11 research outputs found

    Fatty acids and amino acids contents in Scomber scombrus fillets from the South East of Tunisia

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    Proximate composition, fats and amino acids of Atlantic Mackerel fillets (Scomber scombrus) from the South East of Tunisia in different seasons, were analyzed in order to assess nutritive characteristics of this species. Samples were collected monthly from Zarzis fishing port located in the South-East of Tunisia. Total fats and protein contents varied significantly (P<0.05) according to the season. The highest values were obtained in spring (11.53 and 24.1% DM, respectively). Gas chromatography analysis showed the existence of saturated (SFAs), monounsaturated (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated (PUFAs) fatty acids. Palmitic and stearic acids were the major fatty acids in SFA family. Palmitoleic and oleic acids were the predominant in MUFA family. Arachidonic acid was the dominant in n-6 PUFA family. While eicosapentanoic (EPA) and docosahexanoic (DHA) were the most abundant in n-3 PUFA series. We observed that high PUFAs percentages were related to those of n-3 PUFA family, mainly DHA which was present at a high level and varied significantly with season (P< 0.01) with the highest value in winter (40%). The n-6 PUFA series were present at low rates comparatively with those of n-3 PUFA series ranging between 4.5 and 5.7%. The highest level of n-6 PUFAs was observed for arachidonic acid in autumn 3.71%. The n-3/n-6 ratio exhibited the highest level in spring (11.02). The Atlantic Mackerel fillets were high in essential amino acids (34.59 g/100 g of proteins). The highest rates were noted for phenylalanine, valine, threonine, isoleucine, leucine and methionine. It was concluded that Atlantic Mackerel was high in interesting human feeding nutriments, mainly PUFA and essential amino Acids. Even when significant, differences between seasons were not drastic and S. scombrus could be consumed during all the year.Keywords: Scomber scombrus, lipids, fatty acids, amino acids, seasonal variatio

    Učinci obroka i godišnjih doba na mliječnost i sastav mlijeka na malim i srednjim mliječnim farmama iz sjevernog područja Tunisa (regija Bizerte)

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    In Tunisia, dairy farming faced several problems limiting the improvement of the milk sector, mostly at the level of small farmers. These difficulties are related to the milk quality affected by the feed quality distributed throughout the year. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of rations and seasons on daily individual milk production (DIMP) and some physicochemical characteristics (Fat content: FC, Protein content: PC, Urea concentration: UC, Total Solids: TS). A survey and milk samplings were performed on 135 farmers. Collected data were treated by the variance analysis using the GLM procedure of the SAS system. This study allowed to identify four types of ration: TR1: Concentrate (CC)+Green Forage(GF), TR2: CC+Dry Forage (DF), TR3: CC+GF+DF and TR4: Diet containing Silage (S), used by farmers with the frequencies of 14.82, 37.19, 44.6 and 3.38 % respectively. The highest DIMP (P<0.0001) was obtained by TR1 (17.3 kg/day) and the lowest (13.6 kg/day) by TR2. TR4 allowed FC, PC (P<0.05) and TS (P<0.01) higher (3.84, 3.14 and 12.31 % respectively) than those obtained in the other rations. The UC (P<0.0001) was the highest in TR1 and TR3 (32.05 mg/dL) followed by TR4 (28.3 mg/dL) and TR2 (26.2 mg/dL). Concerning the season effect, the highest DIMP (P<0.0001) was obtained during spring (17.7 kg/day), the lowest was during autumn (13.1 kg/day). The FC (P<0.05) was the lowest in winter (3.52 %). The PC (P<0.01) was higher during autumn and winter (averaged 3.07 %). The UC (P<0.0001) was the highest in spring (32.23 mg/dL) and the lowest in autumn (25.67 mg/dL). It was concluded that milk parameters were in the acceptable ranges comparatively to the national averages.U Tunisu se mljekarstvo suočilo s nekoliko problema koji ograničavaju poboljšanje mliječnog sektora, uglavnom na razini malih poljoprivrednika. Te su poteškoće povezane s kvalitetom mlijeka na koju utječe kvaliteta hrane koja se distribuira tijekom cijele godine. Cilj ovog rada bio je procijeniti učinak obroka i godišnjih doba na dnevnu individualnu proizvodnju mlijeka (DIMP) i neke fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike (sadržaj masti: FC, sadržaj proteina: PC, koncentracija uree: UC, ukupna suha tvar: TS). Istraživanje i uzorkovanje mlijeka provedeno je na 135 mliječnih farmi, a prikupljeni podaci obrađeni su analizom varijance korištenjem GLM postupka SAS sustava (verzija 9.0, 2002). Ova studija utvrdila je utjecaj četiri vrste obroka: TR1: koncentrat (CC)+zelena krma (GF), TR2: CC +suha krma (DF), TR3: CC+GF+DF i TR4: obrok koji sadrži silažu (S). Najviša DIMP (P<0,0001) dobivena je korištenjem TR1 (17,3 kg/dan), a najmanja (13,6 kg/dan) kod TR2. TR4 povezan je sa većim sadržajem FC, PC (P<0,05) i TS (P<0,01) (3,84, 3,14 i 12,31 %) od vrijednosti uočenih u ostalim obrocima. UC (P<0,0001) bio je najviši kod TR1 i TR3 (32,05 mg/dL), zatim kod TR4 (28,3 mg/dL) i TR2 (26,2 mg/dL). Kada je riječ o sezonskom učinku, najveća DIMP (P<0,0001) je tijekom proljeća (17,7 kg/dan), a najmanja tijekom jeseni (13,1 kg/dan). FC (P<0,05) bio je najniži zimi (3,52 %). PC (P<0,01) bio je veći tijekom jeseni i zime (u prosjeku 3,07 %). UC (P <0,0001) bio je najveći u proljeće (32,23 mg/dL), a najmanji u jesen (25,67 mg/dL). Zaključeno je da su parametri mlijeka u prihvatljivim rasponima u usporedbi s nacionalnim prosjecima

    Određivanje glavnih čimbenika koji utječu na prinos i sastav kozjeg mlijeka u sjeverozapadnoj regiji Tunisa

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    This study aimed to assess the main factors affecting goat milk yield and composition from the Northwest region of Tunisia. A survey and a sampling campaign were conducted over four months (February-May, 2018), within 112 farms in 3 regions. Individual daily milk yield (DMY) was registered and milk samples were taken in duplicate to be analysed for fat (FC), protein (PC), solid not fat (SNF), density and lactose contents. Results showed that the Alpine breed allowed the highest DMY and PC, and the Damasquine presented the highest FC. The third lactation allowed the highest DMY (0.95 Lday-1) and FC (6.68%), however the highest PC, SNF and density are recorded for primiparous. Concerning the birth weight of kids, DMY increased significantly with the weight of the kids at birth, and it resulted in a significant effect on the FC. The assessment of the region effect showed that the highest DMY was obtained in the region of Jendouba and Ghardimaou. For milk composition, when breed effect was eliminated and focused only on the local breed, we found the highest FC in Sedjnen/Nefza. The analysis of the goat feeding allowed identifying 5 types of rations. Also, statistical analysis showed that the highest DMY resulted from the rations T4 and T5 (averaged 1.06 Lday-1). No effect of ration type on FC and density was found. Concerning PC, SNF and lactose, the ration effect had no significant effect, but a trend of highest values was noted for T3. It was concluded that dairy performances were low, focusing only on the local goat population. However, the produced milk is of good quality regarding the determined chemical composition. Indeed, there is a negative correlation between milk production and the chemical composition of milk. Substantial improvements are potentially possible through actions (improvement of the quality of the ration, milk hygiene, milk collection pattern, training of breeders, etc) to develop a value chain in the region and improve farmer incomes.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti glavne čimbenike koji utječu na prinos i sastav kozjeg mlijeka iz sjeverozapadne regije Tunisa. Istraživanje i uzorkovanje provedeni su tijekom dva mjeseca (ožujak-travanj 2018.) na 112 farmi u 3 regije. Bilježen je pojedinačni dnevni prinos mlijeka (DMY) te su uzorci mlijeka uzeti u duplikatu za analizu udjela masti (FC), proteina (PC), suhe tvari bez masti (SNF), gustoće i udjela laktoze. Rezultati su pokazali da je alpina pasmina imala najveći DMY i PC, a damaška najveći FC. U trećoj laktaciji je utvrđen najveći DMY (0,95 Ldan-1) i FC (6,68 %), dok su najveći PC, SNF i gustoća zabilježeni kod prvojarki. Uzimajući u obzir porođajnu masu jaradi, DMY se značajno povećao s masom jaradi pri jarenju, što je značajno utjecalo na FC. Analiza učinka regije pokazala je da je najveći DMY postignut u regiji Jendouba i Ghardimaou. Kada je o sastavu mlijeka riječ, nakon što se eliminira učinak pasmine, i usredotoči samo na lokalnu pasminu, najveći FC utvrđen je u regiji Sedjnen/Nefza. Analiza hranidbe koza omogućila je identificiranje 5 vrsta obroka. Također, statistička analiza pokazala je da je najveći DMY rezultat omjera T4 i T5 (prosječno 1,06 Ldan-1), dok nije utvrđen utjecaj vrste obroka na FC i gustoću. Utjecaj vrste obroka nije značajno utjecao na PC, SNF i udio laktoze, ali je zabilježen trend najviših vrijednosti za T3. Zaključeno je da su mliječne performanse bile niske, ako se u obzir uzme samo lokalna populacija koza. Međutim, kvaliteta proizvedenog mlijeka je bila dobra uzimajući u obzir utvrđeni kemijski sastav. Također, utvrđena je negativna korelacija između proizvodnje mlijeka i kemijskog sastava mlijeka. Značajna poboljšanja potencijalno su moguća primjerice kroz poboljšanje kvalitete obroka, higijene mlijeka, obrasca prikupljanja mlijeka i obuke uzgajivača za razvoj lanca vrijednosti u regiji te tako i povećanje prihoda farmera

    Profitability of Manufactured Feed Pellets for Small-Scale Crop-Livestock Farmers in Tunisia

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    The aim of this R4D Initiatives is to explore the profitability of manufactured feed pellets for small-scale crop-livestock farmers in Tunisia. During the past few growing seasons, within several R4D initiatives and projects (the SWC@Scale as part of the global GIZ ProSol Program; the CRP-Livestock “feed and forages”, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funded CLCA phase 2), ICARDA and its national partners have introduced imported feed pellet machines that were donated with a 10% financial contribution (to ensure strong ownership of the technology) to some pre-selected professional farmer organizations (FO) (SMSA and GDA5) and individual farmers including agri-preneurs, with the idea of developing small feed businesses using these machines and boosting the nutrition of local herds. After assessing the available feed resources for each region (Northern, Center, and Southern), the leading members of each FO, under the supervision of the project’s scientific teams, developed various feeding formulas. Other farmers have been developing their own formulas based on consultation with local extension agents. Some of the formulas used by farmers are still under experimentation and will be the subject of this brief, aiming at validating their economic viabilities

    Faisabilité technico-économique des bouchons alimentaires fabriqués pour les petits éleveurs en Tunisie

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    Les bouchons alimentaires représentent une technologie prometteuse pour l’alimentation du bétail en Tunisie. Cette Technologie offre des multiples intérêts économiques, financiers, et techniques pour les petits agriculteurs et éleveurs dans les systèmes mixtes "Culture-Elevage". Cette fiche démontre la faisabilité technico-économique des bouchons alimentaires fabriqués pour les petits éleveurs en Tunisie

    الجدوى التقنية والإقتصادية للمكعبات الغذائية المصنعة لدى صغار المزارعين في البلاد التونسية

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    تناقش هذه الجذاذة الفنية تقنية المكعبات الغذائية للحيوانات، مبرزة مزاياها في تغذية الماشية. كما تبين حدود هذه التقنية، و العوامل التي تؤثر على جودة المكعبات الغذائية للحيوانات. وفي النهاية، تقترح البطاقة الفنية نموذج أعمال للإنتاج المحلي للمكعبات الغذائية للحيوانات، مع التركيز على الجوانب الاقتصادية والمالية لهذه النشاط، بالإضافة إلى الاستنتاجات والآفاق المتعلقة بالاستدام

    Potential of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) essential oil to modify in vitro rumen fermentation in sheep

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of increasing doses (0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 120 µl/50 ml) of essential oil of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) on in vitro rumen fermentation. Two 24 h-incubations were done and gas production (GP) was measured. The liquid was collected for analysis of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and true organic matter degradability (TOMD). The partitioning factor (PF) was estimated after 24 h of incubation. Procedure of H-NMR spectroscopy was used to analyse rumen fluid samples. Results showed that, GP was only affected and decreased significantly for the doses 20, 40, 80 and 120 µl. Ammonia-N concentration was reduced by 8.2%, 18.6%, 21.6% and 25% when 20, 40, 80 and 120 µl of EuEO were added respectively. The TOMD values were decreased significantly at doses 40, 80 and 120 µl. The PF values were affected between doses control and 120 µl. Concerning H-NMR spectroscopy, results showed that the diet containing 80 µl of EuEO, there were increases observed in the concentration of rumen methylamine, glucose, butyrate, propionate and glycine. EuEO modified fermentation trends in the rumen, mainly by reducing GP and protein deamination. And the use of EuEO in high concentrations inhibits ruminal flora and decreases the production of VFA

    Assessment of the main factors affecting goat milk yield and composition in the North West region of Tunisia

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    This study aimed to assess the main factors affecting goat milk yield and composition from the Northwest region of Tunisia. A survey and a sampling campaign were conducted over four months (February-May, 2018), within 112 farms in 3 regions. Individual daily milk yield (DMY) was registered and milk samples were taken in duplicate to be analysed for fat (FC), protein (PC), solid not fat (SNF), density and lactose contents. Results showed that the Alpine breed allowed the highest DMY and PC, and the Damasquine presented the highest FC. The third lactation allowed the highest DMY (0.95 Lday-1) and FC (6.68%), however the highest PC, SNF and density are recorded for primiparous. Concerning the birth weight of kids, DMY increased significantly with the weight of the kids at birth, and it resulted in a significant effect on the FC. The assessment of the region effect showed that the highest DMY was obtained in the region of Jendouba and Ghardimaou. For milk composition, when breed effect was eliminated and focused only on the local breed, we found the highest FC in Sedjnen/Nefza. The analysis of the goat feeding allowed identifying 5 types of rations. Also, statistical analysis showed that the highest DMY resulted from the rations T4 and T5 (averaged 1.06 Lday-1). No effect of ration type on FC and density was found. Concerning PC, SNF and lactose, the ration effect had no significant effect, but a trend of highest values was noted for T3. It was concluded that dairy performances were low, focusing only on the local goat population. However, the produced milk is of good quality regarding the determined chemical composition. Indeed, there is a negative correlation between milk production and the chemical composition of milk. Substantial improvements are potentially possible through actions (improvement of the quality of the ration, milk hygiene, milk collection pattern, training of breeders, etc) to develop a value chain in the region and improve farmer incomes

    Stubble Quality of Wheat Grown under No-Tillage and Conventional Tillage Systems, and Effects of Stubble on the Fermentation Profile of Grazing Ewes&rsquo; Ruminal Fluid

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    Conservation practices that involve leaving mulch on the soil are known to increase soil fertility. However, mulch is an important source of feed for ruminant livestock. Accordingly, the trade-offs between mulching and stubble uptake by livestock are currently hot topics in the research field. In this study, a comparison between the quality of stubbles of wheat grown in no-tillage and conventional tillage fields and the rumen fermentation characteristics of Barbarine ewes grazing in the two fields was carried out. Samples were collected four times after wheat grain harvesting. Immediately after harvest, stubble biomass was slightly higher under no-tillage than conventional tillage. The ewes displayed different grazing behavior, with feeding at a higher rate on the conservative stubble than the conventional stubble. This feeding behavior seemed to be an adaptive strategy to offset the decline in the nutritional quality of stubbles from no-tillage-grown wheat. Indeed, dry matter, protein, fiber, and ash contents were lower in stubbles from no-tillage than conventional tillage at the second sampling time. Consequently, the concentration of the volatile fatty acid, propionic acid, was lower in ewes grazing in the conservative plots. However, this feeding behavior did not cause any body weight impairment during the two-month experimental period. At the end of grazing, the no-tillage practice was found to be comparable to the conventional tillage system according to the amount of residue remaining on the soil surface. Therefore, no-tillage could not be used to solve the competition between crops and livestock for residues