113 research outputs found

    Protein kinase C-Ī“ activation and tyrosine phosphorylation in platelets

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    AbstractSeveral protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are expressed in human platelets. We report that PKC-Ī“ is tyrosine phosphorylated within 30 s of platelet activation by thrombin. This correlated with a 2ā€“3-fold increase in the kinase activity of PKC-Ī“ relative to unstimulated platelets. The tyrosine phosphorylated PKC-Ī“ isoform was associated with the platelet particulate (100ā€ˆ000Ɨg insoluble) fraction. Ī±IIbĪ²3 integrin mediated platelet adhesion to fibrinogen did not significantly affect PKC-Ī“ activity. Tyrosine phosphorylation of PKC-Ī“ was similarly not detected in fibrinogen adherent platelet lysates. Treatment of the platelets with mAb 7E3 prior to the addition of thrombin blocked aggregation having no effect on the thrombin induced PKC-Ī“ activation. We conclude that PKC-Ī“ is activated in platelets by an Ī±IIbĪ²3 independent pathway

    ICAR: endoscopic skullā€base surgery

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    Kontrastmittelinduzierte Nierenfunktionsstƶrungen gemessen am Serumcystatin C

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    Kontrastmittel (KM) induzierte Nierenfunktionsstƶrungen gemessen am Serumcystatin C (CYSC) ein Vergleich zwischen euvolƤmen (ev) und hypovolƤmen (hv) Patienten nach Koronarangiographie (HKU)Einleitung: Diese Arbeit untersucht die Auswirkung des Volumenstatus auf CYSC 48 Stunden nach KM Injektion bei HKU. Methode: Es wurden 100 Patienten eingeschlossen, die vor ihrer HKU ein normwertiges Serumkreatinin hatten und sonographisch in ev und hv eingeteilt wurden. Ergebnis: Von 47 ev und 53 hv hatten 8 ev und 21 hv Patienten einen Anstieg des CYSC um >= 10 % der Baseline (CINB) (p = 0,016). Das relative Risiko (RR) von hv Patienten fĆ¼r eine CINB, lag bei RR = 2,327 (p = 0,020). Vorhofflimmern (VHF) RR = 2,384 (p = 0,004), Schleifendiuretika (LD), RR = 1,877 (p = 0,047) und chronische Herzinsuffizienz (CHF) (NYHA >= II) RR = 2,251 p = (0,047) waren Risikofaktoren fĆ¼r die CINB. Diskussion: HypovolƤmie, VHF, CHF (NYHA >= II) und die Einnahme von LD erhƶhten das Risiko fĆ¼r ein CINB

    Enhanced neutrophil p53 activity during killing of Candida yeasts

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    Neutrophils (PMN) play a pivotal role in host defense against fungal infections. p53 is a phosphoprotein transcriptional factor important to cellular regulation of DNA repair. PMN p53 activity was assessed after 1 h incubation at 37Ā°C of human PMN with viable Candida glabrata (Cg) and Candida albicans (Ca) yeasts. Fungicidal activity was demonstrated without compromise to PMN viability. The DNA binding activity of PMN p53 was enhanced after exposure to viable Candida yeasts. The dimeric conformation of p53 was augmented in nuclear lysates of PMN exposed to Candida yeasts compared with that from unchallenged PMN. Despite greater susceptibility to PMN killing of Cg compared with Ca (79.0% Ā± 6.9% vs 38.6% Ā± 15.4%, P\u3c0.05), no differences in p53 activity were detected. The specificity of this PMN p53 activity was confirmed by competitive inhibition with consensus DNA sequences and immunoblotting. Changes in PMN p53 activity and dimeric conformation occur during killing of viable Candida yeasts

    Decompression surgery for spinal metastases: a systematic review

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