60 research outputs found

    Maximizing Network Topology Lifetime Using Mobile Node Rotation

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    A importância da inclusão do nutricionista nas instituições policiais militares para a redução de casos de excesso de peso e as consequentes baixas médicas

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    Este estudo busca evidenciar a importância da utilização da nutrição nas organizações policiais militares principalmente para evitar os casos de excesso de peso de militares e as consequentes baixas por doenças crônicas relacionadas a má alimentação e a falta de um acompanhamento mínimo nutricional. Com este estudo também, busca-se fazer uma sugestão mais específica a Polícia Militar do Paraná para a complementação do Programa de Saúde Preventiva da Corporação com os serviços da nutrição. Ao analisarmos as legislações recentes aplicadas a estes profissionais, existem tentativas de priorizar direitos a saúde do policial militar, conforme pretende-se mostrar neste estudo. Denota-se uma tendência atual e uma preocupação maior para que o policial militar tenha uma melhor qualidade de vida e não sofra com doenças de todos os tipos, como as relacionadas a má alimentação. Neste viés, justifica-se a importância de uma imediata inserção da nutrição para acompanhamento dos policiais, como uma forma de respeito, de prevenção de doenças futuras e da valorização ao policial militar que para bem atender a sociedade, necessita estar com boas condições de saúde

    1004-57 Regional Left Ventricular Function by Intraventricular Ultrasound in Patients with Myocardial Infarction

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    Regional left ventricular (LV) dysfunction induced by ischemia/infarction is accompanied by increased end-systolic stress because the ischemic LV wall is unable to generate enough tension to contribute effectively to systole. To explore the possibility of assessing regional LV dysfunction as changes in LV wall stress we performed intraventricular echocardiography in 10 patients with a 6.2 french/12.5MHZ catheter at the time of cardiac catheterization. Cross-sectional images obtained at the level of the papillary muscles were analyzed by computer aided system to assess left ventricular wall thickness and radius of curvature (RC) in 16 equi-angular segments. End-systolic segmental endocardial radius of curvature divided by LV wall thickness obtained as segment area divided by the average of endo and epicardial arc lengths was utilized as an index of regional LV performance proportional to segmental LV wall stress. Percent wall thickening (WT%) was reduced (20.7±14.5%) in the territory perfused by the stenosed artery determined at catheterization, when compared with WT% obtained from territory perfused by normal coronaries (34.4±15.8%, p<0.05). In addition, systolic wall thickening was inversely related to the ratio of RC to WT at end-systole (r=0.75, %WT=65.5 – 21.4 (RCIWT), p<0.05) reflecting regional systolic dysfunction with increased circumferential end-systolic wall stress in those regions. In conclusion, intraventricular echocardiography correctly detects regional left ventricular dysfunction and its geometric consequences to local LV performance induced by ischemic myocardial damage. This technique may play an important role in monitoring myocardial injury by ischemia during invasive interventional procedures

    Análise da Polícia Comunitária aplicada ao 2° colégio da Polícia Militar do Paraná: reflexos positivos para a comunidade escolar na prevenção de crimes

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    A filosofia de Polícia Comunitária aplicada ao 2° Colégio da Polícia Militar do Paraná, trouxe reflexos positivos para a comunidade escolar do supracitado estabelecimento de ensino, principalmente no que se refere a melhoria da qualidade de ensino e da segurança no Colégio e em suas imediações. Estes avanços no ensino são evidenciados dentre outros fatores, por indicativos estabelecidos pelo Ministério da Educação do país, sendo o principal, atualmente, o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB). A melhoria da segurança local é demonstrada através da prevenção de atentados contra a integridade física de alunos, pais, professores e funcionários e de estatísticas criminais do bairro, com destaque para o pequeno quantitativo de registros de ocorrências policiais nas imediações do Colégio. A escola deve ser um ambiente seguro e acolhedor para as crianças e adolescentes e, logo dar as condições necessárias para que o menor se desenvolva de forma saudável. Para se atingir estes objetivos, é de fundamental importância a inserção e realização de atividades baseadas nos princípios de Polícia Comunitária, no ambiente escolar, como a realização de palestras educativas, atividades multidisciplinares envolvendo professores, pais e alunos, instrução para os militares que trabalham no Colégio e a implementação do Programa Educacional de Resistência às Drogas e à Violência (PROERD)

    Towards green computing in wireless sensor networks: controlled mobility-aided balanced tree approach

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    Virtualization technology has revolutionized the mobile network and widely used in 5G innovation. It is a way of computing that allows dynamic leasing of server capabilities in the form of services like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. The proliferation of these services among the users led to the establishment of large-scale cloud data centers that consume an enormous amount of electrical energy and results into high metered bill cost and carbon footprint. In this paper, we propose three heuristic models namely Median Migration Time (MeMT), Smallest Void Detection (SVD) and Maximum Fill (MF) that can reduce energy consumption with minimal variation in SLAs negotiated. Specifically, we derive the cost of running cloud data center, cost optimization problem and resource utilization optimization problem. Power consumption model is developed for cloud computing environment focusing on liner relationship between power consumption and resource utilization. A virtual machine migration technique is considered focusing on synchronization oriented shorter stop-and-copy phase. The complete operational steps as algorithms are developed for energy aware heuristic models including MeMT, SVD and MF. To evaluate proposed heuristic models, we conduct experimentations using PlanetLab server data often ten days and synthetic workload data collected randomly from the similar number of VMs employed in PlanetLab Servers. Through evaluation process, we deduce that proposed approaches can significantly reduce the energy consumption, total VM migration, and host shutdown while maintaining the high system performance

    Choroidalyzer: An open-source, end-to-end pipeline for choroidal analysis in optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose: To develop Choroidalyzer, an open-source, end-to-end pipeline for segmenting the choroid region, vessels, and fovea, and deriving choroidal thickness, area, and vascular index. Methods: We used 5,600 OCT B-scans (233 subjects, 6 systemic disease cohorts, 3 device types, 2 manufacturers). To generate region and vessel ground-truths, we used state-of-the-art automatic methods following manual correction of inaccurate segmentations, with foveal positions manually annotated. We trained a U-Net deep-learning model to detect the region, vessels, and fovea to calculate choroid thickness, area, and vascular index in a fovea-centred region of interest. We analysed segmentation agreement (AUC, Dice) and choroid metrics agreement (Pearson, Spearman, mean absolute error (MAE)) in internal and external test sets. We compared Choroidalyzer to two manual graders on a small subset of external test images and examined cases of high error. Results: Choroidalyzer took 0.299 seconds per image on a standard laptop and achieved excellent region (Dice: internal 0.9789, external 0.9749), very good vessel segmentation performance (Dice: internal 0.8817, external 0.8703) and excellent fovea location prediction (MAE: internal 3.9 pixels, external 3.4 pixels). For thickness, area, and vascular index, Pearson correlations were 0.9754, 0.9815, and 0.8285 (internal) / 0.9831, 0.9779, 0.7948 (external), respectively (all p<0.0001). Choroidalyzer's agreement with graders was comparable to the inter-grader agreement across all metrics. Conclusions: Choroidalyzer is an open-source, end-to-end pipeline that accurately segments the choroid and reliably extracts thickness, area, and vascular index. Especially choroidal vessel segmentation is a difficult and subjective task, and fully-automatic methods like Choroidalyzer could provide objectivity and standardisation