26 research outputs found

    Assessing suboptimal health status in the Saudi population: Translation and validation of the SHSQ-25 questionnaire

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    Background: Suboptimal Health Status (SHS) is realised as a vital feature for improving global health. However, the Arabian world does not have a validated instrument for screening SHS in their population. Therefore, the study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of Arabic-translated SHS (ASHSQ-25) in the Saudi Arabian population. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study among the conveniently sampled 1590 participants from the Saudi population (with a 97.4% response rate). The data was gathered through an online survey and then exported into SPSS and AMOS version 26.0 for analysis. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to identify the median difference between demographic groups. The one-tailed 90% upper limit of SHS scores was chosen as the cut-off criteria for SHS. Reliability and confirmatory analysis were performed for the psychometric evaluation of ASHSQ-25 in the Saudi Arabian context. Results: This study demonstrates that the ASHSQ-25 has good internal consistency, interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.92; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.91-0.93) and reliability (Cronbach\u27s α = 0.92). The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results indicated a good fit of the databased on the CMIN/degrees of freedom (df) = 4.461, comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.94, Tucker Lewis index (TLI) = 0.93, and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.05. The result factor loadings for each item were high ( ≥ 0.55), except for one item from the immune system subscale. The SHS cut-off point for ASHSQ-25 was 33, leading to a 23.7% prevalence of SHS. Conclusions: This study reveals that ASHSQ-25 has appropriate internal consistency and structural validity to assess SHS in an Arabic-speaking population; therefore, it is recommended

    Régulation de TMKP1, une MAP Kinase Phosphatase de blé, par la calmoduline et des protéines 14-3-3s et analyse de sa contribution dans la réponse des plantes aux stress de l'environnement

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    Les plantes dans leur milieu naturel, sont constamment soumises à de multiples contraintes environnementales de nature biotique ou abiotique qui sont à l'origine de nombreuses pertes de rendement. Afin de répondre à ces stress, les plantes mettent en place des réponses adaptées qui reposent sur l'activation de voies de signalisations. L'une des voies importantes est celle impliquant la phosphorylation des protéines par les Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs). La régulation de l'activité des MAPKs est indispensable et dépend en partie de protéines phosphatases telles que les MAPK Phosphatases (MKPs). Ce travail a consisté à étudier les mécanismes de régulation de l'activité phosphatase de TMKP1, la seule MKP connue de blé dur, par les calmodulines et les protéines 14-3-3. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que l'activité phosphatase de TMKP1 est stimulée en présence des ions K+, Li+, Mg 2+ et surtout par le Mn2+. Des expériences de GST pull dawn ont permis de mettre en évidence une interaction, calcium dépendante, entre TMKP1 et la calmoduline (CaM) et nous avons démontré que l'activité de TMKP1 est inhibée par le complexe CaM/Ca2+. En revanche, ce même complexe stimule l'activité de TMKP1 en présence des ions Mn 2+. Ce mode de régulation d'une MKP par CaM/Ca2+ dépendant des ions Mo2+ est décrit ici pour la première fois. Dans un second temps, la présence au niveau de la séquence de TMKP1 d'un domaine de liaison aux protéines 14-3-3s, nous a incité à mener des essais d'immunoprécipitation à l'issue desquelles nous avons montré que TMKP1 pourrait interagir avec les 14-3-3s chez le Blé et que celles-ci stimulent l'activité phosphatase de TMKP1 in vitro. Enfin, l'implication de TMKP1 dans la réponse des plantes aux stress biotiques et abiotiques a été évaluée. Les tests de gennination ont révélé que la sur-expression de TMKP1 chez Arabidopsis permet une meilleure tolérance à la salinité. Ces mêmes plantes semblent également être plus résistantes à une infection bactérienne causée par Pseudomonas syringae que des plantes sauvages. Ces données suggèrent que TMKP1 agirait comme régulateur positif de la réponse d'Arabidopsis au stress salin et à l'infection P. syringae. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus ici a permis de dévoiler de nouvelles propriétés jamais décrites chez une MKP végétale et offre une nouvelle vision sur le rôle de ces phosphatases dans le contrôle des voies de signalisations MAPKs impliquées dans la réponse des plantes aux stress de l'environnement.Due to their sessile lifestyle, plants are constantly subjected to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses causing tremendous yield losses. To survive under these conditions, plants have evolved different sigualing pathways allowing efficient stress responses. The Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs) are key sigual transduction molecules, which respond to varions external stimuli. However, the activity of MAPKs has to be strictly regulated by protein phosphatase such as MAPK Phosphatase (MKPs). ln the present study we describe the regulation ofTMKPI, a wheat MKP, by Calmodulins (CaM) and 14-3-3 proteins. We fust showed that phosphatase activity oTMKP1 is stimulated by K\ Li\ Mg2+ and especially by Mo2+. Using GST pull dawn assays, we demonstrated that TMKP1 binds to CaM in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Moreover, the CaM/Ca2+ complex inhibits the catalytic activity of TMKP1 in a CaM-dose dependent marmer. However, in the presence of Mo2+, this activity is enhanced by CaM/Ca2+ complex. Such effects were not reported so far, and raise a possible role for CaM and Mo 2+ in the regulation of plant MKPs during cellular response to extemal siguals. Moreover, a fine sequence analysis ofTMKPl revealed the presence of a conserved 14-3-3 mode 1 binding site. This finding incited us to perfonn co-immunoprecipitation assays on wheat protein extracts through which we provide proof-of-concept evidence for interaction of TMKP1 with 14-3-3 proteins. Interestingly, the phosphatase activity of TMKP1 was shawn to be enhanced by several plant and yeast 14-3-3 isoforms. Finally, the involvement of TMKP1 in plant stress responses was evaluated. Our data showed that the overexpression of TMKP1 in Arabidopsis resulted in a higher tolerance to salt stresses and to bacterial infection caused by P. syringae. Such findings suggest thal TMKP1 may act as a positive regulator of Arabidopsis responses to salt stresses and P. syringae infection. All together, our results provide novel functional properties for plant MKPs, and should add new knowledge to our understanding of the raie of these phosphatases in the control of MAPK signaling pathways controlling plant responses to various environmental stresses

    Regulation of TMKP1, a wheat MAP Kinase Phosphatase, by Calmodulins and 14-3-3 proteins and it's effect on plant responses to environmental stress

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    Les plantes dans leur milieu naturel, sont constamment soumises à de multiples contraintes environnementales de nature biotique ou abiotique qui sont à l'origine de nombreuses pertes de rendement. Afin de répondre à ces stress, les plantes mettent en place des réponses adaptées qui reposent sur l'activation de voies de signalisations. L'une des voies importantes est celle impliquant la phosphorylation des protéines par les Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs). La régulation de l'activité des MAPKs est indispensable et dépend en partie de protéines phosphatases telles que les MAPK Phosphatases (MKPs). Ce travail a consisté à étudier les mécanismes de régulation de l'activité phosphatase de TMKP1, la seule MKP connue de blé dur, par les calmodulines et les protéines 14-3-3. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que l'activité phosphatase de TMKP1 est stimulée en présence des ions K+, Li+, Mg 2+ et surtout par le Mn2+. Des expériences de GST pull dawn ont permis de mettre en évidence une interaction, calcium dépendante, entre TMKP1 et la calmoduline (CaM) et nous avons démontré que l'activité de TMKP1 est inhibée par le complexe CaM/Ca2+. En revanche, ce même complexe stimule l'activité de TMKP1 en présence des ions Mn 2+. Ce mode de régulation d'une MKP par CaM/Ca2+ dépendant des ions Mo2+ est décrit ici pour la première fois. Dans un second temps, la présence au niveau de la séquence de TMKP1 d'un domaine de liaison aux protéines 14-3-3s, nous a incité à mener des essais d'immunoprécipitation à l'issue desquelles nous avons montré que TMKP1 pourrait interagir avec les 14-3-3s chez le Blé et que celles-ci stimulent l'activité phosphatase de TMKP1 in vitro. Enfin, l'implication de TMKP1 dans la réponse des plantes aux stress biotiques et abiotiques a été évaluée. Les tests de gennination ont révélé que la sur-expression de TMKP1 chez Arabidopsis permet une meilleure tolérance à la salinité. Ces mêmes plantes semblent également être plus résistantes à une infection bactérienne causée par Pseudomonas syringae que des plantes sauvages. Ces données suggèrent que TMKP1 agirait comme régulateur positif de la réponse d'Arabidopsis au stress salin et à l'infection P. syringae. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus ici a permis de dévoiler de nouvelles propriétés jamais décrites chez une MKP végétale et offre une nouvelle vision sur le rôle de ces phosphatases dans le contrôle des voies de signalisations MAPKs impliquées dans la réponse des plantes aux stress de l'environnement.Due to their sessile lifestyle, plants are constantly subjected to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses causing tremendous yield losses. To survive under these conditions, plants have evolved different sigualing pathways allowing efficient stress responses. The Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs) are key sigual transduction molecules, which respond to varions external stimuli. However, the activity of MAPKs has to be strictly regulated by protein phosphatase such as MAPK Phosphatase (MKPs). ln the present study we describe the regulation ofTMKPI, a wheat MKP, by Calmodulins (CaM) and 14-3-3 proteins. We fust showed that phosphatase activity oTMKP1 is stimulated by K\ Li\ Mg2+ and especially by Mo2+. Using GST pull dawn assays, we demonstrated that TMKP1 binds to CaM in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Moreover, the CaM/Ca2+ complex inhibits the catalytic activity of TMKP1 in a CaM-dose dependent marmer. However, in the presence of Mo2+, this activity is enhanced by CaM/Ca2+ complex. Such effects were not reported so far, and raise a possible role for CaM and Mo 2+ in the regulation of plant MKPs during cellular response to extemal siguals. Moreover, a fine sequence analysis ofTMKPl revealed the presence of a conserved 14-3-3 mode 1 binding site. This finding incited us to perfonn co-immunoprecipitation assays on wheat protein extracts through which we provide proof-of-concept evidence for interaction of TMKP1 with 14-3-3 proteins. Interestingly, the phosphatase activity of TMKP1 was shawn to be enhanced by several plant and yeast 14-3-3 isoforms. Finally, the involvement of TMKP1 in plant stress responses was evaluated. Our data showed that the overexpression of TMKP1 in Arabidopsis resulted in a higher tolerance to salt stresses and to bacterial infection caused by P. syringae. Such findings suggest thal TMKP1 may act as a positive regulator of Arabidopsis responses to salt stresses and P. syringae infection. All together, our results provide novel functional properties for plant MKPs, and should add new knowledge to our understanding of the raie of these phosphatases in the control of MAPK signaling pathways controlling plant responses to various environmental stresses

    International Business and Finance

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    Abstract: This paper studies the effect of bank manager behavior and investor behavior on market value of Islamic and conventional banks in the Middle East and North Africa region. Firstly, our analysis denoted the positive effect of discretionary behavior of manager on both types of banks on share prices since discretionary behavior transmits to investor a positive signal of future earnings' prospects. Also, we find that the conventional bank stock prices response is very high to negative signal compared with positive signal. This result is explained by prospect theory and loss aversion bias which specified that individuals are more sensitive to losses than gains of same magnitude. In particular, we discover that the negative effect of non-discretionary behavior is much lower on Islamic bank value since investors give more confidence to Islamic bank because they are motivated by the idea that Islamic banks are safer than conventional banks. Secondly, the results show that investor sentiment affects significantly both bank market prices. Thus, both Islamic and conventional banks' market value depends similarly on manager and investor behavior. The implication of this paper is that Islamic bank concentrations reveal a positive effect on their price values because of the recently increased investments in Islamic banks. PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT The stock market value depends on various factors. This study investigates the effect of bank manager behavior and investor behavior on market value of Islamic and conventional banks in eight countries of the Middle East and North Africa region. The empirical findings of this paper show that the behavior of manager affects significantly the banks value. Indeed, discretionary behavior of manager transmits to investor a positive signal of future earnings' prospects. Moreover, conventional market bank value response is very high to negative signal compared with positive signal. Our results also indicate that the effect of investor sentiment on both bank market prices is also significant. Our paper highlights either an important implication that the limited number of Islamic banks presents a positive effect on Islamic market bank value

    Interplay between low light and hormone-mediated signaling pathways in shade avoidance regulation in plants

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    Plants possess multiple protective mechanisms against abiotic stress which ensure their survival in limiting environments. Among those stressors, low light is an emerging cue for plants. Light is crucial to control the plant life as fuels photosynthesis which is strictly dependent to light intensity, duration and quality. In addition, plants are equipped with multiple photoreceptors (e.g. phytochromes, cryptochromes, and phototropin) that sense light and trigger light-mediated molecular/physiological responses. Fluctuations in light spectra and flux density, impact on plant performance at morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular level, leading to severe alteration in plant growth and development. As sessile organisms, plants cannot escape light stress, thus, they have evolved specific mecanisms of adaptation to such conditions, including a complex network of phytohormones. In this review, we summarize the recent findings dealing with the regulation of plant response to low light, with a focus on the role(s) of phytohormones involved in such light-limited environments

    The Life Cycle of the Xylophagous Beetle, <i>Steraspis speciosa</i> (Coleoptera, Buprestidae), Feeding on <i>Acacia</i> Trees in Saudi Arabia

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    The xylophagous beetle, Steraspis speciosa, has infected Acacia forests in Saudi Arabia, causing significant damage and even leading to the death of several trees. In the Ha’il region, in the north of Saudi Arabia, an investigation of 13 study sites shows that the Acacia population is mainly composed of three species: A. gerrardii (90.3%), A. ehrenbergiana (7.5%), and A. raddiana (2.2%) and that 21.7% of this population was infected by S. speciosa. The age of the tree (young, adult, old) and environment habitat (Dam, Wadi, Plateau) effects, and insect life-cycle were studied in the protected Machar National Park. Infection in the park, estimated at 25.4%, mainly affects the oldest trees (20.1%) more than the youngest ones (2.3%), while the driest environments (Plateau, 38.8%) are more vulnerable to infection than humid habitats (Dam, 9.4%). The life cycle of S. speciosa lasts about two years, with four stages to complete metamorphosis: mating and eggs (≈3 months), larvae (≈16 months), pupae (≈3 months), and emergency and adults (≈3 months). The larvae stage with many metamorphic instars was the most harmful for tree and takes the longest. The female beetle lays its eggs on weak stem parts. Steraspis speciosa larvae feed on the stems of Acacia trees, and the instar larvae were gathered under the bark of infected stems, harming most of the phloem and a large portion of the xylem. When combined with a prolonged period of drought, S. speciosa causes the withering of numerous branches and, in extreme cases, kills the entire tree

    Identification and Expression Profiling of Two Saudi Arabia Catalase Genes from Wheat and Barley in Response to Abiotic and Hormonal Stresses

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    Catalase is a crucial enzyme in antioxidant defense systems protecting eukaryotes from oxidative stress. These proteins are present in almost all living organisms and play important roles in controlling plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses by catalyzing the decomposition of H2O2. Despite their importance, little is known about their expression in the majority of monocotyledonous species. Here, we isolated and characterized two novel catalase genes from Triticum turgidum and Hordeum vulgare, designated as TtCAT1 and HvCAT1, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that TtCAT1 and HvCAT1 presented 492 aa and shared an important identity with other catalase proteins belonging to subfamily 1. Using bioinformatic analysis, we predicted the 3D structure models of TtCAT1 and HvCAT1. Interestingly, analysis showed that the novel catalases harbor a peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1) located at their C-terminus portion, as shown for other catalase proteins. In addition, this motif is responsible for the in silico peroxisomal localization of both proteins. Finally, RT-qPCR analysis showed that TtCAT1 and HvCAT1 are highly expressed in leaves in normal conditions but faintly in roots. Moreover, both genes are upregulated after the application of different stresses such as salt, osmotic, cold, heavy metal, and hormonal stresses. The positive responses of TtCAT1 and HvCAT1 to the various stimuli suggested that these proteins can help to protect both species against environmental stresses

    The Activity of the Durum Wheat (<i>Triticum durum</i> L.) Catalase 1 (TdCAT1) Is Modulated by Calmodulin

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    Plant catalases (CAT) are involved in the cellular scavenging of the reactive oxygen species during developmental processes and in response to abiotic and biotic stresses. However, little is known about the regulation of the CAT activity to ensure efficient antioxidant function. Using bioinformatic analyses, we showed that durum wheat catalase 1 (TdCAT1) harbors highly conserved cation-binding and calmodulin binding (CaMBD) domains which are localized at different positions of the protein. As a result, the catalytic activity of TdCAT1 is enhanced in vitro by the divalent cations Mn2+ and Fe2+ and to a lesser extent by Cu2+, Zn2+, and Mg2+. Moreover, the GST-pull down assays performed here revealed that TdCAT1 bind to the wheat CaM (TdCaM1.3) in a Ca2+-independent manner. Furthermore, the TdCaM1.3/Ca2+ complex is stimulated in a CaM-dose-dependent manner by the catalytic activity of TdCAT1, which is further increased in the presence of Mn2+ cations. The catalase activity of TdCAT1 is enhanced by various divalent cations and TdCaM1.3 in a Ca-dependent manner. Such effects are not reported so far and raise a possible role of CaM and cations in the function of CATs during cellular response to oxidative stress

    The Putative Auto-Inhibitory Domain of Durum Wheat Catalase (TdCAT1) Positively Regulates Bacteria Cells in Response to Different Stress Conditions

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    Catalase is a crucial enzyme in the antioxidant defense system protecting organisms from oxidative stress. Proteins of this kind play important roles in controlling plant response to biotic and abiotic stresses by catalyzing the decomposition of H2O2. The durum wheat catalase 1, TdCAT1, has been previously isolated and characterized. Here, using bio-informatic analysis, we showed that durum wheat catalase 1 TdCAT1 harbors different novel conserved domains. In addition, TdCAT1 contains various phosphorylation residues and S-Nitrosylation residues located at different positions along the protein sequence. TdCAT1 activity decreased after treatment with &lambda;&minus;phosphatase. On the other hand, we showed that durum wheat catalase 1 (TdCAT1) exhibits a low CAT activity in vitro, whereas a deleted form of TdCAT1 has better activity compared to the full-length protein (TdCAT460), suggesting that TdCAT1 could present a putative autoinhibitory domain in its C-terminal portion. Moreover, we showed that TdCAT1 positively regulates E. coli cells in response to salt, ionic and osmotic stresses as well as heavy metal stress in solid and liquid mediums. Such effects had not been reported and lead us to suggest that the durum wheat catalase 1 TdCAT1 protein could play a positive role in response to a wide array of abiotic stress conditions