glycerol backbone and docosohexaenoic acid (DHA) at position 2, by acidolysis of tuna oil and caprylic acid (CA) catalyzed by lipases Rd, from Rhizopus delemar, and Palatase 20000L from Mucor miehei immobilized on Accurel MP1000 in a packed bed reactor (PBR), working in continuous and recirculation modes. First, different lipase/support ratios were tested for the immobilization of lipases and the best results were obtained with ratios of 0.67 (w/w) for lipase Rd and 6.67 (w/w) for Palatase. Both lipases were stable for at least 4 days in the operational conditions. In the storage conditions (5 ºC) lipases Rd and Palatase maintained constant activity for 5 and 1 month, respectively. These catalysts have been used to obtain STAGs by acidolysis of tuna oil and CA in a PBR operating with recirculation of the reaction mixture through the lipase bed. Thus, STAGs with 52-53% CA and 14-15% DHA were obtained. These results were the basis for establishing the operational conditions to obtain STAGs operating in continuous mode. These new conditions were established maintaining constant intensity of treatment (IOT, lipase amount × reaction time/oil amount). In this way STAGs with 44-50% CA and 17-24% DHA were obtained operating in continuous mode. Although the compositions of STAGs obtained with both lipases were similar, Palatase required an IOT about 4 times higher than lipase Rd. To separate the acidolysis products (free fatty acids, FFAs, and STAGs) an extraction method of FFAs by water-ethanol solutions was tested. The following variables were optimized: water/ethanol ratio (the best results were attained with a water/ethanol ratio of 30:70 w/w), the solvent/FFA-STAG mixture ratio (3:1 w/w) and the number of extraction steps (3 to 5). In these conditions highly pure STAGs (93-96%) were obtained with a yield of 85%. The residual FFAs can be eliminated by neutralization with a hydroethanolic KOH solution to obtain pure STAGs. The positional analysis of these STAGs, carried out by alcoholysis catalyzed by lipase Novozym 435, has shown that CA represents 55% of fatty acids located at positions 1 and 3 and DHA represents 42% of fatty acids at position 2.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain), FEDER, Projects AGL2003-03335 and CTQ2007-6407

    Çédille, revista de estudios franceses

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    Experiencias del uso de plataformas de enseñanza virtual en las enseñanzas técnicas en el curso 2009-2010 en la Universidad de Granada

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónSe plantea la experiencia de varios profesores en el uso de las plataformas de enseñanza virtual, concretamente Moodle, en asignaturas tanto de carácter presencial como de carácter semipresencial dentro de las ramas técnicas de la enseñanza universitaria. Se analizan las ventajas e inconvenientes planteados en su uso, desde el punto de vista de los profesores, durante el curso académico 2009-2010.NavarraUniversidad Pública de Navarra. Biblioteca Universitaria; Campus de Arrosadia; 31006 Pamplona; Tel. +34948169060; Fax +34948169069; [email protected]

    Una planta de procesado de alimentos en Youtube

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónLas visitas a plantas industriales resultan de gran utilidad como complemento a los fundamentos teóricos desarrollados en asignaturas técnicas. Sin embargo, estas visitas se ven dificultadas e incluso imposibilitadas cuando el número de alumnos matriculados en esa asignatura es demasiado elevado. Como alternativa, en esta comunicación se presenta un canal de video de YouTube creado para alojar grabaciones sobre equipos y procesos utilizados en la industria alimentaria. Esta biblioteca virtual ha tenido gran aceptación por parte de los alumnos de la asignatura 'Operaciones Básicas de la Industria Alimentaria' de la titulación de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, ya que les ha permitido familiarizarse con la realidad industrial.NavarraUniversidad Pública de Navarra. Biblioteca Universitaria; Campus de Arrosadia; 31006 Pamplona; Tel. +34948169060; Fax +34948169069; [email protected]


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    El pasado mes de abril iniciamos una nueva etapa en Çédille, representada principalmente por su traslado a la plataforma Open Journal System (OJS) de la Universidad de La Laguna, así como por la renovación y reasignación de competencias del Consejo de Redacción. Durante este tiempo, hemos tenido que adaptarnos, experimentar y comprender, pacientemente, el funcionamiento de esta nueva herramienta que es OJS. Ello ha supuesto, en algunos casos, que se hayan producido determinadas dificultades de comunicación con nuestros lectores y evaluadores, o que se hayan ocasionado pequeños retrasos en la gestión de la revista. Como nuestros seguidores saben, muy recientemente hemos sufrido, además, un ataque informático que no solo impidió el acceso a la plataforma durante varios días (justo en el momento final de producción de este número), sino que obligó a trasladar nuestro sitio web a otro servidor y a implementar nuevas medidas de seguridad. Afortunadamente, gracias al buen hacer y profesionalidad de Juan Ascanio Amigó, asesor técnico de OJS para la Universidad de La Laguna, hemos logrado salir airosos de los problemas, complicaciones y secuelas que nos hemos ido encontrando en este tiempo. En este número que ahora ve la luz contamos con treinta y cuatro contri-buciones que superan, en total, las setecientas páginas. Así, Amelia Gamoneda Lanza y Francisco González Fernández se han encargado de coordinar una nueva entrega –la undécima– de la serie «Monografías», donde han reunido una ..