4,481 research outputs found

    The Fate of Arbitration in the Supreme Court: An Examination

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    Colocalization of Transcription and Translation within Cytoplasmic Poxvirus Factories Coordinates Viral Expression and Subjugates Host Functions

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    SummaryPoxviruses are large DNA viruses that include the causal agent of human smallpox and vaccinia virus. Poxviruses replicate in cytoplasmic foci known as DNA factories. Here we show that a virus-encoded transcription factor, viral mRNA, cellular RNA-binding protein heterodimer G3BP/Caprin-1 (p137), translation initiation factors eIF4E and eIF4G, and ribosomal proteins are concentrated in the same subdomains of cytoplasmic DNA factories. Furthermore, a cell coinfected with two recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing a virus core protein fused to cyan or yellow fluorescent protein displayed separate cyan and yellow factories, indicating that each factory formed from a single genome and was the site of transcription and translation as well as DNA replication. Hijacking of the host translation apparatus within the factory likely enhances the efficiency of virus replication and contributes to the suppression of host protein synthesis, thereby facilitating poxvirus subjugation of the cell

    Radioactivities induced in some LDEF samples

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    Radioactivities induced in several Long Duration Exposure Facilities (LDEF) samples were measured by low-level counting at Los Alamos and elsewhere. These radionuclides have activities similar to those observed in meteorites and lunar samples. Some trends were observed in these measurements in terms of profiles in trunnion layers and as a function of radionuclide half-life. Several existing computer codes were used to model the production by the protons trapped in the Earth's radiation belts and by the galactic cosmic rays of some of these radionuclides, Mn-54 and Co-57 in steel, Sc-46 in titanium, and Na-22 in alloys of titanium and aluminum. Production rates were also calculated for radionuclides possibly implanted in LDEF, Be-7, Be-10, and C-14. Enhanced concentrations of induced isotopes in the surfaces of trunnion sections relative to their concentrations in the center are caused by the lower-energy protons in the trapped radiation. Secondary neutrons made by high-energy trapped protons and by galactic cosmic rays produce much of the observed radioactivities, especially deep in an object. Comparisons of the observed to calculated activities of several radionuclides with different half-lives indicate that the flux of trapped protons at LDEF decreased significantly at the end of the mission

    Effects of Domestic Wastewater Effluent on the Water Quality and Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in a Sharp County, Arkansas Stream

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the effluent of the Ash Flat Wastewater Treatment Plant changes the water quality or aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure of North Big Creek. Weekly water samples were analyzed for pH, N, P, COD, TSS and fecal coliform bacteria from 17 June to 19 August 1992. Aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected biweekly using a Turtox Indestructible™ Dip Net, and density indices were calculated. Station 1, above the effluent, was a spring habitat. Fecal coliform, N, P, TSS and COD values were higher at this station, while the aquatic macroinvertebrate community was relatively simple. The effluent impact upon Station 2 was most obvious from the persistent presence of foam and filamentous algae. Moderating water temperature and enhanced nutrient supply has resulted in a more complex aquatic macroinvertebrate community with a lower numerical standing crop

    Conformal Anomaly for Free Scalar Propagation on Curved Bounded Manifolds

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    The trace anomaly for free propagation in the context of a conformally invariant scalar field theory defined on a curved manifold of positive constant curvature with boundary is evaluated through use of an asymptotic heat kernel expansion. In addition to their direct physical significance the results are also of relevance to the holographic principle and to Quantum Cosmology.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    1963 VW Beetle--Electric Vehicle Conversion

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    As the issues with the environment continue to grow, cities around the world are beginning to implement bans on internal combustion engines. This means that older cars and classics will now be confined to a garage or showroom instead of being enjoyed from the driver\u27s seat. Our solution is to convert a classic car to electric by reusing batteries and electric vehicle components. By designing a modular system of adapting these components to a classic car, owners would be able to enjoy their classic cars without the drawbacks of outdated performance and poor reliability. Our modular approach differentiates us from the competition by affording a shorter conversion time and the ability to use newer electric vehicle components that haven\u27t been used in the past. This process can be applied to pre-smog vehicles and other classics so they can be enjoyed by their owners on the road again, just as they were meant to be

    Radiative Contributions to the Effective Action of Self-Interacting Scalar Field on a Manifold with Boundary

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    The effect of quantum corrections to a conformally invariant field theory for a self-interacting scalar field on a curved manifold with boundary is considered. The analysis is most easily performed in a space of constant curvature the boundary of which is characterised by constant extrinsic curvature. An extension of the spherical formulation in the presence of a boundary is attained through use of the method of images. Contrary to the consolidated vanishing effect in maximally symmetric space-times the contribution of the massless "tadpole" diagram no longer vanishes in dimensional regularisation. As a result, conformal invariance is broken due to boundary-related vacuum contributions. The evaluation of one-loop contributions to the two-point function suggests an extension, in the presence of matter couplings, of the simultaneous volume and boundary renormalisation in the effective action.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Additional references and minor elucidating remarks added. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Personal Exploration of Lucid Dreaming

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    This panel discussion will begin with a presentation of personal experiences with lucid dreaming. These are by people who have had many of these dreams, have kept records of them, and have, I believe, much of interest to tell us. However, before we hear from them, I would like to make a remark about dreaming and the important con-tribution personal experiences can make. If you think about it, you may wonder where we actually begin to know the things we know about lucid dreams. Well, it happened that there were people like the Marquis d’Hervey de Saint-Denys and Frederik Van Eden who made a project of discovering what could be done with lucid dreaming. They made entire studies of lucid dreams, and from them we have learned many things that could be very important. We still have much to learn about the phenomenology of lucid dreaming, and individual explorers can contribute as much as the pioneers of the last Century
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