3 research outputs found

    Oral Health Status Related to Social Behaviors among 6 - 11 Year Old Schoolchildren in Kosovo

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    Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je procijeniti status oralnoga zdravlja učenika u dobi od 6 do 11 godina na Kosovu. Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 5679 učenika u dobi od 6 do 11 godina iz različitih kosovskih gradova. Stanje oralnoga zdravlja ocijenjeno je na temelju dijagnostičkih kriterija Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) koji uključuju bilježenje broja karijesa, izvađenih zuba i ispuna (kep/KEP indeks) u mliječnoj i trajnoj denticiji. Uključena djeca odgovorila su i na nekoliko pitanja o oralnoj higijeni, prehrambenim navikama i posjetima stomatologu. Analiza je uključivala frekvencije i prosječne vrijednosti. Razlike između prosječnih vrijednosti analizirane su studentovim t-testom (p < 0,05), a čimbenici povezani sa zubnim karijesom Spearmanovim koeficijentom korelacije. Rezultati: Prosječni kep/KEP indeks među učenicima u dobi od 6 do 11 godina iznosio je 4,36 ± 3,763 i 1,20 ± 1,488. Zapečaćene zube imalo je 90 učenika – ukupno 1,58 posto. U dobi od 8 godina do 50 posto djece zube je četkalo dva puta na dan. Od uključene djece 40 posto konzumiralo je slastice jedanput na dan, a većina je stomatologa posjećivala samo ako je bilo potrebno. Potvrđena je statistički značajna korelacija između konzumiranja slastica, oralne higijene te posjeta stomatologu i prevalencije karijesa. Zaključak: Naši rezultati pokazali su veliku prevalenciju karijesa među učenicima u dobi od 6 do 11 godina, što upućuje na to da je potreban sveobuhvatan program primarne oralne zdravstvene zaštite i rani redoviti posjeti stomatologu te preventivne mjere.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the current oral health status among schoolchildren in Kosovo aged 6-11 years. Material and methods: A study included 5679 schoolchildren aged 6 -11 years, from different towns of Kosovo. Dental health status was evaluated using the World Health Organization (WHO) caries diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing and filled teeth (dmft/DMFT index), for deciduous and permanent dentition. The observed children have answered a number of questions about their oral hygiene, eating habits, and dental visits. The analysis included frequencies and means. The differences between means were tested using the student t-test (p<0.05). The factors associated with dental caries were tested using the Spearman’s rank. Results: The mean dmft/DMFT of schoolchildren aged 6-11 years was 4.36 ± 3.763 and 1.20 ± 1.488, respectively. Sealant placements were found among 90 schoolchildren, amounting to 1.58%. From 8 years of age, 50% of children brush their teeth twice a day. Confectionery consumption among the observed children has increased. Forty percent of them eat sweets at least once a day, and majority of them visit their dentists only when necessary. A significant correlation between consumption of confectionery, oral hygiene, dental visits and the prevalence of caries was confirmed. Conclusion: The results of the present study show that there is a high prevalence of caries among 6-11 year old schoolchildren, thus pointing to a need for an extensive program of primary oral health care as well as utilizing preventive measures and regular dental visits

    The Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on the Level of Il-2 as an Adjunct to Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment of Patients with T2dm

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect oflow- level laser therapy (LLLT)on IL-2 values in the gingival crevicularfluid (GCF),among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and periodontitis, at different time intervals. 80 subjects in total with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronicalperiodontitis, withdetermined CAL (clinical attachment loss) of ≥4 mm of at least 50% of the affected teeth, enrolled the study. Based on the received treatment, subjects were distributed in two groups,whether they were treated with conservative periodontal treatment with an adjunctive LLLT (group A) and with conservative periodontal treatment only (group B). The adjunctiveLLLT, with performance (660 nm, 10mW, 8 min / day, in contact with the gingiva); was performed five days continuously, with 4 minutes of duration. Patientsfrom the group B (n=40) were treated only with conservative periodontal treatment. In all subjects was determined IL-2 from samples of from at least 10 periodontal pockets (≥4 mm), at three time intervals: at the first examination, six weeks later and three months after the treatment. The values of IL-2 were systematically and continuously reduced in the A group andat the first examination were between 12.29 ± 0.63 pg / 30s, after 6 weeks values were 10.38 ±0.55 pg / 30s, and after 3 months 9.76 ± 1.72 pg / 30 s. In Group Bthe values of IL- 2 were reduced moderately, but were higher than in the Group A. The value of IL-2 in GCF after 6 weeks and 3 months of therapy in group B is significantly higher in relation to the value in patients in group A.The difference in IL-2 values indicates lower values of this biomarker in Group A relative to group B. Differences in values between the two groups resulted in statistically significantly lower values of IL-2in the group with an adjunct low- level laser therapy that indicates that LLLT has an important role over this pro-inflammatory biomarker