3,569 research outputs found

    European Springtails Orchesella cincta (L.) and O. villosa (L.) (Collembola: Entomobryidae): Vagabond Species of the Nearctic Region

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    North American specimens of the European invasive springtail Orchesella cincta (L.) were compared to several published European haplotypes in a phylogenetic framework using likelihood methods based on a portion of cytochrome oxidase II (cox2). Our analyses provide direct evidence of at least two distinct introductions of this invasive to North America from different regions of Europe. Additional introduction events cannot be ruled out because detection is limited by extremely low sequence divergence among populations inhabiting different regions of the continent. Orchesella villosa (L.), another invasive from Europe, is another candidate for multiple introductions. Herein we include the cox2 sequence from single specimens of O. villosa from Maine and Oregon. Although these two specimens are identical in sequence, they differ from a published sequence from a European specimen by 15%, indicating significant undocumented genetic variation in the natal range of O. villosa. Additional sampling of Nearctic populations of O. villosa might reveal the same situation reported herein for O. cincta

    Enhanced High-Resolution Imaging through Multiple-Frequency Coarray Augmentation

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    In imaging, much attention is paid to increasing the resolution capabilities of a system. Increasing resolution allows for high-accuracy source location and the ability to discriminate between two closely-spaced objects. In conventional narrowband techniques, resolution is fundamentally limited by the size of the aperture. For apertures consisting of individual elements, direction-of-arrival techniques allow for high-resolution images of point sources. The main limiting factor on conventional high-resolution imaging is the number of elements in the aperture. For both passive and active imaging, to resolve K point sources/targets, there must be at least K+1 elements receiving radiation. In active imaging, when these targets reflect coherently - the more difficult case in imaging - an additional constraint is that at least K of the elements must also be transmitting radiation to illuminate the targets. For small arrays consisting of only a few elements, this constraint can be problematic. In this dissertation, we focus on improving resolution by using multiple frequencies in both passive and active imaging, especially for small arrays. Using multiple frequencies increases the size of the coarray, which is the true limiting factor for resolution of an imaging system when virtual arrays are considered. For passive imaging, we show that the number of sources that can be resolved is limited only by the bandwidth available for certain types of sources. In active imaging, we develop a frequency-averaging method that permits resolution of K coherent point targets with fewer than K transmitting and receiving elements. These methods are investigated primarily for linear arrays, but planar arrays are also briefly examined. Another resolution improvement method researched in this work is a retransmission scheme for active imaging using classical beamforming techniques. In this method, the coarray is extended not by using multiple frequencies, but by retransmitting the received data back into the scene as a second transmission and processing the returns. It is known that when this method is used to image multiple targets, the resulting image is contaminated by crossterms. We investigate methods to reduce the crossterms


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    Clinical reasoning (CR) is a difficult concept to assess and is a leading cause of failure for outpatient clinical experiences for physical therapy (PT) students (Silberman et al., 2018). The purpose of this study was to determine to what degree didactic assessments of CR could predict CR in clinical practice utilizing Miller’s (1990) pyramid as a conceptual framework. Using a retrospective quantitative exploratory observational design, archived data were collected for graduates in the classes of 2022 and 2023 (N = 84) from a hybrid Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Each assessment pertained to the musculoskeletal domain of PT practice and aligned with corresponding tiers of Miller’s (1990) pyramid. Assessments included biomechanics exams, clinical skills practical exams, musculoskeletal Triple Jump scores (tiers 1-3) and Clinical Internship Evaluation Tool scores (tier four). Regression analyses were completed for didactic assessments (tiers 1-3) to determine whether each individually and as a group could predict CR in clinical practice (tier four). No statistically significant results were found for any individual assessment or the group of assessments for prediction of CR in practice; however, follow-up ancillary analysis revealed that clinical experience cohort rotation was a significant predictor of CR in practice. Further research is needed to explore variables not included in this study; however, results of this study indicate that Miller’s (1990) pyramid may not be the best conceptual framework for assessment of CR for PT students. Educational research is warranted for alternative models or frameworks to assess CR during a Doctor of Physical Therapy program

    Expanded mixed multiscale finite element methods and their applications for flows in porous media

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    We develop a family of expanded mixed Multiscale Finite Element Methods (MsFEMs) and their hybridizations for second-order elliptic equations. This formulation expands the standard mixed Multiscale Finite Element formulation in the sense that four unknowns (hybrid formulation) are solved simultaneously: pressure, gradient of pressure, velocity and Lagrange multipliers. We use multiscale basis functions for the both velocity and gradient of pressure. In the expanded mixed MsFEM framework, we consider both cases of separable-scale and non-separable spatial scales. We specifically analyze the methods in three categories: periodic separable scales, GG- convergence separable scales, and continuum scales. When there is no scale separation, using some global information can improve accuracy for the expanded mixed MsFEMs. We present rigorous convergence analysis for expanded mixed MsFEMs. The analysis includes both conforming and nonconforming expanded mixed MsFEM. Numerical results are presented for various multiscale models and flows in porous media with shales to illustrate the efficiency of the expanded mixed MsFEMs.Comment: 33 page

    The Fight for the Channel Ports: Calais to Brest—A Study in Confusion

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    Direct and Indirect Influence of Mining Related Subsidence on Structural Damages - a Case Study

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    An investigation of causes of damages to a structure located at a toe of a hillside over an undermined area is described. The investigation included a finite element analysis and an analysis of landslide susceptibility of the hillside. Direct and Indirect influence of mining activity appears to be the cause of structural damages

    Analysis of Arctic Cod Movements in the Beaufort Sea Nearshore Region, 1978-79

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    A study was conducted to investigate distribution and abundance of arctic cod in the nearshore region of the Beaufort Sea. Data collection methods included 3 m otter trawl and hydroacoustic surveys. Temperature and conductivity measurements were taken throughout the study area on a regular basis. The results indicated that arctic cod are associated with a transition layer between a surface water mass, characterized by low salinity and high temperature, and a bottom water mass, characterized by high salinity and low temperature. Arctic cod apparently oriented to the shoreward edge of the marine water mass and redistributed themselves depending on the location of the shoreward edge. It is hypothesized that the transition layer concentrates food organisms, and this abundance of food may be one factor that induces shoals of arctic cod to utilize this transition layer.Key words: arctic cod, Alaskan Beaufort Sea, nearshore movements, temperature/salinity association, coastal habitat use, Boreogadus saida Une étude a été menée afin de déterminer la distribution et l'abondance de la morue arctique dans la zone côtière de la mer de Beaufort. Les données ont été recueillies à l'aide d'un chalut à plateaux de 3 m et de relevés hydro-acoustiques. Des mesures de température et de conductivité ont été prises de façon régulière, dans toute la zone étudiée. Les résultats ont indiqué que la morue arctique est associée à une couche de transition entre une masse d'eau de surface, caractérisée par une faible salinité et une haute température, et une masse d'eau profonde, caractérisée par une forte salinité et une basse température. La morue arctique se dirigeait apparemment vers la limite côtière de la masse d'eau de mer et sa distribution suivait cette limite côtière. On peut avancer l'hypothèse que la couche de transition est très riche en éléments nutritifs, et que cette abondance de nourriture est un des facteurs qui amènent les bancs de morues arctiques à se servir de cette couche de transition. Mots clés : morue arctique, mer de Beaufort de l'Alaska, déplacements près des côtes, association température/salinité, utilisation de l'habitat côtier, Boreogadus said

    History of an Under-Ice Subsistence Fishery for Arctic Cisco and Least Cisco in the Colville River, Alaska

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    Arctic cisco (Coregonus autumnalis) and least cisco (C. sardinella) are harvested in the Colville River Delta near Nuiqsut, Alaska, after ice forms in the fall. Arctic cisco targeted by the fall fishery derive from spawning stocks in the Mackenzie River of Canada. Young-of-the-year fish are recruited into the Colville region during August or September, aided by westerly coastal currents generated by predominantly easterly winds. In contrast, anadromous least cisco, harvested as the primary by-catch in the fishery, spawn and winter entirely in the Colville delta and lower river. This study reports on fishery monitoring for the 20-year period 1985 – 2004. During this period, effort in the subsistence fishery showed an increasing trend. Arctic cisco, the target species, averaged over 65% of the annual observed catch, and least cisco averaged 22%. From 1985 to 2002, total harvest of arctic cisco for the combined subsistence and commercial fisheries averaged 38 600 fish (15 958 kg) per year, ranging from a low of 5859 fish (2799 kg) in 2001 to 78 254 fish (31 340 kg) in 1993. During the same period, catches of least cisco averaged 18 600 fish (5819 kg), ranging from a low of 6606 fish (2014 kg) in 2001 to 33 410 fish (11 319 kg) in 1985. The subsistence fishery caught 56% of the total arctic cisco harvest and 42% of the least cisco harvest (in numbers of fish). In the six years for which estimates of both harvest and population level were available, total estimated annual harvest of arctic cisco within the Colville River Delta averaged 8.9% of the available fish, with yearly estimates ranging from 5.4% to 12.9%. For least cisco, the average annual removal rate was 6.8% (range: 2.9% to 13.8%).Le cisco arctique (Coregonus autumnalis) et le cisco sardinelle (C. sardinella) sont pêchés dans le delta de la rivière Colville près de Nuiqsut, en Alaska, après la formation de la glace à l’automne. Les ciscos arctiques qui font l’objet de cette pêche d’automne proviennent de la fraie du fleuve Mackenzie au Canada. Les jeunes poissons de l’année sont recrutés dans la région de Colville en août ou en septembre, et sont aidés par les courants côtiers d’ouest générés par les vents principalement de l’est. Pour leur part, les ciscos sardinelles anadromes, qui sont récoltés en tant que prise fortuite principale de la pêche, fraient et hivernent entièrement dans le détroit Colville et la rivière inférieure. La présente étude fait état d’un projet de surveillance des pêches échelonné sur une période de 20 ans, soit de 1985 à 2004. Au cours de cette période, la pêche de subsistance a affiché une tendance à la hausse. Le cisco arctique, soit l’espèce ciblée, représentait en moyenne plus de 65 % de la prise annuelle observée, tandis que le cisco sardinelle représentait 22 % en moyenne. De 1985 à 2002, la récolte totale de cisco arctique pour l’ensemble de la pêche de subsistance et de la pêche commerciale a atteint, en moyenne, 38 600 poissons (15 958 kg) par année, allant du faible nombre de 5 859 poissons (2 799 kg) en 2001 à 78 254 poissons (31 340 kg) en 1993. Au cours de cette même période, les prises de ciscos sardinelles ont atteint, en moyenne, 18 600 poissons (5 819 kg), allant du faible nombre de 6 606 poissons (2 014 kg) en 2001 à 33 410 poissons (11 319 kg) en 1985. La pêche de subsistance a permis de récolter 56 % de tous les ciscos arctiques capturés et 42 % des ciscos sardinelles (pour ce qui est du nombre de poissons). Dans le cas des six années pour lesquelles il existe des estimations du taux de capture et de population, la capture annuelle totale estimée de ciscos arctiques dans le delta de la rivière Colville a atteint, en moyenne, 8,9 % des poissons disponibles, et les estimations annuelles s’échelonnaient entre 5,4 % à 12,9 %. Dans le cas du cisco sardinelle, le taux moyen annuel de prise s’élevait à 6,8 % (avec une étendue de 2,9 % à 13,8 %)
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