11 research outputs found
In vivo dosimetry for radiotherapy with semiconductor diodes and optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters in 60Co photon beams
U ovom radu opisano je ispitivanje svojstava, priprema i primjena poluvodiÄkih dioda i optiÄki stimuliranih luminiscentnih dozimetara (OSLD) za in vivo dozimetriju u konvencionalnoj vanjskoj radioterapiji. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi primjenljivost novog OSL dozimetrijskog sustava s pasivnim detektorima od aluminijevog oksida dopiranog ugljikom (Al2O3:C) u kliniÄkim uvjetima. Ispitivanje dozimetrijskih svojstava detektora provedeno je u terapijskom podruÄju doza dobivenih 60Co fotonskim snopovima a ukljuÄivalo je, izmeÄu ostalog, odreÄivanje linearnosti odziva na dozu i reproducibilnosti mjerenja, zatim kalibraciju i odreÄivanje korekcijskih faktora za primjenu u nereferentnim uvjetima. Za OSLD-e je dodatno ispitano slabljenje OSL signala s vremenom, stupanj osiromaÅ”enja signala u ponovljenim oÄitanjima i ovisnost odziva o akumuliranoj dozi. Analizirani su rezultati velikog broja kliniÄkih in-vivo mjerenja ulaznih doza razliÄitih anatomskih lokalizacija i uvjeta zraÄenja dobivenih s oba dozimetrijska sustava. Pokazalo se da je ispitivani OSL dozimetrijski sustav pogodan za in vivo dozimetriju te su predloženi postupci za pripremu, kalibraciju i optimalni naÄin upotrebe, koji su potrebni pri uvoÄenju programa in vivo dozimetrije s OSL detektorima u radioterapiji.This thesis describes characterization, basic dosimetric properties investigation and application of semiconductor diodes and optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) for in vivo dosimetry in conventional external beam radiotherapy. The aim of this reasearch was to test the performance and suitability of the new commercial dosimetry system based on carbon doped aluminum oxide (Al2O3:C) passive OSLDs in clinical conditions. Investigation was performed with 60Co photon beams within the range of typical therapeutic doses. It included determination of detectors response linearity, measurement reproducibility, comparison of calibration methods and determination of correction factors for use in nonreferent conditions. In addition, for OSLDs, specific features such as depletion of OSL signal with multiple readouts, fading and detector response with acumulated dose, were explored. Large number of entrance dose in vivo measurements were performed with both dosimetry system and results were analyzed regarding different anatomical localization, irradiation techniques and other irradiation conditions during the actual treatment of patients. The investigated OSL dosimetry system proves to be convenient for in vivo dosimetry in radiotherapy and this work presents guidelines in their characterization, calibration and optimal way of use, which are important for the implementation of an in vivo dosimetry program in a clinical environment
Razlika histoloÅ”kog gradusa karcinoma endometrija u kiretaži i histerektomiji ā presjeÄna studija
Objectives: To determine the compatibility rate between histological grades of endometrial carcinoma in curettage and hysterectomy and to determine how quantity of material, given by the method of fractional hysterectomy, affects the compatibility between histological grades in the two methods. Material and methods: The study included 102 patients with endometrioid endometrial cancer who underwent methods of fractional curettage and hysterectomy. Data regardingthepathohistological status of uterine tissue was obtained from the available medical records. Information on age andclinical diagnoses were obtained from referrals for pathohistologicaltissue examination. The age of the subjects was determined at the time when the tissue samples were taken for analysis. Data on the amount of material was obtained from the description of macroscopic evaluation of the given material. Results: Most subjects had grade II endometrioid endometrial cancer (47.1 % and 50 %). Most of the respondents had a medium deficient material obtained by fractional curettage (40.2 %). There was no statistically significant difference between the histological grade determined after the fractional curettage and hysterectomy. There were no statistically significant differences in histological grade in the sample obtained by fractional curettage and hysterectomy depending on the amount of material in fractional curettage. Conclusions: There was no statistically significant differences in the grade of endometrial cancer in samples obtained by the fractional curettage and hysterectomy. The correspondence is higher in higher tumor grade (III), and lower in lower tumor grades (I, II). The amount of material did not affect the grade deviation in the sample obtained by fractional curettage and hysterectomy.Cilj: Ispitati podudarnost histoloÅ”kog gradusa endometrioidnog karcinoma endometrija u uzorcima dobivenim frakcioniranom kiretažom i histerektomijom te ispitati utjeÄe li koliÄina materijala dobivenog frakcioniranom kiretažom na podudarnost histoloÅ”kih gradusa. Materijal i metode: U istraživanje su bile ukljuÄene 102 pacijentice oboljele od endometrioidnog karcinoma endometrija. Iz dostupne medicinske dokumentacije prikupljeni su arhivski podatci o patohistoloÅ”kom nalazu tkiva maternice dobivenog metodom frakcionirane kiretaže i histerektomijom. Iz uputnice za patohistoloÅ”ki pregled tkiva dobiveni su podatci o dobi i uputnim kliniÄkim dijagnozama. Podatci o koliÄini materijala dobiveni su iz opisa makroskopske procjene prikupljenog materijala. Rezultati: NajveÄi broj ispitanica imao je gradus II endometrioidnog karcinoma endometrija (47,1 % i 50 %). NajveÄi dio ispitanica imao je srednje obilan materijal dobiven frakcioniranom kiretažom (40,2 %). Nije uoÄena statistiÄki znaÄajna razlika izmeÄu histoloÅ”kog gradusa utvrÄenog nakon frakcionirane kiretaže i nakon histerektomije, kao ni u histoloÅ”kom gradusu izmeÄu uzoraka dobivenih frakcioniranom kiretažom i histerektomijom s obzirom na koliÄinu kiretiranog materijala. ZakljuÄci: Nije bilo statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike u odreÄenim gradusima karcinoma endometrija u uzorcima dobivenima metodom frakcionirane kiretaže i histerektomije. Podudarnost je veÄa u viÅ”em gradusu tumora (III), a manja u nižem gradusu tumora (I, II). KoliÄina materijala nije utjecala na odstupanje gradusa u uzorku dobivenom frakcioniranom kiretažom i histerektomijom
Radioterapija raka prostate voÄena magnetskom rezonancom: nova paradigma lijeÄenja
Radiotherapy is one of the key treatment modalities for primary prostate cancer.
During the last decade, significant advances were made in radiotherapy technology leading to increasing
both physical and biological precision. Being a loco-regional treatment approach, radiotherapy
requires accurate target dose deposition while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. Conventional radiotherapy
is based on computerized tomography (CT) images both for radiotherapy planning and
image-guidance, however, shortcomings of CT as soft tissue imaging tool are well known. Nowadays,
our ability to further escalate radiotherapy dose using hypofractionation is limited by uncertainties in
CT-based image guidance and verification. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a well established
imaging method for pelvic organs. In prostate cancer specifically, MRI accurately depicts prostate
zonal anatomy, rectum, bladder, and pelvic floor structures with previously unseen precision owing to
its sharp soft tissue contrast. The advantages of including MRI in the clinical workflow of prostate
cancer radiotherapy are multifold. MRI allows for true adaptive radiotherapy to unfold based on daily
MRI images taken before, during and after each radiotherapy fraction. It enables accurate dose escalation
to the prostate and intraprostatic tumor lesions. Technically, MRI high-strength magnetic field
and linear accelerator high energy electromagnetic beams are hardly compatible, and important efforts
were made to overcome these technical challenges and integrate MRI and linear accelerator into one
single treatment device, called MRI-linac. Different systems are produced by two leading vendors in
the field and currently, there are around 100 MRI-linacs worldwide in clinical operations. In this narrative
review paper, we discuss historical perspective of image guidance in radiotherapy, basic elements
of MRI, current clinical developments in MRI-guided prostate cancer radiotherapy, and challenges
associated with the use of MRI-linac in clinical practice.Radioterapija je temelj lijeÄenja raka prostate. Radioterapija je zadnjih godina znaÄajno napredovala Å”to je
omoguÄilo njenu preciznost. Radioterapija zahtjeva toÄnu isporuku radioterapijske doze na tumor uz maksimalnu poÅ”tedu
okolnog zdravog tkiva. Konvencionalna radioterapija se bazira na slikama kompjuterizirane tomografije (CT) za sve faze
radioterapijskog procesa, iako su slike CT-a slabe rezolucije za prikaz mekih tkiva. Danas je naŔa sposobnost da joŔ viŔe
podižemo radioterapijsku dozu limitirana nedovoljnom jasnoÄom CT slika. Magnetska rezonanca (MR) za razliku od CT-a
ima odliÄan kontrast za meka tkiva zdjelice te odliÄno oslikava prostatu i zdjeliÄne strukture. Mnoge su prednosti ukljuÄenja
MR u radioterapijski proces raka prostate. MR omoguÄava pravu adaptivnu radioterapiju na osnovi MR slika uzetih prije,
tijekom i nakon radioterapije. OmoguÄuje eksalaciju doze na intraprostatiÄke tumorske strukture. Napredak tehnike je omoguÄio
integraciju snažnog magnetskog polja MR-a i visokoenergetskih X-zraka linearnog akceleratora u jedan jedinstveni
ureÄaj - MRI-linac. Dva su MR-linac komercijalna sustava dostupna na tržiÅ”tu, a u svijetu ima instalirano preko 100 ovakvih
ureÄaja. U ovom preglednom Älanku razmatramo razvoj slikovnog voÄenja u radioterapiji, trenutno stanje magnetom voÄene
radioterapije raka prostate, kao i izazove u primjeni ove inovativne metode
Dozimetrijska verifikacija radioterapijskih planova intezitet-modulirajuÄe radioterapije u bolesnika s rakom prostate
Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has become widely used as a standard
radiation therapy technique for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. The transition from conformal
radiotherapy (3D CRT) to a more complex IMRT technique triggered the need for more thorough
verification of the accuracy in the dose delivery. In this work we present the clinical workflow
and the results of patient specific quality assurance (PSQA) procedures for 40 prostate cancer patients
who have been treated with step and shot IMRT ever since its implementation in our routine clinical
practice. PSQA procedures include dosimetric verification of each treatment plan with dedicated
rotational phantom and high-resolution matrix detector system Octavius 4D (PTW Freiburg) that
allows three-dimensional comparison of the calculated and delivered radiation dose distribution. Our
results proved the compliance with the universal tolerance limits recommended for those procedures
(1), assuring the safety of the treatment and providing the possibility for the adoption of more stringent
constraints in the future.Radioterapija moduliranog intenziteta (eng. intensity modulated radiotherapy āIMRT) u posljednjem desetljeÄu je postala
uobiÄajena radioterapijska metoda za terapiju lokaliziranih karcinoma prostate. Prelazak s konformalne radioterapije na napredniju
i tehniÄki složeniju IMRT tehniku, donio je i potrebu za detaljnijom i sveobuhvatnom provjerom toÄnosti isporuke
doze zraÄenja. U ovom radu predstavljamo provoÄenje postupaka dozimetrijske verifikacije radioterapijskih planova poznatih
pod engleskim nazivom patient specific QA (PSQA) te rezultate za 40 bolesnika s karcinomom prostate koji su primili
IMRT terapiju. U tu svrhu koristimo posebni dozimetrijski sustav s rotacijskim fantomom i visoko razluÄivom detektorskom
matricom, Octavius 4D (PTW Freiburg). Pokazalo se kako su sva dobivena odstupanja izmeÄu planirane i mjerene trodimenzionalne
raspodjele doze bila unutar preporuÄenih tolerancija (1) Å”to nam daje povjerenje u sigurnost provoÄenja ovakve
terapije te otvara moguÄnost za primjenu strožijih ograniÄenja u buduÄnosti
Exposure of Croatian Population to Radiopharmaceuticals
Cilj je ovoga preglednog rada prikazati aktualno stanje optereÄenosti stanovniÅ”tva Republike Hrvatske ozraÄivanjem zbog izlaganja otvorenim izvorima ionizirajuÄeg zraÄenja u medicinske svrhe. U nedostatku relevantnih statistiÄkih pokazatelja nije moguÄe validirano prikazati efektivnu dozu po stanovniku RH zbog medicinskog izlaganja radionuklidima Äiji je unos u ljudsko tijelo defi niran jednokratnim injektiranjem Äesto i vrlo velikih aktivnosti, izvrÅ”ena je jednostavna procjena kako bi se upozorilo na potrebu ozbiljnijeg
istraživanja i utvrÄivanja referentnih nivoa izloženosti za defi nirane vrste dijagnostiÄkih pretraga. Uz vrlo slobodnu pretpostavku da se u RH godiÅ”nje obavi do 35.000 dijagnostiÄkih pregleda uporabom radionuklida procijenjena efektivna doza po stanovniku RH zbog izlaganja dijagnostiÄkim kratkoživuÄim radionuklidima velike poÄetne aktivnosti iznosi od 6,8 do 7,9 Ī¼Sv po stanovniku.The aim of this paper is to call attention to the exposure of Croatian population to open sources of ionising radiation used in medical diagnostics, radiopharmaceuticals in particular, whose initial activity is very high. Without proper exposure monitoring, it is not possible to establish the effective dose per capita, but we have estimated it to be between 6.8 Ī¼Sv and 7.0 Ī¼Sv for this type of internal exposure, based on a very loose assumption that about 35,000 diagnostic procedures with radiopharmaceuticals are performed in Croatia every year. This calls for further research that would eventually lead to limiting the doses received through exposure to radiopharmaceuticals
ViolinistiÄke Å”kole
Diplomski rad predstavlja osnovna naÄela violinistiÄke Å”kole Ivana Galamiana, komparira ih sa suvremenim violinistiÄkim metodama, te detaljno obraÄuje najvažnije metodiÄke i interpretativne postavke Å”kole
ViolinistiÄke Å”kole
Diplomski rad predstavlja osnovna naÄela violinistiÄke Å”kole Ivana Galamiana, komparira ih sa suvremenim violinistiÄkim metodama, te detaljno obraÄuje najvažnije metodiÄke i interpretativne postavke Å”kole
ViolinistiÄke Å”kole
Diplomski rad predstavlja osnovna naÄela violinistiÄke Å”kole Ivana Galamiana, komparira ih sa suvremenim violinistiÄkim metodama, te detaljno obraÄuje najvažnije metodiÄke i interpretativne postavke Å”kole