20 research outputs found

    Property Restructuring in Denmark – a Method for Achieving the Objectives of Environmental Protection and Cultural Heritage

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    Today’s agrarian landscape faces great pressures from groups seeking to change land use so that more consideration is accorded to social, environmental and cultural heritage factors. In Denmark, public actors have at their disposal two basic methods for the planning of rural areas to affect and implement active changes in land use: “The subsidy method” and “the property restructuring method”. “The subsidy method” entails paying financial support or compensation to motivate the owner or user of a land area to exhibit a desired behaviour, while “the property restructuring method” requires an analysis and assessment of the desired changes in the agrarian areas leading to a comprehensive restructuring of the property structures and, if necessary, a change in the legal status of the individual properties. In order to promote the use of the property restructuring method, the paper briefly presents a study with the aim of evaluating and improving it. Attention is paid to the identified lack of knowledge at the level of top authorities, local authorities and stakeholders, and to advantages of choosing “the property restructuring method”. The advantages can be seen both from the viewpoint of environment and public economics. Land use and property structure are interdependent; therefore property restructuring is an effective method to change land use

    Identitets-, Byggelinie- og Servitutattest

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    En Identitet-, Byggelinie- og Servitutattest er en attest, som anvendes til at atteste-re for et byggeris lovlige placering. Attesten knytter sig til et behov og der gives ingen retningslinjer i nogen lov, der præciserer, hvordan attesten skal udarbejdes. Attesten har i praksis opnået en grad af udbredelse, der gør, at det synes væsentligt at undersøge, hvorledes attestens anvendelse og indhold forholder sig til lan-dinspektørens professionelle ansvar. Derfor valgte en specialegruppe på Aalborg Universitet i foråret 2017 at undersøge emnet og denne artikel er blevet til i et efterfølgende samarbejde mel-lem specialegruppen og Aalborg Universitet med henblik på at formidle resultaterne. Undersøgelsen blev bygget op omkring den juridiske metode, hvilket afspejles i artiklen, der på denne ene side undersøger praksis og på den anden side reglen

    Miljø- og kulturbaseret ejendomsudformning i det agrare landskab

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