23 research outputs found

    Prevalence of HIV, HBV and Chlamydia infections in Cameroonian University context: case of the University of Dschang, in the Western Region

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    Introduction: In sub-Saharan Africa HIV infection remains largely epidemic, whereas HBV infection is highly endemic (>8%). In Cameroon, HIV prevalence is 4.3%. Concerning HBV and chlamydia infections, their prevalence are both ≄10%. Young adults, including university students, are the population groups mostly affected. Epidemiological data on these infections, among university students could be helpful to implement specific prevention strategies. Methods: A descriptive study was performed in May 2013 among 624 students from the University of Dschang, Cameroon. Participants were screened for HIV, HBV and Chlamydia infections. Data was collected by a standard questionnaire and analyzed by Epi Info. Results: Average age of participants was 23.3 years (σ = 3.2) with female predominance (58.7%). Prevalence of HIV, HBV and Chlamydia infection was 1.1% (7/624), 2.8% (5/176) and 2.0% (2/100) respectively. 83.2% of participants were sexually active. Concerning sexual risk behaviors, participants reported having multi partners (14.8%), using condom occasionally (58.6%) or never (5.0%). 100%, 62.6% and 52.2% reported to be aware on HIV, HBV and Chlamydia infections respectively. In addition, only 5.5% and 21.3% of the participants were aware of their HBV and Chlamydia status respectively, versus 64.4% for HIV. The excessive cost of HBV and Chlamydia tests has been identified as the major barrier to testing (87.6%). Conclusion: Among college Cameroonian students the prevalence of HIV, HBV and Chlamydia infections seems to be relatively low if compared to general population. However, having multiple sexual partners in addition to non-systematic use of condoms during sexual intercourse represents risk behaviors among students. Awareness campaigns and screening facilitation on HBV and chlamydia infections need to be strengthened

    Evaluation de l'efficacité anthelminthique des extraits éthanoliques de graines de papaye (Carica papaya L.) contre l'ascardiose aviaire à Ascaridia galli chez le poulet de chair

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    Evaluation of the Efficiency of Ethanolic Extracts of Papaw Seeds (Carica papaya L.) against Ascaridia galli Ascaridiasis in Broiler Chicken. A study was carried out to study the efficiency of ethanolic extracts of papaw seeds against Ascaridia galli ascaridiasis in broiler chicken. Fifty-four 7 days old ISA 15 VEDETTE broilers raised in the Practical Training and Research Farm of Dschang University in Cameroon were inoculated with 1 ml of suspension containing approximately 100 embryonated A. galli eggs per bird. The broilers, divided into 3 groups of 18 birds, after 47 days, received either 0 g/l, 1.5 g/l and 3 g/l of ethanolic papaw seeds extracts administered one time only and corresponding to Do, D3/2 and D3 treatments. The reduction rates of number of eggs per gramme of faeces were 2.4%, 72.7%, 82.1% for treatment Do, D3/2 and D3 respectively. The reduction rates of parasitic load were 49% and 76% respectively for treatment D3/2 and D3 compared to parasitic load obtained from control Do at autopsy. Average weight gains a week after treatment was 108 g, 297 g and 400 g in Do, D3/2 and D3 treatment respectively. Ethanolic extracts of papaw seed appear to be efficient in the treatment of A. galli ascaridiasis at the doses of 1.5 g/l and 3 g/l in broiler

    Evaluation de l'efficacité des extraits aqueux de graines de papaye (Carica papaya L.) dans le traitement de la coccidiose caecale à Eimeria tenella chez le poulet de chair

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    Evaluation of the Efficiency of Aqueous Extracts of Papaw Seeds (Carica papaya L.) for the Treatment of Caecum Eimeria tenella Coccidiosis in Broiler Chicken. A study was carried out to study the efficiency of aqueous extracts of papaw seeds for the treatment of caecum Eimeria tenella coccidiosis in broiler chicken. Eighty eight 37-day old caged ISA15 VEDETTE broiler chickens were inoculated with a suspension of 3500 ± 1050 E. tenella oocysts/ml. The birds then divided into 4 groups of 22 birds received 10 days later either 0 (D0 dose), 10 (D10 dose), 20 (D20 dose) or 40 g/l (D40 dose) of aqueous extracts of papaw seeds. Mortality rates of 45.5%, 34.8%, 18.2% and 9.1% were recorded for D0, D10, D20 and D40 groups respectively. As compared to infestation rate before treatment, the reduction rate of the number of oocysts/g of faeces was respectively 6.6%, 42.8%, 73.6% and 91.8% for D0, D10, D20 and D40. Average daily weight gain was 42.7 g, 47.8 g, 69.8 g and 86 g for treatments D0, D10, D20 and D40, respectively while average weekly feed efficiency ratio values of 3.9, 4.1, 2.4 and 1.9 were respectively recorded for D0, D10, D20 and D40 treatments. Aqueous extracts of papaw seeds seemed to be efficient in the treatment of caecum E. tenella coccidiosis in broiler chickens

    Essais préliminaires d'utilisation de Kalanchoe crenata (Crassulacée) dans la prophylaxie et le traitement de la coccidiose aviaire

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    Preliminary studies on the utilization of Kalanchoe crenata (Crassulacea) in the prophylaxis and treatment of avian coccidiosis. In an experiment aiming at evaluating the efficiency of Kalanchoe crenata (Crassulacea) leaves in preventing avian coccidiosis as compared to "Amprolsol" (Amprolium, MSD), 90 "Hybro lourd" breed of broiler chickens were divided into 3 equal groups : A (control), B (treated with infusions of K. crenata leaves), and C (treated with "Amprolsol"). Based on the number of oocysts per gram of feces (opg) noted until the 7th week of the experiment, it was shown that K. crenata limited oocyst excretion (73.9 % reduction compared to the control treatment), but this occured to a lesser extend than "Amprolsol" (95.7 % reduction compared to the control). In a second experiment designed to compare the effects of the plant in reducing oocyst output to those of the commercial drug, 60 "Hybro lourd" chickens were divided into 2 equal groups D (treated with plant infusions) and E (treated with "Amprolsol"). The commercial drug reduced the opg by 96.3 % against a 73.4 % reduction for the plant. Given the encouraging results this experiment produced, more advanced studies have to be undertaken to more efficiently use and find the active anticoccidial principles in K. crenata leaves

    The Production Performance of Broiler Birds as Affected by the Replacement of Fish Meal by Maggot Meal in the Starter and Finisher Diets

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    The effect of replacing fish meal with maggot meal in the starter and grower-finisher diets on the production performances of broiler chickens was studied. For both the starter and the grower-finisher periods, total weight gain in the control group receiving exclusively fish meal was significantly (P< 0.05) lower than that of birds receiving the diet containing the largest amount of maggot meal. No significant difference (P> 0.05) was detected among treatment groups for feed conversion ratio for both the starter and grower-finisher periods. No significant difference was detected among treatment groups for either hot carcass yield or proportion of different parts of the carcass, although increasing the amount of maggot meal in the diet tended to increased proportion of liver and gizzard. Although no significant difference was recorded among treatment groups for the feed cost for the production of one kg of live weight, there was a 4 to 16% reduction in cost of production as compared to the control group for both the starter and the grower-finisher periods. It was concluded that from the technical and economic point of view, maggot meal could replace fish meal, but that the earlier should be analysed for toxicity before it could be widely used for broiler chicken feeding

    In vitro Activity of Ethanol, Cold Water and Hot Water Extracts of the Bark of Canthium mannii (Rubiaceae) Stem on Ancylostoma caninum Eggs

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    An in vitro evaluation was performed to determine the efficacy of ethanol, cold water and hot water extracts of the stem bark of Canthium mannii (Rubiaceae) on un-embryonated and embryonated eggs of Ancylostoma caninum obtained from the faeces of naturally infected local dogs. The extracts were diluted in distilled water to obtain five concentrations namely 125, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ”g/ml. Mebendazole, similarly diluted, distilled water and 0.02 % ethanol were used in the bioassay as the standard reference drug, placebo and ethanol control respectively. One milliliter portions of the extracts and controls at the different concentrations were added to 1 ml solutions containing 30 to 40 of the parasite eggs distributed in different Petri dishes followed by incubation at 24 °C for 48 h in the case of un-embryonated eggs and 6 h for the embryonated eggs, after which first stage larvae and eggs were counted. The 1000 ”g/ml ethanol extract produced a 90 % reduction in the number of eggs that hatched after treatment for 48 h. This effect was similar to that produced by mebendazole. The cold water and hot water extracts showed lower eclodibility inhibition (< 50 %) at all the concentrations tested. These results support the possible use of the ethanol extract of C. mannii in the control of gastrointestinal helminthiasis. These effects remain to be studied under in vivo conditions. Keywords: Canthium mannii, anthelmintic action, Ancylostoma caninum, Cameroon. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 8 (3) 2005: pp 14-1