8 research outputs found

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is frequent in women during their peak reproductive years. Accordingly, a significant number of questions and uncertainties arise from this population regarding the risk of transmission of IBD to the offspring, the impact of the disease and therapies on the fertility, the role of the disease on the course of the pregnancy and the mode of delivery, the impact of the therapy on the pregnancy and fetal development as well as breastfeeding. The safety of medical therapy during pregnancy and lactation is a major concern for both pregnant women and their partners as well as for physicians. As a general rule, it can be stated that the benefit of continuing medical therapy in IBD during pregnancy outweighs the potential risks in the vast majority of instances. This article will review recent developments on this topic consistent with the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization guidelines

    Strategies for the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

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    IBD medications during pregnancy and lactation

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    EFNS guidelines on management of restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder in sleep

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    In 2003, the EFNS Task Force was set up for putting forth guidelines for the management of the Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) and the Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD). After determining the objectives for management and the search strategy for primary and secondary RLS and for PLMD, a review of the scientific literature up to 2004 was performed for the drug classes and interventions employed in treatment (drugs acting on the adrenoreceptor, antiepileptic drugs, benzodiazepines/hypnotics, dopaminergic agents, opioids, other treatments). Previous guidelines were consulted. All trials were analysed according to class of evidence, and recommendations formed according to the 2004 EFNS criteria for rating. Dopaminergic agents came out as having the best evidence for efficacy in primary RLS. Reported adverse events were usually mild and reversible; augmentation was a feature with dopaminergic agents. No controlled trials were available for RLS in children and for RLS during pregnancy. The following level A recommendations can be offered: for primary RLS, cabergoline, gabapentin, pergolide, ropinirole, levodopa and rotigotine by transdermal delivery (the latter two for short-term use) are effective in relieving the symptoms. Transdermal oestradiol is ineffective for PLMD