14 research outputs found

    Health-promoting activities in education

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    The article discusses issues of health-saving activities aimed at strengthening the health of schoolchildren and students by means of physical education, through the formation of cognitive, activity, motivational and evaluative-productive components of the individualВ статье рассматриваются вопросы здоровьесберегающей деятельности, направленной на укрепление здоровья школьников и студентов средствами физической культуры, через сформированность когнитивного, деятельностного, мотивационного и оценочно-результативного компонентов личност

    Introduction to a healthy lifestyle the population of Krasnoyarsk

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    The article discusses the results of sociological research in addressing one of the important tasks of social policy – the formation of a healthy lifestyle the population of Krasnoyarsk. The experience of involving the population to a healthy lifestyle as a social value of preservation of health, which is one of the most important areas of the social practices of the municipalityВ статье рассматриваются результаты социологического исследования в решении одной из важных задач социальной политики – формирование у населения г. Красноярска здорового стиля жизни. Представлен опыт приобщения населения к здоровому образу жизни как социальной ценности сохранения здоровья, что является одним из важнейших направлений социальной практики муниципалитет

    Primary Outcome of Emotional Burnout Studies of Siberian Railway Locomotive Engineers

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    The article represents the primary outcome of studies of emotional burnout expression and development of Siberian railway locomotive engineers of various age groups and work experience. Most attention is drawn to the preservation problem of their health and stable working capacity that influence railroad-traffic safety. The information about absence of distinct connection between symptoms of emotional burnout and work experience became available. The materials of the studies allow verifying the existing in literature statement about the nature of emotional burnout and also bring out scientific discussion about influence of age and personal traits of specialists in various areas on emotional burnout expression. The results of the studies can be applied in comparative analysis of emotional burnout among representatives of related or other professions

    Application of Hardware and Software Complex for Individualisation of Students’ Sport and Recreational Physical Activities

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    Introduction. Considerably increased intensity of educational process in higher education institution frequently becomes the reason of deterioration in students’ health. The traditional system of physical education (PE), designed to maintain good health of students in new conditions, does not cope with an objective defined. Obviously, health preservation of a person is promoted by physical activities, which are adequate to his or her psycho-physiological characteristics and should be worked out individually for each person. The estimations can be carried out in different ways and on the basis of different parameters, among which the authors emphasise heart rate variability and vegetative regulation that act as indicators of adaptation and adaptive activity of an organism.The aim of the present research was to identify individual appropriate physical load for students with various motion behaviour types through the use of informational technologies (IT).Methodology and research methods. The research was based on health-preserving and differentiated approaches to physical education organisation. Health preservation was the leading principle of the approaches taken into account. The empiric research methods included content analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis and generalisation. The survey sampling and processing of experimental data were carried out by means of the hardware and software complex (HSC).Results and scientific novelty. The authors studied and documented the interconnection of students’ heart rate variability, taking into account their age and sex peculiarities, motion behaviour and medical groups. The regulatory systems tension degree differentiation was offered and approved. The criteria to determine a vegetative tonus of students (eutony, vagotony, sympathicotony) were identified on the basis of nonparametric algorithms of automatic classification, recognition of samples and theorem of statistical hypothesis tests. Thus, PE teacher can systematically increase the adaptation potential of students due to inclusion in a training course of corrective and rehabilitation programmes. The efficiency of IT in sport and recreational physical activities was scientifically based. The diagnostics on the basis of HSC, which includes data filtering, determination of parameters of selection of the histogram, graphic display of results of the spectrogram, allows specialists: to estimate the work of cardiovascular system and adaptatively compensation abilities of vegetative regulation mechanisms in a comprehensive, accurate and rapid way; to determine various violations of heart rhythm at donosological level (sick sinus node, atrial fibrillation, etc.); to select options for individual physical and training loads.Practical significance. The authors’ scientific and methodological approach to the organisation of sport activities raises the subject of PE in higher educational institutions to a significantly upgraded level: through computer technologies, it becomes the effective instrument of health-preserving activity, which is the promising direction in PE of student’s youth. The research results can be used in practice of educational institutions of various types

    Primary Outcome of Emotional Burnout Studies of Siberian Railway Locomotive Engineers

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    The article represents the primary outcome of studies of emotional burnout expression and development of Siberian railway locomotive engineers of various age groups and work experience. Most attention is drawn to the preservation problem of their health and stable working capacity that influence railroad-traffic safety. The information about absence of distinct connection between symptoms of emotional burnout and work experience became available. The materials of the studies allow verifying the existing in literature statement about the nature of emotional burnout and also bring out scientific discussion about influence of age and personal traits of specialists in various areas on emotional burnout expression. The results of the studies can be applied in comparative analysis of emotional burnout among representatives of related or other professions

    Organisation of physical education in universities for students with disabilities: Modular approach

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    Introduction. Traditional approaches to the implementation of physical education (PE) curriculum for students with disabilities in higher educational institutions do not allow students to fully develop their psychomotor activities and to keep at full preparedness to be involved in health preservation activities. The lack of scientifically grounded provisions and effective methods of educational process organisation of students’ physical education affects the quality of physical education at the university. The key to the problem solution is the idea of realisation of continuing health preservation education principles in the framework of PE curriculum. This allows educators to organise physical education curriculum content as ranging from rehabilitation and correctional activity to physical fitness, and later by doing sports and training activities.The aim of the present publication is to reveal the essence of developing and designing a modular-based physical education curriculum for university students with disabilities.Methodology and research methods. The current study is based on the guiding principles in the field of adaptive physical education, which demonstrate the possibility of motor activity development of a person with disabilities, taking into account the biological patterns of functioning of a human body. The application of person-centered and activity-based approaches allowed the authors to consider a student as an actor of educational activity, who is capable of independent development and realisation of personal growth strategy through physical improvement. A differentiated approach to PE educational process construction made it possible to provide reasonable distribution of physical activity in accordance with the student’s functional and psycho-physiological characteristics and own level of fitness. The employment of modular approach to the curriculum building helped develop the PE system, taking into account the principles of continuing health preservation education. In the course of the research the following methods were applied: content analysis of scientific and methodological literature and normative documentation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems for a body functional state assessment with the help of “OMAS”1 hardware and software complex and Medicor KTD-2. Also, the authors used the methods of mathematical statistics to process the study results. The received data were processed with Microsoft Office Excel. The evaluation of the validity of differences in the average values of the studied indicators was performed according to Student’s t-test at a significance level of 5%. The growth rates of indicators were calculated according to Brody’s formula.Results and scientific novelty. On the basis of a modular approach, the authors developed and presented PE curriculum in higher educational institutions adapted for students with disabilities. The curriculum consists of three modules: indicative, corrective and specialised. The content of each module is revealed through four continuous periods of academic training – evolving, leading, basic and supporting. Such structure allows for gradual increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity through basic testing methods: pedagogical assessment, current check, progress check, intermediate assessment, as well as solution of specific issues of adaptive PE. The implementation of the proposed curriculum helps significantly increase adaptive and resource potential of a student with special needs.Practical significance. The proposed model of modular-based PE curriculum in higher educational institutions adapted for students with disabilities can be applied for development and implementation of PE curricula in educational organisations of any educational level

    Application of Hardware and Software Complex for Individualisation of Students’ Sport and Recreational Physical Activities

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    Introduction. Considerably increased intensity of educational process in higher education institution frequently becomes the reason of deterioration in students’ health. The traditional system of physical education (PE), designed to maintain good health of students in new conditions, does not cope with an objective defined. Obviously, health preservation of a person is promoted by physical activities, which are adequate to his or her psycho-physiological characteristics and should be worked out individually for each person. The estimations can be carried out in different ways and on the basis of different parameters, among which the authors emphasise heart rate variability and vegetative regulation that act as indicators of adaptation and adaptive activity of an organism. The aim of the present research was to identify individual appropriate physical load for students with various motion behaviour types through the use of informational technologies (IT). Methodology and research methods. The research was based on health-preserving and differentiated approaches to physical education organisation. Health preservation was the leading principle of the approaches taken into account. The empiric research methods included content analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis and generalisation. The survey sampling and processing of experimental data were carried out by means of the hardware and software complex (HSC).Results and scientific novelty. The authors studied and documented the interconnection of students’ heart rate variability, taking into account their age and sex peculiarities, motion behaviour and medical groups. The regulatory systems tension degree differentiation was offered and approved. The criteria to determine a vegetative tonus of students (eutony, vagotony, sympathicotony) were identified on the basis of nonparametric algorithms of automatic classification, recognition of samples and theorem of statistical hypothesis tests. Thus, PE teacher can systematically increase the adaptation potential of students due to inclusion in a training course of corrective and rehabilitation programmes. The efficiency of IT in sport and recreational physical activities was scientifically based. The diagnostics on the basis of HSC, which includes data filtering, determination of parameters of selection of the histogram, graphic display of results of the spectrogram, allows specialists: to estimate the work of cardiovascular system and adaptatively compensation abilities of vegetative regulation mechanisms in a comprehensive, accurate and rapid way; to determine various violations of heart rhythm at donosological level (sick sinus node, atrial fibrillation, etc.); to select options for individual physical and training loads. Practical significance. The authors’ scientific and methodological approach to the organisation of sport activities raises the subject of PE in higher educational institutions to a significantly upgraded level: through computer technologies, it becomes the effective instrument of health-preserving activity, which is the promising direction in PE of student’s youth. The research results can be used in practice of educational institutions of various types.Введение. Заметно увеличившаяся в последнее время интенсивность образовательного процесса в вузе нередко становится причиной ухудшения здоровья студентов. Призванная поддерживать хорошее самочувствие обучающихся традиционная система физического воспитания в новых условиях не справляется с поставленной задачей. Очевидно, что сохранению и укреплению здоровья человека способствуют адекватные его психофизиологическим характеристикам физические нагрузки, которые должны рассчитываться индивидуально. Данные расчеты могут производиться разными способами и на основе разных параметров, среди которых ключевыми являются вариабильность сердечного ритма и вегетативная регуляция, выступающие индикаторами адаптационно-приспособительной деятельности целостного организма. Цель изложенного в статье исследования – определение посредством информационных технологий оптимальных индивидуальных нагрузок на занятиях физкультурой и спортом для студентов с разными режимами двигательной активности. Методология и методики. Работа выполнялась с опорой на здравоохранительный и дифференцированный подходы к организации физического воспитания и на ведущий для этих подходов принцип здоровьесбережения. Были задействованы такие эмпирические методы исследования, как контент-анализ, сравнительный анализ, синтез и обобщение. Обследование выборки студентов и обработка экспериментальных данных проводились с помощью аппаратно-программного комплекса (АПК). Результаты и научная новизна. Зафиксированы и изучены взаимосвязи показателей вариабельности сердечного ритма у студентов с учетом их возрастных, половых, двигательных особенностей и принадлежности к медицинским группам. Согласно этим показателям предложена дифференциация степени напряжения регуляторных систем организма. На основе непараметрических алгоритмов автоматической классификации, распознавания образцов и теоремы проверки статистических гипотез выделены критерии определения вегетативного тонуса студентов (эйтония, ваготония, симпатикотония), зная который преподаватель физвоспитания может планомерно повышать адаптационный потенциал обучающихся за счет включения в учебный курс корригирующих и реабилитационных программ. Научно обоснована целесообразность и эффективность применения информационных технологий в физкультурно-оздоровительной деятельности. Диагностика на базе АПК, который включает фильтрацию данных, определение параметров выборки гистограммы, графическое отображение результатов спектрограммы, позволяет комплексно, достоверно и оперативно, в режиме реального времени оценивать работу сердечно-сосудистой системы человека и адаптационно-компенсаторные возможности механизмов вегетативной регуляции, выявлять на донозологическом уровне различные нарушения ритма сердца (слабость синусового узла, мерцательную аритмию и др.) и исходя из этого подбирать варианты индивидуальных физических и тренировочных нагрузок. Практическая значимость. Предлагаемый авторами научно-методологический подход к организации спортивных занятий поднимает предмет физической культуры в высших учебных заведениях на качественно иной уровень: благодаря компьютерным технологиям он становится действенным инструментом здоровьесберегающей деятельности, которая является приоритетным направлением в физическом воспитании студенческой молодежи. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в практике образовательных учреждений различного типа

    Organisation of physical education in universities for students with disabilities: Modular approach

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    Introduction. Traditional approaches to the implementation of physical education (PE) curriculum for students with disabilities in higher educational institutions do not allow students to fully develop their psychomotor activities and to keep at full preparedness to be involved in health preservation activities. The lack of scientifically grounded provisions and effective methods of educational process organisation of students’ physical education affects the quality of physical education at the university. The key to the problem solution is the idea of realisation of continuing health preservation education principles in the framework of PE curriculum. This allows educators to organise physical education curriculum content as ranging from rehabilitation and correctional activity to physical fitness, and later by doing sports and training activities. The aim of the present publication is to reveal the essence of developing and designing a modular-based physical education curriculum for university students with disabilities. Methodology and research methods. The current study is based on the guiding principles in the field of adaptive physical education, which demonstrate the possibility of motor activity development of a person with disabilities, taking into account the biological patterns of functioning of a human body. The application of person-centered and activity-based approaches allowed the authors to consider a student as an actor of educational activity, who is capable of independent development and realisation of personal growth strategy through physical improvement. A differentiated approach to PE educational process construction made it possible to provide reasonable distribution of physical activity in accordance with the student’s functional and psycho-physiological characteristics and own level of fitness. The employment of modular approach to the curriculum building helped develop the PE system, taking into account the principles of continuing health preservation education. In the course of the research the following methods were applied: content analysis of scientific and methodological literature and normative documentation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems for a body functional state assessment with the help of “OMAS”1 hardware and software complex and Medicor KTD-2. Also, the authors used the methods of mathematical statistics to process the study results. The received data were processed with Microsoft Office Excel. The evaluation of the validity of differences in the average values of the studied indicators was performed according to Student’s t-test at a significance level of 5%. The growth rates of indicators were calculated according to Brody’s formula. Results and scientific novelty. On the basis of a modular approach, the authors developed and presented PE curriculum in higher educational institutions adapted for students with disabilities. The curriculum consists of three modules: indicative, corrective and specialised. The content of each module is revealed through four continuous periods of academic training – evolving, leading, basic and supporting. Such structure allows for gradual increase in the volume and intensity of physical activity through basic testing methods: pedagogical assessment, current check, progress check, intermediate assessment, as well as solution of specific issues of adaptive PE. The implementation of the proposed curriculum helps significantly increase adaptive and resource potential of a student with special needs. Practical significance. The proposed model of modular-based PE curriculum in higher educational institutions adapted for students with disabilities can be applied for development and implementation of PE curricula in educational organisations of any educational level.Введение. Традиционные подходы к реализации вузовской программы по физической культуре для студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья не позволяют осуществить полноценное формирование их психомоторных кондиций, обеспечить их готовность к здоровьесберегающей деятельности. Недостаток научно обоснованных положений и эффективных методик организации образовательного процесса по физической культуре для данной категории обучающихся влияет на качество вузовской подготовки в сфере физического воспитания. Ключом к решению проблемы является реализация в рамках учебной программы по физической культуре принципов непрерывного здоровьесберегающего образования. Это позволяет последовательно выстраивать содержание физического воспитания – от реабилитационно-коррекционной к физкультурно-оздоровительной, а затем к спортивно-тренировочной деятельности. Цель статьи – раскрыть сущность построения учебной программы по физической культуре в вузе, адаптированной для студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, на основе модульного подхода. Методология и методики. Основу исследования составили ведущие положения в области адаптивной физической культуры, показывающие возможности развития двигательной активности человека с ограниченными возможностями здоровья с учетом биологических закономерностей функционирования его организма. Применение личностно ориентированного и деятельностного подходов позволило рассматривать студента в качестве активного субъекта образовательной деятельности, способного самостоятельно выстраивать и реализовывать траекторию личностного роста через свое физическое совершенствование. Дифференцированный подход к построению учебного процесса по физическому воспитанию дал возможность обеспечить обоснованное дозирование физической нагрузки в соответствии с функциональными и психофизиологическими особенностями и уровнем физической подготовленности каждого студента. Применение модульного подхода к построению учебной программы позволило выстроить систему физического воспитания с учетом принципов непрерывного здоровьесберегающего образования. В исследовании использованы следующие методы: контент-анализ научно-методической литературы и нормативной документации, педагогическое тестирование, педагогический эксперимент, оценка функционального состояния сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем организма с помощью аппаратно-программного комплекса «ОМАС»1 и КТД-2 фирмы «Медикор». Обработка результатов исследования осуществлялась с использованием методов математической статистики. Полученные данные были обработаны с помощью компьютерной программы Microsoft Office Excel. Оценка достоверности различий средних значений изучаемых показателей выполнялась по t-критерию Стьюдента при уровне значимости 5%. Темпы прироста показателей рассчитывались по формуле С. Броуди. Результаты и научная новизна. Предложена построенная на основе модульного подхода авторская учебная программа по физической культуре в вузе, адаптированная для студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Программа включает три модуля: ориентировочный, корректировочный и специализированный. Содержание каждого из них раскрывается в четырех последовательных периодах учебной тренировки – втягивающем, подводящем, базовом и поддерживающем. Такое распределение учебно-тренировочных занятий позволяет постепенно увеличивать объем и интенсивность физической нагрузки, осуществлять основные виды контроля – педагогический, текущий, рубежный, промежуточный, а также решать частные задачи адаптивной физической культуры. Реализация предложенной программы позволяет существенно повысить адаптационно-ресурсный потенциал студента с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Практическая значимость. Авторская модель учебной программы по физической культуре в вузе, адаптированная для студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, может быть использована при построении и реализации учебных программ по физической культуре в образовательных организациях любого уровня образования