6 research outputs found

    Le palmier à huile : un avenir pour l’Amazonie ?

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    The production of palm oil, which represents an interesting alternative for decentralized production and use of biodiesel, would also an appropriate solution for the recovery of degraded areas in Amazonia, especially south of Belem? The heart of the demonstration is here rather the territorial impact of plantations and on the territorialities that are being implemented with the installation of this production in the Guajarina regio


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    Abordagens e processos de natureza prospectiva buscam entender as forças que orientam o futuro, visam promover transformações, negociar espaços e dar direção e foco às mudanças. Estudos prospectivos são conduzidos de modo a “construir conhecimento”, ou seja, buscam agregar valor às informações do presente, transformando-as em conhecimento de modo a subsidiar os tomadores de decisão e os formuladores de políticas na construção de suas estratégias, identificar rumos e oportunidades futuras para os diversos atores sociais. Esse trabalho teve por finalidade mapear as pesquisas já desenvolvidas e patenteadas, referentes ao açaí (Euterpe oleracea). A pesquisa foi realizada tendo como base os pedidos de patentes depositados no European Patent Office (Espacenet – Worlwide, Especenet – WIPO, Especenet EP na World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO- depósitos via PCT), e no Banco de dados do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI) do Brasil com dados coletados em outubro de 2012.  Usando as palavras chave ‘açaí’, ‘Euterpe’ e  ‘Euterpe oleracea’, nos campos de pesquisa título e resumo. Neste estudo, foram analisadas a Classificação Internacional de Patentes, CIP, o ano de publicação e países depositantes. Encontrou-se patentes, sendo a maioria com classificação A23L e A61K, referente a Produtos alimentares e preparações para finalidades médicas. </em

    Le palmier à huile : un avenir pour l’Amazonie ?

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    The production of palm oil, which represents an interesting alternative for decentralized production and use of biodiesel, would also an appropriate solution for the recovery of degraded areas in Amazonia, especially south of Belem? The heart of the demonstration is here rather the territorial impact of plantations and on the territorialities that are being implemented with the installation of this production in the Guajarina regio

    Do political changes aimed at reducing Amazonian deforestation contribute to ecological intensification?

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    Extensive livestock farming was the driver of agricultural colonization and territorial structuring in the Amazon. Since 2008, Amazonian agriculture has been facedwith radical changes in Brazilian policies concerning agricultural land use and the preservation of forest areas. The very viability of livestock systems is threatened and there is thus an urgent need for feasible alternatives to enable the development of sustainable agriculture. Some alternatives are currently being tested by public extension services and private operators. The question is, can these alternatives really be considered as ecological intensification? Defined as ecologically friendly agricultural development, this new trend of intensification aims to reconcile cattle ranching and the protection of Amazon forest ecosystems.Our analysis, based on three contrastedmunicipalities in Para´ State, focuses on the points of view of different stakeholders in the livestock sector. Results showthe dominance of classical intensification among the alternatives envisaged, but it is an option that small family farmers cannot easily afford. Alternatives based on land sharing, which promotes agricultural production and environmental preservation on the same areas, are less well known and will require more coordination among local actors