367 research outputs found

    The Impact of Auditor Rotation on the Audit Quality: A Field Study from Egypt

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    Lack of audit quality and subsequent audit failures result mainly from a lack of independence which is considered to be a consequence of the extended auditor client relationship. Actually, the results of a questionnaire distributed among auditors in Egypt confirm this hypothesis: The Auditors strongly agree that there is a lack of auditor independence in Egypt. The main reason is that most of the companies are closely held and that there is a lack of existence of code of ethics for auditing practitioners in Egypt. Also, the results indicate that the mostly accepted solution by the auditors to overcome the lack of independence problem is the mandatory auditor rotation. Consequently, the paper suggests that mandatory firm rotation instead of mandatory partner rotation should be applied in Egypt.Audit Quality, Auditor Rotation, Auditor Independence, Egypt

    Botulinum Toxin in Dentistry

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    Botulinum toxin (BT) is an injectable intermuscular medication that is used as a muscle relaxant. In this chapter, we explore the applications of botulinum toxin in dentistry for either cosmetic or therapeutic purpose, such as gummy smile (high lip line), parafunctional habits, temporomandibular disorders and facial pain. It is considered as a non-invasive, conservative and affordable alternative treatment in comparison to surgical procedures. Although, the effect of BT is temporary that lasts for 4–6 months, it is preferred by most of the patients as it gives positive significant results that meet their desires with minimal side effects

    Clinical Evaluation of 660 nm Diode Laser Therapy on the Pain, Size and Functional Disorders of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Minor recurrent aphthous stomatitis (MiRAS) is one of the most common, recurrent, and painful mucosal pathological condition. It is characterised by round or shallow oval ulcers, less than 10 mm in diameter, surrounded by a thin erythematous halo. It involves non-keratinized mucosa such as the labial and buccal mucosa, the ventral surface or borders of the tongue and the floor of the mouth, but it is uncommon to occur on the keratinised mucosa. It heals spontaneously within 10-14 days without scarring. There is no curative remedy to prevent its recurrence; also, available modalities only reduce the symptoms and severity of the lesion. AIM: Since these lesions may be extremely painful, we decided to estimate the pain-relieving and healing properties of low energy level laser therapy using diode laser 660 nm on MiRAS. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty healthy patients suffering from minor aphthous ulcers were randomly selected from the Out-Patient Clinic of Oral Medicine Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University. They were equally divided into two groups, study group who received 660 nm diode laser irradiation while the control group received placebo (sodium bicarbonate rinse). The visual analogue scale, size reduction, effectiveness indices and functional disorders were compared between the groups. RESULTS: Both groups presented a statistically significant difference from baseline to follow up periods. But, diode laser 660 nm treatment showed more remarkable improvements in reduction of healing time, pain and lesion size. CONCLUSION: We concluded that diode laser 660 nm should be further considered as an effective alternative therapeutic regimen to patients who suffer from recurrent aphthous stomatitis

    Micro-RNA 92a as a Therapeutic Target for Cardiac Microvascular Dysfunction in Diabetes

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    Microvascular dysfunction is a pathological hallmark of diabetes, and is central to the ethology of diabetes-associated cardiac events. Herein, previous studies have highlighted the role of the vasoactive micro-RNA 92a (miR-92a) in small, as well as large, animal models. In this study, we explore the effects of miR-92a on mouse and human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (MCMEC, HCMEC), and its underlying molecular mechanisms. Diabetic HCMEC displayed impaired angiogenesis and a pronounced inflammatory phenotype. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) showed an upregulation of miR-92a in primary diabetic HCMEC. Downregulation of miR-92a by antagomir transfection in diabetic HCMEC rescued angiogenesis and ameliorated diabetic endothelial bed inflammation. Furthermore, additional analysis of potential in silico-identified miR-92a targets in diabetic HCMEC revealed the miR-92a dependent downregulation of an essential metalloprotease, ADAM10. Accordingly, downregulation of ADAM10 impaired angiogenesis and wound healing in MCMEC. In myocardial tissue slices from diabetic pigs, ADAM10 dysregulation in micro- and macro-vasculature could be shown. Altogether, our data demonstrate the role of miR-92a in cardiac microvascular dysfunction and inflammation in diabetes. Moreover, we describe for the first time the metalloprotease ADAM10 as a novel miR-92a target, mediating its anti-angiogenic effect

    Correlation of ABO Blood Groups and Rh Factor with The Severity of Generalized Chronic Periodontitis: Across Sectional Study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    BACKGROUND: The development of periodontal diseases depends on the presence of causative microorganisms, host immunity and risk factors. Although variability present among the types of periodontal diseases, all are represented to a shared interaction between host and bacteria. ABO blood groups are the most investigated erythrocyte antigen system. However, limited investigations have been conducted to explore the alliance between ABO blood groups and periodontal diseases. AIM: Our purpose was to explore any possible association between the severity of chronic periodontitis with ABO blood groups and Rh factor. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 205 patients out of 1126 generalised chronic periodontitis patients (GCP) who were referred to Al-Farabi Colleges, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They were categorized into; group I (mild), group II (moderate) and group III (sever). RESULTS: The patients with blood group O were at a greater risk to develop GCP irrespective of its severity, followed by those with blood group A, B, and AB. The dispensation of the Rh factor in all groups exhibited a significantly greater distribution of Rh positive. CONCLUSION: Genetic factors such as ABO blood group antigens may act as a risk influencer that affects the progression and severity of the chronic periodontitis

    Excited-State Solvation Structure of Transition Metal Complexes from Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Assessment of Partial Atomic Charge Methods

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    In this work, we investigate the excited-state solute and solvation structure of [Ru(bpy)3]2+\mathrm{[Ru(bpy)_3]^{2+}}, [Fe(bpy)3]2+\mathrm{[Fe(bpy)_3]^{2+}}, [Fe(bmip)2]2+\mathrm{[Fe(bmip)_2]^{2+}} and [Cu(phen)2]+\mathrm{[Cu(phen)_2]^{+}} (bpy=2,2'-pyridine; bmip=2,6-bis(3-methyl-imidazole-1-ylidine)-pyridine; phen=1,10-phenanthroline) transition metal complexes (TMCs) in terms of solute-solvent radial distribution functions (RDFs) and evaluate the performance of some of the most popular partial atomic charge (PAC) methods for obtaining these RDFs by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. To this end, we compare classical MD of a frozen solute in water and acetonitrile (ACN) with quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (QM/MM BOMD) simulations. The calculated RDFs show that the choice of a suitable PAC method is dependent on the coordination number of the metal, denticity of the ligands, and type of solvent. It is found that this selection is less sensitive for water than ACN. Furthermore, a careful choice of the PAC method should be considered for TMCs that exhibit a free direct coordination site, such as [Cu(phen)2]+\mathrm{[Cu(phen)_2]^{+}}. The results of this work show that fast classical MD simulations with ChelpG/RESP or CM5 PACs can produce RDFs close to those obtained by QM/MM MD and thus, provide reliable solvation structures of TMCs to be used, e.g. in the analysis of scattering data

    Platelet derived growth factor inhibitors: A potential therapeutic approach for ocular neovascularization.

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    Retinochoroidal vascular diseases are the leading causes of blindness in the developed world. They include diabetic retinopathy (DR), retinal vein occlusion, retinopathy of prematurity, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and pathological myopia, among many others. Several different therapies are currently under consideration for the aforementioned disorders. In the following section, agents targeting platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are discussed as a potential therapeutic option for retinochoroidal vascular diseases. PDGF plays an important role in the angiogenesis cascade that is activated in retinochoroidal vascular diseases. The mechanism of action, side effects, efficacy, and the potential synergistic role of these agents in combination with other treatment options is discussed. The future of treatment of retinochoroidal vascular diseases, particularly AMD, has become more exciting due to agents such as PDGF antagonists

    Technikfolgenabschätzung in Energielandschaften: Agentenbasierte Modellierung von Energiekonflikten

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    Verglichen mit den Risiken und Konflikten des fossil-nuklearen Zeitalters erscheinen die erneuerbaren Energien in einem überwiegend positiven Licht. Allerdings schafft die Transformation zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Energieversorgung neue Energielandschaften, die einen hohen Bedarf an Landflächen mit sich bringen – was ebenfalls Energiekonflikte provozieren kann. Um derartige Konflikte zu mindern und die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung zu gewinnen, kann Technikfolgenabschätzung einen Beitrag leisten, wenn sie sich auf räumliche agentenbasierte Modelle stützt. Diese Modelle repräsentieren die Entscheidungen von Stakeholdern über Energiealternativen, deren dynamische Interaktionen sowie daraus resultierende Landnutzungsoptionen und Energiepfade. Als Fallstudie dient Norddeutschland, wo Landwirte und Gemeinden als lokale Akteure der Energiewende agieren.The risks and conflicts of the fossil-nuclear age are in contrast to the effects of renewable energies which appear in a largely positive light. However, the transformation towards a low-carbon energy supply creates new energy landscapes with a high demand for suitable land areas – which may also provoke energy conflicts. Technology assessment can contribute to reducing such energy conflicts and increasing public acceptance by using spatial agent-based models that represent dynamic decisions and interactions of stakeholders regarding energy alternatives and land-use options. Northern Germany serves as a case study region where farmers and communities are local actors of the energy transition

    Longitudinal spectral domain optical coherence tomography changes in eyes with intraocular lymphoma

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    BACKGROUND: Cases of patients with primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL) were retrospectively analyzed to describe the longitudinal intra-retinal morphological changes in PIOL as visualized on images obtained by spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). RESULTS: In a retrospective case series, Heidelberg Spectralis SD-OCT images obtained in the longitudinal evaluation of patients with biopsy-proven PIOL were analyzed and assessed. The images were graded for the presence of macular edema (ME), pigment epithelial detachment (PED), subretinal fluid (SRF), and hyperreflective signals. SD-OCT scans of five eyes from five patients were assessed. Patients showed signs of inflammation, such as ME and SRF, which were resolved with treatments in some cases. Hyperreflective signals were found in all eyes in the form of nodules or bands across the retina, with the highest frequency of appearance in the ganglion cell layer, inner plexiform layer, photoreceptor layer, and retinal pigment epithelium; such signals increased with the progression of PIOL. CONCLUSION: SD-OCT may be employed to monitor the progression of PIOL. Hyperreflective signals on OCT may correspond with increase in disease activities, along with other findings such as ME, PED, and SRF

    Induced endometrial trauma (endometrial scratch) in the mid-luteal menstrual cycle phase preceding first cycle IVF/ICSI versus usual IVF/ICSI therapy: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Endometrial trauma commonly known as endometrial scratch (ES) has been shown to improve pregnancy rates in women with a history of repeated implantation failure undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF), with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). However, the procedure has not yet been fully explored in women having IVF/ICSI for the first time. This study aims to examine the effect of performing an ES in the mid-luteal phase prior to a first-time IVF/ICSI cycle on the chances of achieving a clinical pregnancy and live birth. If ES can influence this success rate, there would be a significant cost saving to the National Health Service through decreasing the number of IVF/ICSI cycles necessary to achieve a pregnancy, increase the practice of single embryo transfer and consequently have a large impact on risks and costs associated with multiple pregnancies. This 30-month, UK, multicentre, parallel group, randomised controlled trial includes a 9-month internal pilot and health economic analysis recruiting 1044 women from 16 fertility units. It will follow up participants to identify if IVF/ICSI has been successful and live birth has occurred up to 6 weeks post partum. Primary analysis will be on an intention-to-treat basis. A substudy of endometrial samples obtained during the ES will assess the role of immune factors in embryo implantation. Main trial recruitment commenced on January 2017 and is ongoing.Participants randomised to the intervention group will receive the ES procedure in the mid-luteal phase of the preceding cycle prior to first-time IVF/ICSI treatment versus usual IVF/ICSI treatment in the control group, with 1:1 randomisation. The primary outcome is live birth rate after completed 24 weeks gestation. South Central-Berkshire Research Ethics Committee approved the protocol. Findings will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals and abstracts to relevant national and international conferences. ISRCTN23800982; Pre-results
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