35 research outputs found

    Maniakion - The Golden Torc in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Army. Preliminary Research Report

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    A római birodalom határvidékén

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    Samian deposit (cache) from Papkeszi (Veszprém county, Hungary)

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    A collector handed over to the Hungarian National Museum 15 items of samian ware which he had discovered on the outskirts of Papkeszi. All of the vessels were plain ware: Drag.33 cups or Drag.18/31 platters. 12 pieces bear stamps, with exception one they were all made by the workshops of Lezoux in the Antonine period. Their accordance as a set is evidenced by the graffiti naming Verus on 8 pieces. The cache of Papkeszi and its closest paralell in space and time the one of Gorsium indicate that they were both purposely hidden deposits. Cache from the same era are also known from Noricum and Pannonia. Deposits from Gorsium and Aquincum can be related to the Marcomannic–Sarmatian attacks of AD 178–179 which among others resulted in the destruction of the earth-timber fort of Celamantia. Based on samian and brooches the Roman settlement of Papkeszi was inhabited from the Flavian Age. Although its inhabitants might have hidden a cache of terra sigillata as a significant treasure, the Marcomannic–Sarmatian wars (AD 166–180) did not cause any considerable interruption in the occupation of the settlement

    Nagybronz szoborleletek Pannoniában/Grossbronzenfunde aus Pannonien

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    A pannoniai tartományokban kevés a mészkőből vagy márványból faragott nagyszobrászati alkotás és gyakran művészi kvalitásuk is alacsony. Ezzel szemben viszonylag sok nagybronz szobortöredéket ismerünk. A tanulmány elsődleges célja, hogy röviden és előzetesen összefoglalja a pannoniai nagybronz szoborleleteiről jelenleg rendelkezésünkre álló információkat, jellemezze és meghatározza a főbb jellegzetességeiket és kiemelje a jelentősebb darabokat