340 research outputs found
Tools for optimal operation and planning or urban distribution systems
This paper reports on the results of the implementation of a set of software tools for the comprehensive analysis and optimisation of distribution systems, developed jointly by Azienda Energetica Metropolitana (AEM) Torino S.p.A. and Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Industriale - Politecnico di Torino. The software tools cover several aspects of distribution system analysis, fault current calculation, reliability assessment, total operating cost evaluation, optimal reconfiguration, optimal planning and service restoration
Quantifying the contribution of single joint kinematics to the overall ergonomic discomfort
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) represent one of the major issues concerning the occupational safety and health of workers. Thus, a reliable evaluation of workers’ exposure to the risk factors that may contribute to WMSDs development is mandatory, above all, within an industrial context. At present, standard synthetic indices are widely used in this frame, presenting – however - several
limitations due to poor reliability and time efficiency. The aim of this work was to investigate the contribution of the displacement quantified for each single joint during the execution of simple
reaching tasks, to the overall discomfort of the worker evaluated by means of standard observational methods. Forty-five healthy volunteers were included in the analysis; each subject was asked to reach and rotate 2 spheres placed on a custom-made rack in standardized positions, i.e., above the head
and one at floor level at centre side. Whole-body kinematics was acquired via a system based on wearable inertial measurement units. Standard ergonomic scales including RULA (Rapid Upper
Limb Assessment), REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment), and MMGA (Method for Movement and Gesture Assessment), were assessed for each subject and each sphere position. Moreover, a
quantitative index based on actual joint kinematics, i.e., W1 index, was computed for each joint angle involved in the task. Correlation analysis was performed for W1 relative to each joint
with respect to RULA, REBA, and MMGA scores. Considering REBA and MMGA scores, the most comfortable reaching areas were the ones in which the sphere was positioned at the top; in contrast, the lowest positions evidenced the most increased discomfort indexes. The RULA did not result sensitive
to the different positions, while REBA and MMGA seemed to be more influenced by the range of motion of the lower limb joint angles than the upper limb ones. This study underlines the necessity to focus on multiple potential contributors to WMSDs and underlines the importance of subject-specific approaches toward risk assessment by exploiting quantitative measurements and wearable technologies, which indeed represent key enabling approaches even in consideration of the novel “Industry 5.0” perspective
Momento Económico (8)
En este número
Temas de hoy, 2/ La energía del programa, Ignacio Cabrera, 3/ Se recupera la industria automotriz, 6/ Más apoyo del Estado a los industriales exportadores, Lucia Alvarez Mosso, 7/ La danza de las divisas, Ma. Luisa González Marín, 10/ La planeación del desarrollo científico tecnológico en México. Adrián Chavero Gonrález, 12/ La política científico-tecnológica en México (1980-1984), Alberto León, 1
Recent distribution of Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa in Piedmont (North Western Italy): signs of recent spreading.
The red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa in Piedmont (NW Italy) is historically limited to the hilly and low-mountain areas of
the southern half of the region, in particular lying in the Langhe and the Apennines on the Ligurian border, in the districts of Cuneo, Asti
and Alessandria. In the Cuneo district, on the Maritime Alps, hybrid populations with Alectoris graeca were also known. The distribution
of the species has been mapped in some occasions with the \u201cAtlases\u201d projects of the GPSO (Gruppo Piemontese Studi Ornitologici) and
special enquiries. On this occasion we tried to update the geographical distribution of the species using data conferred by bird-watchers
on www.regione.piemonte.it/aves/, managed by the GPSO, enquiries among hunters\u2019 organizations and specific field researches. The resulting
distribution is shown on a 10 km square grid. The species shows signs of distribution dynamism, with the occupation of some lowland
areas, where it was totally absent until the \u201890s. A little range expansion is noticeable also in the Western Monferrato. The situation
seems to be more stable (or even declining) in the Langhe area and the species is now disappeared from the alpine border. In general we
are seeing an areal contraction or density reduction on hills and mountains and an extension on lowlands. The observed changes seem to
be attributable mainly to environmental and climate changes
An Incursion to Deep-Learning for Process Regulation
A model which represents a physical process is usually composed by conservation equations, transfer mechanisms, and closure equations. These equations vary in the degree of certainty. This paper describes the incorporation of physical and empirical models. The empirical part is constructed by Deep Learning. This work describes the principles which have promoted Deep Learning as a complementary tool for the approximation of process engineering when is used for model-based control. In addition of the stability and accuracy to deal with unmeasured disturbances, a robust strategy is to use Reinforcement Learning thus the principles of this strategy are also described
Evaluation of subclinical cardiovascular disease in patients with DM1
La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) se caracteriza por un déficit absoluto de insulina. Los pa-cientes con DM1, poseen mayor riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) (enfermedad coronaria, miocar-diopatías, accidente cerebrovascular - ACV), y arterio-patía periférica (calcificaciones arteriales, enfermedad arterial oclusiva, presencia de amputaciones no trau-máticas). En estudios realizados con DM1 se observa que la Enfermedad coronaria se presenta en edades más tempranas, entre los 28-38 años, comparado con la población general donde el primer evento ocurre a partir de los 44 años. La asociación de anomalías vas-culares y aterosclerosis es muy frecuente en pacientes con DM1, siendo la detección del engrosamiento de ín-tima media carotideo un método útil para realizar diag-nóstico de enfermedad aterosclerótica subclínica.
Objetivos: realizar diagnóstico precoz de ECV subclí-nica e instaurar medidas terapéuticas tempranas
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