5 research outputs found

    Estrategia didáctica para el tratamiento de la táctica en taekwondistas pioneriles: valoraciones de su aplicación

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    La táctica es el componente orientado al desarrollo de las habilidades para el combate. En este sentido, el comportamiento táctico constituye la forma de concreción del nivel de desarrollo de este componente, por tanto, a través de este se puede valorar el nivel alcanzado en la táctica y en su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, de manera que se puedan realizar los ajustes necesarios durante este proceso formativo y garantizar con ello un mejor resultado competitivo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 16 participantes comprendidos entre las edades de 11-12 años, con una experiencia deportiva entre 1-3 años. La valoración de los indicadores definidos permitió determinar el impacto de la estrategia didáctica después de 22 semanas de aplicación. Para ello se empleó el pre-experimento, así como procedimientos de la estadística descriptiva para analizar la tendencia central de los resultados, así como la prueba de correlación de Pearson en virtud de la determinación del nivel de interrelación estadística entre algunos de los indicadores establecidos y sobre esta base realizar inferencias. Este artículo tiene como propósito realizar una comparación de los resultados obtenidos por los taekwondistas del Distrito Antonio Maceo en Santiago de Cuba, antes y después de la aplicación la referida estrategia. De esta manera se constató un mejoramiento en el comportamiento táctico de los atletas mencionados.PALABRAS CLAVE: Taekwondo; táctica; comportamiento táctico; aprendizaje; enseñanza.Didactic strategy for tactic treatment in taekwondo athletes: assessments about the application ABSTRACTTactics is the component oriented to the development of combat skills. In this sense, tactical behavior constitutes the form of concretion of the level of development of this component, therefore, through this; the level reached in tactics and in its teaching-learning process can be assessed, so that they can be carried out. The necessary adjustments during this training process and thereby guarantee a better competitive result. The sample consisted of 16 participants between the ages of 11-12 years, with a sporting experience between 1-3 years. The assessment of the defined indicators allowed determining the impact of the didactic strategy after 22 weeks of application. For this, the pre-experiment was used, as well as descriptive statistics procedures to analyze the central tendency of the results, as well as the Pearson correlation test by virtue of the determination of the level of statistical interrelation between some of the established indicators. The purpose of this article is to make a comparison of the results obtained by the taekwondo players from the Antonio Maceo District in Santiago de Cuba, before and after applying the strategy. In this way, an improvement in the tactical behavior of the athletes was observed.KEYWORDS: Taekwondo; tactic; tactical behavior; learning; teaching.

    Intervention strategy with the vaccine candidate Abdala in health workers

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    The vaccination process against COVID-19 in Cuba is based on epistemological foundations of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences that allowed the execution of clinical trials with nationally produced vaccines, as well as the development of other vaccine candidates during the epidemiological emergency period. The objective of this article is to base the knowledge in relation to the intervention strategy with the vaccine candidate Abdala in Health workers in Santiago de Cuba. Through a bibliographical review carried out from the 1st. From March to May 31st, 2021, scientific articles, data published by the World Health Organization, and textbooks were analyzed, all of which facilitated the recovery and evaluation of systematized information. The intervention strategy with the vaccine candidate Abdala in health workers in Santiago de Cuba demanded a transdisciplinary, intersectoral and participatory management. The application of the procedures of the clinical-epidemiological method revealed the need to amplify an immunization culture with epistemological supports through the systematization of the care process

    Alternativa didáctica para la formación de las habilidades tácticas en taekwondistas categoría 11-12 años/Didactical alternative for the formation of the tactical skills in 11-12 aged taekwondo athletes

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    The teaching learning of tactics is oriented towards the formation of combat skills, in such a way, tactical behavior configures the mode of action that shows the level reached in this process. The referred skills are conceptualized from two perspectives: technical-tactical skills and tactical skills. The first lacks a holistic vision that integrates the physical, theoretical and psychological components; on the contrary, the second one highlights their interaction and recognizes some singularities of the tactic. However, the proposals for didactic actions from the development of the class are insufficient. Consequently, the training of tactical skills in Taekwondo has been limited; in fact, the tactical behavior of taekwondo players in the 11-12 year category exhibits limitations. This article proposes a didactic strategy for the treatment of tactics, based on elements of class dynamics. All the specialists consulted agreed on the relevance, applicability and social relevance of the proposal, which was evidenced in the values obtained by consensus through the cut-off points. The methods used were observation, analysis-synthesis, functional structural systemic, and consultation with specialists through a survey, empirical frequency distribution and cut-off points.O ensino-aprendizagem de tácticas está orientado para a formação de competências de combate, de tal forma que o comportamento táctico configura o modo de ação que mostra o nível alcançado neste processo. As competências referidas são conceptualizadas a partir de duas perspectivas: competências técnico-tácticas e tácticas. A primeira carece de uma visão holística que integre os componentes físicos, teóricos e psicológicos; pelo contrário, a segunda enfatiza a interação destes e reconhece algumas singularidades de tácticas. No entanto, as propostas de ações didáticas do desenvolvimento da classe são insuficientes. Consequentemente, a formação de capacidades tácticas no taekwondo tem sido limitada, com efeito, o comportamento táctico dos taekwondistas da categoria dos 11-12 anos de idade apresenta limitações. Este artigo propõe uma estratégia didática para o tratamento de tácticas, com base em elementos da dinâmica da classe. Todos os especialistas consultados concordaram sobre a pertinência, aplicabilidade e relevância social da proposta, o que foi evidenciado nos valores obtidos por consenso através dos pontos de corte. Os métodos utilizados foram observação, análise-síntese, sistémica estrutural funcional, consulta com especialistas através de um inquérito, distribuição empírica de frequências e pontos de corte.La enseñanza-aprendizaje de la táctica se orienta hacia la formación de las habilidades para el combate, de tal modo, el comportamiento táctico configura el modo de actuación que evidencia el nivel alcanzado en este proceso. Las habilidades referidas se conceptualizan desde dos perspectivas: habilidades técnico-tácticas y tácticas. La primera carece de una visión holística que integre los componentes físico, teórico y psicológico; por el contrario, la segunda destaca la interacción de estos y reconoce algunas singularidades de la táctica. No obstante, son insuficientes las propuestas de acciones didácticas desde el desarrollo de la clase. Consecuentemente, se ha limitado la formación de las habilidades tácticas en el taekwondo, en efecto el comportamiento táctico de los taekwondistas de la categoría 11-12 años exhibe limitaciones. El presente artículo propone una estrategia didáctica para el tratamiento de la táctica, sustentado en elementos de la dinámica de la clase. La totalidad de especialistas consultados coincidieron en la pertinencia, aplicabilidad y relevancia social de la propuesta, lo cual se evidenció en los valores obtenidos por consenso mediante los puntos de corte. Los métodos empleados fueron la observación, el análisis-síntesis, sistémico estructural funcional, consulta a especialistas mediante una encuesta, distribución empírica de frecuencias y los puntos de corte

    Didactical alternative for the formation of the tactical skills in 11-12 aged taekwondo athletes/Alternativa didáctica para la formación de las habilidades tácticas en taekwondistas categoría 11-12 años

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    The teaching learning of tactics is oriented towards the formation of combat skills, in such a way, tactical behavior configures the mode of action that shows the level reached in this process. The referred skills are conceptualized from two perspectives: technical-tactical skills and tactical skills. The first lacks a holistic vision that integrates the physical, theoretical and psychological components; on the contrary, the second one highlights their interaction and recognizes some singularities of the tactic. However, the proposals for didactic actions from the development of the class are insufficient. Consequently, the training of tactical skills in Taekwondo has been limited; in fact, the tactical behavior of taekwondo players in the 11-12 year category exhibits limitations. This article proposes a didactic strategy for the treatment of tactics, based on elements of class dynamics. All the specialists consulted agreed on the relevance, applicability and social relevance of the proposal, which was evidenced in the values obtained by consensus through the cut-off points. The methods used were observation, analysis-synthesis, functional structural systemic, and consultation with specialists through a survey, empirical frequency distribution and cut-off points

    Estrategia didáctica para el tratamiento de la táctica en taekwondistas pioneriles: valoraciones de su aplicación

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    La táctica es el componente orientado al desarrollo de las habilidades para el combate. En este sentido, el comportamiento táctico constituye la forma de concreción del nivel de desarrollo de este componente, por tanto, a través de este se puede valorar el nivel alcanzado en la táctica y en su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, de manera que se puedan realizar los ajustes necesarios durante este proceso formativo y garantizar con ello un mejor resultado competitivo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 16 participantes comprendidos entre las edades de 11-12 años, con una experiencia deportiva entre 1-3 años. La valoración de los indicadores definidos permitió determinar el impacto de la estrategia didáctica después de 22 semanas de aplicación. Para ello se empleó el pre-experimento, así como procedimientos de la estadística descriptiva para analizar la tendencia central de los resultados, así como la prueba de correlación de Pearson en virtud de la determinación del nivel de interrelación estadística entre algunos de los indicadores establecidos y sobre esta base realizar inferencias. Este artículo tiene como propósito realizar una comparación de los resultados obtenidos por los taekwondistas del Distrito Antonio Maceo en Santiago de Cuba, antes y después de la aplicación la referida estrategia. De esta manera se constató un mejoramiento en el comportamiento táctico de los atletas mencionados. PALABRAS CLAVE: Taekwondo; táctica; comportamiento táctico; aprendizaje; enseñanza. Didactic strategy for tactic treatment in taekwondo athletes: assessments about the application ABSTRACT Tactics is the component oriented to the development of combat skills. In this sense, tactical behavior constitutes the form of concretion of the level of development of this component, therefore, through this; the level reached in tactics and in its teaching-learning process can be assessed, so that they can be carried out. The necessary adjustments during this training process and thereby guarantee a better competitive result. The sample consisted of 16 participants between the ages of 11-12 years, with a sporting experience between 1-3 years. The assessment of the defined indicators allowed determining the impact of the didactic strategy after 22 weeks of application. For this, the pre-experiment was used, as well as descriptive statistics procedures to analyze the central tendency of the results, as well as the Pearson correlation test by virtue of the determination of the level of statistical interrelation between some of the established indicators. The purpose of this article is to make a comparison of the results obtained by the taekwondo players from the Antonio Maceo District in Santiago de Cuba, before and after applying the strategy. In this way, an improvement in the tactical behavior of the athletes was observed. KEYWORDS: Taekwondo; tactic; tactical behavior; learning; teaching