42 research outputs found

    Relationship between immune reactivity and developement of thymic lymphoma by N,N'-dimethylnitrosourea in C3Hf-Bi mice

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    By subcutaneous inoculation of N, N'-dimethylnitrosourea to adult male C3Hf/Bi mice once a week for 10 consecutive weeks the authors studied the correlation between immunological functions and histological changes in lymphatic tissues at the latent period of thymic lymphoma whose development is known to occur in 100 per cent. As a result, it was found that PFC of the spleen to sheep erythrocytes decreased to about one third the normal level by two weeks, and to one tenth by 8 weeks after initial inoculation of this compound. Hemolysin and hemagglutinin titers of the serum became less than 1 : 2 after 6 weeks and later. As for histological changes in the thymus, disappearance of lymphocytes became marked by 2 weeks, and there appeared tumor cells by 8 weeks. Also the peripheral lymphocytes as well as the total spleen cells decreased in number along with increase of the frequency of inoculation of N,N'-dimethylnitrosourea. These results seem to suggest that the immunosuppressive effect of carcinogen facilitates the development and proliferation of tumor cells possessing tumor specific antigenicity in the course of N, N'-dimethylnitrosourea- carcinogenesis.</p


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    A new proposal of tailored bioinstrumentation using rapid prototyping and three-dimensional CAD — First trial to develop individually designed cuff-units for continuous blood pressure measurement

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    The concept of tailored bioinstrumentation using rapid prototyping and three-dimensional CAD (3D-CAD) was proposed. This concept is to make individually designed and fabricated sensor unit to attach human body. Within the proposed concept, cuff-units for continuous blood pressure measurement were individually designed using 3D-CAD and fabricated automatically. As the result, blood pressure wave forms can be obtained using the finally developed cuff units. Using rapid prototyping device, the design and fabrication process were accelerated without any artisan-like high skilled persons

    Evaluation of a newly designed endoscope for observing inner wall of large arteries for the use of endovascular intervention

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    A prototype endoscope for observing inner wall of large arteries was specially designed and evaluated through in vitro and in vivo tests. The purpose of this endoscope is to visualize the inner wall of large arteries, e.g., an aorta, without blocking off the blood stream aiming for the use of an assistive technique for endovascular interventions such as stent-graft placement for aortic aneurysm. The technique newly introduced for this purpose was the use of intermittent high-pressure saline jet synchronized to heart beat (diastolic phase). In the previous studies using commercially available bronchoscopes, we confirmed the validity of the system utilizing this technique [1, 2]. Based on these findings, in this study, we have specially designed a new endoscope with two channels, one for saline discharge and the other for forceps, and evaluated its performance through in vitro and in vivo tests. From the results of in vitro tests using a mock circulation system, it was confirmed that the newly designed endoscope was capable of visualizing a target installed on an inner surface of the mock system. Also confirmed through in vivo tests using swine was that we could observe bifurcation in descending aorta, e.g., left renal artery, without stopping off the blood stream. © 2011 IEEE

    Development of an Ambulatory Device for Monitoring Posture Change and Walking Speed for Use in Rehabilitation

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    山越, 憲一金沢大学ベンチャー・ビジネス・ラボラトリー金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科知的システム創成Monitoring of posture change in sagittal plane and walking speed is important for evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation program or brace. We have developed a wearable device for monitoring human activity. However, in the previous system, there still remain several drawbacks for practical use such as accuracy in angle measurement, cumbersome cable arrangements, and so on. In order to improve these practical drawbacks, a new sensor system was designed, and its availability was evaluated. The results demonstrated that the accuracy of this system showed superior to that of the previous, and this system appears to be a significant means for quantitative assessment of the patient\u27s motion. ©2006 IEEE

    Development of a new wearable monitoring system for posture changes and activities and its application to rehabilitation

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系In order to evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation for persons with hemiplegia, a therapist usually makes judgment by directly observing posture changes, walking speed, activities not only in hospital, but also during daily living. Therefore, quantitative assessment of activities is most desirable. From this viewpoint, we have developed a device for ambulatory monitoring of posture changes, walking speed and activity scenario and evaluated its measurement accuracy by simultaneous recordings of a digital video camera. In order to investigate its applicability to a patient\u27s activity monitoring, we have further developed a new monitoring system which can display static and dynamic motion pictures as well as detailed angle changes of the trunk, thigh and calf. This system makes a therapist to easily understand the patient\u27s motion during training in rehabilitation center and activities during daily living. By evaluation on 6 patients with hemiplegia, the patients\u27 motions were successfully monitored during walking in the rehabilitation center and daily living at their own home. The results clearly demonstrated that the system could detect detailed motion characteristics, indicating that the system appears useful for evaluating quantitatively the efficacy of rehabilitation. © 2009 Springer-Verlag

    A fully automated health-care monitoring at home without attachment of any biological sensors and its clinical evaluation.

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系Daily monitoring of health condition is important for an effective scheme for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as adiposis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. Commercially available devices for health care monitoring at home are cumbersome in terms of self-attachment of biological sensors and self-operation of the devices. From this viewpoint, we have been developing a non-conscious physiological monitor installed in a bath, a lavatory, and a bed for home health care and evaluated its measurement accuracy by simultaneous recordings of a biological sensors directly attached to the body surface. In order to investigate its applicability to health condition monitoring, we have further developed a new monitoring system which can automatically monitor and store the health condition data. In this study, by evaluation on 3 patients with cardiac infarct or sleep apnea syndrome, patients\u27 health condition such as body and excretion weight in the toilet and apnea and hypopnea during sleeping were successfully monitored, indicating that the system appears useful for monitoring the health condition during daily living

    Development of a ubiquitous healthcare monitoring system combined with non-conscious and ambulatory physiological measurements and its application to medical care

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    The demand for ubiquitous healthcare monitoring has been increasingly raised for prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, acute life support or chronic therapies for inpatients and/or outpatients having chronic disorder and home medical care. From these view points, we developed a non-conscious healthcare monitoring system without any attachment of biological sensors and operations of devices, and an ambulatory postural changes and activities monitoring system. Furthermore in this study, in order to investigate those applicability to the ubiquitous healthcare monitoring, we have developed a new healthcare monitoring system combined with the non-conscious and the ambulatory measurements developed by us. In patients with chronic cardiovascular disease or stroke, the daily health conditions such as pulse, respiration, activities and so on, could be continuously measured in the hospital, the rehabilitation room and subject\u27s own home, using the present system. The results demonstrated that the system appears useful for the ubiquitous healthcare monitoring not only at medical facility, but also during daily living at home. © 2011 IEEE