2 research outputs found

    Alterations in the coagulation markers did not showdifferences with the severity of COVID‐19 in Peruvianpatients: A cross‐sectional single‐center study

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    Background and Aims:COVID‐19 is a pandemic disease that can lead to alteredlung function, systemic inflammatory events, and altered coagulation. During severestages of the disease, changes in coagulation homeostasis increase, leading tothrombosis, and increased risk of death. In this cross‐sectional study, we aimedto assess coagulation markers by COVID‐19 severity in Peruvian adults.Methods:During the second wave of infections, we included 186 adults diagnosedwith COVID‐19 (mean age 53.3 ± 16.3 years). Patients were divided into mild,moderate, and severe stages of COVID‐19, and coagulation markers includedprothrombin time (PT), activated partial prothrombin time (aPTT), fibrinogen,D‐dimer, and platelet count.Results:Of the total, 120 (64.5%) were males and 39 (21%) were in the intensivecare unit. We determine 104 (55.9%), 43 (24.7%), and 36 (19.4%) patients in mild,moderate, and severe stages of COVID‐19, respectively. In the severe stage ofCOVID‐19, patients had an average concentration of PT, aPTT, fibrinogen,D‐dimer,and platelets of 13.2 ± 0.9 s, 28.9 ± 4.3 s, 679.4 ± 185.1 mg/dL, 1.9 ± 3.1 ÎŒg/mL, and272.8 ± 88.9 cel/10 mm,3respectively. We found no differences in the concentra-tion of each marker according to severity (p< 0.05). Patients with severe COVID‐19had altered the aPTT, fibrinogen,D‐dimer, and PT in 31 (57.4%), 48 (88.9%), 37(68.5%), and 15 (27.8%) cases, respectively.Conclusions:Our results showed that although there is an alteration in coagulationmarkers, mainly fibrinogen andD‐fiber, there are no differences in concentrationaccording to the severity of COVID‐19

    RevisiĂłn del sistema de vigilancia de lesiones y enfermedades durante juegos multideportivos

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    El objetivo de este estudio fuer presentar al Sistema de Vigilancia de Lesiones y Enfermedades (SVLE) del ComitĂ©OlĂ­mpico Internacional (COI) diseñado para eventos multideportivos como un insumo para la planificaciĂłn de los recursosnecesarios para competencias deportivas. Desarrollamos una revisiĂłn sistemĂĄtica siguiendo la guĂ­a PRISMA considerandocomo criterio de inclusiĂłn los eventos multideportivos con implementaciĂłn de la SVLE del COI. La bĂșsqueda fue realizadaen los principales buscadores cientĂ­ficos (PubMed, Scopus, Scielo, ScientDirect, LILACS, y Latindex), en servidores pĂșblicosde pre-publicaciones (bioRxiv, SocArXiv, medRxiv y Preprints) y en metabuscadores (Google Scholar y Yahoo!). En laselecciĂłn inicial se obtuvieron 367 estudios, incluyĂ©ndose 19 estudios para su anĂĄlisis, donde solo 4 fueron deportes unitarioscomo fĂștbol, atletismo y balonmano. El SVLE del COI se ha usado inicialmente a gran escala en los Juegos OlĂ­mpicos deBeijing 2008 en 7 idiomas, al dĂ­a de hoy mĂĄs de 56,063 atletas en 19 eventos deportivos. En SudamĂ©rica este sistema fueempleado en el I Juegos Deportivos Nacionales de Chile, los Juegos OlĂ­mpicos de Verano y los Juegos OlĂ­mpicos Rio 2016,y en los Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019. Esta revisiĂłn muestra la experiencia documentada del SVLE del COI a lo largo demĂĄs de una dĂ©cada de uso de este instrumento, demostrando que el SVLE representa una herramienta Ăștil, sencilla y ĂĄgil parael monitoreo de incidencias sanitarias