224 research outputs found

    Preliminary study on the internal genital organ of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon

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    This report gives information on the anatomy of the internal genital organs of male and female Penaeus monodon

    Preliminary histological study of the ovarian development of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon

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    This study was undertaken to determine structural characteristics within the gonads which might serve as an index to age and longevity and furnish information on the frequency of spawning of an individual

    Partially reversible capital investment with both fixed and proportional costs under demand risk (Financial Modeling and Analysis)

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    This study investigates a firm's capital expansion and reduction policy with both fixed and proportional costs when the output demand follows the geometric Brownian motion. We formulate the firm's problem as an impulse control problem and solve it by using quasi-variational inequalities. Through numerical analysis, we find that the output demand risk delays the capital expansion and reduction. Furthermore, the output demand risk decreases the magnitude of capital expansion, but it increases that of capital reduction

    Use of fermented kitchen waste in rearing Penaeus monodon larvae

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    Fermented vegetable and kitchen wastes are available as feeds for not only zoea but also mysis and up to certain points in the postlarval stages of sugpo, Penaeus monodon. It is recommended that the hatchery use fermented wastes as larval feed for P.monodon when diatoms or brine shrimp nauplii are lacking or in short supply. Among three stages namely, zoea, mysis and postlarva, the survival rate during postlarva particularly after P SUB-4 was quite low. The problems encountered are as follows: (a) how to prevent fermented particles from lumping, (b) how to prevent them from easily sinking to the bottom, and, (c) how to prevent bacteria and fungi, particularly Lagenidium sp blooming

    „Olympischer Geist”: Chinesische politische Richtlinien und die UniversalitĂ€t der Menschenrechte

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    Ever since 2001, when China was selected host of the 2008 Olympics, this choice was challenged by an array of controversies, mostly focusing on the human rights issues. These critical evaluations were answered by measures of Chinese authorities: from the 2003 constitutional amendment to the justifications made by referring to the “Asian values” and introduction of Hu Jintao’s program of the “harmonious society”. The paper focuses mainly on the intercultural aspects of the debate on the status of human rights in China. Firstly, an analysis explores the main issues and compares different ways in which they were assessed in China and abroad. Secondly, the discrepancies of these assessments are analyzed through two main frameworks: the doctrine of the universal human rights, and the doctrine of harmonious society, based on the Confucian worldview. Finally, the current debates on the issues of human rights are examined through the intercultural juxtaposition of these two frameworks and (im)possibilities of the dialogue between the two are assessed.JoĆĄ od 2001., nakon ĆĄto je Kina odabrana za domaćina Olimpijskih igara 2008., taj je izbor bio izvorom niza kontroverzi koje su se većinom usredotočile na pitanja ljudskih prava. Na ove kritičke ocjene odgovoreno je mjerama kineskih vlasti: od 2003. godine ustavnim amandmanom koji se referira na »azijske vrijednosti« i uvođenje Hu Jintaovog programa »harmoničnog druĆĄtva«. Rad se preteĆŸno usredotočuje na međukulturne aspekte rasprave o statusu ljudskih prava u Kini. Prvo se analiziraju glavna pitanja i uspoređuju različiti načini na koje se pristupalo ljudskim pravima kako u Kini tako i u inozemstvu. Zatim se analiziraju neusklađenosti tih ocjena unutar dvaju osnovnih okvira: doktrine univerzalnih ljudskih prava i doktrine harmoničnog druĆĄtva, zasnovanog na konfucijanskom svjetonazoru. ZavrĆĄno se preispituju aktualne rasprave o problemima ljudskih prava pomoću međukulturne supostavljenosti navedenih dvaju okvira i (ne)mogućnosti dijaloga tih dviju ocijenjenih pozicija.Depuis 2001, lorsque la Chine fut sĂ©lectionnĂ©e pour accueillir les Jeux Olympiques de 2008, ce choix n’a cessĂ© de susciter de nombreuses controverses autour de la question des droits de l’homme. À ces critiques, le gouvernement chinois a rĂ©pondu Ă  partir de 2003 par un amendement Ă  la constitution se rĂ©fĂ©rant aux « valeurs asiatiques » et par la mise en place du programme de « sociĂ©tĂ© harmonieuse » de Hu Jintao. L’étude se concentre principalement sur les aspects interculturels du dĂ©bat sur l’état des droits de l’homme en Chine. Elle analyse d’abord les questions principales et compare les diffĂ©rentes façons d’aborder les droits de l’homme, en Chine comme Ă  l’international. Elle analyse ensuite les incohĂ©rences de ces jugements dans deux cadres fondamentaux : celui de la doctrine des droits de l’homme universels et celui de la doctrine d’une sociĂ©tĂ© harmonieuse, fondĂ©e sur la perspective confucianiste. Elle examine enfin les dĂ©bats actuels relatifs aux problĂšmes des droits de l’homme Ă  travers la confrontation interculturelle des deux cadres prĂ©-citĂ©s et l’(im)possibilitĂ© d’un dialogue entre ces deux positions.Seit 2001, als China zum Austragungsort der Olympischen Spiele 2008 bestimmt wurde, war diese Entscheidung Ursache wiederholter Kontroversen, die sich alle stets um eines drehten: die Frage der Menschenrechte in China. Auf die Stimmen der Kritiker antworteten die chinesischen Behörden 2003 mit einer VerfassungsĂ€nderung, die „asiatischen Werten” Rechnung tragen soll und Hu Jintaos Programm zur EinfĂŒhrung einer „harmonischen Gesellschaft” in Kraft setzte. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich ĂŒberwiegend auf interkulturale Aspekte der Diskussion zur Lage der Menschenrechte in China. ZunĂ€chst analysiert die Verfasserin die Hauptfragen und vergleicht die verschiedenen AnsĂ€tze zur Menschenrechtsdiskussion sowohl in China als auch in anderen LĂ€ndern. Sodann analysiert sie die Abweichungen zwischen den verschiedenen AnsĂ€tzen, die sich im Rahmen zweier elementarer Theorien bewegen: der Doktrin der universalen Menschenrechte und der aus dem Konfuzianismus hervorgegangenen Doktrin der harmonischen Gesellschaft. Abschließend wird der aktuelle Stand der Menschenrechtsdiskussion anhand der interkulturalen GegensĂ€tze erörtert, die sich aus den genannten Theorien ergeben, und auf die (Un-)Möglichkeit eines Dialogs zwischen diesen AnsĂ€tzen geschlossen

    Capital investment under output demand and investment cost ambiguity (Financial Modeling and Analysis)

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    Experiment on larval rearing of Penaeus monodon fed with cultured diatom Chaetoceros calcitran and fermented vegetable trash

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    A brief account is given of experiments undertaken rearing Penaeus monodon larvae fed on diatom (Chaetoceros calcitran) and fermented vegetable trash, which included fruits and their peels, vegetables and rice. The possible use of high protein content trash materials as a feed substitute is examined briefly

    “Our Bengal Mission”: Negotiation of National and Transnational Agendas by Interwar Yugoslav Missionaries in Bengal

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    V nasprotju z apostolskim pismom Maximum illud, ki je od misijonarjev zahtevalo, da pretrgajo vezi z nacional(istič)nimi in kolonialnimi interesi, je bil misijonarski podvig medvojnih jugoslovanskih misijonark in misijonarjev v Bengaliji globoko preĆŸet s patriotizmom, tako časopisje kot misijonarski tiski pa so jugoslovanski bengalski misijon prikazovali kot simbolno zmago nove jugoslovanske drĆŸave. Članek ĆŸeli to protislovje interpretirati z raziskavo načinov, na katere so usklajevali konflikt med transnacionalnim misijonarskim projektom in nacionalističnimi programi, pri čemer so bili pogosto pred teĆŸavno odločitvijo, interesom katere nacije naj sledijo.Contrary to the normative apostolic letter Maximum illud, which demanded that missionaries cut their ties with national(ist) and colonial agendas, the missionary project of the Yugoslav interwar missionaries in Bengal was deeply suffused with patriotism, with the newspapers and missionary publications alike portraying the Yugoslav Bengali mission as a symbolic victory of the newly-established Yugoslav state. The present paper aims to interpret this controversy by exploring how men and women missionaries negotiated the conflicting relationship between the transnational missionary project and the nationalist agendas, while also struggling with the controversial decisions of which national agenda to pursue

    »Mojster je dejal«: – Konfucij kot citat

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    The paper focuses on the phenomenon of quoting Confucius, the classical Chinese thinker of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Firstly, it approaches the core issue of quotes and historicity of the “master said” narrative which marked the tradition of quoting Confucius and understanding his heritage through the form of quotes. In the core part of the paper, a selection of ten quotes that most commonly circulate on the Internet are analysed and traced to their most probable sources, while the paper then concludes by approaching the problem of misquoting from a historical and philosophical point of view.Članek je posvečen fenomenu citiranja Konfucija, klasičnega kitajskega misleca iz obdobja dinastije Zahodni Zhou. Najprej prouči osrednjo problematiko citatov in zgodovinskosti narativnega pristopa tipa »mojster je rekel«, ki je zaznamovala tradicijo citiranja Konfucija in razumevanja njegove dediơčine v obliki citatov. V osrednjem delu članka sledi analiza desetih na internetu najpogosteje citiranih navedkov. Članek identificira vire, iz katerih najverjetneje izvirajo, nato pa v sklepnem delu ponudi ĆĄe premislek o problemu napačnega citata z zgodovinskega in filozofskega vidika


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    The aimed of this research was to investigate the students’ perception toward the implementation Google meet as e-learning platform at the second-semester of Madako University. The design of this research was a qualitative research. The research samples were consisted of 16 students at B Class of 2th semester, which used purposive sampling. The data obtained from questionnaires and interviews. The technique used to analyze were percentage and Males and huberman. the data were analyzed through some steps among data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. from the data analysis, the researcher found some conclusion of students’ perception was perceived of usefulness (14%), actual use (19%), perceived ease to use (36%), attitude aspect (6%), behavior intention (12.5%) and computer self-efficacy (50%). in the result of interview included perceived of usefulness, actual use, perceived ease to use,  attitude aspect, behavior intention and computer self-efficacy.Key words: Students’ Perceptions, Google Meet, Implementation, LM
