368 research outputs found

    Surrender: An Alchemical Act in Personal Transformation

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    This article is the result of inquiring about human resistance to change. Specifically, it focuses on the act of surrender which engages, rather than avoids, the process of transformation. Due to the relatively sparse amount of literature on the subject of surrender, additional literature which parallels and compliments the subject is creatively woven in. The author comfortably injects criticism and interpretation of the literature and intermittently offers suggestions for further research efforts


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    Keberadaan radio komunitas dihadang sejumlah masalah yaitu, batasan frekuensi dan jangkaua n. Radio komunitas diperkirakan akan mati karena tiga sebab. Pertama, kebedaraannya dalam sistem yang diundang-undangan yang cenderung memiliki ruang geraknya 2,5 KM. Kedua, radio komunitas harus bersaing dengan radio swasta yang memiliki modal (kapital) jauh lebih. Ketiga, pendengar yang mulai beralih ke media lain. Metode yang digunakan adalah TOPSIS yang difokuskan pada beberapa tahapan, dengan studi kasus pada radio UKIM FM dengan cara berbagi kuisioner kepada pendengar komunitas untuk melihat genre musik yang disukai dan tingkat kesukaan pendengar UKIM FM terhadap 6 (enam) program acara radio UKIM FM. Penentuan kriteria bobot bobot genre musik dan program berdasarkan usia, Waktu mendengar berapa jam sehari, isi konten sesuai minat / kebutuhan pendengar, genre musik, penyiar, Music Director (MD) dan interaktif dengan pendengar yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah dinamis dalam mencari alternatif terbaik agar Dapat digunakan oleh pengambil keputusan dalam mengembangkan program acara yang diminati diselingi dengan genre musik yang masuk oleh pendengar sehingga dapat meraih kembali banyak pendengar. Hasil yang diperoleh,

    Effect of Y substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Dy1-xYxCo5 compounds

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    Structural and magnetization studies were carried out on Dy1-xYxCo5 [x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1] compounds which crystallize in the hexagonal CaCu5-type structure. Lattice parameters and unit-cell volume increase with Y concentration. Large thermomagnetic irreversibility between the field-cooled and the zero-field cooled magnetization data has been observed in all the compounds, which has been attributed to the domain wall pinning effect. Temperature dependence of magnetization data shows that except DyCo5 and YCo5, all the compounds show spin reorientation transitions in the range of 5-300 K. The spin reorientation temperature decreases from 266 K for x=0.2 to 100 K for x=0.8. Powder x-ray diffractograms of the magnetically aligned samples show that DyCo5 has planar anisotropy at room temperature whereas all the other compounds possess axial anisotropy. The spin reorientation transition has been attributed to a change in the easy magnetization direction from the ab-plane to the c-axis, as the temperature is increased. The anisotropy field and the first order anisotropy constant are found to be quite high in all the compounds except DyCo5. The magnetic properties have been explained by taking into account the variations in contributions arising from the rare earth and transition metal sublattices.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Linking Verb Pattern Dictionaries of English and Spanish

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    The paper presents the first step in the creation of a new multilingual and corpus-driven lexical resource by means of linking existing monolingual pattern dictionaries of English and Spanish verbs. The two dictionaries were compiled through Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) – an empirical procedure in corpus linguistics that associates word meaning with word use by means of analysis of phraseological patterns and collocations found in corpus data. This paper provides a first look into a number of practical issues arising from the task of linking corresponding patterns across languages via both manual and automatic procedures. In order to facilitate manual pattern linking, we implemented a heuristic-based algorithm to generate automatic suggestions for candidate verb pattern pairs, which obtained 80% precision. Our goal is to kick-start the development of a new resource for verbs that can be used by language learners, translators, editors and the research community alike

    Desenvolvimento de uma cama infantil multifuncional

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    O propósito do presente trabalho é criar um mobiliário multifuncional. A elaboração de um produto inicia com um projeto conceitual. Ao longo desta etapa, começou com pesquisas bibliográficas, pesquisas de público-alvo e produtos concorrentes ou similares inseridos no mercado. Esses estudos são essenciais para as gerações de alternativas. O design vem firmando o seu papel no que tange o conceito de viver bem consumindo menos. Neste quesito, o projetista tem a oportunidade de criar produtos que amenizam os impactos ambientais. Uma das áreas que mais é influenciada por este movimento é a do design moveleiro. No presente trabalho, aborda-se o desenvolvimento de uma cama multifuncional e adaptável para que uma criança possa utilizá-la desde o período de sua primeira infância, acompanhando o seu crescimento adaptando-se para uma cama que ela possa utilizar no futuro. Outro assunto abordado neste trabalho é a ergonomia, essencial para a elaboração de um móvel, impedindo lesões e acidentes para os seus usuários.The purpose of this work is to create a multifunctional furniture. The elaboration of a product starts with a conceptual project. During this step, we started researching for bibliographic, target audience and similar products existing in the market. These studies are essential for generating alternatives. The design is becoming essencial regarding the concept of living well and consuming less. On its role, the designer has the opportunity to create products that lower the environmental impacts. One of the areas that is more influenced by this movement is the furniture design. In the present work, we discuss the development of a multifuncional and adaptive bed for a child to be used from the early childhood to its growth, and that can be adapted in a bed that can be used in the future. Another subject of this work is ergonomics, essencial for the elaboration of a furniture, preventing injures and accidents to its users