113 research outputs found

    Vers une approche flot de données pour supporter la composition d'interfaces homme-machine

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    National audienceLes approches "orientées services" permettent la création d'applications complexes par réutilisation et assemblage de services existant. Au niveau des interfaces hommes- machines, cette réutilisation n'est que peu supportée, obligeant les concepteurs d'interfaces à redéfinir complètement les interfaces des assemblages, sans pouvoir réutiliser les interfaces associées aux services élémentaires. Nous proposons dans cet article l'utilisation d'un méta- modèle de flot de données dédié à la composition, permettant une telle réutilisation

    Un processus de développement pour contrôler l'évolution des processus métiers en termes de QoS

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    National audienceLes systèmes informatiques sont de plus en plus complexes. Leur développement doit être rapide et réactif afin de pouvoir répondre à des besoins utilisateurs en constante évolution. Les architectures orientées services offrent des éléments de solutions pour palier ce problème en proposant le concept de service, l'encapsulation d'une fonctionnalité donnée, et en offrant un couplage lâche des services constituants le système. Toutefois, si ces caractéristiques permettent de faire évoluer facilement le système, il n'en reste pas pour autant difficile de comprendre concrètement l'effet d'une évolution sur le système, notamment en terme de Qualité de Service (QoS) Cheng. Nous présentons ici un canevas de développement nommé Service Modeling for Impact of evoLution framEwork (SMILE), qui, associé à un processus de développement, permet de contrôler l'évolution de processus métiers en terme de QoS

    Endogenous Regulators of Gamma-Secretase and Amyloid-Beta Production, and Engineering of Alzheimer's Disease Therapeutic Tools

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    Alzheimer s disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease characterized by strong cognitive impairment and memory loss. These symptoms are caused by neuronal death, induced by two pathological hallmarks: extracellular senile plaques composed of aggregated amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptides, and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles generated by the hyperphosphorylation of the actin-binding protein Tau. Genetic and biochemical analysis resulted in the generation of the so-called amyloid cascade hypothesis, which stipulates that Abeta aggregation precedes neurofibrillary tangles and initiate AD pathogenesis. Abeta originates from the proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by gamma-secretase, an intramembrane cleaving protease. Thus, pharmacological modulation of gamma-secretase emerged as a promising strategy for the treatment of AD. However, strong side effects, including cognitive function worsening, were reported following clinical inhibition of this enzyme, caused by altered processing of the numerous gamma-secretase substrates. Pharmaceutical industries, alongside with academia, oriented their research toward the discovery of compounds selectively affecting the processing of APP, without altering the cleavage of other substrates. In the first part of this thesis work, we focused our research on endogenous modulation of gamma-secretase, and its consequences on actin cytoskeleton dynamics. We performed mass spectrometric analysis of purified gamma-secretase, and identified the adipocyte plasma membrane associated protein APMAP as a gamma-secretase interacting protein. We showed that APMAP modulates the generation of Abeta peptides without affecting the processing of other gamma-secretase substrates, and controls APP degradation by the lysosomal/autophagic pathway. We also investigated the regulation of gamma-secretase by post translational modifications, and concluded that its enzymatic activity is not affected by its phosphorylation. We then observed the effects of gamma-secretase inhibition on physiological processes, and discovered a gamma-secretase-dependent regulation of the binding of Cofilin to actin filaments. These observations showed a direct link between gamma-secretase and the actin cytoskeleton required for cell motility and neuronal plasticity. In the second part of this work, we aimed at finding a new method for monitoring brain structure alteration and provide new tools for the study of neurodegenerative disease progression in animal models. We performed ex-vivo electrical impedance measurement from intracerebral electrode in mice brain, and succeeded in the visualization of cortical layers as well as brain nuclei. Moreover, we used this method to visualize structural alteration caused by Abeta plaques in an AD mouse model. After imaging, we aimed at repairing neuronal loss causing the structural alterations observed in neurodegenerative diseases. We developed a compressible and injectable extracellular-matrix-like cell culture scaffold (cryogel) to promote neuronal growth in brain lesions. Primary cortical neuron culture on our cryogel scaffold showed good axonal sprouting, not affected by cryogel compression

    A Causal Model to predict the Effect of Business Process Evolution on Quality of Service

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    International audienceManaging Quality of Service (QoS) of Service-based systems is a key challenge to produce systems that fulfill their requirements. Verifying the respect of a QoS contract in a system becomes more and more difficult as systems are more and more complex. Moreover, systems have to evolve in order to fulfil constantly changing requirements. As QoS properties are influenced by hidden factors such as connection rate or the system execution itself, determining the cause of a performance degradation is not mainstream. We propose in this paper to identify the causal relations to make explicit the hidden factors of influence. We more specifically focus on the consequences of system evolution with respect to QoS properties: using causal relations, we aim at predicting the possible overhead caused by an evolution. This paper shows through an example of Business Process how our evolution analysis helps to understand the effect of evolution on QoS property such as the Response Time. We show its efficiency by comparing the prediction with measured values

    La Thèse ...

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    Cette présentation fait suite à l'atelier des doctorants associés à LMO'08. Elle synthétise les retours obtenus auprès des mentors, couplés aux nombreuses discussions tenue avec mon équipe d'accueil lors de mon post-doc

    Using Multiple Feature Models to Design Applications for Mobile Phones

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    International audienceThe design of a mobile phone application is a tedious task according to its intrinsic variability. Software designers must take into account in their development process the versatility of available platforms (e.g., Android, iPhone). In addition to this, the variety of existing devices and their divergences (e.g., frontal camera, GPS) introduce another layer of com- plexity in the development process. These two dimensions can be formalized as Software Product Lines (SPL), inde- pendently defined. In this paper, we use a dedicated meta- model to bridge the gap between an application SPL and a mobile device one. This meta-model is also the support for the product derivation process. The approach is imple- mented in a framework named ApplIDE, and is used to successfully derive customer relationship management soft- ware on different devices

    From Sensors to Visualization Dashboards: Need for Language Composition

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    International audienceIn the context of the Internet of Things, the SensApp platform is designed to collect data from sensors and support the building of associated monitoring dashboards. Bridging the gap between sensors and visualization involves up to eleven kind of models, from state machine modeling the behavior of a sensor to task diagrams modeling the actions of the end-user. This paper describes this case study, emphasizing the need for domain specific modeling language composition mechanisms to support the activity of modeling modern software-intensive systems

    Service Oriented Architecture Definition Using Composition of Business-Driven Fragments

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    International audienceServices Oriented Architecture are built through the compo- sition of services (e.g. Web Services) to define complex business process (e.g. Orchestrations). Well known methodologies focus on identifying ser- vices and orchestrations at design time. However the orchestration design phase is still a heavy burden, as it induces to deal with both technical and business domain concerns. This article proposes to use an evolution framework (Adore) to capitalize architects knowledge and best practices into “evolutions”. Architects can build business-driven orchestrations by composing reusable “evolutions” following a design–by–composition ap- proach. We apply this approach to build a legacy Soa called Seduite (validation platform for the French national research project Faros)

    Une approche orientée aspect allant du modèle d'exigences au modèle de conception

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    National audienceDes approches orientées aspects sont aujourd'hui disponibles à chaque phase du développement d'un logiciel : analyse des exigences, conception, ou encore implémentation. Passer d'une phase à l'autre en conservant les aspects identifiés au préalable reste un défi majeur, pourtant peu étudié. Nous proposons dans un article publié à AOSD'11 une approche itérative et dirigée par les préoccupations, permettant de transformer un modèle d'exigences orienté aspect en un modèle de conception lui aussi orienté aspect, et ceci de manière automatique. Cette ap- proche est mise en œuvre en utilisant AoURN ("use case maps") pour le modèle d'exigence et Adore pour le modèle de conception (orchestrations SOA). Elle permet l'encapsula- tion continue des préoccupations identifiées lors des exigences, transformées en artefact de conception. Nous proposons de plus une boucle de rétro-action permettant de remonter dans les modèles d'exigences des défauts constatés dans le modèle de conception, supportant ainsi un processus de développement itératif

    How do Microservices Evolve?:An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Open-Source Microservice Repositories

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    Context.Microservice architectures are an emergent service-oriented paradigm widely used in industry to develop and deploy scalable software systems. The underlying idea is to design highly independent services that implement small units of functionality and can interact with each other through lightweight interfaces.Objective.Even though microservices are often used with success, their design and maintenance pose novel challenges to software engineers. In particular, it is questionable whether the intended independence of microservices can actually be achieved in practice.Method.So, it is important to understand how and why microservices evolve during a system’s life-cycle, for instance, to scope refactorings and improvements of a system’s architecture or to develop supporting tools. To provide insights into how microservices evolve, we report a large-scale empirical study on the (co-)evolution of microservices in 11 open-source systems, involving quantitative and qualitative analyses of 7,319 commits.Findings.Our quantitative results show that there are recurring patterns of (co-)evolution across all systems, for instance, “shotgun surgery” commits and microservices that are largely independent, evolve in tuples, or are evolved in almost all changes. We refine our results by analyzing service-evolving commits qualitatively to explore the (in-)dependence of microservices and the causes for their specific evolution.Conclusion.The contributions in this article provide an understanding for practitioners and researchers on how microservices evolve in what way, and how microservice-based systems may be improved
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