342 research outputs found

    Spatial Mixing of Coloring Random Graphs

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    We study the strong spatial mixing (decay of correlation) property of proper qq-colorings of random graph G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n) with a fixed dd. The strong spatial mixing of coloring and related models have been extensively studied on graphs with bounded maximum degree. However, for typical classes of graphs with bounded average degree, such as G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n), an easy counterexample shows that colorings do not exhibit strong spatial mixing with high probability. Nevertheless, we show that for q≥αd+βq\ge\alpha d+\beta with α>2\alpha>2 and sufficiently large β=O(1)\beta=O(1), with high probability proper qq-colorings of random graph G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n) exhibit strong spatial mixing with respect to an arbitrarily fixed vertex. This is the first strong spatial mixing result for colorings of graphs with unbounded maximum degree. Our analysis of strong spatial mixing establishes a block-wise correlation decay instead of the standard point-wise decay, which may be of interest by itself, especially for graphs with unbounded degree

    Circular Networks from Distorted Metrics

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    Trees have long been used as a graphical representation of species relationships. However complex evolutionary events, such as genetic reassortments or hybrid speciations which occur commonly in viruses, bacteria and plants, do not fit into this elementary framework. Alternatively, various network representations have been developed. Circular networks are a natural generalization of leaf-labeled trees interpreted as split systems, that is, collections of bipartitions over leaf labels corresponding to current species. Although such networks do not explicitly model specific evolutionary events of interest, their straightforward visualization and fast reconstruction have made them a popular exploratory tool to detect network-like evolution in genetic datasets. Standard reconstruction methods for circular networks, such as Neighbor-Net, rely on an associated metric on the species set. Such a metric is first estimated from DNA sequences, which leads to a key difficulty: distantly related sequences produce statistically unreliable estimates. This is problematic for Neighbor-Net as it is based on the popular tree reconstruction method Neighbor-Joining, whose sensitivity to distance estimation errors is well established theoretically. In the tree case, more robust reconstruction methods have been developed using the notion of a distorted metric, which captures the dependence of the error in the distance through a radius of accuracy. Here we design the first circular network reconstruction method based on distorted metrics. Our method is computationally efficient. Moreover, the analysis of its radius of accuracy highlights the important role played by the maximum incompatibility, a measure of the extent to which the network differs from a tree.Comment: Submitte

    Majority Dynamics and Aggregation of Information in Social Networks

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    Consider n individuals who, by popular vote, choose among q >= 2 alternatives, one of which is "better" than the others. Assume that each individual votes independently at random, and that the probability of voting for the better alternative is larger than the probability of voting for any other. It follows from the law of large numbers that a plurality vote among the n individuals would result in the correct outcome, with probability approaching one exponentially quickly as n tends to infinity. Our interest in this paper is in a variant of the process above where, after forming their initial opinions, the voters update their decisions based on some interaction with their neighbors in a social network. Our main example is "majority dynamics", in which each voter adopts the most popular opinion among its friends. The interaction repeats for some number of rounds and is then followed by a population-wide plurality vote. The question we tackle is that of "efficient aggregation of information": in which cases is the better alternative chosen with probability approaching one as n tends to infinity? Conversely, for which sequences of growing graphs does aggregation fail, so that the wrong alternative gets chosen with probability bounded away from zero? We construct a family of examples in which interaction prevents efficient aggregation of information, and give a condition on the social network which ensures that aggregation occurs. For the case of majority dynamics we also investigate the question of unanimity in the limit. In particular, if the voters' social network is an expander graph, we show that if the initial population is sufficiently biased towards a particular alternative then that alternative will eventually become the unanimous preference of the entire population.Comment: 22 page

    Constrained Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization: Offline and Secretary Algorithms

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    Constrained submodular maximization problems have long been studied, with near-optimal results known under a variety of constraints when the submodular function is monotone. The case of non-monotone submodular maximization is less understood: the first approximation algorithms even for the unconstrainted setting were given by Feige et al. (FOCS '07). More recently, Lee et al. (STOC '09, APPROX '09) show how to approximately maximize non-monotone submodular functions when the constraints are given by the intersection of p matroid constraints; their algorithm is based on local-search procedures that consider p-swaps, and hence the running time may be n^Omega(p), implying their algorithm is polynomial-time only for constantly many matroids. In this paper, we give algorithms that work for p-independence systems (which generalize constraints given by the intersection of p matroids), where the running time is poly(n,p). Our algorithm essentially reduces the non-monotone maximization problem to multiple runs of the greedy algorithm previously used in the monotone case. Our idea of using existing algorithms for monotone functions to solve the non-monotone case also works for maximizing a submodular function with respect to a knapsack constraint: we get a simple greedy-based constant-factor approximation for this problem. With these simpler algorithms, we are able to adapt our approach to constrained non-monotone submodular maximization to the (online) secretary setting, where elements arrive one at a time in random order, and the algorithm must make irrevocable decisions about whether or not to select each element as it arrives. We give constant approximations in this secretary setting when the algorithm is constrained subject to a uniform matroid or a partition matroid, and give an O(log k) approximation when it is constrained by a general matroid of rank k.Comment: In the Proceedings of WINE 201

    The theoretical capacity of the Parity Source Coder

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    The Parity Source Coder is a protocol for data compression which is based on a set of parity checks organized in a sparse random network. We consider here the case of memoryless unbiased binary sources. We show that the theoretical capacity saturate the Shannon limit at large K. We also find that the first corrections to the leading behavior are exponentially small, so that the behavior at finite K is very close to the optimal one.Comment: Added references, minor change

    Remarks on the notion of quantum integrability

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    We discuss the notion of integrability in quantum mechanics. Starting from a review of some definitions commonly used in the literature, we propose a different set of criteria, leading to a classification of models in terms of different integrability classes. We end by highlighting some of the expected physical properties associated to models fulfilling the proposed criteria.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, Proceedings of Statphys 2

    Many-body localization and thermalization in the full probability distribution function of observables

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    We investigate the relation between thermalization following a quantum quench and many-body localization in quasiparticle space in terms of the long-time full distribution function of physical observables. In particular, expanding on our recent work [E. Canovi {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 83}, 094431 (2011)], we focus on the long-time behavior of an integrable XXZ chain subject to an integrability-breaking perturbation. After a characterization of the breaking of integrability and the associated localization/delocalization transition using the level spacing statistics and the properties of the eigenstates, we study the effect of integrability-breaking on the asymptotic state after a quantum quench of the anisotropy parameter, looking at the behavior of the full probability distribution of the transverse and longitudinal magnetization of a subsystem. We compare the resulting distributions with those obtained in equilibrium at an effective temperature set by the initial energy. We find that, while the long time distribution functions appear to always agree {\it qualitatively} with the equilibrium ones, {\it quantitative} agreement is obtained only when integrability is fully broken and the relevant eigenstates are diffusive in quasi-particle space.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Time Evolution within a Comoving Window: Scaling of signal fronts and magnetization plateaus after a local quench in quantum spin chains

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    We present a modification of Matrix Product State time evolution to simulate the propagation of signal fronts on infinite one-dimensional systems. We restrict the calculation to a window moving along with a signal, which by the Lieb-Robinson bound is contained within a light cone. Signal fronts can be studied unperturbed and with high precision for much longer times than on finite systems. Entanglement inside the window is naturally small, greatly lowering computational effort. We investigate the time evolution of the transverse field Ising (TFI) model and of the S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet in their symmetry broken phases after several different local quantum quenches. In both models, we observe distinct magnetization plateaus at the signal front for very large times, resembling those previously observed for the particle density of tight binding (TB) fermions. We show that the normalized difference to the magnetization of the ground state exhibits similar scaling behaviour as the density of TB fermions. In the XXZ model there is an additional internal structure of the signal front due to pairing, and wider plateaus with tight binding scaling exponents for the normalized excess magnetization. We also observe parameter dependent interaction effects between individual plateaus, resulting in a slight spatial compression of the plateau widths. In the TFI model, we additionally find that for an initial Jordan-Wigner domain wall state, the complete time evolution of the normalized excess longitudinal magnetization agrees exactly with the particle density of TB fermions.Comment: 10 pages with 5 figures. Appendix with 23 pages, 13 figures and 4 tables. Largely extended and improved versio

    The two-spinon transverse structure factor of the gapped Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain

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    We consider the transverse dynamical structure factor of the anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain (XXZ model) in the gapped antiferromagnetic regime (Δ>1\Delta > 1). Specializing to the case of zero field, we use two independent approaches based on integrability (one valid for finite size, the other for the infinite lattice) to obtain the exact two-spinon part of this correlator. We discuss in particular its asymmetry with respect to the π/2\pi/2 momentum line, its overall anisotropy dependence, and its contribution to sum rules.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure
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