606 research outputs found

    Does School Writing , ‘O’ Level In Particular, Reflect Priorities Of The Work Place?

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    A ZBTE article on school writing priorities.This article publishes the results of a study conducted in Gweru Urban in 1988-1989 on the apparent mismatch between school and workplace writing. The objective of the study was to establish whether in fact there is a mismatch between school and workplace writing tasks as alleged by 'O' level school leavers and employers. The focus of the study was, therefore, on types of writing tasks taught at school, particularly at 'O' level, and those produced and required. at workplaces

    Two dimensional dynamical systems which admit Lie and Noether symmetries

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    We prove two theorems which relate the Lie point symmetries and the Noether symmetries of a dynamical system moving in a Riemannian space with the special projective group and the homothetic group of the space respectively. The theorems are applied to classify the two dimensional Newtonian dynamical systems, which admit a Lie point/Noether symmetry. Two cases are considered, the non-conservative and the conservative forces. The use of the results is demonstrated for the Kepler - Ermakov system, which in general is non-conservative and for potentials similar to the H\`enon Heiles potential. Finally it is shown that in a FRW background with no matter present, the only scalar cosmological model which is integrable is the one for which 3-space is flat and the potential function of the scalar field is exponential. It is important to note that in all applications the generators of the symmetry vectors are found by reading the appropriate entry in the relevant tables.Comment: 25 pages, 17 table

    COVID-19 and tuberculosis in South Africa: A dangerous combination

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    There has been much speculation during the past week about the catastrophe that awaits once coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) establishes itself in the poorest communities of South Africa (SA) and, importantly, in informal settlements. Evidence to date suggests that COVID-19 is efficiently passed from infected individuals via large droplets and hard-surface fomites

    Diabetes Mellitus in HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Background. There is little in the literature on HIV and diabetes mellitus (DM) in sub-Saharan Africa. Objective. To assess the characteristics of HIV and DM in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Botswana. Methods. A retrospective case-control study was conducted at 4 sites. Each HIV-infected patient with DM (n=48) was matched with 2 HIV-infected controls (n=108) by age (±2 years) and sex. Primary analysis was conditional logistic regression to estimate univariate odds and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each characteristic. Results. There was no significant association between co-morbid diseases, tuberculosis, hypertension or cancer and risk of diabetes. DM patients were more likely to have higher pre-ART weight (odds ratio (OR) 1.09; 95% CI 1.04 - 1.14). HIV-infected adults \u3e70 kg were significantly more likely to have DM (OR 12.30; 95% CI 1.40 - 107.98). Participants receiving efavirenz (OR 4.58; 95% CI 1.44 - 14.57) or protease inhibitor therapy (OR 20.7; 95% CI 1.79 - 240.02) were more likely to have DM. Neither mean pre-ART CD4 cell count (OR 1.0; 95% CI 0.99 - 1.01) nor pre-ART viral load \u3e100 000 copies/ml (OR 0.71; 95% CI 0.21 - 2.43) were associated with a significant risk of diabetes. Conclusions. These findings suggest a complex interrelation among traditional host factors and treatment-related metabolic changes in the pathogenesis of DM inpatients receiving ART. Notably, pre-ART weight, particularly if \u3e70 kg, is associated with the diagnosis of diabetes in HIV-infected patients in Botswana

    Induction of a representative idiopathic-like scoliosis in a porcine model using a multidirectional dynamic spring-based system

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Scoliosis is a 3D deformity of the spine in which vertebral rotation plays an important role. However, no treatment strategy currently exists that primarily applies a continuous rotational moment over a long period of time to the spine, while preserving its mobility. We developed a dynamic, torsional device that can be inserted with standard posterior instrumentation. The feasibility of this implant to rotate the spine and preserve motion was tested in growing mini-pigs. PURPOSE: To test the quality and feasibility of the torsional device to induce the typical axial rotation of scoliosis while maintaining growth and mobility of the spine. STUDY DESIGN: Preclinical animal study with 14 male, 7 month old Gottingen mini-pigs. Comparison of two scoliosis induction methods, with and without the torsional device, with respect to 3D deformity and maintenance of the scoliosis after removal of the implants. METHODS: Fourteen mini-pigs received either a unilateral tether-only (n=6) or a tether combined with a contralateral torsional device (n=8). X-rays and CT-scans were made post-operative, at 8 weeks and at 12 weeks. Flexibility of the spine was assessed at 12 weeks. In 3 mini-pigs per condition, the implants were removed and the animals were followed until no further correction was expected. RESULTS: At 12 weeks the tether-only group yielded a coronal Cobb angle of 16.8±3.3°For the tether combined with the torsional device this was 22.0±4.0°. The most prominent difference at 12 weeks was the axial rotation with 3.6±2.8° for the tether-only group compared to 18.1±4.6° for the tether-torsion group. Spinal growth and flexibility remained normal and comparable for both groups. After removal of the devices, the induced scoliosis reduced by 41% in both groups. There were no adverse tissue reactions, implant complications or infections. CONCLUSION: The present study indicates the ability of the torsional device combined with a tether to induce a flexible idiopathic-like scoliosis in mini-pigs. The torsional device was necessary to induce the typical axial rotation found in human scoliosis. Clinical significance: The investigated torsional device could induce apical rotation in a flexible and growing spine. Whether this may be used to reduce a scoliotic deformity remains to be investigated

    Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of TB diagnostic strategies in HIV-positive patients in Lusaka, Zambia

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    Neuroimaging measurements derived from magnetic resonance imaging provide important information required for detecting changes related to the progression of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Cortical features and changes play a crucial role in revealing unique anatomical patterns of brain regions, and further differentiate MCI patients from normal states. Four cortical features, namely, gray matter volume, cortical thickness, surface area, and mean curvature, were explored for discriminative analysis among three groups including the stableMCI (sMCI), the convertedMCI (cMCI), and the normal control (NC) groups. In this study, 158 subjects (72 NC, 46 sMCI, and 40 cMCI) were selected from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. A sparse-constrained regression model based on the l2-1-norm was introduced to reduce the feature dimensionality and retrieve essential features for the discrimination of the three groups by using a support vector machine (SVM). An optimized strategy of feature addition based on the weight of each feature was adopted for the SVM classifier in order to achieve the best classification performance. The baseline cortical features combined with the longitudinal measurements for 2 years of follow-up data yielded prominent classification results. In particular, the cortical thickness produced a classification with 98.84% accuracy, 97.5% sensitivity, and 100% specificity for the sMCI-cMCI comparison; 92.37% accuracy, 84.78% sensitivity, and 97.22% specificity for the cMCI-NC comparison; and 93.75% accuracy, 92.5% sensitivity, and 94.44% specificity for the sMCI-NC comparison. The best performances obtained by the SVM classifier using the essential features were 5-40% more than those using all of the retained features. The feasibility of the cortical features for the recognition of anatomical patterns was certified; thus, the proposed method has the potential to improve the clinical diagnosis of sub-types of MCI and predict the risk of its conversion to Alzheimer's diseas

    The rise of policy coherence for development: a multi-causal approach

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    In recent years policy coherence for development (PCD) has become a key principle in international development debates, and it is likely to become even more relevant in the discussions on the post-2015 sustainable development goals. This article addresses the rise of PCD on the Western donors’ aid agenda. While the concept already appeared in the work of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the early 1990s, it took until 2007 before PCD became one of the Organisation’s key priorities. We adopt a complexity-sensitive perspective, involving a process-tracing analysis and a multi-causal explanatory framework. We argue that the rise of PCD is not as contingent as it looks. While actors such as the EU, the DAC and OECD Secretariat were the ‘active causes’ of the rise of PCD, it is equally important to look at the underlying ‘constitutive causes’ which enabled policy coherence to thrive well

    Greening Capitalism? A Marxist Critique of Carbon Markets

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    Climate change is increasingly being recognized as a serious threat to dominant modes of social organization, inspiring suggestions that capitalism itself needs to be transformed if we are to ‘decarbonize’ the global economy. Since the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, carbon markets have emerged as the main politico-economic tools in global efforts to address climate change. Newell and Paterson (2010) have recently claimed that the embrace of carbon markets by financial and political elites constitutes a possible first step towards the transformation of current modes of capitalist organization into a new form of greener, more sustainable ‘climate capitalism.’ In this paper, we argue that the institutionalization of carbon markets does not, in fact, represent a move towards the radical transformation of capitalism, but is better understood as the most recent expression of ongoing trends of ecological commodification and expropriation, driving familiar processes of uneven and crisis-prone development. In this paper, we review four critical Marxist concepts: metabolic rift (Foster, 1999), capitalism as world ecology (Moore, 2011a), uneven development and accumulation through dispossession (Harvey, 2003, 2006), and sub-imperialism (Marini, 1972, 1977), developing a framework for a Marxist analysis of carbon markets. Our analysis shows that carbon markets form part of a longer historical development of global capitalism and its relation to nature. Carbon markets, we argue, serve as creative new modes of accumulation, but are unlikely to transform capitalist dynamics in ways that might foster a more sustainable global economy. Our analysis also elucidates, in particular, the role that carbon markets play in exacerbating uneven development within the Global South, as elites in emerging economies leverage carbon market financing to pursue new strategies of sub-imperial expansion. </jats:p

    Commodifying development experience: deconstructing development as gift in the development blockbuster

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    This paper discusses the recent rise of popular ‘blockbuster’ books written by international development industry insiders and produced by commercial publishers. The paper explores a set of common stylistic devices found within this emerging genre. Though each book is different, a key trope is the story of an author's earlier professional life—the hard lessons and gritty insights that have supposedly emerged from it—that normally underpins each narrative. By living the challenges involved in development work at first hand, and by making mistakes and experiencing epiphanies along the way, these author-professionals want readers to know that they have found out the hard way that long-cherished beliefs about development now need to be questioned. Readers are invited to relive these lessons and epiphanies, and to think and act differently about development by upholding a highly pragmatic form of development professionalism. Combining elements of research monograph, self-help book and personal memoir, these development blockbuster books can be understood not only as commodities, but also as part of the development gift. The authors promise a gift of experience but, in reality, these books are mundane commodities enmeshed in capitalist exchange relations
