20 research outputs found

    Can neonates born at 34 weeks be classified as late preterm?

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    Objectives: In recent years, much attention has been given to infants born prematurely, at 34 0/7 to 36 6/7 weeks of gestation (WG), which have been classified as ‘late preterm’. Neonates from that subgroup are less physiologically and metabolically mature than term infants. The aim of the study was to determine whether infants born at 34WG can be classified as ‘late preterm’ or ‘preterm’ newborns. Material and methods: A total of 141 newborns were included in the study: 25 born ≤ 33WG, 53 late-preterm newborns, and 63 term infants. Cord-blood neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and creatinine concentrations were measured in all newborns. Also, the incidence of clinical complications in the early adaptive period during hospitalization was evaluated. Results: Higher NGAL concentration was noted among preterm newborns as compared to late-preterm neonates (p < 0.05), and term newborns (p < 0.05), especially in children born at 34WG as compared to 35WG (p < 0.001). However, no differences in NGAL concentration were found between neonates born at 35WG and 36WG, as well as children born at 36WG and term infants. A relationship between umbilical NGAL levels and gestational age was observed. Additionally, a statistically significant difference was found in the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome (p < 0.05) and infections (p < 0.05) among neonates born at 34WG as compared to 35WG. Conclusions: Late preterm neonates should be defined as ‘preterm’ between 35 0/7 and 36 6/7 WG. Infants born at 34WG should be included in the preterm group

    Precursor lesions of early onset pancreatic cancer

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    Early onset pancreatic cancer (EOPC) constitutes less than 5% of all newly diagnosed cases of pancreatic cancer (PC). Although histopathological characteristics of EOPC have been described, no detailed reports on precursor lesions of EOPC are available. In the present study, we aimed to describe histopathological picture of extratumoral parenchyma in 23 cases of EOPCs (definition based on the threshold value of 45 years of age) with particular emphasis on two types of precursor lesions of PC: pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs). The types, grades, and densities of precursor lesions of PC were compared in patients with EOPCs, in young patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), and in older (at the age of 46 or more) patients with PC. PanINs were found in 95.6% of cases of EOPCs. PanINs-3 were found in 39.1% of EOPC cases. Densities of all PanIN grades in EOPC cases were larger than in young patients with NENs. Density of PanINs-1A in EOPC cases was larger than in older patients with PC, but densities of PanINs of other grades were comparable. IPMN was found only in a single patient with EOPC but in 20% of older patients with PC. PanINs are the most prevalent precursor lesions of EOPC. IPMNs are rarely precursor lesions of EOPC. Relatively high density of low-grade PanINs-1 in extratumoral parenchyma of patients with EOPC may result from unknown multifocal genetic alterations in pancreatic tissue in patients with EOPCs

    France towards Poland's accession to the European Union

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    Praca stanowi próbę zrekonstruowania francuskiego stanowiska wobec akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem publicznej debaty politycznej nad Sekwaną. Korzystając m.in. ze stenogramów z posiedzeń francuskiego parlamentu, raportów komisji czy wystąpień francuskich polityków w czasie wizyt zagranicznych, praca stara się zidentyfikować najważniejsze aspekty podnoszone w dyskusji, a także wskazać różnice w podejściu poszczególnych partii politycznych. Podejmuje również wątki dotyczące reform instytucjonalnych, mocno związanych z rozszerzeniem. Praca obejmuje okres 1989-2004, wyznaczony przez upadek komunizmu w Polsce i przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej.The thesis aims to reconstruct the French perspective on the accession of Poland to the European Union, specifically focusing on the public political discourse. It seeks to identify the most significant issues raised in the discussion using sources such as official transcripts of parliamentary debates, committee reports and speeches from French politicians during foreign visits. Additionally, the thesis tries to outline disparities in the approaches taken by different political parties. It also delves into the issues related to EU institutional reforms closely linked to the enlargement process. This study encompasses the period from 1989 to 2004, marked by the fall of communism in Poland (1989) and Poland's accession to the European Union (2004)

    The dispute over Polish Emigration Association in the press and publications in 1908-1914

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    Praca przedstawia spór o Polskie Towarzystwo Emigracyjne - instytucję istniejącą w Galicji w latach 1908 - 1914 i zajmującą się organizacją ruchu wychodźczego. Jej działalność wywoływała liczne kontrowersje i sprowokowała dyskusję toczącą się na łamach prasy i publikacji. Praca przybliża dzieje towarzystwa i jego oficjalne cele statutowe. Przedstawia najważniejszych uczestników sporu oraz charakteryzuje główne osie konfliktu i argumenty wysuwane przez zwolenników i przeciwników tej instytucji. Dotyczyły one przede wszystkim zarobkowej działalności towarzystwa i jego roli w proemigracyjnej propagandzie. Praca opisuje również kwestię relacji towarzystwa z galicyjskimi politykami oraz charakteryzuje język sporu.The text presents a dispute over Polish Emigration Association - an institution existing in Galicia in 1908 - 1914 and dealing with the organization of emigration. Its activities caused numerous controversies and provoked a discussion in the press and publications. Firstly, the text gives some information about the history of the association and its official statutory aims. Besides, it presents the most important participants of the dispute and characterizes the main areas of the conflict and the arguments used by supporters and opponents of this institution. They mainly concern the economic activity of the association and its role in the proemigration propaganda. Last but not least, the text describes the relationship between the institution and Galician politicians and characterizes the language of the dispute

    Nord Stream gas pipeline projects. Polish and EU perspectives

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    Praca jest próbą zrekonstruowania polskiego i unijnego stanowiska wobec realizacji projektów gazociągów Nord Stream 1 i Nord Stream 2. Opierając się na licznych materiałach źródłowych, w tym m.in. polskich i unijnych aktach prawnych, aktach o charakterze politycznym czy danych statystycznych dotyczących sektora gazowego, charakteryzuje ona czynniki kształtujące postrzeganie inwestycji przez Polskę i Unię Europejską. Wskazuje zagrożenia wynikające z budowy gazociągów, przedstawia konkretne działania podjęte w odpowiedzi na realizację projektów i ich skutki. Praca dokonuje także oceny aktywności instytucji polskich i unijnych w konkretnych obszarach. W częściach poświęconych polskiemu stanowisku wobec gazociągów opisane są m.in. kroki, jakie Polska podejmowała w ramach procedury oceny oddziaływania na środowisko, jej stosunek do koncepcji budowy gazociągów alternatywnych czy działania UOKiK. We fragmentach dotyczących perspektywy unijnej przedstawione są m.in. próby podporządkowania Nord Stream 2 prawu wspólnotowemu czy debata o nałożeniu sankcji na tę inwestycję. Praca zawiera również odniesienie do sytuacji obu gazociągów Nord Stream po rozpoczęciu pełnoskalowej inwazji rosyjskiej na Ukrainę w lutym 2022 r. Ramą teoretyczną pracy jest podejście wielokrotnych strumieni (Multiple Streams Approach).The thesis is an attempt to reconstruct the Polish and the EU positions on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline projects. Based on numerous source materials, including Polish and EU legal acts, political acts or statistical data on the gas sector, it characterizes the factors shaping the perception of investments by Poland and the EU. It indicates the risks resulting from the construction of gas pipelines and presents specific actions taken in response to the implementation of projects and their effects. The thesis also assesses the activities of Polish and EU institutions in specific areas. The sections devoted to the Polish position towards gas pipelines describe e.g. steps that Poland has taken as part of the environmental impact assessment procedure, its attitude to the concept of building alternative gas pipelines or the UOKiK activities. The sections concerning the EU perspective describe e.g. the attempts to subordinate the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to the EU law or the debate on imposing sanctions on this investment. The thesis also includes a reference to the situation of both Nord Stream gas pipelines after the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The theoretical framework of the thesis is a concept of the Multiple Streams Approach (MSA)

    Евангелическое общество народного просвещения в Цешине (1881-1905)

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    The main subject of the article was analysis of the sources devoted to the activity of Evangelical Society of Popular Education, the organization established by pastor Franciszek Michejda ( 1848-1921). The pastor was an outstanding religious and national activist in Cieszyn Silesia. The aim of the organization was the increase of the religious and national awareness among the Lutheran society. The pulished materials concerning the history of the Society activities were presented in four acpects: The history of the organization (establishment, the forms of activity) The subject matter of the Society Publishing activities Periodics and press publications The subject of the Society that was discussed in scientific publications was presented in a few contexts: personal (e.g the influence of the activists on the organization); national ( the importance of the society in shaping national awareness and patriotic feelings); social ( integrating various national groups); publishing ( written language as a tool of shaping the national and religious awareness); literary-scientific ( developing reading preferences and tastes in literature); finally cultural ( spreading culture in the region). Conducted query confirmed the necessity of carrying out detailed research of the subject including archival sources.Przedmiotem artykułu była analiza źródeł poświęconych działalności Towarzystwa Ewangelickiego Oświaty Ludowej, organizacji założonej przez ks. Franciszka Michejdę (1848-1921), wybitnego działacza religijnego i narodowego na Śląsku Cieszyńskim. Celem organizacji było podnoszenie w społeczności luterańskiej (ewangelicko-augsburskiej) świadomości religijnej oraz narodowej. Materiały publikowane, podejmujące zagadnienie historii oraz aktywności Towarzystwa zostały omówione w czterech aspektach: 1. Historii organizacji (założenie, formy działalności), 2. Osobowości Towarzystwa, 3. Działalności wydawniczej, 4. Periodyków oraz prasy TEOL-u. Podejmowana w literaturze naukowej tematyka związana z Towarzystwem była sygnalizowana lub oceniana w kilku kontekstach: osobowym (m.in. wpływu działaczy TEOL-u na kształt organizacji), narodowym (miejscu jakie zajmowało rozwijanie świadomości narodowej i patriotyzmu), społecznym (integracji reprezentantów różnych środowisk), wydawniczym (tj. słowa pisanego jako podstawowego narzędzia walki o świadomość religijną i narodową), literacko-naukowym (kształtowaniu gustów czytelniczych oraz popularyzację literatury) i kulturalnym (krzewieniu szeroko rozumianej kultury w regionie). Przeprowadzona kwerenda potwierdziła potrzebę szczegółowego opracowania tematu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem źródeł archiwalnych

    Towarzystwo Ewangelickie Oświaty Ludowej w Cieszynie : działalność wydawnicza i oświatowa (1881-1905)

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    The aim of the thesis was to document and present the publishing and educational activities of the Cieszyn’s Society, indicate its role in the process of shaping the national, cultural, and religious identity of the Polish Evangelical community in Cieszyn Silesia in the years 1881 – 1905 in historical and cultural context of these times. The dissertation consists of eight chapters. The first one presents a general historical overview of Cieszyn Silesia taking into account administrative, economic, and political conditions as well as characteristic aspects of social, national, and cultural life which influenced the local Lutheran community in the late 19th and early 20th century. The second chapter characterizes the circumstances that led to the foundation of TEOL, its objectives, organizational structure and the main stages of its activity. The next chapters bring the analysis of the publishing repertoire – a typologically ordered review of the main operating segments of the Society’s publishing activity, proceeded by the discussion of the organisational and material aspects of editorial activities (chapter 3). The fourth chapter presents the repertoire of religious literature, represented most extensively by original works or translations (homiletics, prayer books and devotionals, dogmatic literature and Church history, missionary literature). Chapter 5 discusses didactic literature, for schools but also for personal use (educational materials, songbooks), self-study literature and for public education (TEOL readings and reports, popular science works, polemical and abstinence texts, fiction). Chapter 6 presents TEOL press organs, opinion-forming for the local protestant community, popularising literature and readership: ‘Evangelical Calendar for the Year …’ (since 1882) as well as the biweekly ‘Friend of the People’ (since 1885). Chapter 7 outlines the cultural and educational initiatives undertaken by the Society: lectures, contests, exhibitions and forming of its own library. Chapter 8 presents activities for the popularization of literature: both ‘its own’ – published by the Society, as well as the nationwide. All the activities undertaken by TEOL were supposed to address the reading, educational, cultural and religious needs of Polish Lutherans mainly from Cieszyn Silesia, but also from other regions, to educate, raise national awareness, shape national and moral attitudes, form opinions on social issues, as well as reading opinions. The Society wanted to shape, through books and the press, an integral and versatile Pole’s identity – a Lutheran, cognisant and involved in not only religious, but also social and cultural activity

    Biblioterapia jako metoda pracy z dziećmi z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu

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    Artykuł został poświęcony biblioterapii jako metodzie wspierającej rozwój umiejętności komunikacyjnych i społecznych u uczniów z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu. Całość składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza z nich to wprowadzenie teoretyczne, w którym zdefiniowano podstawowe dla treści artykułu pojęcia, jak: autyzm, arteterapia, biblioterapia. Druga część – empiryczna – stanowi omówienie pracy biblioterapeutycznej na przykładzie analizy indywidualnego przypadku wybranej grupy uczniów z ASD w klasach wczesnoszkolnych szkolnictwa specjalnego. W rozważaniach uwzględniono metodologiczne wytyczne realizacji analizy oraz praktyczne działania w postaci zajęć czytelniczych o charakterze relaksacyjnym, teatrzyku kamishibai, czytania wrażeniowego, które pozwoliły na sformułowanie podstawowych wniosków badawczych.This article is devoted to bibliotherapy as a method supporting the development of communication and social skills in students with autism spectrum disorders. The article consists of two parts. The first part provides a theoretical introduction where the key terms such as autism, art therapy, bibliotherapy are defined. The second part – empirical – provides a discussion of a bibliotherapeutic work based on the individual case analysis of the chosen group of young learners with ASD in primary school in special education. The discussion incorporates the methodological guidelines for conducting analysis as well as practical measures in the form of relaxing reading classes, kamishibai theatre, sensory reading, what allowed to formulate basic research conclusions


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    The easiest way to “use” rainwater is its detention in places where it falls, and referral to the ground. Systems of rainwater utilization system can be implemented in different variants. In the simplest configuration it is a tank, with a runoff from the roof. The principle of operation of the tank (basin) is a method for rain water management. The article presents a practical application of methods of dimensioning infiltration basins by performing calculations showing how to alter the dimensions of the basin when changing the ground conditions while maintaining the same filling

    Research on the effectiveness of individual infiltration devices

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    The increasing urbanization process in Europe has resulted in an increase in the proportion of impervious areas in the development of watersheds. This fact, combined with the more frequent occurrence of volatile rainfall, contributes to the formation of high intensity surface runoff, which results in local flooding of the lowest located areas. Water runoff also causes a large amount of pollution from the catchment to be flushed away and transported to the receiver, which generates many negative effects on the environment. Due to these unfavorable changes in the urban catchment, it is necessary to manage the waters in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. One of the basic tools to protect the quantity and quality of water discharged from the catchment area is to take into account the need to implement technical solutions to increase the retention of rainwater in cities. Such solutions, consisting of designing natural rainwater management systems, could work independently or in cooperation with traditional rainwater drainage systems [1]