165 research outputs found

    Angular momentum of focused beams: beyond the paraxial approximation

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    We investigate in detail the focusing of a circularly polarized Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam (\hbar \ell orbital angular momentum per photon; σ=1/1\sigma=1/-1 for left/right-handed polarization) by a high numerical aperture objective. The diffraction-limited focused beam has unexpected properties, resulting from a strong interplay between the angular spatial structure and the local polarization in the non-paraxial regime. In the region near the beam axis, and provided that 2|\ell|\ge 2 and \ell and σ\sigma have opposite signs, the energy locally counter-propagates and the projection of the electric field onto the focal plane counter-rotates with respect to the circular polarization of the incident beam. We explicitly show that the total angular momentum flux per unit power is conserved after focusing, as expected by rotational symmetry, but the spin and orbital separate contributions change.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Human Papillomavirus Genotype Distribution among Cervical Cancer Patients prior to Brazilian National HPV Immunization Program

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    To evaluate the impact of HPV immunization and possible changes in virus type-specific prevalence associated with cervical cancer, it is important to obtain baseline information based on socioeconomic, educational, and environmental characteristics in human populations. We describe these characteristics and the type-specific HPV distribution in 1,183 women diagnosed with cervical cancer in two Brazilian healthcare institutions located at the Southeastern (Rio de Janeiro/RJ) and the Amazonian (Belém/PA) regions. Large differences were observed between women in these regions regarding economic, educational, and reproductive characteristics. The eight most frequent HPV types found in tumor samples were the following: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, and 58. Some HPV types classified as unknown or low risk were found in tumor samples with single infections, HPV 83 in RJ and HPV 11, 61, and 69 in PA. The proportion of squamous cervical cancer was lower in RJ than in PA (76.3% versus 87.3%, 푝 < 0.001). Adenocarcinoma was more frequent in RJ than in PA (13.5% versus 6.9%, 푝 < 0.001). The frequency of HPV 16 in PA was higher in younger women (푝 < 0.05). The success of a cervical cancer control program should consider HPV types, local health system organization, and sociodemographic diversity of Brazilian regions

    Human Papillomavirus Genotype Distribution among Cervical Cancer Patients prior to Brazilian National HPV Immunization Program

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    To evaluate the impact of HPV immunization and possible changes in virus type-specific prevalence associated with cervical cancer, it is important to obtain baseline information based on socioeconomic, educational, and environmental characteristics in human populations. We describe these characteristics and the type-specific HPV distribution in 1,183 women diagnosed with cervical cancer in two Brazilian healthcare institutions located at the Southeastern (Rio de Janeiro/RJ) and the Amazonian (Belém/PA) regions. Large differences were observed between women in these regions regarding economic, educational, and reproductive characteristics. The eight most frequent HPV types found in tumor samples were the following: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, and 58. Some HPV types classified as unknown or low risk were found in tumor samples with single infections, HPV 83 in RJ and HPV 11, 61, and 69 in PA. The proportion of squamous cervical cancer was lower in RJ than in PA (76.3% versus 87.3%, p<0.001). Adenocarcinoma was more frequent in RJ than in PA (13.5% versus 6.9%, p<0.001). The frequency of HPV 16 in PA was higher in younger women (p<0.05). The success of a cervical cancer control program should consider HPV types, local health system organization, and sociodemographic diversity of Brazilian regions

    Agricultura urbana agroecológica na perspectiva da promoção da saúde

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    A agricultura urbana tem sido tema de diversas pesquisas no contexto brasileiro e no mundo, principalmente no que diz respeito à geração de trabalho e renda. O presente artigo tem por objetivo sistematizar a experiência do projeto Colhendo Sustentabilidade: práticas comunitárias de segurança alimentar e agricultura urbana (PCS), realizado em Embu das Artes, região metropolitana de São Paulo, durante o período compreendido entre 2008 e 2011, analisando-o sob a ótica da Promoção da Saúde (PS). Foram sujeitos da pesquisa os participantes, os técnicos dos serviços públicos envolvidos e integrantes da equipe técnica do projeto. Os dados foram obtidos através da realização de três oficinas de sistematização, seguidas de outra em que os resultados foram apresentados aos participantes, e também por meio de entrevistas com informantes-chave. Os mesmos foram analisados à luz dos princípios e campos de ação da PS. As conclusões revelaram a agricultura urbana agroecológica (AUA) como ferramenta promotora de saúde por contribuir com o fortalecimento do protagonismo individual e comunitário, empoderamento, criação de ambientes favoráveis à saúde, bem como seu potencial para a multiplicação de "saberes", pelos envolvidos, sobre temas relacionados à geração de renda, saúde e meio ambiente

    Pneumonia and poverty: a prospective population-based study among children in Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Children in developing country suffer the highest burden of pneumonia. However, few studies have evaluated associations between poverty and pneumonia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective population-based study on pneumonia was carried out as part of the Latin America Epidemiological Assessment of Pneumococcus (LEAP study). Chest x-rays were obtained for children one to 35 months old with suspected pneumonia presenting to emergency care centers and hospital emergency rooms in Goiania, Brazil. Chest radiographs were evaluated according to WHO guidelines. Clustering of radiologically-confirmed pneumonia were evaluated using a Poisson-based spatial scan statistic. Associations between census socioeconomic indicators and pneumonia incidence rates were analyzed using generalized linear models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From May, 2007 to May, 2009, chest radiographs were obtained from 11 521 children with clinical pneumonia; 3955 episodes were classified as radiologically-confirmed. Incidence rates were significantly higher in very low income areas (4825.2 per 10<sup>5</sup>) compared to high income areas (1637.3 per 10<sup>5</sup>). Spatial analysis identified clustering of confirmed pneumonia in Western (RR 1.78; p = 0.001) and Southeast (RR 1.46; p = 0.001) regions of the city, and clustering of hospitalized pneumonia in the Western region (RR 1.69; p = 0.001). Lower income households and illiteracy were associated with pneumonia incidence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In infants the risk of developing pneumonia is inversely associated with the head of household income and with the woman educational level. Areas with deprived socioeconomic conditions had higher incidence of pneumonia and should be targeted for high vaccination coverage.</p

    Assistência odontológica pública e suplementar no município de São Paulo na primeira década do século XXI

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    Na primeira década do século XXI registra-se a ocorrência de dois movimentos importantes no âmbito da assistência odontológica pública e privada no Brasil: a entrada da saúde bucal na agenda de prioridades políticas do governo federal e o vigoroso crescimento na oferta de serviços odontológicos suplementares. Analisou-se a ocorrência desses fenômenos no município de São Paulo, mediante a busca de dados nos documentos oficiais e nas bases eletrônicas da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, do Ministério da Saúde e da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS), além de consulta à literatura científica. No período estudado, de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2009, com base em indicadores como a Cobertura de Primeira Consulta Odontológica Programática e a Cobertura Populacional Potencial, verificaram-se percentuais que caracterizam baixa assistência pública e uma situação de grande distanciamento do princípio constitucional do acesso universal aos cuidados odontológicos. O crescimento do número de beneficiários de serviços suplementares, por meio de planos exclusivamente odontológicos e de outros planos foi expressivo em igual período, correspondendo a uma importante ampliação da cobertura populacional nesta modalidade assistencial. Constata-se que, comparativamente ao quadro geral nacional, a situação do município de São Paulo revela precariedade no acesso à assistência odontológica pública, com reduzida oferta de serviços a adultos e idosos. Considerando, ainda, as limitações do mercado de serviços suplementares para prover assistência odontológica para todos os brasileiros, reforça-se a necessidade de continuidade e expansão do Brasil Sorridente, que é a expressão programática da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal.Two concomitant movements occur in the first decade of the XXI century within the private and public dental services in Brazil: the entrance of oral health on the agenda of political priorities of the federal government and the vigorous growth of additional dental care. We analyzed the occurrence of these phenomena in the city of São Paulo, by seeking information in official documents and electronic databases in the Municipality of São Paulo, the Ministry of Health and National Health Agency (ANS), and also in scientific literature. During the studied period - January 2000 to December 2009 - and with basis on indicators such as coverage of First Consultation Program and Dental coverage Population Potential, percentages were found that characterize low public assistance and a situation far short of the constitutional principle of universal access to dental care. The growing number of beneficiaries of additional services through exclusively dental coverage insurance plans and other types of private insurance plans in the same period was significant, accounting for a major expansion of population coverage in this mode of care. It was found that, compared to the overall national framework, the city of São Paulo offers poor access to public dental care, with reduced supply of services to adults and aged people. Furthermore, considering the limitations of market additional services to provide dental care to all Brazilians, it reinforces the need for continuity and expansion of Brasil Sorridente, which is the programmatic expression of the National Oral Health Politics