8 research outputs found


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    The modern big city is a space of visual signs. The key role is played by architecture, which, on the one hand, functions as reference points and guiding volumes, on the other hand, is able to influence the outlook and the state of the people passing by. In this connection, the question of how to identify the potential of architectural monuments as visual texts is important. The work is based on the method of philosophical and artistic analysis of works of architecture as a space of interaction of the viewer and the multifaceted World, presented by the features of external and internal construction of building and specifics of communication of a person with the building. The article presents the results of the philosophical and artistic analysis of the work of architecture - the mansion of P.I. Gadalov (currently the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov) in the city of Krasnoyarsk. With the help of the detailed artistic analysis and philosophical interpretation, the substantial potential of the monument is revealed as a visual text, perceived by a contemporary person. The conclusion is made about the possibility of communicating with the monument of architecture in its historical context as the former mansion of P.I. Gadalov, as well as in its current function as the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov

    Training of Artistic Personnel for the Sphere of Creative Industries in Krasnoyarsk Territory (on the Example of the Art of Sculpture)

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    Статья посвящена вопросам адаптации современной теории креативных индустрий к сфере академического искусства. На примере искусства скульптуры рассматриваются особенности его интеграции в пространство креативной экономики. Особое внимание уделяется специфике подготовки профессиональных скульпторов во взаимосвязи с задачами развития креативных индустрий. Объектом исследования в работе становятся образовательные и производственные практики красноярской школы скульптуры – одного из ведущих региональных центров России. На примере интеграции малых скульптурных форм в городское пространство исследуется потенциал красноярской школы скульптуры для развития в русле креативной экономики регионаThe article is devoted to the issues of adapting the modern theory of creative industries into the academic art’s field. On the example of the sculpture art, there are the features of its integration into the space of the creative economy considered. Particular attention is paid to the professional sculptors’ training specifics and its conjunction with the objectives of the creative industries development. The object of research is the educational and production practices of the Krasnoyarsk school of sculpture – one of the leading regional centers of Russia. Using the example of the integration of small sculptural forms into the urban space, the potential of the Krasnoyarsk school of sculpture for development in line with the creative economy of the region is explore


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    The modern big city is a space of visual signs. The key role is played by architecture, which, on the one hand, functions as reference points and guiding volumes, on the other hand, is able to influence the outlook and the state of the people passing by. In this connection, the question of how to identify the potential of architectural monuments as visual texts is important. The work is based on the method of philosophical and artistic analysis of works of architecture as a space of interaction of the viewer and the multifaceted World, presented by the features of external and internal construction of building and specifics of communication of a person with the building. The article presents the results of the philosophical and artistic analysis of the work of architecture - the mansion of P.I. Gadalov (currently the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov) in the city of Krasnoyarsk. With the help of the detailed artistic analysis and philosophical interpretation, the substantial potential of the monument is revealed as a visual text, perceived by a contemporary person. The conclusion is made about the possibility of communicating with the monument of architecture in its historical context as the former mansion of P.I. Gadalov, as well as in its current function as the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov

    Сибирская идентичность в традициях и новациях художественной культуры

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    The article considers the transformation of visual signs reflecting the Siberian identity. The phenomenon of the Siberian identity could be seen at some aspects of visual arts: the primitive art of petroglyphs, ethnographic elements of indigenous art and the legacy of the Siberian artist V.I. Surikov. Based on the philosophical and art history analysis of art works some visual signs of the studied aspects were identified, such as primitive pictures of people, ethnic clothing and patterns and, the painting “The Capture of the Snow Town” by V. Surikov. The most innovative ways of their interpretation in the modern cultural process have been identified. The article considers major Siberian festivals (for example Siberian Maslenitsa and the Krasnoyarsk Universiade), computer graphics, work of clothing designers and design of the facilities of the Krasnoyarsk Universiade. This study has resulted in understanding that there are certain visual signs that carry the burden of the formation of the regional Siberian identity in modern cultural processesЦелью данной статьи является рассмотрение трансформации визуальных знаков, отражающих сибирскую идентичность. В рамках исследования обозначены три аспекта сибирской идентичности, связанные со сферой изобразительного искусства: первобытное искусство петроглифов, этнографические элементы искусства коренных народов и наследие крупнейшего сибирского художника В.И. Сурикова. На основе философско-искусствоведческого анализа были выявлены визуальные знаки исследуемых аспектов и представлены наиболее новационные способы их интерпретации в современном культурном процессе. В работе рассмотрены произведения как традиционного искусства: живописные и графические работы В. Сурикова, В. Капелько, А. Довнара, С. Турова, так и современные практики их изменения: творчество современных художников С. Ануфриева, Н. Рыбакова, Е. и Ю. Поротовых, фестиваль «Сибирская Масленица», работы дизайнеров одежды и визуальное оформление объектов Красноярской Универсиады. Основным выводом, сформированным в работе, является наличие в современных культурных процессах определенных визуальных знаков, несущих в себе нагрузку формирования региональной сибирской идентичност

    Coupling (reduced) graphene oxide to mammalian primary cortical neurons in vitro

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    Neuronal nanoscale interfacing aims at identifying or designing nanostructured smart materials and validating their applications as novel biocompatible scaffolds with active properties for neuronal networks formation, nerve regeneration, and bidirectional biosignal coupling. Among several carbon-based nanomaterials, Graphene recently attracted great interest for biological applications, given its unique mechanical, optical, electronic properties, and its recent technological applications. Here we explore the use of Graphene Oxide (GO) and reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) as biocompatible culture substrates for primary neuronal networks developing ex vivo. We quantitatively studied cytotoxicity and cellular viability as well as single-cell and network-level electrophysiological properties of neurons in vitro. Our results confirm previous reports, employing immortalized cell lines or pluripotent stem cells, and extend them to mammalian primary cortical neurons: GO and rGO are biocompatible substrates and do not alter neuronal excitable properties

    The Oxygen Sensor PHD2 Controls Dendritic Spines and Synapses via Modification of Filamin A

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    International audienceNeuronal function is highly sensitive to changes in oxygen levels, but how hypoxia affects dendritic spine formation and synaptogenesis is unknown. Here we report that hypoxia, chemical inhibition of the oxygen-sensing prolyl hydroxylase domain proteins (PHDs), and silencing of Phd2 induce immature filopodium-like dendritic protrusions, promote spine regression, reduce synaptic density, and decrease the frequency of spontaneous action potentials independently of HIF signaling. We identified the actin cross-linker filamin A (FLNA) as a target of PHD2 mediating these effects. In normoxia, PHD2 hydroxylates the proline residues P2309 and P2316 in FLNA, leading to von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-mediated ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. In hypoxia, PHD2 inactivation rapidly upregulates FLNA protein levels because of blockage of its proteasomal degradation. FLNA upregulation induces more immature spines, whereas Flna silencing rescues the immature spine phenotype induced by PHD2 inhibition