1,874 research outputs found

    Driver Distraction Identification with an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) reported 1.25 million deaths yearly due to road traffic accidents worldwide and the number has been continuously increasing over the last few years. Nearly fifth of these accidents are caused by distracted drivers. Existing work of distracted driver detection is concerned with a small set of distractions (mostly, cell phone usage). Unreliable ad-hoc methods are often used.In this paper, we present the first publicly available dataset for driver distraction identification with more distraction postures than existing alternatives. In addition, we propose a reliable deep learning-based solution that achieves a 90% accuracy. The system consists of a genetically-weighted ensemble of convolutional neural networks, we show that a weighted ensemble of classifiers using a genetic algorithm yields in a better classification confidence. We also study the effect of different visual elements in distraction detection by means of face and hand localizations, and skin segmentation. Finally, we present a thinned version of our ensemble that could achieve 84.64% classification accuracy and operate in a real-time environment.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0949

    Značajke građe i optička svojstava otpuštenih tankih slojeva cdin2se4

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    CdIn2Se4 chalcogenides thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation process. The effect of thermal annealing in vacuum on the growth characteristics of the deposited films was studied using X-ray and transmission electron microscopy techniques. It was observed that the as deposited films (300 K) were poorly crystalline. The degree of crystallinity increases with increasing the annealing temperature from 300 to 500 K. The compositional elemental analysis of CdIn2Se4 thin films annealed at 500 K was found to be nearly stoichiometric, however, films annealed in vacuum at 575 K partially dissociated into two binary phases with CdIn2Se4 as the major phase. The effect of the annealing temperature on the dispersion of the refractive index of the deposited films was investigated and analyzed within the single effective-oscillator approach. Changes of the dispersion parameters were also investigated as a function of the annealing temperature. Analysis of the optical absorption data revealed the existence of allowed direct and indirect optical transitions, and both values of energy gaps decrease with increasing annealing temperature.Isparavanjem u vakuumu pripremali smo tanke slojeve halkogenida CdIn2Se4. Proučavali smo učinke toplinskog otpuštanja u vakuumu na strukturne značajke naparenih slojeva primjenom difrakcije X-zračenja i prolazne elektronske mikroskopije. Opaža se da su svježe (na 300 K) napareni slojevi slabo kristalinični. Stupanj kristaliničnosti povećava se s povišenjem temperature otpuštanja između 300 i 500 K. Analize elementalnog sastava tankih slojeva CdIn2Se4 otpuštenih do 500 K pokazale su gotovo točan stoihiometrijski sastav, međutim, slojevi otpušteni na 575 K djelomično se razlažu u dvije binarne faze, dok CdIn2Se4 ostaje glavna faza. Mjerili smo učinke otpuštanja na disperzivnost indeksa loma naparenih slojeva i analizirali ishode jedno-oscilatornim modelom. Promjene parametara disperzije također smo istraživali u ovisnosti o temperaturi otpuštanja. Analize podataka za optičku apsorpciju ukazuju na postojanje dozvoljenih izravnih i neizravnih optičkih prijelaza s padom širina procijepa za povećne temperature otpuštanja

    Review of 89 autopsies of child deaths from violence and neglect in the Suez Canal area, Egypt

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    AbstractIn Egypt there are no true data about the incidences of child deaths from violence and neglect. The study aims to investigate child deaths associated with violence or neglect. Cases of suspected child deaths from 2000 to 2007 in the Suez Canal area were retrospectively reviewed. Cases were collected from the database of the Forensic Institution of Port-Said. A medico-legal autopsy had been carried out for all cases. Of the 89 cases, 56 were males and 33 were females.Resultsrevealed that child deaths were 41.6% in newborns less than one month old, 29.2% in the age group between 15 and 18years old, and 5.6% in the age group between 10 and 14years old. The majority of perpetrators were unknown (44.95%), followed by victim’s colleagues and neighbors (22.47%). Neglect with no outward signs represented the majority of child deaths (41.57%). Blunt trauma used in an abusive manner during street arguments was the second cause of homicidal deaths (19.1%).The highest rate of child deaths was in newborns and early youth. There is need for further examination of child fatality profiles associated with abuse and neglect in this age group and an increase in community outreach efforts to prevent fatal child abuse in Egypt

    Adenosine A2A Receptor Blockade Prevents Rotenone-Induced Motor Impairment in a Rat Model of Parkinsonism

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    Pharmacological studies implicate the blockade of adenosine receptorsas an effective strategy for reducing Parkinson’s disease (PD) symptoms. The objective of this study is to elucidate the possible protective effects of ZM241385 and 8-cyclopentyl-1, 3-dipropylxanthine, two selective A2A and A1 receptor antagonists, on a rotenone rat model of PD. Rats were split into four groups: vehicle control (1 ml/kg/48 h), rotenone (1.5 mg/kg/48 h, s.c.), ZM241385 (3.3 mg/kg/day, i.p) and 8-cyclopentyl-1, 3-dipropylxanthine (5 mg/kg/day, i.p). After that, animals were subjected to behavioral (stride length and grid walking) and biochemical (measuring concentration of dopamine levels using high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC). In the rotenone group, rats displayed a reduced motor activity and disturbed movement coordination in the behavioral tests and a decreased dopamine concentration as foundby HPLC. The effect of rotenone was partially prevented in the ZM241385 group, but not with 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine administration. The administration of ZM241385 improved motor function and movement coordination (partial increase of stride length and partial decrease in the number of foot slips) and an increase in dopamine concentration in the rotenone-injected rats. However, the 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine and rotenone groups were not significantly different. These results indicate that selective A2A receptor blockade by ZM241385, but not A1 receptor blockadeby 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, may treat PD motor symptoms. This reinforces the potential use of A2A receptor antagonists as a treatment strategy for PD patients

    Techno-Economical Optimization for River Nile Container Ships

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    This work introduces a procedure for the preliminary design of a self-propelled container ship working between Cairo and Aswan through the River Nile. The characteristics of the navigation route from Cairo to Aswan are investigated to defi ne the constraints on dimensions and speed of the River Nile container ships. Also, the dimensions of some existing inland ships are collected and investigated to set limits on the dimensional ratios of such ships. Two empirical formulae, for the determination of ship steel weight and power prediction in the preliminary design stage of conventional self propelled inland container ships, are proposed. This problem is handled as a single objective constrained optimization problem using a specially developed computer program (CACSO). As the required freight rate refl ects the major goal of any commercial ship, it is considered as the objective function for this optimization process. A sensitivity study is carried out to indicate the relative dependence of the objective function on a variety of factors to which the objective function may be sensitive

    Evaluation of cinematic volume rendering open-source and commercial solutions for the exploration of congenital heart data

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    Detailed anatomical information is essential to optimize medical decisions for surgical and pre-operative planning in patients with congenital heart disease. The visualization techniques commonly used in clinical routine for the exploration of complex cardiac data are based on multi-planar reformations, maximum intensity projection, and volume rendering, which rely on basic lighting models prone to image distortion. On the other hand, cinematic rendering (CR), a three-dimensional visualization technique based on physically-based rendering methods, can create volumetric images with high fidelity. However, there are a lot of parameters involved in CR that affect the visualization results, thus being dependent on the user's experience and requiring detailed evaluation protocols to compare available solutions. In this study, we have analyzed the impact of the most relevant parameters in a CR pipeline developed in the open-source version of the MeVisLab framework for the visualization of the heart anatomy of three congenital patients and two adults from CT images. The resulting visualizations were compared to a commercial tool used in the clinics with a questionnaire filled in by clinical users, providing similar definitions of structures, depth perception, texture appearance, realism, and diagnostic ability.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2 table