7 research outputs found

    Nuclear import mechanism of EGFR in breast cancer cells

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    Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are internalised from the plasma membrane by endocytosis and may be transported to the nucleus. EGFR, a receptor for EGF and other RTKs, HER-2 and HER-4 has an important role in signalling; it contains transactivational activity and can function as a transcription co-factor to activate gene promoters. High nuclear accumulation of imported full length EGFR is associated with an increased tumour proliferation and a reduced survival in cancer patients. However, little is known about the mechanism by which membrane-bound proteins, such as EGFR, translocate from the cell surface into the cell nucleus; how nuclear membrane proteins cross through the NPC to reach the INM. The mechanism of translocation for soluble proteins is also presently unclear. EGFR nuclear import is mediated by importin α/β. And it is exported from the nucleus by the exportin CRM1. Sec61β which may reside in the inner nuclear membrane (INM) is required for the release of EGFR from the INM into the nucleus. Nuclear transport involves binding of nuclear localisation sequences (NLSs) within the cargo to a transport receptor (karyopherins or importin). Karyopherins interact with certain nuclear pore complex (NPC) proteins (nucleoporins). Membrane proteins can access the INM through the NPC membrane: by diffusion, using classical nuclear transport factors (the importin/Ran system); or by an ATP dependent mechanism. EGFR may use the former mechanism. This work concentrates to show by electron microscopy and by Immuno-Fluorescence that upon EGF treatment, the biotinylated cell surface EGFR is trafficked to the INM through the NPC, yet remaining a membrane-bound protein. We also confirm that importin regulates EGFR nuclear transport to the INM and in addition, Sec61β is required for EGFR release to the nucleoplasm. Altogether, this study of the mechanism of EGFR nuclear-cytoplasmic import in breast cancer cells, further confirms previous reports and provides an understanding of the nature and regulation of the nuclear EGFR pathway and the mechanism by which cell-surface EGFR is shuttled in the cell cytoplasm and channelled through the Golgi and Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) compartments and into the nucleus through the NPC

    Engineering biointerfaces to reveal collagen IV disease mechanisms

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    Basement Membranes (BMs) are specialised extracellular matrix (ECM) structures that underlie all endothelial and epithelial cells, and provide structural support to tissues as well as influence cell behaviour and signalling. Mutations in the BMs major component collagen IV cause eye, kidney and cerebrovascular disease including intracerebral haemorrhaging (ICH). Haemorrhagic stroke accounts for 15% adult stroke and 50% paediatric stroke, and carries the worst prognosis and there are no therapeutic strategies. Mutations in the genes COL4A1/COL4A2 (collagen IV alpha chain 1 and 2) cause BM defects due to mutant protein incorporation in the BM or its absence by ER retention, and ER-stress due to intracellular accumulation of collagen IV. Despite this, the mechanism(s) of collagen IV mutations disease remain poorly characterised. To provide novel insights into mechanisms of collagen diseases, this study investigates the effect of defined engineered biointerfaces on cell behaviour/signalling, collagen secretion in COL4A2 mutant and wild-type cells. Atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy were employed together with confocal and biochemical analyses of cells cultured on engineered synthetic polymers, poly(ethyl acrylate) and poly(methyl acrylate), coated with ECM proteins, namely laminin, collagen IV and fibronectin. This enabled us to address the hypothesis that biomaterials may alter the behaviour of COL4A2+/G702D mutant cells by overcoming some of the defects caused by the mutation and rescuing the downstream effect of the ER stress. Of the ECM proteins that were used, only fibronectin was observed to undergo a drastic structural change depending on the substrate chemistry. On poly(ethyl acrylate), fibronectin was assembled into fibrillary networks upon adsorption, and these nanonetworks induced increased secretion of Col4a2 in COL4A2+/G702D cells than on poly(methyl acrylate) or control glass. The behaviour of the mutant cells appeared to be influenced by the underlying biointerface, increased levels of molecular chaperones and reduced ER area suggested an increased collagen IV folding capacity when the cells were cultured on the FN nanonetworks compared to the other surfaces. COL4A2+/G702D cells interacted with the adsorbed proteins and were able to mechanically translocate them. Enhanced formation of focal adhesions was also seen on FN-coated polymers, where ligand density and actin-myosin contractility accounted for the observed increase in cell adhesion strength. The stiffness of the mutant fibroblasts and of their ECMs was found to be 10 times lower than that of the wild-type cells; interestingly, mutant cells cultured on FN nanonetworks on poly(ethyl acrylate) were able to deposit a protein matrix with significantly higher Young modulus than on glass or poly(methyl acrylate). These findings suggest that biomaterials are able to influence the behaviour of these mutant cells through changes in the interfacial layer of adsorbed proteins presented to them. Collectively, these data provide an understanding of the effect of mutations on cell characteristic and a basis of concept that material may be employed to modulate effects of mutations of collagen/ECM molecules. Understanding the mechanisms through which these surfaces trigger a change in cell response will prove valuable for the development of new therapeutic approaches to address pathologies due to collagen IV mutations. In this respect, further investigation is needed to dissect the signalling pathways involved

    Material-driven fibronectin assembly rescues matrix defects due to mutations in collagen IV in fibroblasts

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    Basement membranes (BMs) are specialised extracellular matrices that provide structural support to tissues as well as influence cell behaviour and signalling. Mutations in COL4A1/COL4A2, a major BM component, cause a familial form of eye, kidney and cerebrovascular disease, including stroke, while common variants in these genes are a risk factor for intracerebral haemorrhage in the general population. These phenotypes are associated with matrix defects, due to mutant protein incorporation in the BM and/or its absence by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention. However, the effects of these mutations on matrix stiffness, the contribution of the matrix to the disease mechanism(s) and its effects on the biology of cells harbouring a collagen IV mutation remain poorly understood. To shed light on this, we employed synthetic polymer biointerfaces, poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA) and poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA) coated with ECM proteins laminin or fibronectin (FN), to generate controlled microenvironments and investigate their effects on the cellular phenotype of primary fibroblasts harbouring a COL4A2+/G702D mutation. FN nanonetworks assembled on PEA induced increased deposition and assembly of collagen IV in COL4A2+/G702D cells, which was associated with reduced ER size and enhanced levels of protein chaperones such as BIP, suggesting increased protein folding capacity of the cell. FN nanonetworks on PEA also partially rescued the reduced stiffness of the deposited matrix and cells, and enhanced cell adhesion through increased actin-myosin contractility, effectively rescuing some of the cellular phenotypes associated with COL4A1/4A2 mutations. The mechanism by which FN nanonetworks enhanced the cell phenotype involved integrin β1-mediated signalling. Collectively, these results suggest that biomaterials and enhanced integrin signalling via assembled FN are able to shape the matrix and cellular phenotype of the COL4A2+/G702D mutation in patient-derived cells

    Material-driven fibronectin assembly rescues matrix defects due to mutations in collagen IV in fibroblasts

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    Basement membranes (BMs) are specialised extracellular matrices that provide structural support to tissues as well as influence cell behaviour and signalling. Mutations in COL4A1/COL4A2, a major BM component, cause a familial form of eye, kidney and cerebrovascular disease, including stroke, while common variants in these genes are a risk factor for intracerebral haemorrhage in the general population. These phenotypes are associated with matrix defects, due to mutant protein incorporation in the BM and/or its absence by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention. However, the effects of these mutations on matrix stiffness, the contribution of the matrix to the disease mechanism(s) and its effects on the biology of cells harbouring a collagen IV mutation remain poorly understood. To shed light on this, we employed synthetic polymer biointerfaces, poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA) and poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA) coated with ECM proteins laminin or fibronectin (FN), to generate controlled microenvironments and investigate their effects on the cellular phenotype of primary fibroblasts harbouring a COL4A2+/G702D mutation. FN nanonetworks assembled on PEA induced increased deposition and assembly of collagen IV in COL4A2+/G702D cells, which was associated with reduced ER size and enhanced levels of protein chaperones such as BIP, suggesting increased protein folding capacity of the cell. FN nanonetworks on PEA also partially rescued the reduced stiffness of the deposited matrix and cells, and enhanced cell adhesion through increased actin-myosin contractility, effectively rescuing some of the cellular phenotypes associated with COL4A1/4A2 mutations. The mechanism by which FN nanonetworks enhanced the cell phenotype involved integrin β1-mediated signalling. Collectively, these results suggest that biomaterials and enhanced integrin signalling via assembled FN are able to shape the matrix and cellular phenotype of the COL4A2+/G702D mutation in patient-derived cells

    Three-dimensional tunable fibronectin-collagen platforms for control of cell adhesion and matrix deposition

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex fibrillar network that couples a cell with its environment and directly regulates cells’ functions via structural, mechanical, and biochemical signals. The goal of this study was to engineer and characterize ECM-mimicking protein platforms with material properties covering both physiological and pathological (tumorous) tissues. We designed and fabricated three-dimensional (3D) fibrillar scaffolds comprising the two major components of the ECM, namely collagen (Col) and fibronectin (Fn), using a previously developed freeze-drying method. While scaffolds porous architecture and mechanics were controlled by varying Col I concentration, Fn deposition and conformation were tuned using varied immersion temperature and assessed via intramolecular Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET). Our data indicate that all scaffolds were able to support various crucial cellular functions such as adhesion, proliferation and matrix deposition. Additionally, we show that, keeping the stiffness constant and tuning the conformation of the Fn layer used to coat the Col scaffolds, we were able to control not only the invasion of cells but also the conformation of the matrix they would deposit, from a compact to an unfolded structure (as observed in the breast tumor microenvironment). Therefore, these tunable scaffolds could be used as 3D cell culture models, in which ECM microarchitecture, mechanics and protein conformation are controlled over large volumes to investigate long-term mechanisms such as wound healing phases and/or vascularization mechanisms in both physiological and pathological (tumorous) microenvironments. These findings have implications for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

    Nanotopography controls cell cycle changes involved with skeletal stem cell self-renewal and multipotency

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    We present data showing that individual skeletal stem cell populations respond to nanoscale topography differently, and that seeding protocols can be optimised to enhance self-renewal allowing nanotopography to be used as a tool for the study of multipotency. Biochemical, transcriptomic and metabolomic protocols were used to investigate roles for mitogen activated protein kinases as a self-renewal / differentiation control switch and implicate control of cell cycle as being critical for maintenance of multipotency in prolonged culture. This has clear implications for production of large-numbers of high quality skeletal stem cells in vitro