165 research outputs found

    Comparison of Hyperspectral Imaging and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Determine Nitrogen and Carbon Concentrations in Wheat

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an emerging rapid and non-destructive technology that has promising application within feed mills and processing plants in poultry and other intensive animal industries. HSI may be advantageous over near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as it scans entire samples, which enables compositional gradients and sample heterogenicity to be visualised and analysed. This study was a preliminary investigation to compare the performance of HSI with that of NIRS for quality measurements of ground samples of Australian wheat and to identify the most important spectral regions for predicting carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations. In total, 69 samples were scanned using an NIRS (400–2500 nm), and two HSI cameras operated in 400–1000 nm (VNIR) and 1000–2500 nm (SWIR) spectral regions. Partial least square regression (PLSR) models were used to correlate C and N concentrations of 63 calibration samples with their spectral reflectance, with 6 additional samples used for testing the models. The accuracy of the HSI predictions (full spectra) were similar or slightly higher than those of NIRS (NIRS Rc2 for C = 0.90 and N = 0.96 vs. HSI Rc2 for C (VNIR) = 0.97 and N (SWIR) = 0.97). The most important spectral region for C prediction identified using HSI reflectance was 400–550 nm with R2 of 0.93 and RMSE of 0.17% in the calibration set and R2 of 0.86, RMSE of 0.21% and ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) of 2.03 in the test set. The most important spectral regions for predicting N concentrations in the feed samples included 1451–1600 nm, 1901–2050 nm and 2051–2200 nm, providing prediction with R2 ranging from 0.91 to 0.93, RMSE ranging from 0.06% to 0.07% in the calibration sets, R2 from 0.96 to 0.99, RMSE of 0.06% and RPD from 3.47 to 3.92 in the test sets. The prediction accuracy of HSI and NIRS were comparable possibly due to the larger statistical population (larger number of pixels) that HSI provided, despite the fact that HSI had smaller spectral range compared with that of NIRS. In addition, HSI enabled visualising the variability of C and N in the samples. Therefore, HSI is advantageous compared to NIRS as it is a multifunctional tool that poses many potential applications in data collection and quality assurance within feed mills and poultry processing plants. The ability to more accurately measure and visualise the properties of feed ingredients has potential economic benefits and therefore additional investigation and development of HSI in this application is warranted

    The multidimensional causal factors of ‘wet litter’ in chicken-meat production

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    The problem of ‘wet litter’, which occurs primarily in grow-out sheds for meat chickens (broilers), has been recognised for nearly a century. Nevertheless, it is an increasingly important problem in contemporary chicken-meat production as wet litter and associated conditions, especially footpad dermatitis, have developed into tangible welfare issues. This is only compounded by the market demand for chicken paws and compromised bird performance. This review considers the multidimensional causal factors of wet litter. While many causal factors can be listed it is evident that the critical ones could be described as micro-environmental factors and chief amongst them is proper management of drinking systems and adequate shed ventilation. Thus, this review focuses on these environmental factors and pays less attention to issues stemming from health and nutrition. Clearly, there are times when related avian health issues of coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis cannot be overlooked and the development of efficacious vaccines for the latter disease would be advantageous. Presently, the inclusion of phytate-degrading enzymes in meat chicken diets is routine and, therefore, the implication that exogenous phytases may contribute to wet litter is given consideration. Opinion is somewhat divided as how best to counter the problem of wet litter as some see education and extension as being more beneficial than furthering research efforts. However, it may prove instructive to assess the practice of whole grain feeding in relation to litter quality and the incidence of footpad dermatitis. Additional research could investigate the relationships between dietary concentrations of key minerals and the application of exogenous enzymes with litter quality

    Determining the Importance of Macro and Trace Dietary Minerals on Growth and Nutrient Retention in Juvenile Penaeus monodon

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    Twelve minerals were screened to identify key dietary minerals important for Penaeus monodon growth. The minerals selected included boron, calcium plus phosphorus (assessed in tandem at a 1:1 ratio), cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, sodium, strontium and zinc. Twelve purified casein/gelatin-based diets were formulated and contained minerals at two levels: below expected requirements, as attributed by the basal formulation (-) and above expected requirements by adding inorganic minerals (+). The two levels were allocated to dietary treatments in juvenile prawns in accordance with the PB design. A two-level screening analysis was employed where effect of each mineral at level - or + across twelve diets were compared to identify the minerals of importance for culture performance of juvenile prawns. Calcium plus phosphorus (at a 1:1 ratio), magnesium, boron, manganese, selenium and zinc produced the greatest positive effects on weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, biomass gain and nutrient/energy retention. Particularly, boron and manganese significantly increased retention of key macronutrients and energy including gross energy, crude protein and crude lipid. Our study demonstrates the importance of several macro and trace minerals in prawn diets and the pressing need to refine their requirements for P. monodon

    Effects of phytase inclusions in diets containing ground wheat or 12.5% whole wheat (pre- and post-pellet) and phytase and protease additions, individually and in combination, to diets containing 12.5% pre-pellet whole wheat on the performance of broiler chickens

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    Each of eight dietary treatments was offered to seven replicates (six birds per cage) of male Ross 308 chicks from 7 to 28 days post-hatch. The diets contained 741 g/kg wheat incorporated as ground (3.2 mm hammer-mill screen) wheat or 125 g/kg whole wheat included in diets, either pre- or post-pelleting. In Experiment 1 of the study, ground grain, pre-pellet and post-pellet whole grain diets were offered with and without phytase as a 3 × 2 factorial array of treatments. The effects of dietary treatments on gizzard and pancreas weights, bone mineralisation, excreta dry matter, growth performance, nutrient utilisation, digestibility coefficients and disappearance rates of starch and protein (N) in four small intestinal segments were determined. Post-pellet whole grain addition significantly increased gizzard weight by 12.5% (18.17 versus 16.15 g/kg;

    The interactions of exogenous phytase with whole grain feeding and effects of barley as the whole grain component in broiler diets based on wheat, sorghum and wheat-sorghum blends

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    The objectives of this experiment were two-fold; the first was to evaluate exogenous phytase in either conventional or whole grain diets as a 2 × 2 factorial treatment array. Wheat-sorghum blended rations containing 12.5% ground or whole barley were offered without and with 1000 FTU/kg exogenous phytase. The second objective was to evaluate barley as the whole grain component in diets based on wheat, sorghum and equal wheat-sorghum blends as a 3 × 2 factorial treatment array. Rations based on wheat, sorghum and wheat-sorghum blends were offered as an intact pellet containing 12.5% ground barley or offered as a mix of 12.5% whole barley and a pelleted concentrate. Each of the dietary treatments was offered to 7 replicates (6 birds per cage) of male Ross 308 chicks from 7 to 28 days post-hatch. Treatment effects on growth performance, gizzard and pancreas weights, gizzard pH, bone mineralisation, nutrient utilisation, digestibility coefficients of starch and protein (N) and starch:protein disappearance rate ratios in four small intestinal segments (proximal and distal jejunum, proximal and distal ileum), excreta dry matter and incidence of dilated proventriculi were determined. In the 2 × 2 analysis there was a significant (

    Effects of reducing dietary crude protein and whole grain feeding on performance and amino acid metabolism in broiler chickens offered wheat-based diets

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    A total of 336 off-sex, male Ross 308 chicks were offered seven dietary treatments from 7 to 35 days post-hatch; each treatment was offered to eight replicate cages with six birds per cage. Three wheat-based diets were formulated to declining crude protein (CP) levels of 215, 190 and 165 g/kg but with a constant energy density (12.70 MJ/kg), electrolyte balance (250 mEq/kg) and digestible lysine level (11.00 g/kg). In a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement birds were offered either 215 or 165 g/kg CP diets to which 0%, 12.5% and 25.0% whole gain was incorporated post-pelleting. In addition, a ground grain, 190 g/kg CP diet served as a seventh treatment. The assessed parameters included growth performance, relative gizzard, pancreas and abdominal fat-pad weights, nutrient utilisation, concentrations of free amino acid in portal (anterior mesenteric vein) and systemic (brachial vein) plasma and apparent jejunal and ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients and disappearance rates. The CP reduction from 215 to 165 g/kg compromised FCR by 5.99% (1.576 versus 1.487; P

    A genomic and evolutionary approach reveals non-genetic drug resistance in malaria

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    Background: Drug resistance remains a major public health challenge for malaria treatment and eradication. Individual loci associated with drug resistance to many antimalarials have been identified, but their epistasis with other resistance mechanisms has not yet been elucidated. Results: We previously described two mutations in the cytoplasmic prolyl-tRNA synthetase (cPRS) gene that confer resistance to halofuginone. We describe here the evolutionary trajectory of halofuginone resistance of two independent drug resistance selections in Plasmodium falciparum. Using this novel methodology, we discover an unexpected non-genetic drug resistance mechanism that P. falciparum utilizes before genetic modification of the cPRS. P. falciparum first upregulates its proline amino acid homeostasis in response to halofuginone pressure. We show that this non-genetic adaptation to halofuginone is not likely mediated by differential RNA expression and precedes mutation or amplification of the cPRS gene. By tracking the evolution of the two drug resistance selections with whole genome sequencing, we further demonstrate that the cPRS locus accounts for the majority of genetic adaptation to halofuginone in P. falciparum. We further validate that copy-number variations at the cPRS locus also contribute to halofuginone resistance. Conclusions: We provide a three-step model for multi-locus evolution of halofuginone drug resistance in P. falciparum. Informed by genomic approaches, our results provide the first comprehensive view of the evolutionary trajectory malaria parasites take to achieve drug resistance. Our understanding of the multiple genetic and non-genetic mechanisms of drug resistance informs how we will design and pair future anti-malarials for clinical use. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0511-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Extending daily feed access intervals does not influence lysine HCl utilization but enhances amino acid digestibilities in broiler chickens

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    Off-sex, male Ross 308 chickens were offered maize-soy diets without and with 3.5 g/kg lysine monohydrochloride (HCl), which contained 10.0 or 12.8 g/kg digestible lysine, from 7 to 28 D post-hatch. Birds were permitted access to diets at intervals of 12, 16, and 20 h/day. Lysine HCl improved weight gain (1,465 vs. 1,417 g/bird; P 0.35) between lysine HCl and feed access intervals for parameters of growth performance were not observed, it was concluded that feed access intervals do not influence lysine utilization. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Grain Sorghum: A Conundrum for Chicken-Meat Production

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    The inclusion of grain sorghum in diets for broiler chickens is quite common; however, under Australian conditions, the utilisation of starch/energy by birds offered sorghum-based diets appears inadequate. Various factors inherent in sorghum, including kafirin, phenolic compounds and phytate, may limit energy utilisation. The recent quantification of kafirin, the dominant protein fraction in sorghum, has allowed its nutritional significance to be assessed. This is important as indirect evidence suggests that kafirin concentrations in local sorghums are increasing as an unintended consequence of breeding programs. Presently, Australian sorghums do not contain condensed tannin but, from analyses and assessments of other polyphenolic compounds and phenolic acids, “non-tannin” phenols appear to be negative influences. Anecdotally, white sorghums are considered to be superior to red varieties thus the fact that polyphenolic pigments are responsible for the “redness” of sorghum assumes relevance. Inclusions of sulphite reducing agents in broiler diets have generated promising responses but seem dependent on sorghum properties. Preliminary studies have shown the possibilities of using rapid visco-analyser (RVA) starch pasting profiles, promatest protein solubilities and grain textures to indicate sorghum quality and further studies are required to confirm these hypotheses. These assessments may indicate which sorghums will best respond to reducing agents such as sodium metabisulphite. Finally, the usually modest responses of broilers to exogenous feed enzyme inclusions in sorghum-based are considered in this review

    The Order of Limiting Amino Acids in a Wheat–Sorghum-Based Reduced-Protein Diet for Laying Hens

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    Understanding the order of limiting amino acids (AA) in reduced-protein (RP) diets for laying hens will facilitate precise feed formulation and ensure that AA requirements are met costeffectively. The order of the first three limiting AAs—lysine (Lys), methionine (Met), and threonine (Thr)—has been well established in RP laying hen diets. This study aimed to determine the priority order of eight additional limiting AAs (critically important AAs) when formulating wheat–sorghumbased RP diets for laying hens: tryptophan (Trp), valine (Val), isoleucine (Ile), arginine (Arg), leucine (Leu), histidine (His), phenylalanine (Phe), and glycineequivalent (Gly). A total of 330 Hy-Line Brown laying hens were randomly assigned to 11 dietary treatments (30 replicates of individual birds per treatment) from 20 to 39 weeks of age (WOA). Treatments were a standard-protein (17.24% CP) diet as the control (SP)" a reduced-protein (15.00% CP) diet with sufficient levels of Lys, Met, and Thr but insufficient levels of the eight experimental essential AA (RP)" a reduced-protein diet with sufficient levels of all essential AAs (RP-EAA)" and eight subsequent dietary treatments of the RP-EAA diet with one of the experimental essential AAs removed: Trp (RP-EAA-Trp), Val (RP-EAA-Val), Ile (RP-EAA-Ile), Arg (RP-EAA-Arg), Leu (RP-EAA-Leu), His (RP-EAA-His), Phe (RP-EAA-Phe), and Gly (RP-EAA-Gly). Eggs were collected and weighed daily, and feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were calculated weekly. External and internal egg quality was measured at 29 and 39 WOA. Nutrient digestibility, serum uric acid concentration, caecal microbiota composition, and tibia parameters were measured at 40 WOA. Overall, hens fed the RP-EAA-Val, RP-EAA-Ile, and RP diets presented significantly lower egg mass compared to hens fed the SP, RP-EAA-His, and RP-EAA-Gly diets (
