155 research outputs found

    The role of public subsidies on farms’ managerial efficiency: An application of a five-stage approach to France

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    This paper applies a five-step approach to the investigation of the relationship between public subsidies, namely CAP direct payments, and managerial efficiency for French COP and beef farms in 2000. Managerial efficiency scores are calculated using a four-step approach that allows disentangling managerial inefficiency from unfavourable external conditions. Then, in a fifth stage, managerial efficiency scores are regressed over a set of explanatory variables, including CAP direct payments. Using individual farm data and meteorological data at the municipality level, we show that there is a non negligible component of inefficiency that is due to unfavourable conditions, and there is a strong significant negative relationship between managerial efficiency and CAP direct payments.technical efficiency, managerial efficiency, direct payments, farms, France

    Review of policies affecting farmland mobility in France

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    Review of policies affecting farmland mobility in Franc

    Influence of Agricultural Support on Sale Prices of French Farmland: A comparison of different subsidies, accounting for the role of environmental and land regulations. Factor Markets Working Document No. 51, June 2013

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    This paper investigates the determinants of agricultural land price in several regions in France over the period 1994-2011, using individual plot transaction data, with a particular emphasis on agricultural subsidies and nitrate zoning regulations. It found a positive but relatively small capitalisation effect of the total subsidies per hectare. The data revealed that agricultural subsidies capitalised, at least to some extent, but the magnitude of such a capitalisation depends on the region considered, on the type of subsidy considered, and on the location of the plot in a nitrate surplus zone or not. Only land set-aside premiums significantly capitalise into land price, while single farm payments have a significant positive capitalisation impact only for plots located in a nitrate-surplus zone

    The tariff-only import regime for bananas in the European Union: Is setting the tariff at right level an impossible mission?

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    The European Union is bound by World Trade organisation agreements to move to a tariff-only import system for bananas no later than 1 january 2006. From that date, imports from non-ACP countries will be subject to a single tariff while ACP country bananas will continue to enter the EU market duty free. This regime will replace the highly contested tariff-rate quota policy in place since 1993. This paper shows that setting the tariff at a level that maintain tha status quo is an impossible mission given uncertainties on quota rates estimates and quota rent distributionPolitique Agricole Commune - PAC - Pays ACP - Banane -

    Land use and food security in 2050: a narrow road

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    After a first foresight study on "World food security in 2050" (Agrimonde), CIRAD and INRA have turned their attention to a new foresight exercise on 'Land use and food security in 2050' (Agrimonde-Terra). This new study seeks to highlight levers that could modify ongoing land-use patterns for improved food and nutrition security. Agrimonde-Terra proposes a trend analysis on the global context, climate change, food diets, urban-rural linkages, farm structures, cropping and livestock systems, and explores five scenarios. Three scenarios entitled "Metropolization", "Regionalization" and "Households" are based on current competing trends identified in most world regions. Two scenarios entitled "Healthy" and "Communities" involve potential breaks that could change the entire land use and food security system. The "Healthy" scenario is the only one that makes it possible to achieve sustainable world food and nutrition security in 2050. Nevertheless, current trends in agricultural and food systems in most parts of the world converge towards the "Metropolization" scenario, which is not sustainable in terms of both land use and human health. Therefore, changing the course of ongoing trends in favor of sustainable land uses and healthy food systems will be one of the main challenges of the next decades. It will require systemic transformation, strong and coherent public policies across sectors and scales, and consistent actions from a wide range of actors. This foresight provides a large information base on land uses, food systems and food security and constitutes a tool box to stimulate debates, imagine new policies and innovations. It aims to empower decision makers, stakeholders, non-governmental organizations and researchers to develop a constructive dialogue on the futures of land uses and food security at either world, regional and national levels
