4 research outputs found

    AnĂĄlise comparativa da atividade elĂ©trica dos mĂșsculos abdominais durante exercĂ­cio tradicional e mĂ©todo pilates sob duas condiçÔes.

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    ExercĂ­cios baseados no mĂ©todo Pilates sĂŁo relatados na literatura para serem utilizados como proposta de fortalecimento de tronco. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e comparar a atividade elĂ©trica dos mĂșsculos reto abdominal e oblĂ­quo externo, durante um exercĂ­cio de abdominal tradicional e um exercĂ­cio baseado no mĂ©todo Pilatescom bola e com faixa elĂĄstica. A amostra foi composta por 10 mulheres saudĂĄveis nĂŁo praticantes de Pilates, que realizaram o exercĂ­cio de abdominal tradicional e Roll-up com bola e faixa elĂĄstica. O sinal foi normalizado pelo pico eletromiogrĂĄfico da atividade dinĂąmica e foram ajustados para 2000 amostras por segundo e o filtro em uma frequĂȘncia de passagem de 20 a 450 Hz. Na comparação entre exercĂ­cios, o mĂșsculo oblĂ­quo externo na fase concĂȘntrica teve maior recrutamento no Roll-up com bola (P = 0,042). Na comparação entre os mĂșsculos em cada exercĂ­cio, o reto abdominal teve maior ativação nas fases concĂȘntrica (P =0,009) e excĂȘntrica (P = 0,05) do abdominal tradicional. As porcentagens de ativação variaram de 15% a 22%. O exercĂ­cio de abdominal tradicional teve a maior porcentagem de ativação

    Comparison of the electromyographic activity of the anterior trunk during the execution of two Pilates exercises – teaser and longspine – for healthy people

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    This study compared abdominal electromyographic (EMG) activity during the performance of Pilates’ exercises. 16 females participated in the study. EMG signals of the rectus abdominis (RA) and external oblique (EO) were recorded during Longspine performed on the mat, Cadillac, and Reformer and the Teaser performed on the mat, Cadillac, and Combo-chair. Values were normalized by the EMG peak of a dynamic task and divided in concentric and eccentric phases. Longspine performed on the mat increased EO activity in the concentric phase more than on the Reformer and the Cadillac (Mean Difference (MD) = 12.2%; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) [3.36; 21.04]; p = .04). Differences in the eccentric phase of the RA favored the mat compared to the Reformer (MD = 5.20%; 95% CI [−0.55; 10.95]; p = .02). Significant differences in eccentric contraction of the RA were found for teaser exercise performed on the mat versus Cadillac (MD = 1.1%; 95% CI [−4.13; 6.33]; p = .04) and the mat versus the Combo-chair (MD = 6.3%; 95% CI [1.31; 11.29]; p = .005). Higher concentric activation values for the EO were found when the teaser exercise was performed on the Cadillac. Exercises performed on the mat required greater rectus abdominis activation

    Pilates versus general exercise effectiveness on pain and functionality in non-specific chronic low back pain subjects

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    Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common causes of disability, and the Pilates method has been associated with improvements in symptoms. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Pilates method, when compared to general exercises, on pain and functionality after eight weeks (16 sessions, 2×/week) and a follow-up of three months, in subjects with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP). A randomised controlled trial composed of 22 subjects was proposed. Subjects were allocated into two groups: the Pilates group (PG) (n = 11) and the general exercise group (GEG) (n = 11). The PG protocol was based on the Pilates method and the GEG performed exercises to manage NSCLBP. There were no differences between the groups. When analysed over time, the GEG demonstrated improvements in functionality between baseline and the end of treatment (P = .02; Cohen's d¯ = 0.34) and baseline and follow-up (P = .04; Cohen's d¯ = 0.31). There were no differences between the Pilates and general exercises with regard to pain and functionality in NSCLBP subjects but general exercises were better than Pilates for increasing functionality and flexibility