29 research outputs found

    Modelo de din谩mica y control de epidemia de dengue con informaci贸n a gran escala

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    Tesis (Doctor en Matem谩tica)--Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba, Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a, F铆sica y Computaci贸n, 2016.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es resolver un problema de control con el fin de minimizar un brote epid茅mico de fiebre dengue mediante una estrategia de fumigaci贸n 贸ptima. El trabajo se divide en dos partes. La primera consiste en plantear un problema de control con el objetivo de minimizar las personas expuesta a la enfermedad y los costos de fumigaci贸n, sujeto sobre un modelo de la din谩mica espacio-temporal de un brote de fiebre dengue. La segunda parte incluye el desarrollo de un algoritmo eficiente para resolver el problema de control basado en el m茅todo del lagrangiano aumentado.The main objective of this work is to solve a control problem in order to minimize an outbreak of dengue fever through a strategy of optimal spraying. The work is divided into two parts. The first is to pose a control problem in order to minimize people exposed to the disease and fumigation costs, subject to a model of the spatiotemporal dynamics of an outbreak of dengue fever. The second part includes the development of an efficient algorithm to solve the control problem based method increased Lagrangian

    Explaining coexistence of nitrogen fixing and non-fixing rhizobia in legume-rhizobia mutualism using mathematical modeling

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    In the mutualism established between legumes and soil bacteria known as rhizobia, bacteria from soil infect plants roots and reproduce inside root nodules where they fix atmospheric N2 for plant nutrition, receiving carbohydrates in exchange. Host-plant sanctions against non N2 fixing, cheating bacterial symbionts have been proposed to act in the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis, to preserve the mutualistic relationship. Sanctions include decreased rhizobial survival in nodules occupied by cheating rhizobia. Previously, a simple population model experimentally based showed that the coexistence of fixing and cheating rhizobia strains commonly found in field conditions is possible, and that the inclusion of sanctions leads to the extinction of cheating strains in soil. Here, we extend the previous model to include other factors that could complicate the sanction scenario, like horizontal transmission of symbiotic plasmids, turning non-nodulating strains into nodulating rhizobia, and competition between fixing and cheating strains for nodulation. In agreement with previous results, we show that plant populations persist even in the presence of cheating rhizobia without incorporating any sanction against the cheater populations in the model, under the realistic assumption that plants can at least get some amount of fixed N2 from the effectively mutualistic rhizobia occupying some nodules. Inclusion of plant sanctions leads to the unrealistic extinction of cheater strains in soil. Our results agree with increasing experimental evidence and theoretical work showing that mutualisms can persist in presence of cheating partners.Fil: Moyano, Gabriel Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a y F铆sica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Marco, Diana Elizabeth. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Cs.exactas F铆sicas y Naturales. Departamento de Matem谩ticas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Knopoff, Dami谩n Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronomia y F铆sica. Secci贸n Matem谩tica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - C贸rdoba. Centro de Investigaci贸n y Estudios de Matem谩tica. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Centro de Investigaci贸n y Estudios de Matem谩tica; ArgentinaFil: Torres, German Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Modelado e Innovaci贸n Tecnol贸gica. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Instituto de Modelado e Innovaci贸n Tecnol贸gica; ArgentinaFil: Turner, Cristina Vilma. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a y F铆sica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - C贸rdoba. Centro de Investigaci贸n y Estudios de Matem谩tica. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Centro de Investigaci贸n y Estudios de Matem谩tica; Argentin

    Protection efficacy of Argentinian isolates of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis with different genotypes and virulence in a murine model

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    Paratuberculosis is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). The disease causes economic losses and, therefore, it is imperative to follow proper control strategies, which should include an effective vaccine. Several strategies have assessed the virulence and immune response of Map strains that could be used as a vaccine. This study evaluates the degree of virulence, immune response, and protection of Argentinian strains of Map with different genotype in a murine model. Four local isolates (Cattle type) with different genotypes (analyzed by MIRU-VNTR and SSRs) were selected and evaluated in a virulence assay in BALB/c mice. This assay allowed us to differentiate virulent and low-virulence Map strains. The less virulent strains (1543/481 and A162) failed to induce a significant production of the proinflammatory cytokine IFNg, whereas the virulent strain 6611 established infection along with a proinflammatory immune response. On the other hand, the virulent strain 1347/498 was efficient in establishing a persistent infection, but failed to promote an important Th1 response compared with 6611 at the evaluated time. We selected the low-virulence strain 1543/498 as a live vaccine and the virulent strain 6611 as a live and inactivated vaccine in a protection assay in mice. Strain 1543/481 failed to protect the animals from challenge, whereas strain 6611, in its live and inactivated form, significantly reduced the CFUs count in the infected mice, although they had different immunological response profiles. The inactivated virulent strain 6611 is a potential vaccine candidate against paratuberculosis to be tested in cattle.Fil: Colombatti Olivieri, Mar铆a Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Biotecnolog铆a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Moyano, Roberto Damian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Biotecnolog铆a; ArgentinaFil: Traver铆a, Gabriel Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Cl铆nica. Centro de Diagn贸stico e Investigaciones Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Alvarado Pinedo, Mar铆a Fiorella. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Cl铆nica. Centro de Diagn贸stico e Investigaciones Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Mon, Maria Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Biotecnolog铆a; ArgentinaFil: Gravisaco, Maria Jose Federica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Biotecnolog铆a; ArgentinaFil: Delgado, Fernando Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Patobiolog铆a; ArgentinaFil: Santangelo, Mar铆a de la Paz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Biotecnolog铆a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Romano, Maria Isabel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agron贸micas. Instituto de Biotecnolog铆a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentin

    Protein determination: a diagnostic resource to evaluate sera from cattle with paratuberculosis

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    Este trabajo analiza las prote铆nas s茅ricas de bovinos procedentes de un rodeo con paratuberculosis end茅mica, enfermedad infecciosa asociada a diarrea, p茅rdida de estado corporal, caquexia y muerte. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos a partir de un grupo de animales positivos a tres pruebas diagn贸sticas de paratuberculosis con otro grupo negativo. Las pruebas utilizadas para formar los grupos fueron el cultivo micobacteriol贸gico de materia fecal, la inoculaci贸n intrad茅rmica con tuberculina aviar y un ELISA indirecto para detecci贸n de anticuerpos en suero. La concentraci贸n de las prote铆nas s茅ricas y sus fracciones se analizaron mediante colorimetr铆a y electroforesis. Los intervalos de credibilidad bayesianos fueron estad铆sticamente diferentes entre los grupos positivo y negativo a las pruebas diagn贸sticas, con menores concentraciones de alb煤mina y mayor concentraci贸n de gammaglobulina. La relaci贸n alb煤mina/globulina tambi茅n present贸 diferencias significativas, con disminuci贸n de la relaci贸n en el grupo positivo. Las fracciones proteicas alfa y beta no presentaron diferencias. La disminuci贸n de alb煤mina en el grupo de animales positivos justifica la reducci贸n de la eficiencia productiva y enfatiza la conveniencia de segregarlos animales positivos, no solo por las p茅rdidas econ贸micas asociada a la enfermedad, sino tambi茅n como una medida de control para evitar la difusi贸n de la misma.Bovine serum proteins were analyzed in sera from bovines from a herd with endemic paratuberculosis, an infectious disease associated with diarrhea, loss of body condition, cachexia and death. A group of negative animals was compared with a group of positive animals to 3 diagnostic tests for paratuberculosis (mycobateriological culture of feces, intradermal inoculation of avian tuberculin and antibody detection by indirect ELISA). Serum protein concentrations and their different fractions were analyzed by the colorimetric method and electrophoresis. Bayesian credible intervals were statistically different, with a lower albumin concentration and higher gamma globulin concentration in the positive group compared to the negative group. The albumin/globulin ratio was also statistically different with decreased ratio in the positive group. No statistical differences were observed in alpha and beta protein fractions. The decreased albumin in the positive group partly explains the poor productive performance and emphasizes the convenience to test and cull positive animals not only to avoid economic losses, but also as a control measure to reduce dissemination of the disease.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Protein determination: a diagnostic resource to evaluate sera from cattle with paratuberculosis

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    Este trabajo analiza las prote铆nas s茅ricas de bovinos procedentes de un rodeo con paratuberculosis end茅mica, enfermedad infecciosa asociada a diarrea, p茅rdida de estado corporal, caquexia y muerte. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos a partir de un grupo de animales positivos a tres pruebas diagn贸sticas de paratuberculosis con otro grupo negativo. Las pruebas utilizadas para formar los grupos fueron el cultivo micobacteriol贸gico de materia fecal, la inoculaci贸n intrad茅rmica con tuberculina aviar y un ELISA indirecto para detecci贸n de anticuerpos en suero. La concentraci贸n de las prote铆nas s茅ricas y sus fracciones se analizaron mediante colorimetr铆a y electroforesis. Los intervalos de credibilidad bayesianos fueron estad铆sticamente diferentes entre los grupos positivo y negativo a las pruebas diagn贸sticas, con menores concentraciones de alb煤mina y mayor concentraci贸n de gammaglobulina. La relaci贸n alb煤mina/globulina tambi茅n present贸 diferencias significativas, con disminuci贸n de la relaci贸n en el grupo positivo. Las fracciones proteicas alfa y beta no presentaron diferencias. La disminuci贸n de alb煤mina en el grupo de animales positivos justifica la reducci贸n de la eficiencia productiva y enfatiza la conveniencia de segregarlos animales positivos, no solo por las p茅rdidas econ贸micas asociada a la enfermedad, sino tambi茅n como una medida de control para evitar la difusi贸n de la misma.Bovine serum proteins were analyzed in sera from bovines from a herd with endemic paratuberculosis, an infectious disease associated with diarrhea, loss of body condition, cachexia and death. A group of negative animals was compared with a group of positive animals to 3 diagnostic tests for paratuberculosis (mycobateriological culture of feces, intradermal inoculation of avian tuberculin and antibody detection by indirect ELISA). Serum protein concentrations and their different fractions were analyzed by the colorimetric method and electrophoresis. Bayesian credible intervals were statistically different, with a lower albumin concentration and higher gamma globulin concentration in the positive group compared to the negative group. The albumin/globulin ratio was also statistically different with decreased ratio in the positive group. No statistical differences were observed in alpha and beta protein fractions. The decreased albumin in the positive group partly explains the poor productive performance and emphasizes the convenience to test and cull positive animals not only to avoid economic losses, but also as a control measure to reduce dissemination of the disease.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Protein determination: a diagnostic resource to evaluate sera from cattle with paratuberculosis

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    Este trabajo analiza las prote铆nas s茅ricas de bovinos procedentes de un rodeo con paratuberculosis end茅mica, enfermedad infecciosa asociada a diarrea, p茅rdida de estado corporal, caquexia y muerte. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos a partir de un grupo de animales positivos a tres pruebas diagn贸sticas de paratuberculosis con otro grupo negativo. Las pruebas utilizadas para formar los grupos fueron el cultivo micobacteriol贸gico de materia fecal, la inoculaci贸n intrad茅rmica con tuberculina aviar y un ELISA indirecto para detecci贸n de anticuerpos en suero. La concentraci贸n de las prote铆nas s茅ricas y sus fracciones se analizaron mediante colorimetr铆a y electroforesis. Los intervalos de credibilidad bayesianos fueron estad铆sticamente diferentes entre los grupos positivo y negativo a las pruebas diagn贸sticas, con menores concentraciones de alb煤mina y mayor concentraci贸n de gammaglobulina. La relaci贸n alb煤mina/globulina tambi茅n present贸 diferencias significativas, con disminuci贸n de la relaci贸n en el grupo positivo. Las fracciones proteicas alfa y beta no presentaron diferencias. La disminuci贸n de alb煤mina en el grupo de animales positivos justifica la reducci贸n de la eficiencia productiva y enfatiza la conveniencia de segregarlos animales positivos, no solo por las p茅rdidas econ贸micas asociada a la enfermedad, sino tambi茅n como una medida de control para evitar la difusi贸n de la misma.Bovine serum proteins were analyzed in sera from bovines from a herd with endemic paratuberculosis, an infectious disease associated with diarrhea, loss of body condition, cachexia and death. A group of negative animals was compared with a group of positive animals to 3 diagnostic tests for paratuberculosis (mycobateriological culture of feces, intradermal inoculation of avian tuberculin and antibody detection by indirect ELISA). Serum protein concentrations and their different fractions were analyzed by the colorimetric method and electrophoresis. Bayesian credible intervals were statistically different, with a lower albumin concentration and higher gamma globulin concentration in the positive group compared to the negative group. The albumin/globulin ratio was also statistically different with decreased ratio in the positive group. No statistical differences were observed in alpha and beta protein fractions. The decreased albumin in the positive group partly explains the poor productive performance and emphasizes the convenience to test and cull positive animals not only to avoid economic losses, but also as a control measure to reduce dissemination of the disease.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Genetic diversity of <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> complex strains isolated in Argentina by MIRU-VNTR

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    Mycobacterium avium sp. avium (MAA), M. avium sp. hominissuis (MAH), and M. avium sp. paratuberculosis (MAP) are the main members of the M. avium complex (MAC) causing diseases in several hosts. The aim of this study was to describe the genetic diversity of MAC isolated from different hosts. Twenty-six MAH and 61 MAP isolates were recovered from humans and cattle, respectively. GenoType CM庐 and IS1311-PCR were used to identify Mycobacterium species. The IS901-PCR was used to differentiate between MAH and MAA, while IS900-PCR was used to identify MAP. Genotyping was performed using a mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat (MIRU-VNTR) scheme (loci: 292, X3, 25, 47, 3, 7, 10, 32) and patterns (INMV) were assigned according to the MAC-INMV database (http://mac-inmv.tours.inra.fr/). Twenty-two (22/26, 84路6%) MAH isolates were genotyped and 16 were grouped into the following, INMV 92, INMV 121, INMV 97, INMV 103, INMV 50, and INMV 40. The loci X3 and 25 showed the largest diversity (D: 0路5844), and the global discriminatory index (Hunter and Gaston discriminatory index, HGDI) was 0路9300. MAP (100%) isolates were grouped into INMV 1, INMV 2, INMV 11, INMV 8, and INMV 5. The HGDI was 0路6984 and loci 292 and 7 had the largest D (0路6980 and 0路5050). MAH presented a higher D when compared with MAP. The MIRU-VNTR was a useful tool to describe the genetic diversity of both MAH and MAP as well as to identify six new MAH patterns that were conveniently reported to the MAC-INMV database. It was also demonstrated that, in the geographical region studied, human MAC cases were produced by MAH as there was no MAA found among the human clinical samples.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasCentro de Diagn贸stico e Investigaciones Veterinaria

    Liquid culture medium for diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis. Usefulness and comparative analysis with Herrold medium: preliminary results

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    La paratuberculosis es una enfermedad cr贸nica producida por un bacilo 谩cidoalcohol resistente (BAAR), el Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). No existe tratamiento ni vacuna aprobada por SENASA para esta enfermedad, por lo que es imprescindible el diagn贸stico de los animales positivos para controlar la enfermedad antes de que infecten a otros. Se prob贸 la implementaci贸n de un medio de cultivo l铆quido para el diagn贸stico de paratuberculosis en bovinos, modificado a partir del medio Middlebrook M7H9 caldo. Para probar la efectividad del medio se realiz贸 la siembra pareada de muestras de materia fecal y tejidos animales en el medio de cultivo s贸lido de Herrold con micobactina (HEYM) y en el medio de cultivo l铆quido modificado a partir del M7H9 caldo. Adem谩s, se lograron comparar el tiempo de detecci贸n de colonias en el medio s贸lido con el de detecci贸n de BAAR formando grupos en el medio de cultivo l铆quido en estudio. Se corrobor贸 que hay diferencias significativas entre el medio de cultivo l铆quido y el medio HEYM, tanto en el tiempo de detecci贸n como en la cantidad de muestras positivas detectadas, observando BAAR en el medio l铆quido o colonias bacterianas en el medio HEYM. Sobre la base de estos resultados se concluye que el medio l铆quido probado posee una mayor sensibilidad anal铆tica y un tiempo de detecci贸n del crecimiento menor con respecto a los del medio HEYM.Paratuberculosis is a chronical disease caused by acidfast bacilli (AFB) Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). There is neither an effective treatment nor any vaccine approved by the sanitary authority (SENASA) in Argentina. Diagnosis and segregation of positive animals are essential for the control of the disease. For the diagnosis of cattle paratuberculosis, a modified Middlebrook M7H9 broth medium was developed. To test the effectiveness of the medium, fecal and tissue samples were cultured in Herrold with mycobactin and liquid culture media, and time to growth was compared by direct observation of colonies and microscopic grouped AFB observation, respectively. Significant differences were observed between liquid tested and Herrold media, both in time to grow and in the number of positive animals detected. Based on these results, it is concluded that liquid medium offers greater analytical sensitivity and faster detection than Herrold medium.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Liquid culture medium for diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis. Usefulness and comparative analysis with Herrold medium: preliminary results

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    La paratuberculosis es una enfermedad cr贸nica producida por un bacilo 谩cidoalcohol resistente (BAAR), el Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). No existe tratamiento ni vacuna aprobada por SENASA para esta enfermedad, por lo que es imprescindible el diagn贸stico de los animales positivos para controlar la enfermedad antes de que infecten a otros. Se prob贸 la implementaci贸n de un medio de cultivo l铆quido para el diagn贸stico de paratuberculosis en bovinos, modificado a partir del medio Middlebrook M7H9 caldo. Para probar la efectividad del medio se realiz贸 la siembra pareada de muestras de materia fecal y tejidos animales en el medio de cultivo s贸lido de Herrold con micobactina (HEYM) y en el medio de cultivo l铆quido modificado a partir del M7H9 caldo. Adem谩s, se lograron comparar el tiempo de detecci贸n de colonias en el medio s贸lido con el de detecci贸n de BAAR formando grupos en el medio de cultivo l铆quido en estudio. Se corrobor贸 que hay diferencias significativas entre el medio de cultivo l铆quido y el medio HEYM, tanto en el tiempo de detecci贸n como en la cantidad de muestras positivas detectadas, observando BAAR en el medio l铆quido o colonias bacterianas en el medio HEYM. Sobre la base de estos resultados se concluye que el medio l铆quido probado posee una mayor sensibilidad anal铆tica y un tiempo de detecci贸n del crecimiento menor con respecto a los del medio HEYM.Paratuberculosis is a chronical disease caused by acidfast bacilli (AFB) Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). There is neither an effective treatment nor any vaccine approved by the sanitary authority (SENASA) in Argentina. Diagnosis and segregation of positive animals are essential for the control of the disease. For the diagnosis of cattle paratuberculosis, a modified Middlebrook M7H9 broth medium was developed. To test the effectiveness of the medium, fecal and tissue samples were cultured in Herrold with mycobactin and liquid culture media, and time to growth was compared by direct observation of colonies and microscopic grouped AFB observation, respectively. Significant differences were observed between liquid tested and Herrold media, both in time to grow and in the number of positive animals detected. Based on these results, it is concluded that liquid medium offers greater analytical sensitivity and faster detection than Herrold medium.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria