310 research outputs found

    Situación delicada pero futuro optimista (en Biblioteconomía y Documentación)

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    University studies of Library and Information Sciences (LIS) in Spain are experiencing a setback in the number of students enrolled. This also happens in other disciplines, but the relative newness of LIS studies may make them more vulnerable. Nonetheless, there are reasons for optimism if we evaluate the unprecedented success of Spanish research in this field. This challenge is in the hands of the teaching faculty and the entire profession in general to ensure that LIS studies are more attractive to incoming student

    Proyectos EDI y normalización documental

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    EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) systems have been mainly conceived to be used within the world of commercial transactions. Owing to their technical characteristics andcircumstances, however, they also arouse the interest of Information Science professionals. This paper describes the main features of the EDI systems: their assets, the technological infrastructure that they use and their conditioning factors as well. EDI's presence in the European market is studied. The characteristics of EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport), ODA/ODIF (Office Document Architecture/Office Document Interchange Format)and FORMEX (FORMalized EXchange of electronic publications) standards are examined as well as the problems posed by these formats as regards document standardization techniques. An overview is given of some of the main ongoing European projects within the library and Information Science field which are related to Electronic Data Interchange

    SGML and information services

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    [ES] No es concebible la gestión actual de recursos informativos sin la web. Para el tratamiento, conservación, difusión y acceso de la información electrónica en la Red es necesario disponer de una norma que asegure la independencia de fabricantes y permita extraer la mayor cantidad de posibilidades hipertexto e hipermedia de la web. Este trabajo presenta la norma sgml y su familia de adaptaciones (xml, xsl, xlink) como potencialmente ideales en su aplicación a los servicios de información. | Present management of information resources is inconceivable without the web. For the handling, preservation, dissemination and access to electronic information on the Net, a standard is needed to ensure independence from manufacturers and to take full advantage of the hypertext and hypermedia capabilities of the web. This paper presents the sgml standard and its family of variations (xml, xsl, xlink) as potentially ideal for information service applications.[EN] Present management of information resources is inconceivable without the web. For the handling, preservation, dissemination and access to electronic information on the Net, a standard is needed to ensure independence from manufacturers and to take full advantage of the hypertext and hypermedia capabilities of the web. This paper presents the sgml standard and its “family” of variations (xml, xsl, xlink) as potentially ideal for information service applications.Peer reviewe

    Cooperación entre bibliotecas y archivos y el formato MARC

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    These pages will make a presentation on some technical aspects of cooperation between institutions having custody to bibliographic and those responsible for managing archives. The implementation of an integrated national and international documentary network has to contemplate, in our view, the possibility of developing mechanisms for exchange of information between any documentary entities, without any can be excluded. Moreover, it seems that coordination between libraries and historical archives of every point is needed if you want to facilitate the work of researchers and recovery procedures provide more advanced and flexible than traditionally have been offering information

    Mapping the impact of papers on various status groups in excellencemapping.net: a new release of the excellence mapping tool based on citation and reader scores

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    In over five years, Bornmann, Stefaner, de Moya Anegon, and Mutz (2014b) and Bornmann, Stefaner, de Moya Anegón, and Mutz (2014c, 2015) have published several releases of the www.excellencemapping.net tool revealing (clusters of) excellent institutions worldwide based on citation data. With the new release, a completely revised tool has been published. It is not only based on citation data (bibliometrics), but also Mendeley data (altmetrics). Thus, the institutional impact measurement of the tool has been expanded by focusing on additional status groups besides researchers such as students and librarians. Furthermore, the visualization of the data has been completely updated by improving the operability for the user and including new features such as institutional profile pages. In this paper, we describe the datasets for the current excellencemapping.net tool and the indicators applied. Furthermore, the underlying statistics for the tool and the use of the web application are explained

    Research impact of national higher education systems

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    Research impacts of national higher education systems are compared using their normalized impacts (ratio of institution’s average impact to the world’s average). Fifty countries are analyzed, taking into account their research ratio between firms and universities, as well as the homogeneity of their universities. The baseline data were obtained from SCImago Institutions Rankings system

    Leadership and excellence of Spanish science

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    Although Spain is ranked 10th in scientific production, it is 22nd in impact. The distribution of scientific production across the 17 Spanish regions is analyzed. Madrid and Catalonia account for 49% of total production and for 58% of excellence as reflected in impact, defined as publications within the 10% most cited worldwide

    International and foreign journals

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    The relationships between politics and scientists of interest in the findings of bibliometric studies are discussed in this text. The use of bibliometric arguments by commissions such as Cneai (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación de la Actividad Investigadora), among others, in the process of making decisions on “sections of research” and aspects of science policy, constitute a discussion of undoubted importance and interest to information professionals

    Las interfaces tridimensionales para recuperación de la información

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    A research project on virtual reality interfaces is presented. The research group (IRVAIE) aims to define and develop a new interface for access to electronic information, with particular emphasis on the need for a tridimensional metaphor designed specially to improve inter-user communication and facilitate browsing among great volumes of electronic informationEn este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación sobre interfaces basados en técnicas de realidad virtual. El grupo de investigación IRVAIE tiene por objetivo el desarrollo de un nuevo interfaz para el acceso a información electrónica, con particular énfasis en el diseño de una metáfora tridimensional que permita la comunicación entre los usuarios y facilite la exploración de grandes volúmenes de información. (Autor

    A delicate situation with an optimistic future

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    University studies of Library and Information Sciences (LIS) in Spain are experiencing a setback in the number of students enrolled. This also happens in other disciplines, but the relative newness of LIS studies may make them more vulnerable. Nonetheless, there are reasons for optimism if we evaluate the unprecedented success of Spanish research in this field. This challenge is in the hands of the teaching faculty and the entire profession in general to ensure that LIS studies are more attractive to incoming students