14 research outputs found

    Flexible and Scalable Genotyping-by-Sequencing Strategies for Population Studies

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    Background: Many areas critical to agricultural production and research, such as the breeding and trait mapping in plants and livestock, require robust and scalable genotyping platforms. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) is a one such method highly suited to non-human organisms. In the GBS protocol, genomic DNA is fractionated via restriction digest, then reduced representation is achieved through size selection. Since many restriction sites are conserved across a species, the sequenced portion of the genome is highly consistent within a population. This makes the GBS protocol highly suited for experiments that require surveying large numbers of markers within a population, such as those involving genetic mapping, breeding, and population genomics. We have modified the GBS technology in a number of ways. Custom, enzyme specific adaptors have been replaced with standard Illumina adaptors compatible with blunt-end restriction enzymes. Multiplexing is achieved through a dual barcoding system, and bead-based library preparation protocols allows for in-solution size selection and eliminates the need for columns and gels. Results: A panel of eight restriction enzymes was selected for testing on B73 maize and Nipponbare rice genomic DNA. Quality of the data was demonstrated by identifying that the vast majority of reads from each enzyme aligned to restriction sites predicted in silico. The link between enzyme parameters and experimental outcome was demonstrated by showing that the sequenced portion of the genome was adaptable by selecting enzymes based on motif length, complexity, and methylation sensitivity. The utility of the new GBS protocol was demonstrated by correctly mapping several in a maize F2 population resulting from a B73 × Country Gentleman test cross. Conclusions: This technology is readily adaptable to different genomes, highly amenable to multiplexing and compatible with over forty commercially available restriction enzymes. These advancements represent a major improvement in genotyping technology by providing a highly flexible and scalable GBS that is readily implemented for studies on genome-wide variation

    Identification of the Maize Gravitropism Gene \u3ci\u3elazy plant1\u3c/i\u3e by a Transposon-Tagging Genome Resequencing Strategy

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    Since their initial discovery, transposons have been widely used as mutagens for forward and reverse genetic screens in a range of organisms. The problems of high copy number and sequence divergence among related transposons have often limited the efficiency at which tagged genes can be identified. A method was developed to identity the locations of Mutator (Mu) transposons in the Zea mays genome using a simple enrichment method combined with genome resequencing to identify transposon junction fragments. The sequencing library was prepared from genomic DNA by digesting with a restriction enzyme that cuts within a perfectly conserved motif of the Mu terminal inverted repeats (TIR). Paired-end reads containing Mu TIR sequences were computationally identified and chromosomal sequences flanking the transposon were mapped to the maize reference genome. This method has been used to identify Mu insertions in a number of alleles and to isolate the previously unidentified lazy plant1 (la1) gene. The la1 gene is required for the negatively gravitropic response of shoots and mutant plants lack the ability to sense gravity. Using bioinformatic and fluorescence microscopy approaches, we show that the la1 gene encodes a cell membrane and nuclear localized protein. Our Mu-Taq method is readily adaptable to identify the genomic locations of any insertion of a known sequence in any organism using any sequencing platform

    Control of sexuality by the \u3cem\u3esk1\u3c/em\u3e-encoded UDP-glycosyltransferase of maize

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    Sex determination in maize involves the production of staminate and pistillate florets from an initially bisexual floral meristem. Pistil elimination in staminate florets requires jasmonic acid signaling, and functional pistils are protected by the action of the silkless 1 (sk1) gene. The sk1 gene was identified and found to encode a previously uncharacterized family 1 uridine diphosphate glycosyltransferase that localized to the plant peroxisomes. Constitutive expression of an sk1 transgene protected all pistils in the plant, causing complete feminization, a gain-of-function phenotype that operates by blocking the accumulation of jasmonates. The segregation of an sk1 transgene was used to effectively control the production of pistillate and staminate inflorescences in maize plants

    Studies on the Mx transposable element system in maize recovered from X-irradiated stocks

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    The unstable mutant bz-x3m arose in a plant subjected to X-irradiation. The element at the bronze locus is non-autonomous and recombination data indicate that an autonomous element is tightly linked. The autonomous element has been designated Mx (mobile element induced by X-rays) and the non-autonomous element, rMx (responder to Mx). Linkage data indicate that a second Mx lies near the end of the short arm of chromosome 9; in one plant, an Mx that is unlinked was detected. Distinguishing characteristics of bz-x3m are a large window of time in endosperm development during which somatic reversions can arise and a wide range in the frequency at which they occur; these features are heritable. With increasing doses of bz-x3m and Mx, the window expands and the frequency range increases. In kernels containing the bz-x3m allele and the tightly linked Mx, breakage occurs in chromosome 9 distal to the C locus, resulting in breakage-fusion-bridge patterns for endosperm markers that lie proximal to the break. The frequency of breaks and the developmental time at which they occur exhibit the same dosage effect as the somatic reversions of the bz-x3m allele. These observations suggest that an rMx (designated rMxBr) that causes chromosome breakage is positioned distal to the C locus. At the molecular level, the bz-x3m allele is associated with a 0.5 kb increase in fragment size in DNA samples digested with BglII, EcoRI, HindIII and PstI; in germinal revertants, the fragment size returns to that of the progenitor. © 1992 Springer-Verlag

    Mutations of the Adh1 gene in maize following infection with barley stripe mosaic virus

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    Mutations at the Adh1 locus in maize were selected from plants infected with barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV). Pollen from the infected inbred line 1s2p, which is homozygous for Adh1-S (abbreviated S), Adh2-P, c and r was treated with allyl alcohol and applied to silks of a tester stock homozygous for Adh1-F, Adh2-N, C and R. From these pollinations 356 kernels arose on the F1 ears. Of these eight showed no activity of the S allele in scutellar samples while two exhibited low levels. Five of the putative mutant kernels germinated and two of these contained the contamination markers Adh2-P, c and r. The newly arisen mutations were designated S5446 and S5453. S5453 exhibited an abnormally low level of ADH activity in the F1 scutellum. In the F2 generation the mutant reverted at a high frequency with only about 5% of the S5453 alleles expressing low levels. DNA blotting and hybridization analyses showed no alterations in the restriction patterns of S5453 when compared to the progenitor S allele. S5446 which exhibited no ADH activity in the F1 scutellum is unstable in the pollen; reversion frequencies approaching 10-2 were observed in samples from some plants. Restriction digestion patterns of DNA from this mutant revealed the presence of a 3.3 kb insertion at Adh. The insert does not appear to contain sequences homologous to the BSMV genome but rigorous analyses remain to be carried out. It is hypothesized that BSMV infection may mobilize endogenous but dormant transposable elements in maize. © 1984 Springer-Verlag

    Cell Cycle Arrest of Stamen Initials in Maize Sex Determination

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    The maize sex determination pathway results in the arrest of stamen in ear spikelets and the abortion of pistils in both the tassel spikelets and in the secondary florets of ear spikelets. Arrested stamen cells showed no signs of DNA fragmentation, an absence of CYCLIN B expression, and an accumulation of the negative cell cycle regulator WEE1 RNA

    tasselseed1 is a lipoxygenase affecting jasmonic acid signaling in sex determination of maize

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    Sex determination in maize is controlled by a developmental cascade leading to the formation of unisexual florets derived from an initially bisexual floral meristem. Abortion of pistil primordia in staminate florets is controlled by a tasselseed-mediated cell death process. We positionally cloned and characterized the function of the sex determination gene tasselseed1 (ts1). The TS1 protein encodes a plastid-targeted lipoxygenase with predicted 13-lipoxygenase specificity, which suggests that TS1 may be involved in the biosynthesis of the plant hormone jasmonic acid. In the absence of a functional ts1 gene, lipoxygenase activity was missing and endogenous jasmonic acid concentrations were reduced in developing inflorescences. Application of jasmonic acid to developing inflorescences rescued stamen development in mutant ts1 and ts2 inflorescences, revealing a role for jasmonic acid in male flower development in maize

    Identification of the maize gravitropism gene lazy plant1 by a transposon-tagging genome resequencing strategy

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    Since their initial discovery, transposons have been widely used as mutagens for forward and reverse genetic screens in a range of organisms. The problems of high copy number and sequence divergence among related transposons have often limited the efficiency at which tagged genes can be identified. A method was developed to identity the locations of Mutator (Mu) transposons in the Zea mays genome using a simple enrichment method combined with genome resequencing to identify transposon junction fragments. The sequencing library was prepared from genomic DNA by digesting with a restriction enzyme that cuts within a perfectly conserved motif of the Mu terminal inverted repeats (TIR). Paired-end reads containing Mu TIR sequences were computationally identified and chromosomal sequences flanking the transposon were mapped to the maize reference genome. This method has been used to identify Mu insertions in a number of alleles and to isolate the previously unidentified lazy plant1 (la1) gene. The la1 gene is required for the negatively gravitropic response of shoots and mutant plants lack the ability to sense gravity. Using bioinformatic and fluorescence microscopy approaches, we show that the la1 gene encodes a cell membrane and nuclear localized protein. Our Mu-Taq method is readily adaptable to identify the genomic locations of any insertion of a known sequence in any organism using any sequencing platform

    Localization of LA1.

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    <p>LA1-Citrine localizes to the nucleus (arrows) and cell membrane in (A) <i>N. benthamiana</i> epidermal cells and (B) <i>N. benthamiana</i> mesophyll cells. Inset shows detail of the mesophyll cell membrane. (C) Deletion of the putative NLS in LA1ΔNLS-Citrine abrogates nuclear localization. Scale bars are 20 uM. (D) Western blotting confirms expression of full length LA1-Citrine (lane 1) and LA1ΔNLS-Citrine (lane 2).</p